Shawn_Lepore ago

Baristas don't get shit from me.

Waitresses on the other hand are paid minimum wage so I'll tip them.

WhiteRonin ago

Ahh, come on pecked head! My break time is ending!

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

Wait!! You little fucker a green haired fatty woman!?!?

OmG that’s brilliant! You had me fooled that you had a dick!

WhiteRonin ago

Hey pecker head!

Keep responding! I need to prove a theory.

WhiteRonin ago

Does a dog shit bet?

I’ll respond because liberals like you like when we respond. It makes you feel important and right. So, for your ego since you really need it, I responded.

As for your rebuttal. You deleted posts again and you forgot that pinging me, I would be notified. So, you came up with this response to back out of your situation.

It’s a pretty good technique but you aren’t playing with a typical dumb fuck. So, once again, I caught you out.

Speaking of which, why didn’t you bother rebutting what I said? Oh right! You want to prove your point, move the goal posts and change the narrative. Ouch, dude, that’s 3 for me!

You are an embarrassment to boomers. The o my goodbthing is that your education was 1/3 what they pay.

As for my vocabulary. Fuck dude! You did say that you analyazed mine and @sguevar’s. But you didn’t notice that I drop F bombs daily and nightly? And claim I’m de-voling. Bahahaha! You really are a dumb fuck! That’s 4 for me!

Your turn to prove that I’m right and will score 2 more points!

sguevar ago

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

I am quoting you 😂😂😂

sguevar ago

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

Still nothing 🤣🤣🤣🤣

sguevar ago


I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends: 🤣🤣🤣

sguevar ago


sguevar ago

Ah the dodge when he doesn't recognize that the burden of proof is on his side 😂😂😂😂

sguevar ago

Awesome and the archives? When are you showing them?

sguevar ago

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

Where are the archives? 😂

sguevar ago

I am interested about your archives... You said you had proof from them that we were the same person... Whee is it?

sguevar ago

I gave you the last word but doesn't mean I wasn't going to read the rest of your replies.

Plus if you notice the conversation is under a different path. ;)

sguevar ago

If you ping someone and don't think he might respond to your ping is simply stupid... What do you say @WhiteRonin?

WhiteRonin ago

That’s why I called him dumb.

I really use the dashboard which shows replies and such.

sguevar ago

Are you seriously stupid? You pinged him on your comment... Wow...(G.G)'''

WhiteRonin ago

Dumb fuck.

No, really. You a dumb fuck.

I’ll give you a hint. I don’t refresh pages I post or comment in. So, you are responsible for me acknowledging your comment.

Dumb fuck

WhiteRonin ago


Says the wanker who deletes his post to remove proof. Amazing how I went down 4 and you go up 4. Sure a little later those numbers are different when I go down a tad more and you stay the same.

Coincidence during a page refresh? I think not.

Oh? I have to prove it, do I? No I don’t because you deleted your own post shortly after I posted here.

You then make accusations that I teamed up with @sguevar. Amazingly your research into my post and comment history didnt show any type of connection. Hell, @kevdude would be the one you should have connected me to. Sorry but tieing me to squevar is a reach beyond a comparison. I should thank you because he seems like a cool dude!

Your passive aggressive pussy post is really hillarious. You accuse me of being aggressive and rude and dick is not to be compared to your rant which you try to show us all isn’t a bother to you because you hang out in v/whatever and some other mysterious subs that you can’t mention. Lol .. low effort liberal arguement that falls apart like usual.

Some agenda that I might think tjatbyou think that I might have? What the fuck are you smoking? I called you a liberal. So what agenda do you think that I might think that you have?

I will not be held accountable for the opinions of other people and every single person can click on my name, read my posts, and see that what I've just said is true and I'm by no means a popular poster on average compared to he likes of various tendies-level posts.

Get me a copy of your play book! I want to study how you were taught to write copy like that!

I love how you bury “what I’be just said is true” among the gibberish to sway opinion towards you. Sorry slick, ing-Soc newspeak doesn’t fly past me.

I shall end with wondering what triggered you to post 2 huge walls of text when simple rebates would have been appropriate.

sguevar ago

I think I already proved that the triggered one is you on the other comments.

Also, you can disagree, nobody said otherwise you simply lack the humility to recognize when you are wrong. Which makes me laugh and you can also state that you don't brigade however the activity shows differently. And since you still lack the ability to see why I say suspicious activity and behavior might want to read the comment I linked.

Enjoy the rest of your day. I know you need the last reply so I leave it to you.

sguevar ago

You were the one throwing false accusations whilst i quoted a comment of one that supervises the site's activity.

You can assert all you want. Your account was dormant. The downvotes occured within less than 5 minutes. And your defense is simply laughable because of the fact that I argued your erroneous premise and you simply failed to accept it and now say is because you were drunk?

