Cooking_with_Alf ago

Doxing it's a made up word retards use for defamatory stalking

ooberlu ago

Wrapped up in this drama are 2 very separate and very different issues that most people are confusing; trying to wrap up into one accusation; and conflating in an attempt to garner sympathy without sticking to facts and laws.

1) There is first the issue of doxxing. (Srayzie's husband's info getting publicized)

2) There is second the issue of privacy. (Srayzie' photos getting uploaded)

On the first topic of doxing. This is illegal if private information is released for the purpose of harassment. Private information is usually in the form of a phone number, first and last name, a home address and/or work address. Doxing is illegal.

Most site admins have no choice but to take threats of doxing seriously, otherwise they can be held liable for negligence. Putt had no choice but to ban once a threat to dox was made known.


On the second topic of privacy. Srazyie has absolutely no expectation of privacy if her photos were previously uploaded onto another social media site.

If Srayzie had already uploaded her photos onto another social media site, she waived away all her rights over those photos. Correct me if I am wrong, but her photos were found on Twitter, I believe. Has anybody here bothered to read the TOS for Twitter? Here is a short excerpt that is applicable to her situation:

You are responsible for your use of the Services and for any Content you provide, including compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. You should only provide Content that you are comfortable sharing with others.

Repeat that last sentence: You should only provide Content that you are comfortable sharing with others.

Also of note:

By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. You agree that this license includes the right for Twitter to provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. Such additional uses by Twitter, or other companies, organizations or individuals, may be made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services.

TLDR on that last paragraph:

  • You grant fair use to Twitter for any content you submit.

  • Twitter will distribute your content worldwide.

  • Don't expect to be paid by Twitter.

  • Don't expect to be paid by any company or individual who wants to use your content.

You can find both paragraphs under Section 3. Content on the Services

Trolls finding Srayzie photos available online are no different than people making memes out of pictures of Clinton or Trump and passing them around. Unless she had taken steps to copyright her selfies - which I highly doubt - she has zero expectation of privacy regarding those photos. They have been freely available in the public domain and are legally considered public property under copyright laws.

WhiteRonin ago

Clarification for number 2: didn’t Neon Revolt cause more problem than a sub making fun of her?

ooberlu ago

That I don't have any knowledge of.

thelma ago

Doxxing is not illegal in the USA to my knowledge.

Voat user agreement only prohibits "sensitive" information...not ALL information. Name, address, date of birth are not sensitive.

Voat sub rules have no-doxing .. but I think the "personal info" is limited to "sensitive info" due to voat user agreement terms.

But even if there is a difference between sub rules and voat TOS...then violating the sub rule should only result in a ban on the sub and not all of voat.

The sub "no dox" rule is not limited to includes all users, including those that "dox" themselves.

If there is a rule that no photo, document, or posted text or other posting info that could aid in the IDing of a person then this would be a Voat rule, which can be more restrictive..and less restrictive rules outside Voat would be moot. Have to follow Voat rules.

IMO if there was a site-wide non-doxxing rule and a user post their own pic and then other users re-post it on voat then all, including the pictured user, would need to be banned (on sub or entirely on voat depending on the rule).

IMO doxxing should be fine, in accordance with following the other rules in the user agreement.

ooberlu ago

Doxxing is not illegal in the USA to my knowledge.

It falls under cybercrime or cyberstalking and there are federal laws governing such. 'Doxxing' is what we call it online, but there are very specific behaviors that define cyberstalking and it usually has to meet all of the criteria in order to be construed as such. Cases usually get prosecuted around evidence showing proof of intent to harm.

Voat user agreement only prohibits "sensitive" information...not ALL information. Name, address, date of birth are not sensitive.

Agreed. And it does not define what "sensitive" or "information" or "sensitive information" entails. This leaves those terms open for interpretation.

Voat sub rules have no-doxing .. but I think the "personal info" is limited to "sensitive info" due to voat user agreement terms.

Again, it's not defined in the User Agreement. So it leaves room for open interpretation. It's a pretty sloppy User Agreement, IMO. Could be much more airtight.

But even if there is a difference between sub rules and voat TOS...then violating the sub rule should only result in a ban on the sub and not all of voat.

I don't recall if there are specific rules regarding subs in the Voat User Agreement. This might be an unprecedented case for Voat.

