Justsomebullshitname ago

Coming from the guy who baited me to contribute to his thread he later used to wage a drama campaign after deleting his invitation to contribute, I feel used and will no longer be opening your posts. You are no better than any one you are attacking.

virge ago

SearchVoat.co shows you are lying.

The question is - why are you lying?

If you are not lying, then use SearchVoat.co to prove I deleted an invitation. You're full of shit and trying to cause dissent, which means you're just another subversion account and won't bother responding to you again.

Justsomebullshitname ago


You have no class or common decency.

virge ago

Please see here: https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/3243355/18892359

I'm really going to need some help getting over the finish line on this one. I cannot possibly see how you would have been offended by me deleting a terrible formatted post when you were already present here to help contribute.

Either way, I'm sorry you feel so strongly this way and wish there was some way I could make you see otherwise, but it doesn't appear you're actually interested in that.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Before you go wipe out your false accusation and your admission of your lie.


virge ago

No need. I already admitted my mistake. You're still sperging out about it. I suggest you read what I wrote.

Chill dude, take off the tinfoil hat and relax. Your blood pressure is up for no reason at all, you fucked up just as much as I did.

DrSelfAppointed ago

You very pious regarding transparency, especially for someone who deleted their entire history before embarking on an attention whore trip.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

This methed up psycho made an entire full page post about how Dial_Indicator downvoted him and how it hurt his fee fees . I thought it was pretty funny.

virge ago

This methed up psycho made an entire full page post about how Dial_Indicator downvoted him and how it hurt his fee fees . I thought it was pretty funny.

Exhibit A.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

TK asked a question and I answered it. Kill me.

virge ago

TK asked a question and I answered it. Kill me.

Exhibit A further clarified for those observing how this directly relates to everything I've already said about subversion:

  1. @PuttitoutisGone makes a statement in a response to me. I rebuke (correct) it's error assuming statement was made in good faith.
  2. @PuttitoutisGone makes the exact same (pre-corrected) statement in another response, which could only demonstrate an intentional desire to create drama by stating a lie a second time. (Conveniently to another user on a list in the very content he's trying to distract people into not reading. Shocking.)
  3. @PuttioutisGone has demonstrated the Jew prime behavior of pretending to agree to a rational argument, only to immediately forget it like a lizard shape-shifter and repeat it later because they are only trying to influence you and are subverting the entire conversation, each and every time they talk.

So you're either a parasitic leftist antifa soyboy faggot, in which case it's possible you can still be fixed if you still have testicles and a functional penis, or you're paid to see this place burn and go around with that very objective.

Either way, your behavior is subversive and only intended to run people off, you don't give a shit about Free Speech and just use it as camouflage for subversion. Should I review your post history next to see what observations I can make? Because this is just from the interactions we've had in the past few days alone that I can see this picture pretty clearly based on repeated behavior patterns.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Should I review your post history next to see what observations I can make?

Feel free to look at whatever you want.....except my penis, of course.

PuttitoutIsGone ago


PuttitoutIsGone ago

That whole post was really about DI. Now that's crazy.

virge ago

That's a unique approach to distract from what it's really about. Probably explains why your name is on the list.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Please explain how I abuse the voting system.

virge ago

Simple: If Voat had a war, and on one side was Putt's rules for Voat being followed, and the other side wanted to abuse every system possible by skirting up against the closest limits of every rule at all times to run people off of the platform - which side would you say you were on?

Because that's the war happening right now and I think you're currently on the wrong side.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I think you're just crazy.

virge ago

So you don't think there is a battle currently? A Jew would say that, so that checks out.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

abusing things like the voting system

Voat would improve by orders of magnitude overnight if this reddit tier popularity/censorship tool was removed. No site has ever been or ever will be for free speech while having such gay faggot jew censorship tools built right into the core of the site.

No good ever came from likes/karma/voating or any such gay faggotry. The only thing that ever came of them or ever will is mindless echo chambers for gay faggots who only want safe spaces to suck each other off.

virge ago

How do you feel transparency addresses this?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago


Having the voating/censorship system is the problem.

The solution is to remove it. Period.

virge ago

The solution is to remove it. Period.

How do you reconcile it's use for spam prevention (extremely effective at stopping spam) and it's use to determine priority of responses being lost as functions?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Voating is not effective at all for spam prevention. Look at the spambot derram for example shitting up the entire site 24/7 with the reddit tier bot comments.

virge ago

Voating is not effective at all for spam prevention.

