Voateringforlife ago

It is computer code so what could go wrong? It is the same as printed money but far cheaper to create. If people think crypto will not be run by banks/government/PTW then we truly have not yet woken up.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

@puttitout this is the kind of builder you want to see?

zxcvzxcvzx ago

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 8 minutes ago

The signature everyone reads, right?


only fags say kek ... I present "the builder" @puttitout

zxcvzxcvzx ago

YOU ALWAYS ASK FOR POOOOOOOOOOOF like a nigger... I present it you ignore it. its time for you to DEFEND you fuck...

I'm onto on my radar.... luckly that "builder" is a fucking skirt and easy to pick out. @virge now.... you going try again and ban me from voat using cynabuns? link? here your god damn proof you faggots


Reddit-Style Moderation Does Not Last Long On Voat right on the side bar of /v/protectvoat

haha you so fucking busted @puttitout

like you did cry and moan to puttit like a prepubescent fuck head....... you think it was justifiable did with @dial_indicator ?


you have zero nothing but a shell of normies to sell ads to

zxcvzxcvzx ago



@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying


He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.








and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"


kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

more lies... do you ever get sick of lieing.... every thats on voat to knows im not that person. it just retarded at pont.... I'll be adding this to signature

Morbo ago


OP: Give me your opinions on crypto currency.

Goats: I think that....


virge ago

People did not respond to my questions about crypto. Almost all of the respondents are connected (probably including you) in a very obvious misinformation campaign, which is evident by the fact that nobody actually responded to my post - they just insulted me. You trying to declare otherwise is just an obvious lie.

It's an easy formula to see. They all did it. So did you.

Morbo ago

OP: Everyone I don't agree with is a shill.

That's an easy formula to see as well. All the "builders" are doing it. So did you.

virge ago

Couldn't even be bothered to respond to the OP. Just personal attacks. We're done here.

There's the door, faggot.

Morbo ago

Such becoming behavior for a "builder" who deletes all his past posts and comments. You also edited your comment which was a personal attack on me yet tell me I personally attacked you when I used your same word back at you. We're on to you Virge.

virge ago

You also edited your comment which was a personal attack on me yet tell me I personally attacked you when I used your same word back at you.

Demonstrably untrue. Easy to prove you are a liar. Here's the SearchVoat.co link proving your lie: https://searchvoat.co/?st=comments&t=It%27s+an+easy+formula+to+see.&u=virge

It's almost painful to watch how hard you're trying to shill.

Morbo ago

Well maybe I'll just put my cryptowallet address in my comments instead. You seem to think that's acceptable behavior so I will do as you do, builder.

virge ago

Well maybe I'll just put my cryptowallet address in my comments instead. You seem to think that's acceptable behavior so I will do as you do, builder.

Not against the rules so you have every right to do so. I know that sucks because it's against your agenda, but I'm glad we could finally come to a mature adult conclusion.

Of course, since you don't actually produce anything of value to the community and are only interested in destroying it, putting a crypto wallet in your posts would just be a waste of time for you as nobody would probably donate in the first place - but don't let me stop you from your typical virtue signal garbage behavior.

Morbo ago

You aggregate a social news aggregator site and you call that "building". You're just taking other people's work and calling it your own. You were a nobody here on Voat for 3.9 years and then all of a sudden you're a builder because you made 4 posts of other people's content. Now you're more active than you've ever been but are pushing a builder narrative and labeling anyone you don't like with a "destroyer" moniker. Funny that you got along with me just fine yesterday (https://voat.co/v/whatever/3242878/18838293). Now you're a complete asshole shilling for yourself and the whole builder/destroyer dichotomy. Voat is dying from this kind of cancer. The cancer started from within. You are part of the cancer. You are destroying Voat.

virge ago

You were being reasonable when we had a conversation, so it was a reasonable conversation.

You started this conversation an asshole, so I responded like I was dealing with an asshole.

Morbo ago

I started this conversation with an observation. You turned it into an attack. You got defensive because you have let your new status go to your head. You were telling anyone who posted an opinion they were wrong when you asked for people to give you their opinions in the first place. Opinions are neither right or wrong. Admit you overreacted.

virge ago


This is an attack.

