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sguevar ago

Can't believe this, is this and admission of being wrong?

And I am the immature that he can't say "I am wrong"? LMAO

Well this is now a proof that you see that not only we are not the same people but that your whole reasoning is wrong. Archived.

Regarding our debate I already know you were wrong.

Well done son, digged up a little more and found out how biased are you in your entire research. The worst part is that it is not the first time that I have been falsely accused of either being someone else or being part of SBBH by users that in their own desperation to try to prove me wrong they use that as a justification. Like a default argument they have to make sure they are "never wrong". Is simply hilarious.

I don't even know what SBBH stands for LMAO. The sub I have heard that it has also being accused of being SBBH is v/ProtectVoat and in that sub I have showed myself to be an objective and analytic person when it regards to reports of different users or situations. I even defend other users when reasonable doubt is in line.

I will admit that one of the things that really annoys me is when false accusations are thrown in the air publicly as a type of character assassination that shows how desperate and really full of shit the accusers are.

Users like you that have accused PV of being SBBH only draw me nearer to them for I see that they justify their reports with evidence and when being wrong about someone, they have apologized as well. You on the other hand, not only show how you use projections to attack other users that you don't like because you got cornered in your lame ass reasoning and laughable debating skills.

Live and learn in deed son. :)