If I understand the situation now, Trigglypuff was banned for threatening to dox. That resulted in a sitewide ban.

However, IMO, the subverse should still be left up. But that's up to Putt's discretion, not mine. I'm just a bystander commenting on the confusion of 2 separate issues that people misconstrue.

The sub "no dox" rule is not limited to includes all users, including those that "dox" themselves.

Am unclear what you're referring to here.

IMO if there was a site-wide non-doxxing rule and a user post their own pic and then other users re-post it on voat then all, including the pictured user, would need to be banned (on sub or entirely on voat depending on the rule).

You have to go back to the facts: 1) Srayzie uploads her own photos which are (most likely) not copyrighted. 2) Srayzie's photos belong to public domain (free use) under copyright laws 3) trolls find her photos online 4) trolls use her photos as satire.

What Srayzie did with her selfies is not considered "doxxing" herself.

IMO doxxing should be fine, in accordance with following the other rules in the user agreement.

She will get no sympathy from me when/if she does get doxxed. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, as the saying goes.

She should have learned a long time ago not to engage with the trolls, much less declare "war" on them. The idiocy she's demonstrated as of late utterly astounds me.

thelma ago

If Voat wanted to clarify their terms, to avoid the issues associated with ambiguities (remember not all goats here have dealt with privacy issues in a legal sense), I think that Voat would have already done so in the user agreement . I think Voat is happy with the rules as currently written. I have no desire to see changes. The other rules are clear enough about malicious behavior.

Perhaps the user agreement may change. But I think that doxxing minors might be a tangled web of shit. I have not looked at changes in the laws related to minors and doxxing - most stuff I work with are with adults, usually with gov't employees and agencies; just for that reason I don't dox with online forums.

To clarify, if there was a clear defined "no doxing" rule - then if I doxed myself then I would expect to be punished the same as if another doxed me. Unless the rule was clearly noted that I could dox myself w/o issue.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Yeah, sometimes. Welcome to the internet.

ooberlu ago

not all goats here have dealt with privacy issues in a legal sense

I'd agree that not many goats have had to deal with privacy issues legally. Ironically, these are probably the same goats who go to Facebook; overshare their private lives; then post about it on Twitter that their data was sold without consent. (face palm and a clear indication they never read the TOS.)

I think Voat is happy with the rules as currently written. I have no desire to see changes.

It's a pretty casual User Agreement. It has its pros and cons. Pros being not requiring expensive lawyers for TOS on a site that's known for nigger/kike/faggot/tranny/jews did 9/11 on v/Introductions. Cons being that it's open to interpretation and potential abuse/misuse.

I have not looked at changes in the laws related to minors and doxxing

The only state that I am familiar with that has laws surrounding minors is in California (something something actors and protecting their ages.)

Interest to note, however, there is an uptick in charging of minors in doxing. Minors are not always the victim when it comes to cyberstalking. They've lately become the perps in some newsworthy cases.

To clarify, if there was a clear defined "no doxing" rule - then if I doxed myself then I would expect to be punished the same as if another doxed me. Unless the rule was clearly noted that I could dox myself w/o issue.

I see what you're getting it now. That would be left up to Voat to define what it means to 'dox', then, as applicable to the Voat website.

Welcome to the internet.

The Internet Always Remembers.

WhiteRonin ago

Well, sensitive information is passed anyways ...

thelma ago

Well, some person did not define "sensitive" in the TOS. Not me. Not @whiteronin either.

Get some popcorn.

WhiteRonin ago

I have never passed sensitive information via pm nor on voat ... Putt can run a search via DB calls to prove this.

Shit, I know several goats phone numbers and I’m sure the hell ain’t gonna share them!

Now, the question remains, who doxed somebody - for reals ;-)

Yep, 🍿

ExpertShitposter ago

C'mon theo, be a builder, for once in your lyfe!

virge ago

Context clown.

squataclops ago

who got banned? I'm out of the loop I suppose.

WhiteRonin ago

GA mod is calling in white knights to fight a war and people are not liking it. She got upset that her pictures (same alt name as twitter) were used as a css wallpaper on a sub. The sub quoted her and made fun of it. Butt hurt ...

swinston79 ago

What kind of pussy ass niggerfaggot shit is that? If that cunt wants shit like that then she needs to go to Reddit.

