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sguevar ago

I used to be a waiter and I can say that your entire premise is wrong.

One gets the minimum wage plus tips. Period. Depending on the season, the waiter can win between 30USD to 100USD (or more depending on the restaurant).

I agree with @WhiteRonin, if the service the waiter gives is shit then the waiter doesn't deserve a tip. But the waiter will still get the minimum wage. It is a fact that a waiter wins more than a chaser register at any given supermarket. And this just because of the tips. The waiter's modo is that your salary is the amount of your tips while the rest is for savings. Since you have never worked as one you clearly don't understand it or know what you are talking about here.

Since you also stated on below comments that you don't pay attention to a waiter's service or attitude because you leave before the waiter realizes of what the tip is, this means 2 things:

  • You rarely (if ever - I am inclined to say never but that is just me) leave tips because you are simply too greedy. But let's say, by reasonable doubt that you do leave, tips sometimes, you will leave like a dollar or two tops which shows how cheap you are. Even with your reasoning I already can say that you are a cheap prick.

  • You simply don't care about the waiters at all, that you don't even pay attention to the service they are providing. Meaning that the cheap tips you leave are in fact unjust for those that provide a good service, hence once more you become a cheap prick and arrogant as well I should add.

Now you tried to engage against the stance of u/WhiteRonin with a lame argumentation, trying to put some good writing in it but still based on completely nonsense. Because you simply don't know what you are talking about.

And all your argumentation can simply be disproved by this: Minimum wage means it is illegal to pay below that minimum wage. It comes implicitly with the name that the notion bares. If the waiter is receiving below the minimum wage, that means that he is either employed illegally or that the employer acts illegally. So in either situation the LAW makes the difference.

Instead of contesting the arguments that contradicted your illogical and ignorant position, you decided to attack the person that gave them and hence you just showed yourself as a poor fellow that has the maturity of a teenager though wishes to apparent more than he/she (yes because there are only 2 genders) really have.

Also I agree with @yellowthread, the guys in the kitchen do not get tips. Waiters do tend to win more money than they do in a whole and I agree as well with @Seventh_Jim, you do sound like a (((jew in the letter))) soy-boy because you just showed how cheap and arrogant you are.

Care to debate me on this? I will be waiting.