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Morbo ago


OP: Give me your opinions on crypto currency.

Goats: I think that....


virge ago

People did not respond to my questions about crypto. Almost all of the respondents are connected (probably including you) in a very obvious misinformation campaign, which is evident by the fact that nobody actually responded to my post - they just insulted me. You trying to declare otherwise is just an obvious lie.

It's an easy formula to see. They all did it. So did you.

Morbo ago

OP: Everyone I don't agree with is a shill.

That's an easy formula to see as well. All the "builders" are doing it. So did you.

virge ago

Couldn't even be bothered to respond to the OP. Just personal attacks. We're done here.

There's the door, faggot.

Morbo ago

Such becoming behavior for a "builder" who deletes all his past posts and comments. You also edited your comment which was a personal attack on me yet tell me I personally attacked you when I used your same word back at you. We're on to you Virge.

virge ago

You also edited your comment which was a personal attack on me yet tell me I personally attacked you when I used your same word back at you.

Demonstrably untrue. Easy to prove you are a liar. Here's the link proving your lie:

It's almost painful to watch how hard you're trying to shill.

Morbo ago

Well maybe I'll just put my cryptowallet address in my comments instead. You seem to think that's acceptable behavior so I will do as you do, builder.

virge ago

Well maybe I'll just put my cryptowallet address in my comments instead. You seem to think that's acceptable behavior so I will do as you do, builder.

Not against the rules so you have every right to do so. I know that sucks because it's against your agenda, but I'm glad we could finally come to a mature adult conclusion.

Of course, since you don't actually produce anything of value to the community and are only interested in destroying it, putting a crypto wallet in your posts would just be a waste of time for you as nobody would probably donate in the first place - but don't let me stop you from your typical virtue signal garbage behavior.

Morbo ago

You aggregate a social news aggregator site and you call that "building". You're just taking other people's work and calling it your own. You were a nobody here on Voat for 3.9 years and then all of a sudden you're a builder because you made 4 posts of other people's content. Now you're more active than you've ever been but are pushing a builder narrative and labeling anyone you don't like with a "destroyer" moniker. Funny that you got along with me just fine yesterday ( Now you're a complete asshole shilling for yourself and the whole builder/destroyer dichotomy. Voat is dying from this kind of cancer. The cancer started from within. You are part of the cancer. You are destroying Voat.

virge ago

You were being reasonable when we had a conversation, so it was a reasonable conversation.

You started this conversation an asshole, so I responded like I was dealing with an asshole.

Morbo ago

I started this conversation with an observation. You turned it into an attack. You got defensive because you have let your new status go to your head. You were telling anyone who posted an opinion they were wrong when you asked for people to give you their opinions in the first place. Opinions are neither right or wrong. Admit you overreacted.

virge ago


This is an attack.

Morbo ago

That was a summary of your interaction with others. I see now why you delete your history. Can't have the truth hang around for all to see.

virge ago

You legitimately think those others were not intentionally attacking me? They ignored the discussion and just attacked me as a person. There was no discussion from them.

Morbo ago

You attacked me for an observation. There was no discussion from you. Pot meet kettle.

virge ago

Oh. So now you actually want to talk? Ok, lets see if you are intellectually honest or not.

who deletes all his past posts and comments.

What was the point of this? There is nothing wrong with deleting past comments. Why would something like this bother you, or anyone for that matter? It's not against any rules and even if I gave you my reasons why you'd never believe me anyway, and thats aside from the fact that it's still none of your fucking business anyway. Drop dead pointless and could only be used as an insult.

You also edited your comment which was a personal attack on me yet tell me I personally attacked you when I used your same word back at you.

Not only was this a lie, but when I proved it to be a lie in the very next comment, you just skipped right on over the fact that you lied as if that didn't matter and then proceeded into yet another attack, by attempting to play make believe that your asinine opinion on crypto applies to the community. News flash - it doesn't. Your opinion doesn't mean shit to me, and if it's not breaking Voat's rules then it shouldn't mean shit to anyone else either.

For the second time, I've demonstrably shown you to be a hypocrite and a liar.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Then stop acting like a child shouting that our opinions are wrong... destroyer.

virge ago

Provide actual opinion on the content of my post for a real discussion and we'll have one - all you did was attack me as a person.


SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Where did I attack your stupid ass?

Here was my initial honest reply!

virge ago

Now you, specifically? You're an annoying spammer begging for BTC. Shut the fuck up kike.