WhiteRonin ago

QRV has been saying #patriotPussyPass catch up to modern times bro!

Morbo ago


thelma ago

@puttitout did not detail all the reasons for TrigglyPuff's ban.

People are jumping to conclusions that it was only about the doxxing issue...but if putt was that concerned about harmless doxxing then he would have written the user agreement differently.

I'm assuming that @puttitout had other reasons for banning triggly ... reasons he does not wish to discuss.

squataclops ago

Wow, didn't personally know them but damn wtf is going on around here lately. Thanks.

Morbo ago

wtf is going on around here lately

Goatmaggedon. The gates of hell are opening and baphomet is calling.

thelma ago

Morbo knows more than he is telling .... LOL

Morbo ago

Sadly I don't know anything more about this. I'm out of the loop mostly now but I did know who got banned and thought it was curious no one answered the question for an hour.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Like Vote Manipulation: what ever they deem it to be that day and depending on who does it.

I was trying to Putt this shit behind me and MOVE THE FUCK ON!

WhiteRonin ago

Ok, box hammer - what’s your main alt.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

"Don’t use the same name on Twitter and Voat."

"Twitter is public domain."

Voat is public domain. Did you have a point, or were you just having a split personality episode and wanted to share it?

WhiteRonin ago

How about this dear, go to and and ask them to remove your picture from the top page! But then they will say it’s “twitters” fault which is true. So, go to twitter and remove your picture.

Then we shall have a conversation. You apparently are only pissed because your pictures were used as CSS and passed around.

My personality is not the issue for this topic at the moment.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

You are quite stupid, it seems.

Voat is public domain. I can use it, yes? Google too? Good. Bring triggly back and thanks to @ExpertShitposter that information is no longer contianed to voat and the stories i can tell. do you see my stories? my account is my story. i wonder what will cause the most havoc.

triggly stays banned or that happens, yes? is legal. i keep my story and you keep your coalburner.

Or I get banned for what I have done and so does zyklon, because i have done exactly that. the level to which you all want to fight is the level to which others will fight.

it is called escalation and shitposters continue to escalate and defend a username that doxxed kids to pedos.

it did not have to be this way.

nobody cares about your personality, but you did ask me to dox myself. your simplemindedness does make me happy.

WhiteRonin ago

Im asking since if we get global banned for posting Anderson cooper images if were here

RM-Goetbbels ago

Usually a dox is an unmasking of personal information not readily accessible.

I don't know who you really are but if somehow I learned your address, real name or identifying info and no one else could find this information.........and I then posted's a dox.

If srayzie didn't want her picture out there she wouldn't have put it out and she wouldn't have tied her name to it.

Like me, I don't let that info out, ever. There are no facebook pics of me, there is no other RM-Goetbbels. I never use my real name. I just don't do it.

But like I originally posted, things are different now. New versions of the rules are being applied and treated differently depending on who does what. So, you can't really know.

WhiteRonin ago

I think along the same lines. If you use your alt name somewhere else and it pops in bing/google it’s relatively fair game.

If I have to piece together information and dig through several sources it crosses into the dox domain.

But maybe google/bing are now dox results ...

RM-Goetbbels ago

Idk. Whatever zyklon was doing to her probably wasn't right but I get the feeling she's an arrogant cunt who's started shit when she could've just let things be.

WhiteRonin ago

Nobody is clean, all are to blame to some extent.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Idk about that either. I bared my soul and admitted what I had done. I was banned because the rules changed for some of us.

Nobody is clean, all are to blame to some extent.

That sounds just like Putt-

I also won't pretend like the biggest complainers aren't the most egregious offenders. Let's not put on an innocent mask like we're perfect. This is Voat, and we all know what we've done. Truth. No one is innocent.

The difference is that Putt's account isn't banned.

WhiteRonin ago

Think Builders ;-)

thelma ago

Your writing style is likely something you cannot change so easily. The FBI uses handwriting analysis to ID people.

Just a FYI. And fun fact.

RM-Goetbbels ago

wth? Am I the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski now? David Koresh? Timothy McVeigh?

The FBI isn't interested in me. They'd be dumber than I think they are to even bother.

WhiteRonin ago

I am talking about a serious topic.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

You are talking about a joke. All is satire, did you get the memo?

