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virge ago

Most of Virge's upvoats are from member less than a month old.

Says someone who can't see the upvoats. In other words, your opinion.

His account was literally lying dormant for years and now all of sudden he's aggregating articles w/o so much of a mention of jewish swindling and jewish supremicism/control

Demonstrably false by reading my bio text, using and other Internet archives to verify the bio text is accurate. Content is selected based almost entirely on a very simple formula (was the post viewed more than x times? Are there less than X upvoats? Is it not political?).

not to mention he's asking for shekels via crypto, a totally jewish thing to do

Ahh, yes. Someone asks if they can tip me so I provide crypto. Extremely Jewish thing to do. (sarcasm, obviously)

I don't care about the downvoats I'll get on here if it wakes a few of you good Voats up about this. Have a great Sunday!

I think this account is trying to distract you from the conversation posed here:

I smell fear.

jewd_law ago

Lol, Fear?! none whatsoever. I'm just pointing out facts. And as for 'seeing' your upvoats, I can see the army of (((brand new))) members that comment positively on there. I've seen this on Voat before, typical jewish tricks. take your Pilpul shit elswhere it doesn't work on me.

virge ago

You are obviously a liar and a manipulator.

You cannot see the upvoats, yet you lie and declare you can. A liar can be easily ignored until he speaks something true.

I smell fear.

sguevar ago

You are obviously a liar and a manipulator.

Nice projection but I already showed proof that you are that what you claim others are.

Keep purging your comments and post history you manipulative and deceptive faggot.

virge ago

Nice projection but I already showed proof that you are that what you claim others are.

Keep purging your comments and post history you manipulative and deceptive faggot.

Your previous actions and these comments simply solidify you are a Destroyer, and both the enemy of me and the enemy of Voat. You are a degenerate who wishes to see Voat destroyed.

Thank you for confirming so I no longer waste any further mental energy on you in the future.

P.S. @kevdude @middle_path - it looks like jew_law forgot to change accounts from sguevar before posting this. My current comment reply history is a treasure trove of alts for people who wish to see Voat destroyed.

sguevar ago

Your previous actions and these comments simply solidify you are a Destroyer, and both the enemy of me and the enemy of Voat. You are a degenerate who wishes to see Voat destroyed.

Either you haven't realized that we have interacted before and I proved your full of shit nature and hence you have done little effort to look for my history to even claim this or you are used by multiple people on this account you have and hence this is why you keep on deleting your content as a way to avoid being discovered by others of what you do.

But you are not going to full those that already have discovered your ill intentions.

Your "preaching to the choir" will not cover your tracks and any correspondence you have with me is archived so nice try to project yourself to others (((shapeshifter))).

virge ago

Oh. I remember we interacted before. I also remember the multiple personalities you demonstrated, in addition to the Leftist habit you have of making a petty, immature argument and then declaring yourself the victor. You did little more then than convince on of your factured personalities you "won", and here we stand today in the same situation where I'm sitting on the outside chuckling and observing the demonstrated mental degradation of a deranged, self-destructive asshole doing exactly what a deranged, self-destructive asshole does best; Lying to himself to convince others.

I'll be blocking you after this, go ahead and switch back to your other accounts because we'll never talk on this one again. Bye, faggot.

sguevar ago

Ah the low effort you do to project that what you do to others.

@Puttitout can vouch for me not using alts. @Mumbleberry can vouch for me not using alts. @WhiteRonin can also vouch for that. @MadWorld can as well vouch for that.

You son can block what you want but you have been proven to be full of shit so keep throwing projections at me that as I said before, the one that owes nothing fears nothing. Begone faggot.

PS: archived as well.

WhiteRonin ago

Welcome to the new “builder” world!

sguevar ago

I think the #Clownworld can now apply to Voat also.

WhiteRonin ago

It’s spreading ...