I don't need to make false accusations towards users. While you did. That is no projection.

Now you want to continue LARPing, go for it. It is your choice.

And says that I am brigading you because I agree with other users that you are full of shit?

Any more false accusations you want to throw to divert from your suspicious behavior and activity?

sguevar ago

Oh you want to have a conversation now?

I debated your erroneous premise. I showed how you edited your comments after posting them to make it look lile you wrote some sassy comment. I showed how you deleted your comments after showing how full of shit you are.

You however showed how you brigade and the fact that your recent account activity is suspicious.

But you want to have a conversation. Sure, about what?

sguevar ago

I already proved you wrong and we have seen that you are using alts to brigade yourself up and others that argue with you down.

I am done talking with a purchased and brigading account.

Have a nice life in deception son.

Samsquamch ago

I'll agree with him, just make your argument if you that's what you want to discuss. Reading through the comment chain below, you seem frustrated the focus is on your weird comment history obsession.

TigerCatcher ago

You are intentionally trying to be a provocateur

Says the guy creeping in people's comment histories.

sguevar ago

And your premise was wrong but ypu arentr one to fail to see that. Then tou extend false accusations with no proof.

And delete your comments so please look in the mirror beforr poiting the finger

TigerCatcher ago

Others already have disproven your argument and in detail so there's no need for me to do so again. I wanted to touch on the creepy comment history lurking you did, which is why I made the comment I did.

Bottom line - if you want someone to respond to your argument, then simply make the argument. Don't start off by being a creep then wondering why people call you on it instead of responding to your argument.

TigerCatcher ago

Comment history creeping? GTFO with that shit. If you need to find "gotchas" on someone's comment history, your argument is weak and you know it.

yellowthread ago

It's a purposely misleading argument because they'll at least get to minimum wage, and it's minimum wage level work anyway.

yellowthread ago

Regardless, average is much higher and usually not reported on taxes beyond minimum wage if they take cash. I'm figuring $30 an hour average where at least $20 is under the table which corresponds to more.

The other person disagreeing wth me doesn't really understand averages, I think, because he said 100-150 was the usual goal for a night, with a 4-hour shift that's.... about $30/hr.

yellowthread ago

What does green represent on that map?

yellowthread ago

Great job finding a source that disagrees with your assertion.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Many businesses have no tip policy. It is to enforce labour market monopoly. They all work together to enforce you as a slave. Marketing towards you is more costly if it is more difficult to calculate what you have or your spending habits. The attempt to destroy restraunts with market forces( resteraunts cost more and produce wealthy owners who require more marketting effort/costs to extract their gains.) Led to tipping being a common practice. Before then culturally it was considered a bribe for better service and a tabboo.

I worked at costco and if every customer tipped .25-1 that would have besn the same or more than wage, harder to extract the unknown income, and I would have been able to save for school without taking loans.

It is all in an effort to enforce labour market monopoly. Get the best people for jobs cheapest while preventing the opportunity for new competition to steal market share. All the needs of the individuals are known and can be calculated so they can give you just enough to keep you showing up for work but not enough to leave or make a large purchase without a loan( loans make it easy to know what your costs are and for what)

Tip everyone, it shows you believe their work is worth more than the corpos min maxing, it gives them freedom, and it opens the market for stimulation

magagirl ago

why dont we tip those woking at fast-food they do more than bartenders

prairie ago

Exactly. It's like when the government gives a rebate when you buy a house. Bam, housing prices rise by exactly that amount. Tipping/not tipping makes no difference in the long run, because wages are adjusted to compensate (because workers won't work for too little).

eronburr ago

Tips aren't taxable so I'm not going to shoot down the concept of getting rid of it, I'd much rather see someone make $1.25/hr 'officially' and $10/hr 'cash'. But it's fucking annoying when you order a pizza and they add +$3 for delivery but they still want a tip, or when you pick up and there's still a tip jar. I've never met a business that could explain how adding a delivery fee shouldn't negate tipping. It's fine if people still want to tip but it shouldn't be expected if you're including their wages in the bill.

prairie ago

I've never met a business that could explain how adding a delivery fee shouldn't negate tipping.

Why should tipping ever be necessary? When you dine in you're paying as well.

eronburr ago

Why should tipping ever be necessary?

In NYC they'll usually call you to tell you they're outside. They call minutes before they're actually there to make sure you're at least ready to come down. Some Chinese places will actually run up 3 flights of stairs to deliver. Do they each deserve to earn the same thing?

prairie ago

They deserve whatever they've agreed to be paid by their employer. Require more pay when you have to go up flights of stairs, or just subsidize it by charging more for all deliveries.

prairie ago

Tips are taxable. Maybe you mean no sales tax since they aren't paying for the food.

