WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me!

WhiteRonin ago

@virge won’t buy me out

WhiteRonin ago

@virge won’t buy me out ;-(

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is a larp

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Too bad BuilderAnon isn’t around anymore. He gave you lots of data. Or, is he still around? Are you him? You had his password.


WhiteRonin ago

Ping yourself? Larp.

Buy me out

InSaneGoatPosse ago

That’s because they are retarded. We are not part of that sick group. Srayzie, Shizy, and Crensch are 3 different people and you know it. When are you going to stop spreading lies?


WhiteRonin ago

Fuck you srayzie

WhiteRonin ago

It was a good troll Srayzie. Now go back to your cuckhold husband.

HIVchan ago

And have more butt sex. @ Insanegoatposse

WhiteRonin ago

Ping that larp!

He won’t buy me out to prove he’s right.

virge ago

Probably a combination of monetization and influencing 2020.

Why bother? Voat Alexa ratings put the population <10,000.

That's a lot of money spent for nothing.

kestrel9 ago


https://archive.is/a9NsW FWIW if anything, the top message indicates political involvement. @srayzie, builderanon/heru and Kevdude had that whole major episode of drama (not going to rehash that here). Kevdude did mention concern over @crensch becoming owner of GA 'just in time upcoming 2020 election'. Some of the really aggressive reddit GA users that were snarky to @puttitout talked about how that site would bring 300,000 users to voat (one now wonders how many alts people used there too). A lot of politics discussed by Builderanon/heru (as per srayzie messages) about how big an audience could result/be influenced by the project he came up with, and Kevdude gave a character reference for.

Like I said fwiw. Many of the GA users are active on twitter etc, so the spread of influence (in the sense of social media) may be broader than just looking at it as near 14,000 subscibers.

virge ago

FWIW if anything, the top message indicates political involvement.

I think Voat has always had indirect political involvement. It's a competitor for Reddit, which makes it a corporate target.

GA has a lot of issues. Most of which are the fact that the people who haven't been run off are now outnumbered by the people paid to be there, if you identify and pay attention to the top posters.

kestrel9 ago

if you identify and pay attention to the top posters.

I think you've already identified at least one. I believe the odds are pretty good that if you and I came up with a short list of who we thought might be paid to be there, or are there for other reasons (i.e. disingenuous), we'd have similar lists. Also that same group has likely been on voat for some time imho.

the people who haven't been run off are now outnumbered by the people paid to be there

That appears to be a trend on voat, but that too is just my opinion. I base it on something I noticed, but you had pointed it out as well, on how so many users end up sounding the same in a scripted way, different from people who, even when they agree on a lot, sound genuine. It makes voat less engaging for genuine users (for myself at any rate) when conversations are so scripted sounding (regardless of sub).

virge ago

I'll be completely honest, sguevar got me. I legitimately thought they were a real personality.

So much typing, all to distract. What a waste of a good mind.

kestrel9 ago

When I first engaged sguevar I was already convinced that PV was a venue for SBBH (to be clear I'm not claiming everyone on there is disingenuous), so it didn't take that long to see that the sguevar MO was to distract using bureaucratic, mind numbing dissertations that amounted to little in the way of meaningful content. That type of vapid persona is easier to recognize when you see that the main purpose is to take up a lot of real estate and waste people's time, while claiming to be seeking solutions.

When I saw some too clever by half (plain dumb) mind games and twisting words (said or even unsaid lol) to completely mischaracterize the context of my comments it was clear that it was a troll (and paid a penny per word jk) And then with all the attention seeking hand waving and attempts to reengage me to address those fabricated wrongs only confirmed my conclusion. Same thing happening to you, but some of that was hand waving at me I think.

virge ago

so it didn't take that long to see that the sguevar MO was to distract using bureaucratic, mind numbing dissertations that amounted to little in the way of meaningful content.

Spot on. Distract and confuse.

When I saw some too clever by half (plain dumb) mind games and twisting words (said or even unsaid lol) to completely mischaracterize the context of my comments it was clear that it was a troll

This is demonstrated in this very thread, where he disregards any questions which illustrate where he's lying and wherever these situations exist so do massive downvotes for no reason.

@sguevar is extremely transparent. I figured he would sperg out like WhiteRonin prior to me being forced to disengage. I was wrong.

thewebofslime ago

It is spent on containment, so the ideas don't spread to other places.

virge ago

It is spent on containment, so the ideas don't spread to other places.

Anthropologically this is just silly.

In the current form of the Internet, there will always be a dark seedy underbelly. It's pointless to squash it online through various means when you are an organization powerful enough to just backdoor CP or SWAT people to death if you want to eliminate them.

