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Had ago

This could mean a ton of things, but this makes me think of a few specific things. The most pressing one for me was to stop giving in to base instincts.

I always thought things like no fap were retarded until I tried them. Practicing self control in things like that in your life will absolutely change you. Just the act of denying yourself these small things will change larger things in your life. Plus it gives a nice testosterone boost for the gym when you stop masturbating.

Jews give out porn for free for a reason. Stop masturbating. Go hit the gym and improve yourself.

Dismember ago

Just had a look at your profile and noticed some of your most downvoted comments there about calories in and calories out. I can attest to this myself because i lost shit load of of weight by restricting calories but then packed quite a bit back on when I still restricted calories and went back to the shit food. Not all carbs are the same and digest the same.

Anyway keep up these recent posts, I've noticed a few now and like the message.

Had ago

I'm big into health and fitness and I do a ton of research and study reading. CICO isn't quite true according to every study. Short term yes, but it lowers your basal metabolic rate over long periods. Intermittent fasting and controlling carbs outperforms CICO long term every single time in weight and diabetes.

Bodies aren't perfect machines, so the argument of thermodynamics just doesn't hold water. Hormones matter. Different foods trigger different reasons, but the best thing to do is fast.

This quote is one I go to when I'm fasting, but I still haven't been able to get over that 4 day hump. I enjoy eating dinner with the family so that tradition makes things more difficult for me personally.

Thanks for the support on this though. It's stuff that helps me out and I'm glad to see others can benefit.

Dismember ago

I don't eat enough now to be able to fast for more than a day. I've gone from about 4-5k calories a day to less than 1.5k now for the last 7 years or so. The bulk of it is meat and vegetables. With a couple pieces of fruit and barely any grains at all. It works for me and I'm thriving in life and my brain is fog free which is even a bigger win for me than losing almost 50 kg(110pounds?). The difference now is my hunger is genuine and not sugar and/or carb cravings.

All good and I hope more people take notice of your posts. Take a note of this as well: if you still want that sub.