Morbo ago

That was a summary of your interaction with others. I see now why you delete your history. Can't have the truth hang around for all to see.

virge ago

You legitimately think those others were not intentionally attacking me? They ignored the discussion and just attacked me as a person. There was no discussion from them.

Morbo ago

You attacked me for an observation. There was no discussion from you. Pot meet kettle.

virge ago

Oh. So now you actually want to talk? Ok, lets see if you are intellectually honest or not.

who deletes all his past posts and comments.

What was the point of this? There is nothing wrong with deleting past comments. Why would something like this bother you, or anyone for that matter? It's not against any rules and even if I gave you my reasons why you'd never believe me anyway, and thats aside from the fact that it's still none of your fucking business anyway. Drop dead pointless and could only be used as an insult.

You also edited your comment which was a personal attack on me yet tell me I personally attacked you when I used your same word back at you.

Not only was this a lie, but when I proved it to be a lie in the very next comment, you just skipped right on over the fact that you lied as if that didn't matter and then proceeded into yet another attack, by attempting to play make believe that your asinine opinion on crypto applies to the community. News flash - it doesn't. Your opinion doesn't mean shit to me, and if it's not breaking Voat's rules then it shouldn't mean shit to anyone else either.

For the second time, I've demonstrably shown you to be a hypocrite and a liar.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Then stop acting like a child shouting that our opinions are wrong... destroyer.

virge ago

Provide actual opinion on the content of my post for a real discussion and we'll have one - all you did was attack me as a person.


SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Where did I attack your stupid ass?

Here was my initial honest reply! https://voat.co/v/whatever/3244477/18853793

virge ago

Now you, specifically? You're an annoying spammer begging for BTC. Shut the fuck up kike.

That is an attack, asshole. It's your opinion and it's wrong, making you a liar and a hypocrite. This isn't rocket surgery.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Who says it's wrong? The truth is wrong?

virge ago

The truth is wrong?

Your opinion is wrong. You lie to yourself and misuse the word truth.

It's easy to demonstrate the lie. Other users asked for me to add crypto - so I did. It's not against the rules, so there is nothing wrong with it. Your opinion may be against it, but you are lying if you accuse me of begging for anything.

You cannot twist adding something at the request of someone else into me doing it on my own. Trying to do so demonstrates your lie. Why would anything else you say be true if you would make this lie?

You are a liar and a hypocrite.

heygeorge ago

Other users asked for me to add crypto - so I did.

I may not have seen every single comment, but is there anywhere you could point to where multiple users asked you to do this?

virge ago


Just one of them. Others in PM's.

I was simply saving myself time by adding them so I didn't have to respond to this type of inquiry. These precious moments were used to shoot at targets at the 600 yard berm in the back yard. I've put a picture of @Nosferatjew up for fun.

heygeorge ago

You could simply ignore the inquiry. Are you alluding that you have another motive for sharing? Not sure what you mean below (from that thread).

I'd do this for my own reasons, anyway.

virge ago

You could simply ignore the inquiry.

Why? It's not against the rules, it's not hurting anyone, and crypto is probably inevitably going to replace the current fiscal system. There is nothing wrong with accepting and it hurts nobody so it's nobody elses business.

Are you alluding that you have another motive for sharing? Not sure what you mean below (from that thread).

Absolutely. I'm tired of seeing nothing but four fucking pages of mostly political content every single day when all sorts of interesting shit gets posted but never upvoted to the front page.

Literally "my own reasons" are to have a second front page where unique and interesting shit actually has people engage and talk about it as opposed to the 30th fucking thread where people are arguing political divides that were given to them by a system of control.

I'm trying to give people their own minds back and have them think for a change.

heygeorge ago

trying to give people their own minds back and have them think for a change.

Good luck!

virge ago

It wasn't until I had a small bit of spare time for a change and could observe Voat during the day that I even saw the behavior. It's pattern is obvious, somewhat low energy in it's deviations. If you spend all day on Voat searching for little-seen links you see almost everything else and there is a literal list of users who employ the same Reddit-tier garbage parasite strategy, day-in-and-day out.

