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virge ago

Can you please show me where the definitive list of people who have been un-banned is and explain how you correlated the data to make your absolute statement?

cyclops1771 ago

You can only appeal through a PM, and you can't PM if you are banned.

virge ago

Maybe that's because being banned does not mean you cannot make a new account, if you stop the shithead behavior of your old account your new account will remain in good standing.

In other words, everyone who continues to participate period will make an alt, anyway. The ones who abandon the old account will just have new names.

I think there is enough feedback at this point that I would be surprised if Putt was not going to institute an appeals process for a one-time forgiveness or something of that nature. Either way, it's not like you are IP or e-mail address (if you choose to do that kind of thing) banned so you can always make a new account.

Being banned just means you lose that account for bad behavior. It's not permanent exile.

~~~ exile.

cyclops1771 ago

First, voat is invite only, so no, you can't just make a new account.

Second, people have been banned for downvoating NiggerVirus. NiggerVirus has not once contributed anything worthwhile, and posts only in default subs. I DV that shit every time I see it (I sort by New), as a way to curate. I have no idea if I am going to be banned for this. Who knows WTF is OK.

So called "builders" name call, shit on people with personal attacks, follow them around to shit on them because they don't like that person, and intentionally direct link to comments they don't like in order to brigade that comment and user, SRS mafia style.

I'm not some angel, either, and my content-add is mostly shitposting in our little shitposting sub. But I don't SRS brigade, and I rarely personal attack. (Rarely, not never.) I just don't know what's OK, so is my DVing NV bannable, or not? I hate his content because it is shit content. I don't search for it, but if it appears in New, I DV it.

virge ago

People abuse the voting system. A behavioral pattern can be identified with a fair margin of success (albeit ultimately requiring tuning to resolve false-positives). It's a matter of technological implementation and execution, which takes time.

The way I see it, you are not painting an accurate picture. Some people who downvoated NV were banned, and some were not. Allow me to make a suggestion as to why:

You absolutely can look at each post you see naturally in your experience using Voat by Aged and downvoat it, if you are so inclined.

You cannot get bored once or twice a week (or, whatever, I'm illustrating for the sake of expedience) and click on Aged's user profile, systematically finding each of his recent posts at every place he posts them including the ones you would never have seen because you do not participate in the community, and then proceed to downvoat all of those in an intentional assault on his whole posting experience.

This is a thing. There are people that do this. The immediate response to your absolute line in the sand of "ban for illegal or no ban" is, so what would YOU do about these people - if they are shrinking the community by running off new users or making it so comments in areas where they normally wouldn't be downvoated into oblivion for any post just because they're being sniped by someone with a vendetta and free time on their hands? Lets find some common ground to this problem.

Morbo ago

This is a thing. There are people that do this. What would YOU do about these people - if they are shrinking the community by running off new users or making it so comments in areas where they normally wouldn't be downvoated into oblivion for any post just because they're being sniped by someone with a vendetta and free time on their hands? Lets find some common ground to this problem.

Labeling people as "builders" and "destroyers" is going to shrink the community as well. It will favor builders and they will be like-minded (or hive-minded) and shun those the consensus labels as destroyers. Only builders will have the power to label people. The most powerful builders will be untouchable and unquestionable. We've seen it before. Reddit cuts off everything the controlling "builders" deem as destructive. Those destroyers come here. Voat's immune system used to be good enough to handle them, but this new direct method is going to kill the good with the bad just like an antibiotic is indiscriminate in its actions. The side effects are going to be what kills Voat. It's already taking hold and the whole site is becoming divided. Builders are being lifted up now and so long as they fly the flag of builders they cannot be touched. There are even builders who have done nothing but destroy, but hey they got the builder badge so they are now upstanding, first class Voat citizens. Anyone who questions this or disagrees with the labels is labeled as a destroyer. It's clown world in Voat now. This is the first time in 4.2 years I've even once considered finding a new home. Things are just looking too deliberate to be coincidental.

virge ago

Labeling people as "builders" and "destroyers" is going to shrink the community as well.

Yeah, that was kind of a poor branding move - but it's a small tech startup with a shoestring budget so I have to choose where to draw the line as far as nitpick worthy expectations.

The rest is entirely fair to have as your opinion, so I won't try to convince you how to live your life. You seem pretty reasonable, only you can decide if Voat is good for you or not. Personally, if we have a community that values Free Speech among all else and doesn't intentionally run others off then I think the community will grow, so I'm behind that out of a personal objective of keeping Voat a thing.

Being candid, you've made a lot of predictions about this whole "builders" thing that are rather unfair, but their your opinions not mine, so we disagree there.

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Morbo ago

Well reasoned response. I respect your opinions and that you give me the room to have my own respected. You're an alright goat.

Who knows where this is going. I hope this is just another acute case of Voat change-itis that we grow out of. I don't want to see Voat pull a Digg or a Reddit nor do I want to try to fit in on some other site like Poal or Minds. I like it here and I don't like to see this divide fracturing us into two camps on opposing sides. Voat does not need a civil war. Let's hope that we can get through this and come out the other side a stronger community. I'm willing to wok for this to happen and I know others will too. In the words of Edward R. Murrow - "Good night and good luck". We're going to need it.