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Sadiq_Khan ago

virge as of last night ah minimum 2 pages comment history.... you know what when you delete? you lose those ccp..... so you tell me how does a user retain 3.8 ccp after deleting comments @puttitout. You should be FUCKING banned you manipulation you FUCK

here is verge newly appointed by puttitout "The Builder" trying to get me me banned for having my say.

its hilarious because im buddies with cynabuns

here is this shit whore at work


virge ago

What exactly are you accusing me of? I don't understand you. I suspect you don't understand the technical thing you are trying to describe, either.

Also, why do you insist upon chasing me around on 30+ different accounts and copy and pasting this gibberish?

BushChuck ago

The jew cries out as he strikes you.

zyklon_b ago

bein deed