I didn't understand the scope of the problem until recently, and now that I do and see the effect it has on the community it makes me literally seethe with rage.

Me seeting with rage has solved some extremely important questions in my lifetime (no self-congratulatory pat me on the back possible, just my own statement of intent).

Thats why I started this: https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/3243355

heygeorge ago

Thats why I started this: https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/3243355

I see technical hurdles to achieve public voting, as well as potential for a heightened chilling effect.

virge ago

I see technical hurdles to achieve public voting, as well as potential for a heightened chilling effect.

So do I, but it's not impossible.

My question is simple; does the ends justify the means, when the objective is to make it difficult for the parasites to use their current script and lie without consequence as well as contribute to the growth of Voat's userbase by not allowing these people to run off new and old users with their abusive behavior?

heygeorge ago

Lying without consequence will not be removed by publicly available voting.

virge ago

Illumination of voting history will allow the community to see the threats based on their own behavior.

Lying will then be something that the casual observer can verify for themselves by viewing the voting history of an individual, where today they just get away with it because nobody is going to go through the effort to connect all the dots and figure it out with big data.

It's not perfect, but it's a great first step.

heygeorge ago

Lying will then be something that the casual observer can verify for themselves by viewing the voting history of an individual,

There are many lies outside of voting history. What precisely do you look to glean, and further, how would this information even be presented?

virge ago

There are many lies outside of voting history. What precisely do you look to glean, and further, how would this information even be presented?

Now you're getting into the implementation and other technical weeds. That would be a much higher level discussion if we even get past the hump of agreeing on the idea in the first place.

I cannot see the merits in theory-crafting when Putt would be the one developing that, not either of us - fair?

heygeorge ago

I tend to tackle problems starting with the result, then working it backwards. Part of this comes from experience building.

virge ago

Wouldn't this be somewhat uncharted territory?

I see transparency in voting as the first of many iterative steps necessary to change Voat to grow.

It's clear what we have now is destroying it.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

be op

ask for opinions

get butthurt and say opinions aren't truth, just what they think

still doesn't know what opinion means.

virge ago

The truth is wrong?

Your opinion is wrong. You lie to yourself and misuse the word truth.

virge ago

Not against the rules so you have every right to do so. I know that sucks because it's against your agenda, but I'm glad we could finally come to a mature adult conclusion.

AChinkInTheArmour ago

The virgin cryptocurrency vs. the chad commodity.

XSS1337 ago


SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Someone would dislike crypto if they are sane and don't like to play stupid games.

Enjoy losing your money like some nigger playing powerball.

virge ago

Someone would dislike crypto if they are sane and don't like to play stupid games.

Enjoy losing your money like some nigger playing powerball.

For the audience, this is a perfect example of my statement above where I said "people who have misconceptions about it's purpose or use and see it as a volatile form of gambling like the stock market..

Allow me to demonstrate with a simple question:

If you needed to send $100 to someone in Japan today, and your options were pay $30 to Western Union, a $15 USD wire transfer, or pay $0.001 cents to send it with crypto, what would you do?.

This illustrates the simple reality that crytpo is used for many things, and @SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo does not understand them because he's only familiar with negativity around people who trade and speculate like a stock.

Your level of knowledge is directly proportionate to how much your opinion matters. In this case, this guy's either ignorant or has an agenda. Pick one.

Edit: No need to pick one, his post here made it clear: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3244477/18853822

@cynabuns @middle_path @kevdude

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

From your Jew options, wire transfer.

You're a begging kike spammer. Either shut the fuck up asking for gibs like a nigger or discuss cryptocurrency.

Doing both shows an obvious bias.

virge ago

You are willing to pay $15. I am not. That's the only difference.

You have poor fiscal decision making and have an obvious anti-crypto agenda. Your opinion no longer matters to me and you are probably just another sock-puppet so I'll just add you to the block list and move on. I have no time for your kind, any-longer.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Why the fuck am I paying $15? Who said that?

Kid, you're making a lot of assumptions in your gay "send money to japan" game. What a fag.

ksjdfkas878345 ago


virge ago

@cynabuns blatant spam.