Nonetheless ago

If you dont tip your servers and delivery people you are a cheap Jewish cuntrag.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Why do "we" allow songwriters to get PAID practically every time their song is played FOREVER, but the chair maker gets NOTHING every time someone uses his chair?

SeriousSarcasm ago

Only tip white people.

prairie ago

Doesn't matter, they're forced to pool all tips.

Shawn_Lepore ago

Depends on the place. Not everywhere do they pool tips.

GoodGodKirk ago

We do, it’s called welfare benefits.

WhiteRonin ago

Nice one!

Tspaced ago

I regularly get better service at a chicken fil a than at restaurants where I am waited on. It's getting to be a bit infuriating to leave a tip for some ghetto ass pice of trash human that refills my drink 1 time and tales forever at that. I tip on effort expended and it's hard making a case to tip wait staff when I get better service from fast food joints.

WhiteRonin ago

Chick Fil A is one of the best places I’ve got service at since I moved back to the US. Hands down the best. Friendly as fuck too!

I tip at traditional locations out of tradition but I have cut going to those places by 80-90%. Getting cold food with an attitude that makes gratuity a thing over a crappy fast food place that gives marginally better service is really shameful for those who make their living off tips.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

Proof -

The highlighted part is what you edited on that comment. You see how bad you are at debating that you have to come up with lies. This sure makes me laugh.

It's absolutely zero surprise you are the type of individual who needs a psychiatrist, because you're clearly a lunatic. What kinds of meds do they have you on?

I don't take meds, but psychiatrist and psychologists are the only ones that can do those tests. And I used to be a trouble maker in my teens. I am 31 now, happily married to a beautiful conservative woman, with a great job. But you are still dodging the question. Since you brought up the IQ, what is yours?

sguevar ago

Constantly using liberal as an insult for someone who has demonstrated no liberal behavior

Yes you have with your lefty reasoning, your constant use of "christcuck" shows how progressive you are and you keep again trying to insult me or question my intelligence with unintelligible remarks is simply hilarious.

You either go to the same highschool or are the same person.

Ah when you are schooled by a Costa Rican and haven't even realized it. You keep showing the stereotypical lefty tard that is too proud to recognize how wrong they are in their argumentation because of their ideological positions. A simple and sad ideologue...

sguevar ago

You type just like WhiteRonin, nice sockpuppet.

LMAO, now I type like another user...I doubt it but you sure are fun to watch. Looking at how deep you dig your own hole is entertaining.

sguevar ago

Edited 9 hours ago.

We haven't been talking for 9 hours. Reasoning of the dumb... keeps amazing me.

Nice try. But even a low IQ room temperature NPC christcuck can see through that one.

I love when people here comes with the IQ, please tell me what is your IQ? because mine is 137. No jokes. Seriously, used to be 127 a while back, measured by a psychiatrist in those aptitude tests they do.

sguevar ago

The best part of stupid is when it thinks it's smart.

LMAO triggered lefty debating economics XD Now this is hilarious.

Enjoy burning in hell, Christcuck.

ROFL nice projection. The defense mechanism of the weak minded, project their fears and flaws to others. Let me know when you have a good argument to debate against. Until then thank you so much for the laughs.

Ignorance is bliss, but when you take it willingly is simply cowardliness.

sguevar ago

Nice editing there XD:

"If your tips do not exceed minimum wage, the restaurant has to pay you the difference until you receive minimum wage. is in my very first post but your goddamn reading comprehension is 3rd grade level so you fucking ignored it."

The business doesn't have to compensate for anything because the business is already paying the minimum required. The tips are a plus that is it. You simply can't understand that because you are too big headed that you simply can't see how dumb you are.

Don't you realize that will be reported as loss to the business? Are you really this stupid?

Get bent, you're a clueless piece of shit.

I will call you out even on your editing son If you want i can start taking screenshots or archives of your answers from now on to show the others how lame you are in debating XD

Please stop projecting.

sguevar ago

You can't fix stupid.

Clearly because you stopped debating since your first answer. Thanks for proving me right and showing how much bull shit you talk.

Especially the religious stupid who believe in fairy tales.

Nice try, trying to trigger but all I see is a clown making me laugh because he just realized how dumb his argumentation was and got schooled by an ex waiter.

Hey @WhiteRonin take a look at this, should give you a couple of laughs too ;)

sguevar ago


Ah the projection of a lame debater that lacks the humbleness of knowing when he is wrong. You were right, this sure makes me laugh.

I linked the FLSA guidelines proving exactly what I said in my OP as right.

No, you posted a proof of what I stated. You called me full of shit but you gave me the proof that I needed. Your argumentation is flawed and your debating skills are simply laughable.

