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virge ago

WhiteRonin is acting on behalf of actors who are terrified about voting transparency.

This is a transparent effort to shift the narrative using a lie. Feel free to read this:

Normie-Vision ago

WhiteRonin is acting on behalf of actors who are terrified about voting transparency.

more lies...... by @Fuzzywords

This entire effort is WhiteRonin sperging out and hoping you never read this:

a builder bashing someone with ideas on helping voat.... OH VEY


you only one crying.... weren't you trying to get me banned via cynabuns just yesterday? lmao

maybe you were the faggot that wrote those 3 global stickies, and not @kevdude because anyone without a nigger IQ could tell that was not @puttitout

this actually make more sense to me, apologises to Kevlame if true ehhh im 50/50 on this one...... truth will come out.

virge ago

And then you have this sperg spamming faggot who only knows how to lie to himself and everyone else.

I imagine Dial_Indicator is some grizzled motherfucker on "disability", living in a mold-filled, nicotine stained one-bedroom section 8 apartment who spends his days and nights on his $50 e-bay laptop with his taxpayer-funded welfare utilities allowing him to sperg out online 24/7 and continue to spread the cancer that is his very existance as a welfare parasite.

Without honest, hard-working people paying their slave labor taxes to keep parasites like this fucker "employed", the gene pool would have been purged of this filth as a natural course.

I cannot wait until welfare runs out of money and these people are forced to deal with real problems and not abuse people online with their insanity.

Normie-Vision ago

I imagine Dial_Indicator is some grizzled motherfucker on "disability", living in a mold-filled, nicotine stained one-bedroom section 8 apartment who spends his days and nights on his $50 e-bay laptop with his taxpayer-funded welfare utilities allowing him to sperg out online 24/7 and continue to spread the cancer that is his very existance as a welfare parasite.

im actually live in a 200+ sq two story house on almost acre of land.

I have two monitor I 32" I forget they no the greatest but I would describe them as modest. I have a liquid cooled (kraken x64 from NXZT highly recommend btw) ssd drive and old school drives. in a cooler master masterpro 5 case. I hate picking it up as it weighs a ton

I built it I think 2 years ago.... serves my purpose perfectly.

i just seen this open.... i got shit to do

Normie-Vision ago

@virge zero comment history....... omg gasp!

virge ago

How many accounts are you currently using for vote manipulation, post stalking, spam, content manipulation, lies, and noise pollution for a mile log retarded nigger signature? Lets count the ways: Dial_Indicator alt-spam list: Sadiq_Khan, Normie-Vision, Jewish_Shill, clueless_Normie, dindu-nufffin, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, kjhasd758756, zxcvzxcvzx, ldjafs45345, kljasdfjklasdl43, jkshdfka78938, ksjdfkas878345, 349023095sdfl, ldjafs45345, dfgadg35235, 349023095sdfl, jkshdfka78938, ldjafs45345

virge ago

How many accounts are you currently using for vote manipulation, post stalking, spam, content manipulation, lies, and noise pollution for a mile log retarded nigger signature? Lets count the ways: Dial_Indicator alt-spam list: Sadiq_Khan, Normie-Vision, Jewish_Shill, clueless_Normie, dindu-nufffin, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, kjhasd758756, zxcvzxcvzx, ldjafs45345, kljasdfjklasdl43, jkshdfka78938, ksjdfkas878345, 349023095sdfl, ldjafs45345, dfgadg35235, 349023095sdfl, jkshdfka78938, ldjafs45345

Normie-Vision ago

How many accounts do you need to use for stalking and vote manipulation? Lets count the ways: Jewish_Shill, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, Normie-Vision, kjhasd758756, Sadiq_Khan

this is a lie the accusations you present. Yes those are mine... I actually like Normie-Vision but since the goon squad knows its me it will never see postive.

Instead being trolliish should you as a "builder" work on improving that?

defamation of character, okay all lies....

I imagine Dial_Indicator is some grizzled motherfucker on "disability", living in a mold-filled, nicotine stained one-bedroom section 8 apartment who spends his days and nights on his $50 e-bay laptop with his taxpayer-funded welfare utilities allowing him to sperg out online 24/7 and continue to spread the cancer that is his very existance as a welfare parasite.

more defamation, okay

Without honest, hard-working people paying their slave labor taxes to keep parasites like this fucker "employed", the gene pool would have been purged of this filth as a natural course.

okay more defamation..... mind you fuckface, we both posting at the same time.... I'm just not on putts payroll

I cannot wait until welfare runs out of money and these people are forced to deal with real problems and not abuse people online with their insanity.


virge ago

Instead being trolliish should you as a "builder" work on improving that?

Then come here and contribute to the conversation you autistic piece of shit:

LITERALLY ALL YOU DO IS LOW-IQ TROLL. You never contribute to real conversation and spam your retarded mile-long signature like the dumb nigger you are.