sguevar ago

By now you just realized you were full of shit.

You just realized that you threw false accusations to the wrong person as I will always demand proof of them which you have never provided.

Your constant dodging and childish behavior are simply proofs of my previous statements: You don't know what you talk about, you don't care about waiters, you are arrogant and cheap and you are full of shit. Using alts to brigade, though I admit you stop doing it because you got caught, and dormant accounts that you got a hold of somehow shows that you are desperate to proof that your cause is righteous but you simply fail to see that you are corrupt.

I on the other hand will always be against defaming other users and using alts. You my dear fellow showed how sad you are that you can't even back up your claims with the so called evidence you have:

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

You resulted in a lame as chain of responses that I used myself to troll you further to show how full of it you are. I am certain now that you are the same person that pings me constantly in the anons.

I have noticed your writing style and your continuous diversions, I have an idea of whom you might be but I will keep an eye on you from now on. Thanks for having giving me a good weekend of fun. Enjoy your bourbon nights alone, you clearly need it to avoid thinking about how a low life you are...

Here is your admission of being wrong:

SearchVoatBot ago

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17006302? ago

What? Are you a necromancer? The friendship of Cesar? Sometimes placing them in one individual is no doubt will achieve the greatest goal.

sguevar ago

I have my good share of fun but got to go back to my wife I will be back tomorrow.

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

Let me know when you have proofs 🤣

sguevar ago

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

Still waiting on those 😎

sguevar ago

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

I just use your comments 😂😂

sguevar ago

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

And yet nothing 🤣🤣

sguevar ago


sguevar ago

TFW I am unable to proof my accusations and have to resort to behaving like a child to see if I can trigger the one that got me more than once in a debate...🤣🤣🤣🤣

sguevar ago

Pretty well how about those archives?

sguevar ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 at this point I am just trolling you.

sguevar ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣 thanks for showing once more how full of it you are.

sguevar ago

Sure I am dead now 😂 how about your proofs?

Care to show them or you just going to dodge because not only you got called on your bluff but you simply saw how wrong you were?

sguevar ago

But I thought you wanted a conversation?

How about if you post the archive of our 20 last posts and show our similar writing style?

Come on show us the data.

sguevar ago

Well I keep reading the comments and then see your lousy replies...

You can keep throwing tantrums all you want but again... I wasn't the one making false accusations nor deleting my comments....

sguevar ago

I see ;)

sguevar ago

What happen with you over two years ago that you stopped posting things here at voat and suddenly you started posting again?

WhiteRonin ago

Hey! @virge

I’m in CST time zone. I stay up late and get up late.

Why did you delete all your evidence? Scared to prove how stupid you are?

Scared that evidence proves you are a dumb fuck liberal trying to disrupt Voat?

So which team are you working with?

sguevar ago

Well I have a little time here before going to church so let's indulge this with the proper reply:

@WhiteRonin and @sguevar both use visibly similar posting styles:

How do we use the same posting styles? since you have archived our past 20 pages of post please show the proof of this and also show us a comparison of the styles with screenshots. It should be easy to do that.

Both users engage the same individuals, such as @con77. Sometimes they directly call each-other out, other times it's "organic".

If your only example is @con77 I should say this is poor justification, plus I have rarely dealt with that user and probably would have been on some sort of defense of my faith against his attacks towards it, much like you tried to do in our interaction last night:

I should add that it was such a poor performance from your part that you felt you had to delete the rest of your replies because I proved your entire premise wrong.

Single sentences broken up. Very few paragraphs not interrupted by emotional diatribe.

Ehm why do you keep projecting. In most of my short answers I had only to contest 1 sentence from you and your constant tantrums. So why would I have to right an entire essay to mock those unintelligible remarks.

Use "liberal" as an insult whenever they disagree with someone in an attempt to elicit an emotional reaction when no liberal actions have been demonstrated.

You did demonstrated your progressive behavior by calling me "christcuck", you did demonstrated your leftism by debating that the minimum wage was of 15USD/hr. You tried debating economics like a socialist and when you got cornered you deflected to insulting me (not that I was insulted because I found it funny) - users can read my replies that also quoted yours so even when having deleted them they can see how you are projecting here.

Both use similar LOL-isms routinely in text. Also extremely similar to various trolls on /v/QRV.

I am not subscribedto v/QVR I am subscribed to v/GreatAwakening. And the reason why I used LMAO and ROFL is because it was simply hilarious to debate such an arrogant ignorant.

Both attempt to illicit emotional reactions using the modern Gen-Z "triggering" phrase.