I disagree. You can block derram if you like, but the ccp limit alone stops probably thousands of bots a year that otherwise cannot easily defeat it before being noticed and reported by active users. There is a technical solution to your personal annoyance, but what you are suggesting turns this place into a madhouse as it is otherwise not moderated to the capacity which can deal with a massive influx of simple script spam bots.

Technically it seems like a non-starter. You can't just remove them without an alternative to dealing with spam, at the very minimum.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You are the same as those faggots in pv. Good to know.

virge ago

So you would prefer to see the community die?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Getting rid of the censorship won't kill voat. People, real people are desperate for a board free of censorship. Like I said already, it would improve voat by orders of magnitude overnight. In multiple ways including an influx of the right kind of people.

You censorship loving safe space faggots are pathetic and will always be alone. The internet is dying because of you gay faggots, just like the schools and many other things. Real people are learning to go outside again, Getting back in shape for the day of the rope. Have fun with that.

virge ago

You legitimately think you can run a U.S. based business with unadulterated Free Speech? Eventually, the U.S. Government just tells the power company to turn off your office lights.. at both your office, and your house.

What you are suggesting is unrealistic in any possible way, yet you dismiss it as if it's the only thing that can be done. Don't you see the fallacy of this argument?

You are literally arguing for the destruction of Voat. Help me understand why?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

If you don't want free speech and don't have it stop lying and selling the site as such. Lying niggers lie.

virge ago

Or you could actually read and see it's you who misunderstands the agreement.

To coin from your previous jibe, you dumbass anarchists are nothing but parasites who are forced go travel from host to host because your destructive demands kill every host.

Unfortunately for parasites, Voat has an effective immune system and you're on the wrong planet so I suggest you shop for a new home.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You are legally retarded.

virge ago

You're literally retarded, I think.

Did you mean "legally" as in I have a poor lack of legal knowledge? You chaotic-evil motherfuckers decide to post some hypothetical threats to an important political figure or something else and the secret service shows up and the U.S. "legal" system bends Putt over and rams hard.

Ok. Congrats. Mission accomplished faggot, Voat is now gone. Where do you go next now that you've consumed the host?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Illegal content is not allowed on voat you stupid fuck. Getting rid of the censorship/voating system won't change that. It will just get rid of the censorship.

I mean that in a court of law you are legally retarded.

virge ago

Illegal content is not allowed on voat you stupid fuck.

You goddamn tootless redneck, we're saying the same thing but you need to get your dick out of your pet pig to release the oxygen to your brain necessary to reach a double-digit IQ for just long enough to actually read what I'm saying.

You stated getting rid of censorship won't kill Voat, then proceeded to state that "illegal content is not allowed on Voat". That very same "illegal contet" is what we're talking about in the first place so what the fuck are you talking about with "censorship"?

All anyone has ever said is people need to follow the fucking existing rules and stop abusing people with the voting system, you dumb goat fucker. Voting transparency lets people see the voting abuses and doesn't change a goddamn thing about the rules of Voat for illegal content.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

No. We are not saying the same thing you inbred fuckwit.

You think you can fix the censorship/voating system. You are wrong and wrong minded. Stupid in the extreme.

The 'voating' system has always been and always will be a tool for censorship. Nothing more, nothing less.

It does absolutely nothing to negate illegal content, there for no you stupid fuck, removing it will not increase illegal content.

It can't be fixed, not unlike the stupid you suffer and inflict others with.

virge ago

Wouldn't making it transparent allow the community to see if the voting habits of users matches what they say?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

No. Kevdude and his ilk have hundreds of accounts to use the voating system for censoring other users.

virge ago

..and if the voting was public then any bored guy with excel could prove your statement as true, instead of just speculating about it with no evidence.

See how that works?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Look dipshit sites like facebook, reddit, voat, poal, digg...etc. have been around with their gay faggot like buttons for a good long while now. Thousands of people much smarter than you have pretended (like you) to have the solution to defeat abuse, as well as some who were genuinely trying to help. None have succeeded. None.

The shit is by gay faggots for gay faggots and will always result in censorship.

It needs to be abandoned. Only safe space faggots cling to the censorship/echo chamber tools such as gay faggot like and voating buttons. Because they are gay faggot safe space faggots.

Like you.

virge ago

Or you could actually read and see it's you who misunderstands the agreement.