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zxcvzxcvzx ago


fag "builder" trying to ban legit users

where your comment history go because you can see 19 pages back.... 3+k ccp.... somtin fishy

virge ago

fag "builder" trying to ban legit users

Another sock puppet alt. Knows users can find me on the "Top posters" threads on SearchVoat.co by simply putting "Virge" in the search and author as SearchVoat.co.

It's sad this person thinks people are not smart enough to see through this.

@kevude @cynabuns @middle_path

zxcvzxcvzx ago

lmao..... this is a builder? fucker doesnt like being caught out .... classic shit alt... I guarantee you have a vag tho... you going to try as Fagdude did.... go on

middle is my buddy you stinkfist, @puttitout... you see your builders at work?

Another sock puppet alt

yeah when you get brigaded to shit from the builders of voat for "having your say" on voat... perhaps you should stick you head out a window every once in awhile and experience reality

virge ago

@cynabuns adding more fuel to the dumpster fire. Reporting spam.

SearchVoatBot ago

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zxcvzxcvzx ago

Tell me "virge" how did you have 2 pages comment history as of yesturday and still retain 3.6k ccp and only 8 subbmissions...... thats some heavy voat manipulation if you ask me @puttitout @freshmeat @kevdude @c.... no cyna actually does good.

freshmeat ago

i got banned for the same thing on @FirstTImeVoater

zxcvzxcvzx ago

virge is a retard, im going lay off as I dont punch them... (but virge keeps msg me, like im not going to respond) or maybe I should. IDK, I just feel bad doing it. virge is obviously unstable as and adult (im assuming is an adult)

maybe on meds IDK @puttitout @kevdude im actually kinda concerned for virges welfare at the moment. Ive seen people like this in the past , not on voat.....


I'm going to lay off virge for awhile, when I i really only reply back to the virge. unless its some crazy larp, IDK, who ever this person is... not right in the head

virge needs to told to calm the fuck down.

bottom line:

90/10 something's not right with virge. I have seen this before.

I'm going to pm kevdude on a different account in case he has this one blocked.


crazy world bro


zxcvzxcvzx ago

@cynabuns adding more fuel to the dumpster fire.


the builders, show one thing I've spammed you fucking faggot

ban Lameduck at this point






SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Shhh kevdude is a "builder" he can do no wrong

jkshdfka78938 ago

oh vey! SHUT IT DOWN

dk, i just know that they are liars and manipulators.

fuck @kevdude would write shit the same way about myself, 95% was straight out bullshit.

watch come now, and bring the "if you 10 people i'll leave post" Its funny because I knew he would fall for it. I wanted names from the goon squad.

@seanbox is so brain dead to this day he still calls me sane

@madworld stole a sub verse from me

@puttitout turns a blind eye to PV downvoat brigades

Also @kevdude has asked be to brigade a verse for him

Also this site is filled with shit alts


below is the goon squad- all these people will organize and brigade a person or verses they do not like. Orchestrated by @kevdude

(1) @SeanBox - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9566 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15719769

(2) @MadWorld - Member for: 3.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9923 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15719966

(3) @argosciv - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1334 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720111

(4) @LivingRedInBlue - Member for: 1 year / Comment Contribution Points: 651 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720138

(5) @Professorballs - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 297 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720151

(6) @dan_k - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5377 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720480

(7) @VicariousJambi - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 7846 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720111

(8) @hungry_mungry - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2359 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720973

(9) @HillBoulder - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 8631 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720927

(10) @Shekelstein6M - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21182 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721180

(11) @kevdude - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 74661 (Waited till we hit 10 users before I added myself to the list. I hate this motherfucker)

(12) @BLOODandHONOUR - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 35090 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721795

(13) @I_Always_Lie - Member for: 12 months (1 year) / Comment Contribution Points: 2978 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721750

(14) @Crensch - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 33318 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721473

(15) @Javik2186 - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 4908 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722183

at this point he claims everyone on this list is a "Q-tard" https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722476

(16) @Rotteuxx - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 25482 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722629