My OP stated very clearly that the business makes up the difference if your tips don't exceed the minimum wage, you're the retard who said I stated otherwise.

That is also incorrect because the business is not the one giving the tips but the customers. You once again don't know what you are talking about and hence I can keep schooling you all you want. I enjoy dealing with arrogant (((jews in the letter))) with obvious socialist tendencies. It is quite amusing to me.

Pathetic. Christ you're stupid.

Why do you keep projecting. I am a Christian. Don't use Christ's name in vane. It just shows how ignorant you really are ;)

I am still waiting for any counter argument of my OP but you gave me none.

I will be waiting ;)

Neon_daemon ago

Just because we don't talk about classes or castes doesn't mean they don't exist. If you are attractive enough to be a bartender you should over a cashier position

WhiteRonin ago

Always that!

A decade or so back, I had a couple bars ask me to bar tend. I should have but I was too stupid back then.

Neon_daemon ago

There are some trades involved. Mostly dealing with drunks and late hours + weekends.

WhiteRonin ago

Late hours isn’t like 8-9am finish like the bar jobs I was offered. I’ve spent many a morning leaving bars.

I agree, I’ve seen bar tenders do many a bouncing job for drunks.

But, the women ... they do clean up!

sguevar ago

This should be fun.

Yes it sure will be because you haven't even realized the dumb statements you have just stated.

Before continuing, your "suckpuppet" comment is not attacking my argument is simply showing how bad of a debater you are, besides the fact that your premise keeps being wrong.

So let's start:

Exhibit A

How does this contradicts what I stated?

Do you think that minimum cash wage doesn't mean the same as minimum wage? I also studied economics which let's me understand the terminology better. The only difference is the payment method. Whilst the minimum wage is paid by paycheck/bank transfer the cash minimum wage is paid as the title states it in cash. You don't get paid less than the minimum wage because it is illegal. Though the amounts are different, this doesn't change the fact that minimum is the limit by law. Try to keep up.

If you are paid less than the minimum it then that means that you are either illegally employed or that your employer acts illegally.

Try harder son...

Bullshit. You don't know me, or anything about me. Both of your make-believe scenarios are wrong. 99% of the time the check has not been collected from the table before I have already left the restaurant. Period. No more, no less. You making baseless accusations shows you've got a very active imagination and have already created a biased negative opinion of me without knowing me at all, which just means your opinion should not be taken seriously in the first place.

Not at all I am simply translating your comments into the scenarios stated. If you leave the table before the waiter's comes back it does show you don't care about them. Hence you don't pay attention to their service and it does show that you, if ever (once again - because to me you are one of those bad pay customers), you leave a generic and cheap amount independently of the service you received.

Yeah. Right. I don't know what I'm talking about, yet I just schooled the fuck out of your ignorant ass on minimum cash wage because you live in some fantasy land where you think your state laws are a majority of the US when I've just shown without a shred of doubt that they are not and that you are wrong. Why should anyone take anything you take seriously at this point, exactly?

You schooled no one. Because you don't know that minimum is the limit set by law and you think that minimum wage means 15USD per hour and that is it. Which also show your leftism. You clearly don't know what you are talking about because you don't know or are not aware of how much a waiter makes AT ALL. I can guarantee you that depending on the season a waiter makes between 30 USD to 100 USD or more depending on the restaurant in one day of work. Now obviously there could be exceptions to that rule because of the fact that as you can make more in one day of work you could make less, but the average goes in that range. And you might say, "that is a huge range", well of course Sherlock because not all the restaurants are in the same location, nor do the same type of food. Once again You don't know what you are talking about.

I don't care if you take anything that I say seriously, you have shown that you don't take anyone's point seriously, at least not the ones that argue against your ignorant position. But the fact that you can't see how wrong you are in your entire premise shows how blinded you are by pride and hence how arrogant you are:

I quote: "A waitress is usually paid a base salary of something very low - for example $1.15/hr. " - you just disprove yourself by your own exhibit and I quote again: "The remaining landlocked states have a minimum cash wage of approximately $2.13 an hour, with the rest paid in tips." You simply are contradicting yourself and you don't even know it.

You. Are. Full. Of. Shit. Stop trying to explain the law to me when you don't have a fucking clue what the law is in the first place.

It is LAW. By Law you can't pay less than the minimum wage. Doesn't matter what the amount it is. If there is a set minimum for a certain economic activity you can't pay less than that. It is LAW. Try to keep up son.

Hahahahahahahaha. Illogical and ignorant position? YOU ARE DESCRIBING YOURSELF.

Nope, I am describing you son. You keep trying to project but your whole reasoning is flawed and I just show you why.

By all means keep showing how dumb you are, I love to ridicule you some more ;)

sguevar ago

I used to be a waiter and I can say that your entire premise is wrong.

