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Nosferatjew ago

PSA for new members and old members:

OP has declared in previous comments that the only thing stopping him from literally murdering other users of this site are laws prohibiting murder.

virge ago

OP has declared in previous comments that the only thing stopping him from literally murdering other users of this site are laws prohibiting murder.

Excellent example of a Type 4 Disingenuous!

The objective is only to attack and put someone on the defensive for the terrible crime of having an opinion within the law. Literally only exists to cause an argument and force someone to defend themselves.

Ignore them and they are powerless. They only care about getting in the last word and attempting to illicit a response. Simple answer, don't waste your time.

Nosferatjew ago

So then, you don't deny declaring that you would to murder another user of this site, solely because of things that user has said on this site, if only murder wasn't illegal? I have little doubt that you have deleted that original comment, as you often do with the embarrassing comments you make. What type of disingenuousness would that qualify as?

PS: You're doing a horrible job of ignoring the users you are attempting to warn others about. You are literally wasting your time. Maybe practice what you preach? Or don't, it's fun to point out your hypocrisy :)

virge ago

So then, you don't deny declaring that you would to murder another user of this site, solely because of things that user has said on this site, if only murder wasn't illegal? I have little doubt that you have deleted that original comment, as you often do with the embarrassing comments you make. What type of disingenuousness would that qualify as?

Further example of the behavior of a Type 4. They have no individual opinion, merely an agenda. No dialogue is desired. A type 4 only wishes to paint your behavior in a specific light for their own purposes and put you on the defensive. Constant defensive behavior causes one to release more information a Type 4 can then continue the same disingenuous subversive behavior with.

Your answers to any questions of a Type 4 are pointless. You are not engaging a Type 4, they are only pretending to talk to an audience to put you on the defensive to continue to the conversation. A Type 4 will pick an abstract data point that is an opinion someone has, and use the "that doesn't have good optics" Jew argument, when nobody really gives a fuck about optics. The Type 4 can only keep the conversation going with faux outrage and the Liberal authoritarian methodology of imposing their will on others through virtue signal and faux shame.

As always, a Type 4 must get the last word in. Just basic human psychology. Ignore a type 4 and they are harmless.

Nosferatjew ago

^^Type 1 faggot, Type 9/11 kike, Type 1, 2, and 6 arrogant douche, Type 3 beta male, Type 12 basement dweller, Type 2 diabetes fatass.

You declaring that you would murder another user if murder wasn't illegal is not my opinion, it's a fact, it happened. Why are you trying to dodge this accusation by calling me disingenuous? Do you deny that this ever happened? Why do you regularly delete your comment history? Do you think that doing so is not disingenuous? Why are you being so disingenuous? Are you familiar with the concept of hypocrisy?

How am I being defensive? Can you actually explain this, or are you just going to continue saying I'm a type 4 blah blah blah? You're clearly the defensive one in this exchange. Ever heard of projection?

You're wrong on another front btw, I do have an opinion: you're an arrogant faggot.

virge ago

You declaring that you would murder another user if murder wasn't illegal is not my opinion, it's a fact, it happened. Why are you trying to dodge this accusation by calling me disingenuous? Do you deny that this ever happened? Why do you regularly delete your comment history? Do you think that doing so is not disingenuous? Why are you being so disingenuous? Are you familiar with the concept of hypocrisy?

The above illustrates the example of a Type 2 Ideological Disingenuous. Ostensibly, the Type 2 uses someones opinion and tries to paint it in a light that's negative when no legitimately negativity exists. Same situation, the Type 2 is only looking to attack someone elses opinion.

It's irony when a Type 2 projects their opinion on someone else and then calls them arrogant.

And, of course, just like the Type 4 - the Type 2 must get the last word in, regardless of the fact that they are literally talking to themselves and nobody is engaging them. Comical.

sguevar ago

The above illustrates the example of a Type 2 Ideological Disingenuous. Ostensibly, the Type 2 uses someones opinion and tries to paint it in a light that's negative when no legitimately negativity exists. Same situation, the Type 2 is only looking to attack someone elses opinion.

Wait wait, this is something you have tried to do with me before. How is it that you aren't part of the same type of people you are describing?

virge ago

How is it that you aren't part of the same type of people you are describing?

Being disingenuous is a choice, not a constant.

Which is why the only true delineation are those who are being open about being disingenuous. I'm confident you can reconcile that logic with reality by just looking around.

sguevar ago

Well I personally try to avoid projecting on others what I do. However I do appreciate the fact that you proved to me and others that I was right about you and not only that, that you have proven what v/ProtectVoat asks other users to do with trolls: Ignore them.

What I am surprised of is that you didn't advised the group that started behaving in the same way as their counterparts following the convenience of their personal interests without considering the damage they were doing to Voat's integrity. After all you have been pinged by members of said group in past interactions and have extended false accusation of my character in the past.

This is why I said before that you were conveniently taking advantage of the drama going on on Voat. This is why I said you had ill intentions and this is why I have been honest all the way about my dislike towards you.

@MadWorld, @Crensch, @SandHog, @PeaceSeeker, @Rotteuxx.

I am pinging them to encourage them to archive any interaction they have with you after you have been proving to delete your comment and content history as a way to show what you want them to see, paraphrasing your own words, and showing how disingenuous you really are.

Yes your comment was archived also.

virge ago

I am pinging them to encourage them to archive any interaction they have with you after you have been proving to delete your comment and content history as a way to show what you want them to see, paraphrasing your own words, and showing how disingenuous you really are.

I find it hilarious you waste the energy when I no longer have any reason to delete posts, so I've stopped.

But I guess if it wastes the time of the subversives, by all means please keep doing it.