That is an attack, asshole. It's your opinion and it's wrong, making you a liar and a hypocrite. This isn't rocket surgery.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Who says it's wrong? The truth is wrong?

virge ago

The truth is wrong?

Your opinion is wrong. You lie to yourself and misuse the word truth.

It's easy to demonstrate the lie. Other users asked for me to add crypto - so I did. It's not against the rules, so there is nothing wrong with it. Your opinion may be against it, but you are lying if you accuse me of begging for anything.

You cannot twist adding something at the request of someone else into me doing it on my own. Trying to do so demonstrates your lie. Why would anything else you say be true if you would make this lie?

You are a liar and a hypocrite.

heygeorge ago

Other users asked for me to add crypto - so I did.

I may not have seen every single comment, but is there anywhere you could point to where multiple users asked you to do this?

virge ago

Just one of them. Others in PM's.

I was simply saving myself time by adding them so I didn't have to respond to this type of inquiry. These precious moments were used to shoot at targets at the 600 yard berm in the back yard. I've put a picture of @Nosferatjew up for fun.

heygeorge ago

You could simply ignore the inquiry. Are you alluding that you have another motive for sharing? Not sure what you mean below (from that thread).

I'd do this for my own reasons, anyway.

virge ago

You could simply ignore the inquiry.

Why? It's not against the rules, it's not hurting anyone, and crypto is probably inevitably going to replace the current fiscal system. There is nothing wrong with accepting and it hurts nobody so it's nobody elses business.

Are you alluding that you have another motive for sharing? Not sure what you mean below (from that thread).

Absolutely. I'm tired of seeing nothing but four fucking pages of mostly political content every single day when all sorts of interesting shit gets posted but never upvoted to the front page.

Literally "my own reasons" are to have a second front page where unique and interesting shit actually has people engage and talk about it as opposed to the 30th fucking thread where people are arguing political divides that were given to them by a system of control.

I'm trying to give people their own minds back and have them think for a change.

heygeorge ago

trying to give people their own minds back and have them think for a change.

Good luck!

virge ago

It wasn't until I had a small bit of spare time for a change and could observe Voat during the day that I even saw the behavior. It's pattern is obvious, somewhat low energy in it's deviations. If you spend all day on Voat searching for little-seen links you see almost everything else and there is a literal list of users who employ the same Reddit-tier garbage parasite strategy, day-in-and-day out.

I didn't understand the scope of the problem until recently, and now that I do and see the effect it has on the community it makes me literally seethe with rage.

Me seeting with rage has solved some extremely important questions in my lifetime (no self-congratulatory pat me on the back possible, just my own statement of intent).

Thats why I started this:

heygeorge ago

Thats why I started this:

I see technical hurdles to achieve public voting, as well as potential for a heightened chilling effect.

virge ago

I see technical hurdles to achieve public voting, as well as potential for a heightened chilling effect.

So do I, but it's not impossible.

My question is simple; does the ends justify the means, when the objective is to make it difficult for the parasites to use their current script and lie without consequence as well as contribute to the growth of Voat's userbase by not allowing these people to run off new and old users with their abusive behavior?

heygeorge ago

Lying without consequence will not be removed by publicly available voting.

virge ago

Illumination of voting history will allow the community to see the threats based on their own behavior.

Lying will then be something that the casual observer can verify for themselves by viewing the voting history of an individual, where today they just get away with it because nobody is going to go through the effort to connect all the dots and figure it out with big data.

It's not perfect, but it's a great first step.

heygeorge ago

Lying will then be something that the casual observer can verify for themselves by viewing the voting history of an individual,

There are many lies outside of voting history. What precisely do you look to glean, and further, how would this information even be presented?

virge ago

There are many lies outside of voting history. What precisely do you look to glean, and further, how would this information even be presented?

Now you're getting into the implementation and other technical weeds. That would be a much higher level discussion if we even get past the hump of agreeing on the idea in the first place.

I cannot see the merits in theory-crafting when Putt would be the one developing that, not either of us - fair?

heygeorge ago

I tend to tackle problems starting with the result, then working it backwards. Part of this comes from experience building.

virge ago

Wouldn't this be somewhat uncharted territory?

I see transparency in voting as the first of many iterative steps necessary to change Voat to grow.

It's clear what we have now is destroying it.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

be op

ask for opinions

get butthurt and say opinions aren't truth, just what they think

still doesn't know what opinion means.

virge ago

The truth is wrong?

Your opinion is wrong. You lie to yourself and misuse the word truth.