18888135? ago


18884101? ago

7...wow...you guys are certainly a force to be reckoned with.

18884396? ago

8...and half of them are alt accounts....how fucking sad.

18884871? ago

Woweewow 11?! 3 more alts than last time....count them with me...I'm keeping the track.

18884023? ago

These niggers in their SBBH echo chamber think v/GA is dying....BWWWWWWWWWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SBBH is like walking into an alcoholic anonymous circlejerk...they check in with each other and reassure each other that...they're going to be ok. But for sure, Q is a LARP. That's for sure..r..right fellow redditors? I can't stop laughing..that sub is so desperate.


18883958? ago

Personally @FromTelAvivWithLove is my next choice...

18884033? ago

Is anyone in the mood for a fresh circ-Bloody Mary? Oy vey are they tasty.

18884083? ago

@FromTelAvivWithLove and his Meschugena @zyklon_b always are rumor has it @FecalDemiurge6000 has his bat mitzvah coming up...time to get into that boooooty amirite? Shaloms.

18884158? ago

I’m a kabbalahist jew you fucking bigot.

18884182? ago

18884189? ago

That looks like my cousin Moshe

18884239? ago

he finished sucking the blood out of baby Minhat Kenaot's Yutzi....you got dibs next Haim?

18884302? ago

La hiam and shaloms. Our religious practices have been incorporated into your culture surgically (oy vey they cut em everywhere). We do have lots of doctors

18884321? ago

and shekels...

18883995? ago

Aye Pappi.

18884026? ago


18883875? ago

Oh shit...I got 5 on this one fam

18883687? ago

Hopefully every piece of shit in this hive

18883730? ago

Wish in one hand and shit in the other....16K stronk and GROWING..won't be long now.

18883706? ago


Take it easy Bro...it's just shitposting...BRO....E-THUGGIN IS JEWISH LIFESTYLE

18883778? ago

All is satire bro--the E-Thug Jew thinks that is his get out of jail free card.

18883807? ago

Oh I'm with it...and I'm WITH IT...shimmy shake wrist wrist (its our little secret).

18883724? ago

Qtard isn’t a lifestyle it is a disorder

18883749? ago

YYYEAH baby...that's what I was looking for....Shalom fellow Yiddishe Kup

18883605? ago

3 years...wow...37141 contribution points...all that time correcting SQL errors as a portal tester....BWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

18883718? ago

Check out GreatAwakening a bunch of sbbh soyboys got banned there today.


18884344? ago

and their champion KevDude is already squealing like a mother pig over the offense taken by the shitposters! https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3247095 now he's justifying more harassment of the sub by his piggy shitposters because reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

18884445? ago

Hahaha...California Liberal KevDude------> REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

The libs always squeal the best reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

18884476? ago

the all knowing KevDude 'muh Spock rationality has failed them' ReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

18884778? ago

Yeah and a few days ago they were calling for Putt to take qrv from FastJack and take away the anon and moderate heavy.

Now at their latest high school meeting it's a 180.

All this drama on voat and the goats call us the retards?

Muh high school meetin at voat REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee

18883895? ago

When you going to ban me from this shithole cowboy?

I love this place the spam, shitposting and porn really brightens the place up from your dreary retarded larp garbage

18884115? ago

What I find kinda funny is, if you are right, and the Q community is just a bunch of retards, would mean that you guys love jerking each other off in front of retards all day every day. Lol. And of course, it’s all for a larp. But does that mean you’re cool? Tell me you think you’re cool.

18884384? ago

[that] would mean that you guys love jerking each other off in front of retards all day every day.

true, they're dumb as dirt

18884160? ago

I’m annoyed that Qtards weren’t retroactively aborted when their parents saw the steaming mass of shit pass through the birth canal instead of a human baby

18884260? ago

You are entitled to your own opinion no matter how much nobody cares. God bless America.

18883959? ago

No bans here sbbh cunt. Shill all you want.

18884079? ago

We can do it together larp shil here I will go first https://files.catbox.moe/yjjvns.gif

18884228? ago

Is that you and your mom?

18884265? ago

What a fucking idiot you are! I told you what I was going to do and still you clicked the link.

Admit it you come here for the porn don’t you?

18884353? ago

Do you really think your porn bothers me?

Is that all you fuckers can come up with?

Seriously you are a low grade cucked shill Tranny.

Try Harder.

18883763? ago

rumor has it they cried into their soy lattes...we use them over here as canon fodder. Voat has a permanent place up on our projector where we train.

18883678? ago

Putt unbanned her


18883688? ago

For now.

18883750? ago

They suck ass all day everyday.

I agree this isn't over yet. They tried to attack GA today after srazie quit and the new mod there banned a bunch of them.

18884707? ago

and now KevDude is the number 1 endorser of QRV! https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3247095/18883783/10#18883783

He's now encouraging more harassment of GA, saying it's justified because shitposters are crying rivers of tears 'halp halp dey beaan me again' reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

18884959? ago

Hahaha..halp halp reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I enjoy reading the minutes from their high school meetings ...so serious and so concerned.

18885157? ago

It's true, the powermod KevDude has thrown the owner of voat under the bus, telling GA members to run for the hills of QRV because the immune system of Voat is going to kill GA and it's mods. Voat now has goat AIDS because a handful of spiteful shitposters hold more value than regular members of the subs.

18885252? ago


Guess I better get caught up on the minutes again.

sbbh is going to lay waste to that sub.

Guess it's more important to keep the few namefags happy than the many regulars.

And to think that by banning just one user Z this could have all been avoided.

18885313? ago

even admin crumpled from the pressure of out of control Z goats looking for scorched earth Keks. They get the slightest pushback and they reeeeee like NPC bitches screaming at the sky. Powermod suckles them off his builder teat and declares that their wrath is justified, villagers be damned.

18885410? ago

Destroy qrv the q'ers are retards wait a minute that's the only sub with free speech, run to qrv while we burn voat down around it

18885516? ago