I really don't follow what you're trying to say. Whatever you're accusing me of is vague to the point where I can't even be bothered to try and respond to it. Are you declaring you're being genuine? Seems like a standard Type 2 to me.

sguevar ago

But I guess if it wastes the time of the subversives, by all means please keep doing it.

You have proven to be someone that projects on others what you do so thanks for trying to compare me to you but again you are failing there.

I find it hilarious you waste the energy when I no longer have any reason to delete posts, so I've stopped.

That is probably because you took advantage of said drama to reach to a comfortable place to manipulate people from. However I am sure that you will in the future as when you see that your nature of manipulating others is not working, you will engage on the same behavior you've thought was working for you before.

I really don't follow what you're trying to say. Whatever you're accusing me of is vague to the point where I can't even be bothered to try and respond to it. Are you declaring you're being genuine? Seems like a standard Type 2 to me.

Oh I know I am genuine, even if you try to behave in a dismissive way you can't change the fact that you have proven all that I have said of you in the past. So thanks for that.

Who/what are you even talking about? Are you actually suggesting that everytime someone pings me for something I'm on board with them? That's too silly for you, even.

Well they pinged you because you showed support to them in their attempts to character assassinate those that do not trusted you. As stated before, you conveniently took advantage of the past drama on Voat to manipulate people. I don't need to show more links about that when you know it is true. Like that time when you mocked me for being a Costa Rican that then you decided to deny because you had already deleted your comments about it. Or that other time when you accused me of being @WhiteRonin's alt on a post you did on v/ProtectVoat saying you had screenshots and so on and so forth and when called out and requested you to post them you went silent and then deleted those posts.

So please Virge, don't try to play your games with me. They don't work on those that know how you behave.

Have a good night. This hypocritical behavior of yours has been fun to watch.

virge ago

You have proven to be someone that projects on others what you do so thanks for trying to compare me to you but again you are failing there.


That is probably because you took advantage of said drama to reach to a comfortable place to manipulate people from.

Manipulate what? For what purpose?

Oh I know I am genuine, even if you try to behave in a dismissive way you can't change the fact that you have proven all that I have said of you in the past. So thanks for that.

Nothing dismissive about asking what you are implying.

Well they pinged you because you showed support to them in their attempts to character assassinate those that do not trusted you.

Please give me an example of the bolded behavior. I suspect your memory is faulty.

As stated before, you conveniently took advantage of the past drama on Voat to manipulate people.

Manipulate who? For what purpose? You can keep saying this, but until you provide a reasonable explanation with some evidence the accusation simply has no merit.

Like that time when you mocked me for being a Costa Rican that then you decided to deny because you had already deleted your comments about it.

You big dork, what's wrong with mocking you for being a Costa Rican? Just because you take humor personally doesn't mean it's nefarious. Come now, sir, you doth protest too much!

I don't need to show more links about that when you know it is true.

I guess if we're declaring that it's true just because you say so then we can certainly agree to disagree.

Or that other time when you accused me of being @WhiteRonin's alt on a post you did on v/ProtectVoat saying you had screenshots and so on and so forth and when called out and requested you to post them you went silent and then deleted those posts.

I believe I asked you if you were and you never responded. Actually, I'm 100% positive I asked you because it had a question mark after it. If you aren't WhiteRonin, what harm is there in denying it? You never did.

sguevar ago

I believe I asked you if you were and you never responded. Actually, I'm 100% positive I asked you because it had a question mark after it. If you aren't WhiteRonin, what harm is there in denying it? You never did.

I am just answering to this because pursuing further conversation with you on the rest has no real interest. No you didn't you accused me of being him on two separate posts and multiple comments and I did deny it by mocking your attempt and showing how in the past I am against using alts. But again you conveniently decided to acknowledge that with this comment of yours stating that I never denied it. I can however show how this statement of yours prove your disingenuous nature by showing another one that contradicts what you are saying here:

or where you state that you have never accused me of such thing but then on your comment above you admin you have.

And through that interaction you will see your failed attempts to character assassinate me at convenience of the people you tried to take advantage of... Even if they wish not see it. I really don't care at this point.

virge ago

I am just answering to this because pursuing further conversation with you on the rest has no real interest.

They have a high degree of interest to me. Please respond to them. I strongly think you are mixing me up with someone else. I'm not passing judgement, because I've even caught myself doing it to others, probably including you, by mistake in the past.

This is, once again, me trying to get legitimate dialogue with you. The first time you just ignored everything and stopped responding. This time I won't let you do the same, or I'll be forced to conclude you are disingenuous and then there is no further point in talking about it.

Put simply, lets conclude with some finality if we're just being too hard on each-other, or if we're foes ideologically. If we're foes ideologically, then of course we'd never agree so there is no point in continuing - but at this time I don't see that as the case. Do you? If so, just say so and we need go no further.

Here's the deal. I've gotten the information I wanted to collect, and I've used it to elicit a response very specifically from targets. I've concluded the research and laid it openly to bare for anyone to read in my various posts and submissions. I find it interesting that some people are extremely interested in keeping the totality of what it presents obfuscated, to the point where they go through great lengths to attempt to annoy me.

Furthermore, I've only ever said very specific things, with very specific reasons. In many cases, this information being deleted proved extremely effective. I was, openly and admittedly, acting as Type 4 & Type 5 behavior. And here we are now, where me calling out the very behavior while making it clear that ever since I stopped deleting posts I have been quite genuine allows me to be candid about the others who are also being disingenuous.

Everything I type, including this very post, are information I put out with very specific reasons. Every time I post. The comedy of sorts, I suspect, is that there is still some collateral damage to be mended, but I've made amends with various others in very short time so I know it's only a matter of seeing through the noise.

Start there, or we end here.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Chicken shit