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Justsomebullshitname ago

4 betrays a lack of understanding of the real value of anonymity. While one can be silenced for wrong think in public on Voat, they can speak without fear of reprisal or concern for intimidation in anon boards.

Within my first hour of posting outside of QRV with my account I had a mod telling me they were going to downvote me for being a shill as my strong opinions offended them. Within another hour my account was below minimum CCP to post and shortly dropped into the negative.

Voat uses votes to silence dissent from admissible popular speak.

Think of it in economic terms. Some users have amassed great wealth in points due to prolonged use. Any new user therefore is a subject of those with point currency to spend on either promotion or demotion of what they say. The net result is that only speech which is aligned with the wealthy holders is permissible. Voat has created the tyranny of the mob.

In the end I don’t believe the mechanisms of this site serve the stated objective of this site.

virge ago

In the end I don’t believe the mechanisms of this site serve the stated objective of this site.

If tasked with this problem, how would you break it down to remediate?

Justsomebullshitname ago

Ultimately what exists now is territorial enclaves with economic statuses. Communities that band together around ideation.

You have to eliminate the economic factor or institute fiat mechanisms of devaluation. CCP is like gold in the way a fed dollar is not. Meaning CCP is a fixed value with respect to its self over time. The value of positioning content, silencing or promoting, this adjusts with time with respect to the total CCP amassed. So the economic value of one vote goes down as the user count and post count goes up. This means any one late to the game is impoverished until having gained enough CCP by the graves of the wealthy to empower them to become a middle classed citizen of Voat.

So you can erode the value of CCP with time. You can decrement it with time, or any other mechanism that equalizes the economic power of a new user and an existing user.

The argument for the immune system of Voat I don’t think detracts from value erosion as a solution since the collective behavior of Voat can still be employed, it just takes a larger consensus when there isn’t the ability of small groupings to economically over power other groupings.

heygeorge ago

value erosion as a solution

This has been bandied about before, and is not a bad idea at all, but it would have to be carefully crafted.

virge ago

This guy has an agenda. I screenshot his posts, and they were actually very concise and good advice. The kind of advice you'd expect from someone institutional. Then he not only deletes them but purges them from, showing he knows what he's doing.

The real questions are, who was he before he was banned, and what is his agenda in doing this behavior?


Justsomebullshitname ago

You are a low class disrespectful pile of shit. Use me then chase my comments around calling me a liar when you got called out for pulling a fast one on me.

virge ago

You're being obtuse. I deleted those posts because I typo'd the shit out of them. you can still see them on yourself if you want to validate, I intended to copy and paste the link and somehow copy and pasted the thread into the middle of the thread.. it was terrible.

Once I saw you engaging here I deleted the old thread to avoid confusion. How could that possibly offend you in any way, and more importantly how can that possibly lead you to deleting this conversation when I strongly feel you contributed to the conversation and I appreciated it?

I'm legitimately mind-boggled right now. Humans are so amusing. You react to the oddest of things and infer them in the most peculiar ways.

Justsomebullshitname ago

I thought I lied about that deleted in invite... Which is it, did I lie because of an agenda or did you lie and flip your shit when you got called out for using me?

Go fuck your self.

virge ago

thought I lied about that deleted invite... Which is it, did I lie because of an agenda or did you lie and flip your shit when you got called out for using me?

No. I was wrong there. I legitimately had no idea what you were talking about, because when you deleted the messages from our conversation, you accused me of deleting mine and all I could see was this thread where. Look up, dude. You didn't link the thread that actually offended you and I didn't remember it offhand so to me it looked like you were accusing me of deleting the topics in this thread, not in the other one.

Now, put yourself in my shoes for a minute and appreciate that literally for the past 4 days I've had a subversive group of assholes following me around, pinging me in over 100 threads a day, making topics about me just to try and annoy me by lying about me, and following me around mass downvoting me - mostly because I got some attention from being in a PuttItOut thread and with any popularity on Voat comes the parasites that destroy. I legitimately didn't remember our initial conversation beause I come back from a fucking coffee break with 25+ messages in my inbox these days, and you didn't leave any context at all for me to go off other than accusing me of something I didn't think I had done.

I def over-reacted, I'm willing to update that post now. In fact, I'll copy and paste this into it and you can view it here, instead of replying to this:

Justsomebullshitname ago

TLDR; I didn’t read your sob story. I glanced across it and it was all how you’re a victim of something. I really don’t give a shit about your problems. You used me then made false accusations against me. You are a shitty useless person and I’m done participating with you and your content.

virge ago

Oh. You're Zylkon. That makes sense then. Fuck you faggot I proved what you did wrong, good try.