Again - projecting - people can read your quoted comments ;)

Routinely show up in the same threads to post together for approximately 10 pages back in both post histories.

Proof? please post the archives and screenshots. We can then check the time lapses. ;)

Both use similar strategies to bait and engage.


Both use similar stories of working gig-economy jobs.

I didn't say I worked at economy jobs I said I studied economics. Learn to read. I have made several posts stating that I work as Technical support for an certain software company. If you did your digging better you would see that.

Both users share 87.95% of the same posting times for the past 10 pages of posts - cutoffs and start times are eerily similar.

Where do this numbers come from? Please show your calculating formula.

Either the same person using sock puppets or two people working in tandem to stalk and harass. That's the only thing I'm going to say further on the subject as I've now blocked both users and won't be participating in their negative and immature behavior any-longer. I've deleted all conversations with them for the very specific reason that I have concluded they are provocateurs and intentionally try to argue and get a rise out of people without caring about the subject matter. I'm moving on.

And to add the cherry in the ice cream: I am from Costa Rica, I am clearly the only one from Costa Rica and have given enough proof of this through out my posting history. I even showed that when the app to show where one was logging in from was active last December.

And no you didn't deleted your comments to move on, you deleted your comments because you were embarrassed by your poor debating skills.

@kevdude, @MadWorld - here is an example of a user throwing false accusations. I am sure you guys can attest for my writing style and the fact that I always demand proof for such type of accusations.

Enjoy the link of our interaction. It was simply hilarious ;)

con77 ago

So you are a Jew

sguevar ago


WhiteRonin ago

Jesus. Con77 I ain’t @squevar. Several goats can plainly attest that I am white and not in my 30’s. I admitted that much to you too. I’m definitely not from Costa Rico.

Why do you want everyone to be a Jew?

con77 ago

Hey pal, you dissed me first. I m just saying that face to face you wouldn't

WhiteRonin ago

By calling you a liberal? Actually, I don’t remember. I do remember asking another goat about you and they said you wiz ok. I trust that goat. But you had to call me a Jew. So fuck i said fuck it and posted that NPC image.

I might forget shit and an asshole a lot of times but I don’t like to lie to people.

I would read the situation and might and might not dis you face to face. The same is probably true for you too.

con77 ago

Didn't I tell you to STFU?

WhiteRonin ago


MadWorld ago

That account has 500 comments made within 18 days. Extrapolating that with his submission history, this account was probably awakened recently and most comments were likely made within 2 months.

Is it just me or does he seem to use 3 to 4 up/down vote accounts with some of his replies?

WhiteRonin ago

I was counting 4. What he said is true that if you look later public opinion do add in but I caught a refresh when he was up 4 and I was down 4 across multiple comments.

Screw points, I can bleed them for months.

What also caught my eye is that before and after history is different . This new user is much more educated and knows how to burry subliminal opinions within text. Pretty impressive work. I almost missed his craftsmanship.

I posted here because something is off with this account and further investigation or monitoring might be worthwhile. I can’t even remember when I last reported someone through this sub.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @sguevar.

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sguevar ago

@WhiteRonin and I also think so

WhiteRonin ago

That @virge is a real piece of work!

Glad he got us together! Nice to meet you!

sguevar ago

Likewise, pura vida from Costa Rica

WhiteRonin ago

That guy! Lol, he cracks me up!

zyklon_b ago

in 1990 @virge raped and murdered a white infant

WhiteRonin ago

Deleted comments here too.

Diggernicks ago

The internet is working as intended when I get my own personal thread dedicated just to lil old me.

draaaak ago

That's very generous of you.

draaaak ago

You guys gunna make out, or what?

WhiteRonin ago

Yeah, I would call you out because why should I hide my movements and why would it be a problem to let you defend yourself?

WhiteRonin ago


Thanks for showing up!

sguevar ago

@virge just deleted all of his comments when he tried to debate me on your other post.

He is simply laughable. Wrecked: and with proof of editing comments:

The worst part is that most of his comments were quoted so even if he deletes them, the premise of his stupidity remains.

Thanks for the laughs.

WhiteRonin ago

Dang! I ain’t gonna debate you! That was some good take downs!

sguevar ago

The guy is now saying that we arr the same guy. This is priceless i will reply to @virge when I get back from church.

This is hilarious.

WhiteRonin ago

I know! I just got up so need some coffee before I can be witty.


WhiteRonin ago

Lol, I love drawing out shill accounts! This is gonna be fun!