Real power wouldn't play such childish and ineffective games.

thewebofslime ago

I wouldn't describe Media Matters as real power, but the containment strategy is well established. the best example is when they banned /b/ on 4chan. What happened was that all of those users ended up flooding the other boards, creating a tremendous amount of work.

It was a lot more efficient to bring the /b/ board back and moderate the insanity from a central location.

If you are an Internet shill who is being paid to contain a specific political issue, this is the best way to do it. If you silence it, there will be a backlash. If you slowly push users away, many will drop off and the more persistent ones will go to where they can sperg unfettered.

You let them have that place, then you insert flat earth, moon landing stuff, a ton of racism and now the "normies" can't associate with a truth/free speech movement that seeks to expose high level corruption.

/r/The_Donald was always a containment board and the screws have been slowly tightening since the beginning. From the beginning, I was banned for talking about Ruben Vardanyan, who is the smoking gun for Russian collusion by Democrats. His money trail proves the whole media narrative incorrect and blows the Mueller report out of the water. It is very curious that they wouldn't have that type of information stickied.

virge ago

You let them have that place, then you insert flat earth, moon landing stuff, a ton of racism and now the "normies" can't associate with a truth/free speech movement that seeks to expose high level corruption.

Now this was interesting to think about. Do you have a slightly more specific example of this?

thewebofslime ago

4chan's /b/, /r/conspiracy and godlikeproductions come to mind as the most obvious examples. Reddit uses "Megathreads" to contain discussions, as well. Sometimes, this makes sense, but often it is the easiest way to contain an uncomfortable topic in /r/politics.

It looks like Urban Dictionary already has /r/The_Donald in mind in its definition.


A place to put threads for irritating users while still respecting their freedom to have discussions, it could be a clubhouse or a quarantine.

q: Do you want to talk about Trump?

a: No, go back to your Containment Board!

Your initial instincts are, of course, correct, when it comes to the numbers game. If a community gets large enough, be it on the Internet or irl... like a church, it becomes a target. The concentration makes it cost effective to sway the people. When you find an influencer you can buy off, then it is an easy decision.

But what happens when that group fractures? It is an inevitability.

That is what the tension centered strategies help with. If you plan for fracturing of groups, you are already prepared for taking over the splintered factions and are ready with pre-determined influencers to guide those factions.

Before the Internet, Tavistock already studied all kinds of containment strategies. Before the term "containment board" was used, the term "attractive prison" was used in studies of organizational paradoxes.

Once you have been lured to an "attractive prison" to address a problem, a new, opposite problem is introduced and you are now stuck in a prison dealing with a new problem while forgetting about the old one.

An attractive prison also provides an opportunity to bombard people with strange and new information to trigger cognitive dissonance, which puts people in a primed psychological state to change their mind about something. The founder of the "Children of God" cult specialized in this tactic where he would agitate and then convert.

Basically, all cults are attractive prisons. They promise a higher truth amidst an obviously dishonest environment, then feed followers with fiction. Despite the fictitiousness, these tactics are wildly effective.

virge ago

The goal is to get them all on one sub and have absolute authority to control the discourse on that sub.

To what end?

virge ago

it is clearly bait.

Bingo. It's all bait. The summons, the call-outs, the constant putting someone on the defensive for things as silly as opinions. "muh optics" don't mean shit to anyone.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Shekels to prove it

virge ago

Strange, no?

I guess it would be more appropriate to ask, what do you think the value and connection of alts is?

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! You will know if you buy me out!

virge ago

The corruption runs deeper, kev.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me!

Buy me out

virge ago

Like PV.

Think critically - is it PV, or specific PV "celebrities"?

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Shekel time

virge ago

Not at all. Just trying to figure out who I am supposed to automatically distrust and unperson based on this posts.

Ahh. Ok. When I said subtext before I meant SBBH was the subtext. The context is that I'm recommending people ask the question if genuine vs. disingenuous to themselves, for everyone. Myself included.

I've just broken down what I've observed over 4-ish years of data. The patterns are obvious. I'm trying to perform a public service announcement to the community.

SBBH is just extremely cheap (free!) advertising. You don't even have to engage them, just keep giving a super lean piece of that dopamine attention they thrive off of and they advertise for me.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Buy me out chicken

virge ago

Your post is indicating that anyone who has associated with SBBH should be viewed with suspicion, correct?

Subtext of the feeling one gets when they put a magnifying glass over an ant. You see, for quite some time now I've just openly declared what I see of SBBH behavior. Some PV users also exhibit similar, if not identical methodology, with the only obvious real adaptation being ideology. That's just toddlers in diapers swatting each-other as they roll around in a crib.

You see, SBBH, specifically WhiteRonin, are exceptionally good advertisements for things I declare openly and stand behind. Anyone who cares can see through that behavior and know they must have ulterior motives.