(17) @Fetalpig - Member for: 1.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5569 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722829

(18) @carlip - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 16272 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15723855

At this point he claims that all the people on the list are 3 month old accounts with 200 ccp (I updated the list to include user stats) https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2929314/15723704

(19) @Inaminit - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6361 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15723961


(20) @Renatus - Member for: 3 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1084 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15724219 (EXCELLENT WRITE UP IN HIS SIGNING STATEMENT)

(21) @CameraCode - Member for: 9 days / Comment Contribution Points: 273 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15725053

(22) @Intrixina - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1158 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15725768

(23) @RumpRangerRick - Member for: 2.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9003 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15727984

(24) @shewhomustbeobeyed - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2660 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15728527

(25) @FridayJones - Member for: 3.1 years / Comment Contribution Points: 3108 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15730687

(26) @Hand_of_Node - Member for: 6 months / Comment Contribution Points: 5965 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15736801

(27) @TheKobold - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21965 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15734244

(28) @turbola - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 329 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15742234

(29) @blumen4alles - Member for: 1.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 607 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15751945

(30) @Shes2fat4me5 - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 223 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15752451

(31) @Mumbleberry - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11698 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15753673

(32) @AaronBuurr - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 188 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15762995

(33) @Runway22L - Member for: 2.2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11987 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15773666


(34) @Splooge - Member for: 9 months / Comment Contribution Points: 4443 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15797116

(35) @sguevar - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 3445 https://voat.co/v/CostaRicaPuraVida/2957224

(36) @draaaak - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 23686 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16099539

(37) @CognitiveDissident5 - Member for: 1.7 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11697 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16156275

(38) @King_Leopold_II - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1483 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16553685

(39) @drstrangegov - Member for: 2.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6613 https://voat.co/v/funny/3060109/17016552

SeanBox ago

Member when sane used to spam copypasta like this when his butt hurt??? I member

jkshdfka78938 ago

Member when sane used to spam copypasta like this when his butt hurt??? I member

are you saying @kevdude is sane? like omg






SeanBox ago

Nope. U R

jkshdfka78938 ago

Nope. U R

this isnt 2015 anymore bucko..... 4 some years calling sane.... Are you calling me "sane" because IM correct? okay.... I agree with you, I am a sane person

SeanBox ago

Fucking sanegoat. Now you’re just arguing semantics. How did it feel to get iron buttfisted by the one true iron fist? Why can’t your butt stop hurting? Is the iron fist still in there twisting things around? Does the pain ever go away?

jkshdfka78938 ago

oh here is the define of "semantics" dont use big words you retard


SeanBox ago

From your link: the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings

jkshdfka78938 ago

I heard rustoleum (you know the spray paint) has changed their contents (more VOCs). I suggest you restock your supply and get that intial rush of high again.


SeanBox ago

You would keep track of that.

MrPim ago

What I saw was people questioning your practice of putting your addresses in your posts. I've seen many question crypto through the years for various reasons. But in the last couple days Here, what I saw was people questioning your use of them here. Maybe you shouldn't beg for money while posting to Voat.

virge ago

If you produced something, and someone came up to ask you if they could pay you because they felt your time was worth something to them, what would you do?.

More importantly, do you legitimately think every person should make the same decisions as you if it's not hurting you?. If you do, then you are my enemy and I will be forced to treat you so from now on. Be clear with your intentions, I have no time in my life for people who only wish to create arguments and drama.

MrPim ago

I think monetizing your Voat acct is ethically questionable.

You sure do sound like a builder w that 'enemy' talk. @Puttitout is this the kind of behavior you wish to exemplify? I'm most curious about the crypto addresses question. This practice has basically monetized the ThingsYouMissedOnVoat threads and sub. I'm not sure that's ok really.

virge ago

I think monetizing your Voat acct is ethically questionable.

Sounds like something a Leftist would say. You can think whatever you like, but unless it's against Voat's rules then you should keep it to yourself out of respect. If you're the type of person who thinks they can make up rules wherever they go and force others to follow them, then you are my enemy.

You sure do sound like a builder w that 'enemy' talk.