Or is it all satire? GothamGirl thinks I am serious despite my use of Zyklon's profile blurb.

WhiteRonin ago

Don’t use the same name on Twitter and Voat.

Twitter is public domain.

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Voat is public domain. Google search is public domain. What do I know?


All is satire, but one of you will not enjoy. Or will you? Art is what I am!

virge ago

Something I would do to you if there wasn't a rule against it.

Probably the primary thing that separates us, behaviorally.

WhiteRonin ago

You deserve a down vote but the new “rules” would call it inorganic.

I don’t dox people like your clique does.

virge ago

I stand completely alone.

Feel free to lie without evidence.. because that's the behavior I already expect from you anyway, so there won't be any surprise I guess.

WhiteRonin ago

You don’t know me. You couldn’t even make fun of me the last time we talked.


What are you willing to gamble?

virge ago

You don't know me either, but you accuse me of being someone else, so it seems like we're at the same empasse as always and I don't give a shit enough to bother trying for the third time when the only excause for your fervor is that you have an agenda that wants to see Voat destroyed.

That makes you my enemy. I don't gamble with my enemy, I simply observe his actions and wait for the day he shows up in the ban list.

What will you do the day the voting system goes transparent and everyone can see your lies by the way your up/down votes don't jibe with what you say? Jew tactics don't work once light has been shined on them.

If I'm wrong and your tactics are your own, then it doesn't matter anyway because if you decide you're against Putt you won't last long. It's pretty clear to me that Putt is getting fed up, and you can only poke a sleeping bear so long before it wakes up. That's YOUR gamble, and I'm going to be laughing at the result I think if you continue down the path of opposing the rules of the site with the intent of seeing it destroyed.

Pick a side, because this is a war between those who want Voat to grow with a simple set of rules and those who want Voat destroyed and will abuse the voting system. Can't abuse a voting system that's transparent, now can you?

WhiteRonin ago

1 rules aren’t clearly defined so how can I go against a set of vaguely defined rules

2 sure make all activity public! Retroactive even, I’ll be laughing at all the things that I’ve posted and all the faggets who have targeted me will be fucked to! Do it bitch! Because you don’t have a fucking clue what kind of shit storm will happen and what that will mean for this site. You ain’t that smart.

3 voat was about the Wild West - today it’s no longer clear cut as to what voat stands for.

4 you don’t gamble with enemies because you know when a bluff is not a bluff. I know what I’m gambling and will cause damage.

5 you are one who is creating sides and getting people to choose. I’m a loner and act on my own volition.

Here is what I did: I used my main to get 1 alt going. I used them both to fight against brigades a few times to reverse my negatives. I have down voted people when I felt like they deserve it. My opinion my vote. I’m not porotectVoat or Srayzie who calls in a team to brigade. He’ll ive battled RPV too. So, by displaying my voting habits in public has been just exposed by me. I made that alt to test something called GDPR issues. I kept it around because I might want to burn this account.

Virge you don’t care me nor do you me sweet talking talking threats don’t bother me either.

I fucking dare you to convince Putt to make all public! Go for it Botch because you will destroy what you think you are protecting!

virge ago

I've made it very clear I see no benefit in a retroactive voting transparency. I'd happy volunteer to turn all mine on just in spite of assholes like you, but I don't think it should be applied to others. Just X date in the future and then flip a switch and all votes are public so faggots who wish to see Voat destroyed can now be seen by everyone for what they are.

Because you don’t have a fucking clue what kind of shit storm will happen and what that will mean for this site. You ain’t that smart.

Right. And you do. I haven't seen you trying to be constructive, because you're on the destructive side of things. No shit you think this is a bad idea, it ruins your past time of abusing people. Cry cry, poor baby.

3 voat was about the Wild West - today it’s no longer clear cut as to what voat stands for.

YOU DON'T DECIDE WHAT VOAT STANDS FOR, MOTHERFUCKER. That's most of the goddamn problem - every asshole thinks he gets to decide the rules. In my opinion, Putt has been too soft for too long and allowed people who wish to see Voat destroyed to run rampant. Of course you'd find that objectionable. Go back to fucking Reddit you piece of shit.

5 you are one who is creating sides and getting people to choose. I’m a loner and act on my own volition.