Am I an abrasive person? Yes; but no more so than any normal and rational person would be when surrounded by generations of literal soy. I've lived a hard life and have made many mistakes to get to the point of experience where I am today, and I realized along the way that the fastest way to get corrected by those with more wisdom than yours is declaring your current reality loud and clear to let others prove it to be untrue.

So is the purpose of your visit here to verify my involvement in some nefarious scheme? I imagine that's something we can work past, even if we disagree about the way the world works.

Unless you're being disingenuous. Now do you see why it matters?

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Buy me out

virge ago

You post a lot with crensch and srayzie's alt accounts.

I post a lot. With everyone. Equally. Yourself included. This isn't the first time someone having a different view of the world or a different opinion had to be explained very carefully to you.

Are you including them in this list? Are you suggesting the mod team of Greatawakening is compromised?

Here's the deal, kevdude. My list is everyone. At all times. All that matters is if people are being genuine or disingenuous. Without that the conversation is just oil to water. That may be fine for some people, but I've had my fill and the taste is sour. I won't be doing it, anymore.

I'll be candid, and presume if you're being genuine you'll consider the idea that this assessment takes into consideration all sides of the equation, equally, in a completely non-partisan way. I don't need to convince you, or anyone else, what I know to be infallible, just like I don't expect to ever be convinced of the infallibility of others over the Internet.

Like you and I have discussed before, I believe we have ideological differences. With that said, I consider you as genuine in our conversations and only ask that you extend the same respect, or just make it clear when it's for the lulz.

What more can two people ask for, but to delineate?

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Money or shekels

virge ago

You are the one making the post. I am just asking clarifying questions.

If you aren't willing to answer basics like why you would accuse me of association with someone controversial, then this isn't a conversation, and you're being disingenuous.

It's really that simple. Which is it?

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Larping fag

Nadeshda ago

Hey Virgil :) how’s things? You seem a bit confused about stuff again... you feeling okay?

virge ago

Hey Virgil :) how’s things? You seem a bit confused about stuff again... you feeling okay?

Hi great usually maybe, why?

Nadeshda ago

Cool, good morning :) Just being curious, saying you will punch Putts in the face for calling you a builder, knowledgeable about guns, thinking SBBH is all rotten due to some bad actors and associations etc has me wanting to speak to you a bit.

I think you like playing, analyzing, people watching and figuring stuff out, right?

Soooo based on using Voat as your personal playground for experimenting your ideas... what do you like most about Voat?

Being curious and genuinely intrigued here.. :)

virge ago

I think you like playing, analyzing, people watching and figuring stuff out, right?

Analyzing, watching people and figuring stuff out, yes. I'm a data guy. Data says a lot of things. Data over a long period of time says a lot more things, with a lot more fidelity.

Playing, manipulating, or guiding the behaviors of others is not intentional. It may sometimes be a consequence, but only so far as they would have done the behavior anyway and I was just in orbit or in the same ecosystem.

People watcher, not puppet master. Curious mind on a solo mission to identify behavior. I realized 20+ years ago the world is not very transparent, and you cannot expect it to be, so you have to make the best with the information you can observe and trust nothing else.

Soooo based on using Voat as your personal playground for experimenting your ideas... what do you like most about Voat?

Performing research to conclude if observations and thesis about behavior is not experimentation. Voat is not a playground, Voat is more like an Ocean filled with sharks and other such hostile creatures that I enjoy swimming in.

Being curious and genuinely intrigued here.. :)

I only post what I want to post. I only give information I want to give. I do both for specific reasons, every time. Even my own random commentary on life is done for specific reasons, and in specific ways, and with a documented methodology.

Because it's formulaic in nature, it turns into a form of behavioral cypher. Put simply, I'm not here for the audience that some talk to - I'm here for myself, engaging others, and every time I post it's for my own future reference and includes markers for that reason.

See me call someone a Type 4? It's not because I'm letting anyone else know, or letting them know, it's so I can refer to the comment in the future and add the subtext to some current context.

This post is me being genuine. Most posts since I stopped deleting are genuine. Everything from the sharks to the guppies I'm swimming with have been pretty slow to react to this pivot.

I've got a lot more pivots to come.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Bitch fagget

WhiteRonin ago

Wall of text irrelevant when you run away and won’t buy me out.


Nadeshda ago

Thank you for replying so honestly about that... I am running around very busy and only able to reply one liners here and there. I am sure we will speak again about this. Bye for now!

virge ago

Well this isn't SRS behavior at all.

Hi Kev.

By your logic you should immediately stop associating with @srayzie

How do I associate with srayzie?

Or are you just slapping s label on a bunch of users you don't like?

There are users who pretend to be genuine, but they are being disingenuous. Genuine people appear extremely confused by this behavior.

Is this the old reddit "guilty by association" bullshit we all remember of get banned from one sub for posting in another?