One gets the minimum wage plus tips. Period. Depending on the season, the waiter can win between 30USD to 100USD (or more depending on the restaurant).

I agree with @WhiteRonin, if the service the waiter gives is shit then the waiter doesn't deserve a tip. But the waiter will still get the minimum wage. It is a fact that a waiter wins more than a chaser register at any given supermarket. And this just because of the tips. The waiter's modo is that your salary is the amount of your tips while the rest is for savings. Since you have never worked as one you clearly don't understand it or know what you are talking about here.

Since you also stated on below comments that you don't pay attention to a waiter's service or attitude because you leave before the waiter realizes of what the tip is, this means 2 things:

  • You rarely (if ever - I am inclined to say never but that is just me) leave tips because you are simply too greedy. But let's say, by reasonable doubt that you do leave, tips sometimes, you will leave like a dollar or two tops which shows how cheap you are. Even with your reasoning I already can say that you are a cheap prick.

  • You simply don't care about the waiters at all, that you don't even pay attention to the service they are providing. Meaning that the cheap tips you leave are in fact unjust for those that provide a good service, hence once more you become a cheap prick and arrogant as well I should add.

Now you tried to engage against the stance of u/WhiteRonin with a lame argumentation, trying to put some good writing in it but still based on completely nonsense. Because you simply don't know what you are talking about.

And all your argumentation can simply be disproved by this: Minimum wage means it is illegal to pay below that minimum wage. It comes implicitly with the name that the notion bares. If the waiter is receiving below the minimum wage, that means that he is either employed illegally or that the employer acts illegally. So in either situation the LAW makes the difference.

Instead of contesting the arguments that contradicted your illogical and ignorant position, you decided to attack the person that gave them and hence you just showed yourself as a poor fellow that has the maturity of a teenager though wishes to apparent more than he/she (yes because there are only 2 genders) really have.

Also I agree with @yellowthread, the guys in the kitchen do not get tips. Waiters do tend to win more money than they do in a whole and I agree as well with @Seventh_Jim, you do sound like a (((jew in the letter))) soy-boy because you just showed how cheap and arrogant you are.

Care to debate me on this? I will be waiting.

Sheeitpost ago

Because our culture is largely created by puritans and WW2 victors and has slowly morphed into a chaotic, soulless mess that is actually ungovernable. You shouldn't have to tip food service people anything for fefilling your drink excessively.

WhiteRonin ago

Shouldn’t have to!

Exactly, it should be based on merit!

Puritans fucked up a lot of things!

Sheeitpost ago

100% agree. Downvote brigade is here don't take it personally they're showing we are right by their downvotes.

WhiteRonin ago

I have enough imaginary points to ride out a few brigrades.

It makes me wonder how many people are actually liberal in regards to certain topics here on Voat.

Sheeitpost ago

Not sure, not much. I think that's from lack of getting outside the town they grew up in. Voat seems like rural reddit.

dirt_reynolds ago

No one is stopping you. Go right ahead.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Because you bribe people who handle your food while you're not looking.

cruckery ago

It's called "culture".

Different cultures/societies have entirely different views on tipping. Some don't tip anyone ever; others tip all the time. The US is closer to the latter, but there are clearly-defined categories who are tipped.

Most people adapt to this concept once they get out of their early 20's and realize that social reality doesn't conform to their ideas of "fairness", but is instead fairly arbitrary.

WhiteRonin ago

Culture is a thing created like a narrative.

But I like your explanation.

But culture is made up by people who forma society. People and society changes and thus culture.

Tipping with minimum wages jumping to $15 because of society no longer has a place.

Besides a tip was intended for extra-ordinary service not a form of salary payment.

cruckery ago

Culture is a thing created like a narrative.

Absolutely. But it is fairly inescapable, like the language you grew up with, or the music that was popular when you were young that you resonated with.

Tipping with minimum wages jumping to $15 because of society no longer has a place.

$15 today is $7 fifty years ago. Whatever tips were "intended" to be, tipping 15-20% for restaurant service is the norm, adjusted upward or downward depending on quality of service. Also, as others have pointed out, many restaurant workers earn hourly wages far below minimum due to their assumed tip receipts.

I get that it's arbitrary and can be annoying in that it feels obligatory - but really if you care that much you can just not tip. People of African descent are notorious for this, I suppose because many of them feel it's a white-people/Jewish scam as you seem to.

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

Check mate.

You are busted!

WhiteRonin ago

I have across lots of waiters and waitresses who crazy about their base pay but when you suggest giving them a straight hourly they start howling.

