SearchVoatBot ago

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deejf ago

So, um, how soon?

SearchVoatBot ago

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ElijahBrown ago

The reddit model for acquiring subs has its flaws.

Contributing to a sub and getting upvotes in it shouldn't be the sole factor in determining who controls it.

On reddit astroturfers systematically take over unused subs, or subs where the moderator has been inactive, by automatically feeding posts into it and using their own sockpuppets to upvote.

Before giving a sub to someone, you need to check if their contributions are organic or not. If it looks like an autofeed, you're looking at an account that is posting solely to take over more of the sites discussions. Also, there should be a pattern to the subs they are requesting though reddit has made them sophisticated and they will try to take over random subs they have no use for to disguise their intentions. You can't just look at their autofed link submissions either since groups selling accounts to astroturfers have become more sophisticated too and will have another person writing comments constantly, even using the same VPN so the site doesn't recognize multiple people are using the same account.

It's better to assign subs a unique random serial number, rather than giving them the name of the sub in the URL, so that unused subs can remain unmoderated and unused while other subs with the same name can be created. When the sub name shows up, it should have the last 2 or 4 digits of the serial number in it so people can still tell the difference between two subs of the same name.

For example,

"subverseNUT 9456"

"subverseNUT 7349"

PuttItOut ago

We have a better system coming out.

ElijahBrown ago

The nature of the site, which doesn't inquire much into the identities of the individuals using it, requires constant evolution to avoid becoming an astroturfing hot spot.

If you just change the system by which accounts gain influence over the site periodically, it would deal a substantial blow to the business models and operations of astroturfers. I've infiltrated these astroturfing organizations, not just Jewish ones. They are often slow to adapt to change. Reddit has become a nice safe place for them because the rules that regulate influence on the site are relatively static.

Just off the top of my head, something like establishing quarters, like in accounting, or a decaying rate for upvotes would screw up their current operations substantially and force them to spend much more money on astroturfing, possibly making it impractical.

You could break up upvote/downvote metrics into a "total" and a "recent" upvotes/downvotes. Where total only informs people checking their profile how liked their content is on the site, while "recent" determines how much they can post, upvote/downvote, or whether or not they get hit with the captchas while trying to post.

I recall seeing people post about a decaying rate for upvote/downvote points in the past. The obvious problem with it is people that post infrequently, but their content is loved being inadvertently penalized. This could be gotten around by having the decay rate be relative to the upvotes of their most recent posts. So an account that gets 400 upvotes on their most recent 30 submissions/comments could have a much slower decay rate than someone who had 40 upvotes on their most recent 30.

While you're here, you need to replace the google captchas with something else. It's a serious risk to your user base's anonymity. I know it's not a good idea to encourage the "just trust me" mentality in this business, but "just trust me". Google's captchas are de-anonymizing. If your bot exclusion process involves pictures that load at variable times and have variable sizes, it can be matched with ISP traffic data to deanonymize. If you use a bot exclusion service like google's captchas, you want something where all the images load at the same time and have the same size. I think blurred text still works okay to exclude bots, but none of these measures can be expected to work for long. Bot identification will eventually have to shift from bot tests to analyzing user behavior.

PuttItOut ago

Every single thing you say is true.

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

just a friendly reminder that @puttitout is an admitted tranny "winkey face".

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Transvestigations submission by @plankO.

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Atko ago

Can confirm.

zyklon_b ago

confirmed 1990

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago


PuttItOut ago

That was a good one

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

I hope the trans-formation of this site goes well. Wouldn't want to have to trans-locate!

Le_Squish ago

Woohoo. Stuff getting done.

HateCumbuckets ago

Woohoo!!! This gonna be good.

wwwwww ago

Cough 10k/m made? Akto in texas? Elon your angle?

PuttItOut ago

Did the cough make you slip with the keyboard and misspell @Atko?

wwwwww ago

Autocorrect on phone and fat fingers

wwwwww ago

So can we bring ads back?

PuttItOut ago

The two things that took tremendous amounts of time were ads and transfers.

So, we'll have to automate the ads. Or use Google ;)

wwwwww ago

Balls on google. Maybe 500k active.

wwwwww ago

Going to grab and stream 2020 election crap and bad anime.