gabara ago


gabara ago

You cant, you don't have one.

gabara ago

Voat isn't a safe space, you wimp.

gabara ago

thats sdbh, idiot

Cat-hax ago


sguevar ago

Can't believe this, is this and admission of being wrong?

And I am the immature that he can't say "I am wrong"? LMAO

Well this is now a proof that you see that not only we are not the same people but that your whole reasoning is wrong. Archived.

Regarding our debate I already know you were wrong.

Well done son, digged up a little more and found out how biased are you in your entire research. The worst part is that it is not the first time that I have been falsely accused of either being someone else or being part of SBBH by users that in their own desperation to try to prove me wrong they use that as a justification. Like a default argument they have to make sure they are "never wrong". Is simply hilarious.

I don't even know what SBBH stands for LMAO. The sub I have heard that it has also being accused of being SBBH is v/ProtectVoat and in that sub I have showed myself to be an objective and analytic person when it regards to reports of different users or situations. I even defend other users when reasonable doubt is in line.

I will admit that one of the things that really annoys me is when false accusations are thrown in the air publicly as a type of character assassination that shows how desperate and really full of shit the accusers are.

Users like you that have accused PV of being SBBH only draw me nearer to them for I see that they justify their reports with evidence and when being wrong about someone, they have apologized as well. You on the other hand, not only show how you use projections to attack other users that you don't like because you got cornered in your lame ass reasoning and laughable debating skills.

Live and learn in deed son. :)

Doglegwarrior ago

The more trump bows to the jews the less faith i have in avoiding ww3 or civil war 2.0. Calling for death penalty for anti semetism or even mentioning it in the same speech is fucking retarded. All these laws against critisizing the jews. I just heard the moving of the embassy is some how related to the temple the jews need to rebuild. Wtf something needs to be done we need an independent media source that names the jew owen benjamin is trying but he doesnt go far enough. Adam green is a good guy to watch if you need good info.

My10thaccount ago

Don't we all want the same things, why don't we rag on our common enemy instead of each other

knije_tahou ago

My experience with sbbh has been lighthearted poking fun. They were very friendly after they made fun of me. I enjoyed having a laugh. I must be missing something based off the posts from so many others.

WhiteRonin ago

Cry Harder youLiberal from realProtectVoat

WhiteRonin ago

What’s up my nigger Jew? I haven’t seen you for a while!

heretolearn ago

they bother you so much you had to make a post about it instead of just blocking the sub. speaks more about you than anything else.

WhiteRonin ago

Qrv is shit.

Can I convince how much shit it is?

WhiteRonin ago

Cry harder

WhiteRonin ago

Tsk tsk tsk.

Like I have said. You don’t know how sbbh works.

We have kept voat going when days like you disappeared. We kept voat strong against your associations from reddit.

So out yourself and tell us your realProtectVoat alt!

WhiteRonin ago

Got you little prick!

I knew I have run against your alts before.

lol, the joke is on you dumb shit because you don’t know how sbbh works. @gabara check out this ass trying to stir up shit with sbbh.

You baited me? Thanks! I feel honored! Problem is your bait or what ever you call it got you busted more than you know.

I’m just gonna take 1.5 for a score in my favor.

Hmm.. I just reviewed the subs/mods list and am now perplexed. I thought those immature idiots @whiteronin and @sguevar were SBBH and that's basically why I spent two days baiting the fuck out of them.

Live and learn, I guess.


@sguevar as far as I know is just a goat that you ended up pissing off by being an ass.

@gabara sguevar deserves to be modded!

Gitmo_money ago

I take the harrasment with pride - I die laughing at the time they take to go through every post and target.

All it took was one mocking comment and the troll butthurt became so bad it consumes them. Hours of time wasted to downvote - it tickles my soul.

I think they're the only people who care about reddit style karma.

Gitmo_money ago

Show me on the doll where they hurt you so bad.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Aaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyeeeee! Just trying to spread the love brother! Feel free to stop by any time and shitpost whatever you want! Its honest to God what its there for.

yellowthread ago

It's not clever enough. Flat earth is a serious larp where they make "proofs" that an average person cannot immediately debunk. It usually requires math.

Q is ridiculous even at face value. Looking at past Q predictions is like looking at past global warming predictions.

TLDR: Hillary's not in jail because the jail is flooded and full of dead polar bears.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I don't know, maybe were you taking whatever thread too seriously and someone managed to say some shit that just so happened to piss you off enough to fire off some insult ridden rant? Or vise versa?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Ah come on, buddy! You've been around long enough to know it isn't like that at SBBH, at least not since the time of when SGIS was around.

I will say that most of the brigading happens when some newbie fuck or just dumbass with a grudge against sbbh starts pinging users and then it becomes one of those instances where you sit back and go; "whelp who didnt see that coming?"

ideologicidal ago

apologizes for SBBH

tries to oldfag

defends SBBH

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I never once said sorry, faggot.

WhiteRonin ago

You are talking to virge who brigades, deletes posts and is possibly realProtectVoat.

He is a pretty smart faggot though.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

With any group of larpers, I always assume there are a few retards in there for the ride who really believe what they say. ISIS is another prime example.

NotHereForPizza ago

Only fools expend ammunition on non-threat(s) .

mrfetus ago

There are SO many Jews in there.

CrudOMatic ago

Mention Israel, and you get boat loads of kosher cheese to go with all that kosher whine.

slevin_kelevra ago


ideologicidal ago

Spot on. It's a place for larpers to LARP and not shit up the bread on infinity. Very much a "nuggets of gold among mountains of shit" scenario.

NoKnothing ago

Of all the Q subs that popped up during that particular Reddit Purge, QRV was the most obviously controlled opposition sub.

I only bother with /v/greatawakening and none of the others. [Sorry if someone has one that I have overlooked, and this is only my opinion]

Gitmo_money ago

Yes. The sub not endorsed by q.... With mods.... Who censor......

Yeah, you're bright and have it all figured out.

ideologicidal ago

I feel like you mean to be sarcastic, but you don't yet understand how to "/s"

Gitmo_money ago

Like you mean to comprehend what you read but don't understand how to?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Dude youve been here less than 6 hours, what could you possibly know about the site?

NoKnothing ago

This account being one day old has no relationship with how long I have been reading Voat.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Yes it does. It has everything to do with anything. Cursory glances at articles and comment sections don't without any involvement with any said poster gives you no frame of interactionary reference.

NoKnothing ago

Ever heard the term house of cards?

As in your insinuations are based on a premise which is based on lack of evidence and not evidence.

ideologicidal ago

8.8 hours and counting, newfag.

truthwoke33 ago

The evidence is historical experience with users and their join date. You are an outlier, but the norm is 6 day old accounts don't have much experience with the site. Context is everything when dealing with intangible data points, and in this context it's safe to assume you aren't an experienced user.

NoKnothing ago

Quite unscientific.

a_fucking_dude ago

I am inclined to agree.

kingdomhearts123 ago

That’s a fair assessment.