I agree that it’s cheaper to eat at home.if I didn’t leave in a hotel room weekdays I would be eating at home.

yellowthread ago

No that's a persistent lie like the wage gap. It only applies to a few states, and if they make less than minimum wage off tips the employer pays the difference to bring them up to minimum wage in most of those states. Many states are minimum wage plus tips and waitresses make huge money either way, around $30/hr at regular non-fancy restaurants, which is huge for just carrying things to people.

shrink ago

waitresses make huge money either way, around $30/hr at regular non-fancy restaurants, which is huge for just carrying things to people. A couple hundred an hour on a weekend night is not uncommon.

I don't need to address the other points here, but this I know is wrong. The only place you're going to be seeing 200 bucks an hour is in a good restaurant in an afluent area or a nightclub. Even in tourist trap places, like as a waiter in the Hard Rock Cafe at Miami bayside, the goal per shift was 100-150 bucks in tips. Two hundred dollars PER HOUR is absolutely ludicrous and is blatantly false, go ahead and ask any waitress anywhere if they make that much. You won't find them. Seriously? A thousand bucks a shift? You're pulling numbers out of your ass, and I say that as someone who once worked in a half dozen restaurants, as well as having cousins who work in a couple places in our state's capitol.

yellowthread ago

The waitress I dated was very attractive maybe that had something to do with it?

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago

This is 100% correct. I worked in restaurants for several years. I don’t even call them waitresses or servers. I call them “order takers.” We had a couple of Russian whores who basically made the bus boys bring out the food and clear the dirty plates. What? I’m giving 15% to this cockmonkey to simply relay a message to the cook who is behind a door a mere 15 feet away from me? FUCK OFF. I’ll tell him myself.

sinclair ago

Different kind of service. Honestly, I don't think people would do it, if it wasn't for the tips.

WhiteRonin ago

So, illegals would do it if they could.

Americans don’t like picking strawberries. Actually, Americans don’t like doing lots of jobs unless the pay is good.

sinclair ago

Being a server is a special kind of degrading.

WhiteRonin ago

Nobody forced them to do that job.

America is the land of the free!

Seventh_Jim ago

You even care about internet points. I have bad news for you: you can't get reddit gold by posting on Voat. Maybe you would be happier there. You'd definitely find more like-minded conversation.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge has a bot farm of 4. Watch him!

corewarrior ago

Once the $15/hour minimum wage is active I will no longer be tipping.

WhiteRonin ago

I can agree on that! I really think they deserve a straight hourly wage / salary.

Tips should only be for extra-ordinary service and not to drop plates on the table.

PaddyMcInfidel ago

You sound like a commie that goes to shitty restaurants. A minimum wage usually produces minimal effort. If we switch to a system where tips are replaced with a higher hourly wage those costs will simply be rolled into menu prices and still paid by you. You'll pay about the same overall but now that waitress/bartender's pay isn't directly tied to how pleased you are. They have a guaranteed minimum that doesn't rely on making sure your drink is filled.

If you get shitty service, tip shitty. A tip is never demanded, it is a gratuity. People that are intentionally bad at their job are generally stupid and need instant consequences to correct behavior. Stop giving your money to establishments that don't cater to you. Higher priced spots have higher potential tips so they usually attract the most competent employees. Find a restaurant with a professional staff that truly tries to earn your dollars. Enjoy the power capitalism gives the consumer. And fuck a minimum wage, the free market is a better referee than government mandates.

WhiteRonin ago

In many ways I agree.

However, leaving a shitty tip for a place you will go back to means you could end up with problems. Shit tip normally ends up being a burnt bridge - don’t go back.

I visit all kinds of places and those that have no tips end up meeting most of my expectations. Lots of places recognize regular customers and you end up getting good service because even Wendy’s values you.

True that wages get rolled into the price but 20 years in Japan proved to me that tip doesn’t mean good service. I’ve been to plenty of restaurants in Japan that pay base minimum and service exceeds almost every place I have been in the States. Entitlement has made me feel this way in the US.

Higher places joints don’t always equal good service. I stop at Longhorns and get good solid service. I cross the parking lot and go to BJ’s which is similar in class and cost but ended up saying fuck off to that place.

Minimum wage is socialism but it does have a safety factor built in.

But, I do agree that we should only patronize places that we feel we get our values worth!

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Japan is an ethnostate and it's people have a shared culture. They can easily see themselves as part of a larger, shared goal for a prosperous country for their people. Here in the states, our diversity has "strengthened" us so much that we no longer have a shared culture to unite us. It's not even OK to be white, but cash still motivates.

Just a tip, when you go back to those restaurants with poor service try sitting at the bar. A bartender is more attentive because of proximity and a lot of times they were promoted from a server position so your odds of competence are higher.

Socialism is sold as a safety net but always ends with bread lines and death. If the waitress bringing me my food sucks I can go to the restaurant next door. I am not dependent on her. Socialism puts us all at the mercy of people like AOC and that asshat Bernie who has never had a job outside of government. The safety net is a myth.