No, you're just another piece of shit who wants to see Voat destroyed and has provided no constructive ideas or plan for Voat's growth. Your opinion is meaningless without this effort.

Here is what I did: I used my main to get 1 alt going. I used them both to fight against brigades a few times to reverse my negatives. I have down voted people when I felt like they deserve it. My opinion my vote. I’m not porotectVoat or Srayzie who calls in a team to brigade. He’ll ive battled RPV too. So, by displaying my voting habits in public has been just exposed by me. I made that alt to test something called GDPR issues. I kept it around because I might want to burn this account.

Translation: I exploited the voting system because I'm a faggot and this is why transparency in voting scares me because I cannot exploit the voting system again in the future. You only give a shit about breaking the rules and making your own, you've displayed this time and time again. But it doesn't fucking matter because if you made voting transparent then those people would be identified and you wouldn't have to go through the effort of exploiting the voting system with an alt to "reverse" your self-proclaimed brigade, you daft motherfucker.

Virge you don’t care me nor do you me sweet talking talking threats don’t bother me either.

You're right. Finally you fucking get it. I've been trying to explain this to you since we started talking. You wish to see Voat die and that means you are my enemy. It's really that fucking simple, you've picked your side.

I fucking dare you to convince Putt to make all public! Go for it Botch because you will destroy what you think you are protecting!

Already in progress, faggot prime:

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat submission by @WhiteRonin.

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WhiteRonin ago

Jesus aren’t you a complete Jew!

You can’t tell me what my movie, poem or piece of art is about.

Look dumb shit, once something is put out in public, user get to define shit the way they want.

Lol, you totally sound like the builder who I told to fuck off because his house building concept sucked. He builds homes, he doesn’t live in the home. I was going to buy.

Jesus, look at you the “mind control” wench.

virge ago

The Jew cries out in pain as it strikes you, perfectly defined by your double-speak.

WhiteRonin ago

Transparency for you but not for @virge!

I got ya! Why you deleting history if you want transparency?

virge ago

The Jew cries out in pain as it strikes you.

WhiteRonin ago

Aww, coming from a Jew who doesn’t want transparency for themselves!

Delete more shot bitch! Delete the images on my phone because I have you!

virge ago

Be me.
Suggest transparency.
Watch a destroyer come in and claim I didn't because he's scared of transparency.

Poor WhiteRonin. Go back to Reddit.

WhiteRonin ago

Too bad that you delete everything.

My history is out for all to read.

Move along Jew bitch. You lost!

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, full retard!

No bitch! I said to make it retro active! You are the cunt who wants to make it from today forward to protect your “group”!

Make it full retroactive and all will be proven! Every single person will have their dirty laundry aired. I would love to see my habits exposed! Do it! I dare you!

But we can’t have it retro active! Exactly! Fucking coward!

You know what?

Let’s make all alts publicly known too! Fuck yes! Of Jesus sweet Jesus! This would rekt on your crew so much too! Shit would hit the fan.

I want full transparency like you originally said when you replied to me bitch, don’t go back peddling because you are too stupid to realize what would happen.

Oh, you the one who gets builder status for a fucking post. No real builder subs ... except you know what! You are an alt that was kept as a lurker. But oh muh deletions. Yep, you delete to cover up a past. Yet you spin it as something like an after thought. Fuck you and your talk about transparency!

Lol, I’ve posted plenty to voatdev so fuck off with your 1 fucking post.

Retroactive for transparency!

virge ago

Thank you for playing your hand early and showing me how the people who want to destroy Voat will try to argue this change so they can continue to destroy Voat.

I appreciate your effort.

P.S. you have spittle you may need to clean up after your seizure. Faggot.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol, cunt gets burned and tries to spin it.

Fuck off! Builder cunt of nothing.

I’ve got screen shots of you replying to save your ass!

Delete that cunt!

thelma ago

I think it was a "special" set of circumstances that set people off ... and here we are....

I no dox.

WhiteRonin ago

Huh? Are you Virge/fuzzywords? Lol

It’s a weird time ... looks like a reddit style cleanup to me.

thelma ago

I'm trying to be nice to virge ... much disciplined I am

WhiteRonin ago

I’m just teasing. :-)

Virge’tte is silly 🙃

SearchVoatBot ago

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