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virge ago

Something I would do to you if there wasn't a rule against it.

Probably the primary thing that separates us, behaviorally.

WhiteRonin ago

You deserve a down vote but the new “rules” would call it inorganic.

I don’t dox people like your clique does.

virge ago

I stand completely alone.

Feel free to lie without evidence.. because that's the behavior I already expect from you anyway, so there won't be any surprise I guess.

WhiteRonin ago

You don’t know me. You couldn’t even make fun of me the last time we talked.


What are you willing to gamble?

virge ago

You don't know me either, but you accuse me of being someone else, so it seems like we're at the same empasse as always and I don't give a shit enough to bother trying for the third time when the only excause for your fervor is that you have an agenda that wants to see Voat destroyed.

That makes you my enemy. I don't gamble with my enemy, I simply observe his actions and wait for the day he shows up in the ban list.

What will you do the day the voting system goes transparent and everyone can see your lies by the way your up/down votes don't jibe with what you say? Jew tactics don't work once light has been shined on them.

If I'm wrong and your tactics are your own, then it doesn't matter anyway because if you decide you're against Putt you won't last long. It's pretty clear to me that Putt is getting fed up, and you can only poke a sleeping bear so long before it wakes up. That's YOUR gamble, and I'm going to be laughing at the result I think if you continue down the path of opposing the rules of the site with the intent of seeing it destroyed.

Pick a side, because this is a war between those who want Voat to grow with a simple set of rules and those who want Voat destroyed and will abuse the voting system. Can't abuse a voting system that's transparent, now can you?

WhiteRonin ago

1 rules aren’t clearly defined so how can I go against a set of vaguely defined rules

2 sure make all activity public! Retroactive even, I’ll be laughing at all the things that I’ve posted and all the faggets who have targeted me will be fucked to! Do it bitch! Because you don’t have a fucking clue what kind of shit storm will happen and what that will mean for this site. You ain’t that smart.

3 voat was about the Wild West - today it’s no longer clear cut as to what voat stands for.

4 you don’t gamble with enemies because you know when a bluff is not a bluff. I know what I’m gambling and will cause damage.

5 you are one who is creating sides and getting people to choose. I’m a loner and act on my own volition.

Here is what I did: I used my main to get 1 alt going. I used them both to fight against brigades a few times to reverse my negatives. I have down voted people when I felt like they deserve it. My opinion my vote. I’m not porotectVoat or Srayzie who calls in a team to brigade. He’ll ive battled RPV too. So, by displaying my voting habits in public has been just exposed by me. I made that alt to test something called GDPR issues. I kept it around because I might want to burn this account.

Virge you don’t care me nor do you me sweet talking talking threats don’t bother me either.

I fucking dare you to convince Putt to make all public! Go for it Botch because you will destroy what you think you are protecting!

virge ago

I've made it very clear I see no benefit in a retroactive voting transparency. I'd happy volunteer to turn all mine on just in spite of assholes like you, but I don't think it should be applied to others. Just X date in the future and then flip a switch and all votes are public so faggots who wish to see Voat destroyed can now be seen by everyone for what they are.

Because you don’t have a fucking clue what kind of shit storm will happen and what that will mean for this site. You ain’t that smart.

Right. And you do. I haven't seen you trying to be constructive, because you're on the destructive side of things. No shit you think this is a bad idea, it ruins your past time of abusing people. Cry cry, poor baby.

3 voat was about the Wild West - today it’s no longer clear cut as to what voat stands for.

YOU DON'T DECIDE WHAT VOAT STANDS FOR, MOTHERFUCKER. That's most of the goddamn problem - every asshole thinks he gets to decide the rules. In my opinion, Putt has been too soft for too long and allowed people who wish to see Voat destroyed to run rampant. Of course you'd find that objectionable. Go back to fucking Reddit you piece of shit.

5 you are one who is creating sides and getting people to choose. I’m a loner and act on my own volition.

No, you're just another piece of shit who wants to see Voat destroyed and has provided no constructive ideas or plan for Voat's growth. Your opinion is meaningless without this effort.

Here is what I did: I used my main to get 1 alt going. I used them both to fight against brigades a few times to reverse my negatives. I have down voted people when I felt like they deserve it. My opinion my vote. I’m not porotectVoat or Srayzie who calls in a team to brigade. He’ll ive battled RPV too. So, by displaying my voting habits in public has been just exposed by me. I made that alt to test something called GDPR issues. I kept it around because I might want to burn this account.

Translation: I exploited the voting system because I'm a faggot and this is why transparency in voting scares me because I cannot exploit the voting system again in the future. You only give a shit about breaking the rules and making your own, you've displayed this time and time again. But it doesn't fucking matter because if you made voting transparent then those people would be identified and you wouldn't have to go through the effort of exploiting the voting system with an alt to "reverse" your self-proclaimed brigade, you daft motherfucker.

Virge you don’t care me nor do you me sweet talking talking threats don’t bother me either.

You're right. Finally you fucking get it. I've been trying to explain this to you since we started talking. You wish to see Voat die and that means you are my enemy. It's really that fucking simple, you've picked your side.

I fucking dare you to convince Putt to make all public! Go for it Botch because you will destroy what you think you are protecting!

Already in progress, faggot prime:

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, full retard!

No bitch! I said to make it retro active! You are the cunt who wants to make it from today forward to protect your “group”!

Make it full retroactive and all will be proven! Every single person will have their dirty laundry aired. I would love to see my habits exposed! Do it! I dare you!

But we can’t have it retro active! Exactly! Fucking coward!

You know what?

Let’s make all alts publicly known too! Fuck yes! Of Jesus sweet Jesus! This would rekt on your crew so much too! Shit would hit the fan.

I want full transparency like you originally said when you replied to me bitch, don’t go back peddling because you are too stupid to realize what would happen.

Oh, you the one who gets builder status for a fucking post. No real builder subs ... except you know what! You are an alt that was kept as a lurker. But oh muh deletions. Yep, you delete to cover up a past. Yet you spin it as something like an after thought. Fuck you and your talk about transparency!

Lol, I’ve posted plenty to voatdev so fuck off with your 1 fucking post.

Retroactive for transparency!

virge ago

Thank you for playing your hand early and showing me how the people who want to destroy Voat will try to argue this change so they can continue to destroy Voat.

I appreciate your effort.

P.S. you have spittle you may need to clean up after your seizure. Faggot.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, cunt gets burned and tries to spin it.

Fuck off! Builder cunt of nothing.

I’ve got screen shots of you replying to save your ass!

Delete that cunt!