WhiteRonin ago

Good tip about the bar! I normally tip bartenders because they get it. Plus they tend to remember you more.

Two_Soup ago

This is why I like fast-casual dining. No tipping and I can get my own refill when I feel like it.

WhiteRonin ago

Intend to choose similar style places.

I work out of state so it’s not so easy to pack my own dinner from the supermarket.

syntaxaxe ago

A) In many states, you are not required to pay servers and bartenders minimum wage, so tips make up that difference.

B) In my youth, I both worked retail and bar/restaurant service industry jobs. I promise you, serving and batending are much harder, even if the customers can't see it.

C) Servers and bartenders must be paid more, because the labor market for them is necessarily more competitive. You can have an 85 IQ and zero personality, and still work a cash register. Let me tell you a not totally uncommon scenario for a server:

You're at then end of working a double, on your 11th hour. You did not get a lunch break, because it's been busy and someone needs to wait your tables. You've got a table full of blacks who need all your time, because they basically cannot read the menu and will need to be waited on hand-and-foot afterwards, and they will still disrespect you. You have to keep up the image of your company, so you will still be nice to them even though you know you are going to lose money on their tabke - since you'll have to tip out a percentage of their bill to the bar/hosts, but thus table won't tip you enough to cover that. Another table is snapping at you to get your attention, while someone else's table is yelling to get your attention. You go to one of these tables and take their order, while simultaneously trying to keep track of when your first table gets their appetizer so the timing for when they get their meals is correct. You are trying to be pleasant with the 50 year old obeast who is hitting on you, without actually giving her any hint that you're interested. You are trying to kerp track of everyone's drinks, to make sure they are full. You've got a couple tables worth of orders to go enter in, but you also need to talk to the cooks about the woman who has every allergy and food restriction that's popular in the internet, right as you notice that the 18 year old hostess (who was hired for how hot she is and not her brains, a reasonable business choice) just sat two families of 7 people a piece in your section, one right after the other, as though you have time to juggle that. Yet you put on a smile, act interested in these people, and do the best that's humanly possible. You just remembered - you need to find time to wrap 50 sets of silverware before you can leave.

If you don't have a system where good service is highly incentivized in such a situation (like through tipping), I promise you that the people who are capable of doing this would go get other jobs. Then, your service is going to be done by 85 IQ Shaniqua from Walmart, since that's all your favorite restaurant can get to work for shit wages. That's not a good time for you. Or, the restaurant raises the wages high enough to draw in people who are willing/capable enough to do this job. But the business isn't going to eat those losses; they are going to raise their prices to what you'd be paying in tips anyway. But now, you don't get to incentivize good service or disincentive bad service with tip percentages, because they are paid the same either way.

Tips are a good system for some industries. It's a shame that so many people don't really understand the system.

HndrxMn ago

Worked as a waiter for about three months until I couldn't stand it anymore. Thankfully the restaurant I worked at was a "dinner and a show" type place so I asked the manager who was trying to run sound (and try to manage his servers at the same time) if I could lighten his load a bit. Still had to deal with divas but I could at least relate to the other musicians. That scenario is spot on and it irritates me when folks view tipping as a gratuity rather than an incentive. It's a job metric that not only helps the employee, but the employer as well.

PointsOutIdiots ago

You're an idiot.

WhiteRonin ago

You are a good Christian. See you in hell.

Seventh_Jim ago

You talk like a jew. Especially bringing up post history in a forum with a shitposting defense mechanism.

You seem liberal because your word choice and tone come across as low-testosterone male, a soiboi. Go be a faggot somewhere else.

QuiteEasilyAmused ago

found the sock puppet

Conway ago

I often times tip the gas station clerks with a lotto ticket.

Then often times tip themselves if you buy alot of junk at once.

WhiteRonin ago

Why did you get down voted?

If you know the clerk after a while, this makes sense.

Conway ago

Maybe because I didn't proof read and spelled they as then. Or maybe it's the pointlessness of the lottos odds but, Hey I know someone that won 250 million..

WhiteRonin ago

No arguement and just more liberal comments.

So how much did you pay for this account?

WhiteRonin ago

First. We will address the original topic and then you can try to debate why your lack of debate skills and dropping into liberal commentary are a spot on description.

You stepped into it, not me!

WhiteRonin ago

Define: I can’t debate when challenged!

So take your projection liberal crap and shove it up your ass!

WhiteRonin ago

I’d rather they get paid a fair wage and we don’t have a tip system.

Malayar ago

Define fair

eorily ago

Living wage plus profit sharing.

WhiteRonin ago

Define market rates.

WhiteRonin ago

Liberal claims on voat. Gawd.

This means you have no debate.