And you sound like a destroyer by constantly thinking you have some right to declare what other people can or cannot do in a website dedicated to Free Speech. Ironic, isn't it?

This practice has basically monetized the ThingsYouMissedOnVoat threads and sub. I'm not sure that's ok really.

Take it up with Putt, not me. I won't waste my time with someone like you who has no power or authority over me.

MrPim ago

I may indeed take it up w Voat as a whole. You aren't here to build Voat. You're here to profit from the work of others. You are a leach.

virge ago

I may indeed take it up w Voat as a whole.

Please do. That way when you get shut down you can stop trying to influence my life just because you're a control freak twat.

You aren't here to build Voat.

Yeah. As some Leftist faggot who thinks they are in charge and is clearly a destroyer who wants to see the community die off, you would think that.

You are a leach.

Oh. Yes. Someone asking if they can give me money and me giving them the way to do so. Extremely worthy of being defined as a leech and not a service.

Your Leftist vagina, I'm sorry I mean personal bias you get hard ons from projecting on others with force, is showing.

I am not a leech and you are an honor-less liar for saying so. You, however, are clearly a parasite.

MrPim ago

You are a leech. You create no content but aggregate the creation of others on a site you also did not create. You are not a capitalistic builder profiting from your own work. You are a leech and a beggar.

virge ago

Would a leech put effort into this? https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/3243355

You are a liar and a parasite. You are being added to my block list, you've made it extremely clear there can be no reasoning with you and you are both my enemy and a destroyer who wishes to see Voat die off.

There's the door.

MrPim ago

And blocking is for faggots

MrPim ago

OMG you wrote several paragraphs!

Leech and beggar.

sguevar ago

Anyone that in their sane mind knows that a cashless society is one of the goals of the NWO.

Manipulative faggot. Fuck off.

virge ago

I have you blocked merely to remind myself when I click to expand your messages that I don't intend to respond to 99% of them, because you're just a sock-puppet account and you have an agenda.

Anyone that in their sane mind knows that a cashless society is one of the goals of the NWO.

The easiest method for me to illustrate evidence supporting my statement about you is this: you just tried to gaslight every single person who reads this with a blatant and open outright lie claiming I want a "cashless society", when I did not. In fact, by advocating crypto I am advocating getting out of the digital banking system entirely.

Crypto and crash are two parallels. They're both freedom from the oppressive, slave-herding digital banking system which was the object of my entire post.

I've interacted with you enough to understand the strategy you use with this particular personality/account, so I'm only ever going to respond to you in the future to happily point out when you use a very obvious set of misdirection to mislead a reader with your lies. Anyone who bothers to read it will clearly see what you are doing with what I have illustrated here.

Now I will go back to happily ignoring all your petty insults while you try to distract people from conversation and create arguments when there could be discussions.

sguevar ago

You don't get into discussions you get into arguments and since your ill nature has been proven before I will call out your faggotry every time.

You may decide to ignore it but I will never stop to call out your deceptive nature.

Crypto and crash are two parallels. They're both freedom from the oppressive, slave-herding digital banking system which was the object of my entire post.

Incorrect, one implies that an account linked to you digitally that is also managed by the powers that control the money flux.

The only solution is the creation of an interest free coin that does not enslave the people to the banks and hence the fact that you support crypto also supports the control of a digital form of payment from the part of a shadowy institution.

For example that was the reason why Abe lincoln was assassinated. Because he wanted to create the Greenback. So once again fuck off you manipulative and deceptive faggot.

PS: I have also archived this. http://archive.is/2EJuc

virge ago

Simple answer to demonstrate your further obvious agenda, I cannot accept your shiny interest free coin for services today, so crypto is the best option.

sguevar ago

My obvious agenda here is demonstrate how much full of shit you are once again.

And in what regards to your continual push for crypto as the best option it proves what you are unwilling to argue: It is digitally managed, so it is not cash. Hence it can be taken over by the same powers you so called to fight against. Typical preaching to the choir tactics.

Try harder deceptive faggot.

PS: archived.

MJ1233 ago

Can you explain how crypto (specifically bitcoin at this point in time) can be taken over by the powers that be?