WhiteRonin ago

In-N-Out burger is hiring at $11 in Dallas. Shit minimum wage job.

So your feeble attempt to make fun of me fails because you are trying to describe how waitresses are taking a gamble for pay yet you forget to defend their shit ass attitudes if you don’t tip. A tip was to be given for a job that you the payer thought was worth their effort. If their effort is shit, why should I give a fuck about their gambling habits with their livelyhoods and ability to pay bills?

Funny, that I am still living and that I can take apart your arguement without even trying. Please reconsider your life that you so easily tell others to do the same.

con77 ago

Found the Jew.

WhiteRonin ago

Only a Jew would know who a Jew is ;-)

con77 ago

Or someone that hates Jews

WhiteRonin ago

My statement still stands because a Jew can hate Jews.

Try again!

con77 ago

Like that happens STFU boy

WhiteRonin ago

I didn’t say you were intelligent. In your case, I can see why you are so hated on voat.

Your trolling is lame at best.

You can’t make an arguement worth shit.

You are obviously a liberal and a shitty poor one at that!

Two_Soup ago

Bobby Fischer.

con77 ago

name one other

GoodGodKirk ago


WhiteRonin ago

Dang, do you get burned.

con77 ago

stfu jew

WhiteRonin ago

Boomer go fuck yourself.

I just had somebody stick up for you in private but fuck that!

It’s up your ass time!

con77 ago

In person I could make you curtsy

WhiteRonin ago

What are you a fag or tranny?

con77 ago


WhiteRonin ago

Ah, a tranny fag.


Two_Soup ago

David Cole

con77 ago

never heard of him

Two_Soup ago

He made a documentary about how the holocaust is a hoax back in the 90's.

There's also Brother Nathaniel. He converted to Orthodox Christianity and spends a lot of time speaking about the JQ. He has a YouTube channel with over 100k subscribers.

There's also Norman Finkelstein who wrote The Holocaust Industry

GassyMcGasface ago

You pay them to NOT spit/piss/cum in your food. Unless you're a nigger and like that sort of thing.

TheAntiZealot ago

Does not compute:

Tipping occurs after food is prepared/delivered/eaten.

WhiteRonin ago

Lots of niggers pack your food and bring your hamburger meat. So ?

StatusQuip ago

Because the Walmart cashier isn't the last one to touch my food. And there's nothing wrong with sharing the wealth if you have it, and it goes to your local community.

WhiteRonin ago

Pay the servers minimum wage and still get the same service. ;-)

You would be amazed at the service you can get outside of the US and don’t have to tip.

You will always be giving back to your community if you shop and spend your money in that area. But sadly today, people would rather shop Amazon because they don’t have to deal with shit attitudes and other dumb fuck shoppers.

curomo ago

You tip them to not spit in your food. You don't let the lazy fuck at Walmart in contact with your food.

WhiteRonin ago

But you let the lazy fucks pack your meat and fill it with water.

jqueso ago

They usually get paid less than minimum wage by the employer and rarely get benefits.

Chempergrill ago

Good. But how can we hurt them more?

WhiteRonin ago

Hurt who more?

Chempergrill ago

Restaurant staff.

We've just demonstrated that they deserve less than minimum wage and no benefits. Time to amp up their suffering.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol. They deserve to be paid fairly by their employer.

Chempergrill ago

Perhaps $1/hr per hour.

More if they are attractive.

WhiteRonin ago

$3 for hooter style boobs!

WhiteRonin ago

Does a check out clerk at Walmart do better?

I get better service at Walmart than I do at most places that demand a tip.

It’s time to pay minimum straight wage for all jobs.

jqueso ago

Walmart pays minimum wage. If you start paying wait staff minimum wage the cost of dining out would be substantially more.

Also, stop shopping at fucking walmart.

WhiteRonin ago

No. Tokyo is comparable to NYC for food and wages. You get better service and don’t have to tip in Japan.

You are part of the narrative.

Walmart: so are you saying I should pay doable for a quart of oil and not have a choice of which brands and grades if I need something late at night while driving? Planning ahead is of course a good thing to do but sometimes you don’t have a choice. Or should I drive 20 miles because Walmart is the only shop in town?

Avoiding some shops is doable but you really have to plan it out.

ilikeskittles ago

Working Walmart is usually a pretty good job, so I've heard?

WhiteRonin ago

Yes and No. for some communities, it’s the only job.

ilikeskittles ago

True. but once you've been there a little while they tend to take pretty good care of you.

WhiteRonin ago

Walmart built NW Arkansas. They are draconian but I see lots of good that they do and those who complain I have noticed are trailer trash.

ilikeskittles ago

I know people that have worked for Walmart or do work for them or work with them (vendors) and they all say that they treat their "permanent" employees excellent.