Can you please elaborate on what you mean by this? Who's getting banned? What are you referring to?

P.S. Are you declaring yourself genuine, for this conversation? Just to be clear.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Pay me shekels

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Notice that he comes running to defend SBBH and tries to turn it around on Srayzie, Shizy, and Crensch AS USUAL.

virge ago

What's unusual is @kevude coming in here and accusing me of the same ridiculous accusations as WhiteRonin has for days.

Kev? You still have yet to explain where that came from and why. I've never been in the same thread as srayzie, for example.

InSaneGoatPosse ago

Me and several others think @WhiteRonin/@DarkRaven might be a Kevdude alt.

WhiteRonin ago

You are always a good laugh.

I enjoy kicking your ass!

WhiteRonin ago

Well well well, aren’t you a bright one.

So what if I am?

virge ago

Me and several others think @WhiteRonin/@DarkRaven might be a Kevdude alt.

To what end? That's a lot of effort. Is @kevdude supposed to play the good cop while WhiteRonin and his obviously and comically similarly named alts just shit all over the place like a braindead nigger?

WhiteRonin ago

Buy me out sweet cakes!

Thereby you can prove this statement.

Or you gonna keep ghosting me and just keep up with your slanderous claims?

ExpertShitposter ago

Our organization will pay you a visit in the next 48h. You have been warned.

virge ago

But will you breach the perimeter?

The claymores are live.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Where’s my money bitch

ExpertShitposter ago

Legs are cheaper for us, than claymores are for you.

virge ago

Did you just assume my claymore stockpile?!

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Shekels!!

Rotteuxx ago

Psa for new members

OP continuously deletes his submission history to hide his overt shit disturbing and also admittedly to try and circumvent the voting system by trying to avoid downvoats :


Proof that it's his post :


virge ago

Type 2, Type 4, & Type 5.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Chicken fucker

Rotteuxx ago

Prove it with examples

Rotteuxx ago

@virge, a downvoat isn't an example of what you accuse me of.

Nosferatjew ago

PSA for new members and old members:

OP has declared in previous comments that the only thing stopping him from literally murdering other users of this site are laws prohibiting murder.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! He’s fag!

Rotteuxx ago

Nosferatjew ago

Why yes, yes I am. Thanks for digging that up.

Rotteuxx ago

It was my pleasure, ol' chap !

Keep these handy for when @virge deletes his comments or simly this entire post :




Hey @Trigglypuff @Expertshitposter @Gabara @Heygeorge !

Rotteuxx ago

@peaceseeker @Kevdude @Sguevar

I thought you might appreciate taking notice of this comment thread.

sguevar ago

Yes, the guy has attempted several times to discredit my character in such a and I will quote his own words "disingenuous" way that after being called out for that he tends to dodge the facts and starts attacking my persona with more ad hominems.

After he gets on a debate that he gets wrecked on he tends to delete his own comment and post history to avoid being shown as that very same projection he accuses others to be. Suprisingly I have found that u/kestrel9 has behaved in a similar way on deleting comments when getting called out for them or ninja editing them to avoid further discussion of his behavior:

On this comment chaine he has deleted all of his comments when called out for: https://voat.co/v/ProtectGoats/3290136/19336348/10#19336348

On here he edited the ping that he did to @heygeorge and I after accusing us to be alts of the same person: https://voat.co/v/ProtectGoats/3279704/19317107

Now I am not saying that they are the same guy but I do stress the fact that they behave similarly and have shown to not be trust worthy at all after extending false accusations to me for example as a way to discredit me (which him and his group have poorly failed to accomplish).

@PeaceSeeker, @MadWorld,

virge ago

Interesting. So you actually do the exact same behavior you accuse others of. You're nothing more than a bait account. That's twice now you've ended serious discussions after they required you to provide actual evidence of your claims.

Now you run around copy and pasting lies that are nothing more than an ignorant and uninformed personal opinion of yours, while pinging dozens of your friends to brigade vote users.

You've shown you're a subversive who pretends to be genuine, so I won't be engaging you a third time - that would be poor form on my part.

Discredit what character? You don't have one, you're made-up.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! I wantbyour shekels!

sguevar ago

So you actually do the exact same behavior you accuse others of. You're nothing more than a bait account.

Whatever suits your convenience. Last time you requested proof I provided it and you still denied it. What is the point then to keep up with your game?

That's twice now you've ended serious discussions after they required you to provide actual evidence of your claims.

No I simply argued what I needed to argue as I stated on the comment that you after stated for me to reply further which I decided not to. Not because of the fact that I couldn't prove it, as I did in fact here where you denied that you mocked me for being a Costa Rican - (spic to be more precise): https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3274898/19163041

And then you state that it was in good fun... please son try harder.

All of the previous evidence of said posts were deleted by you, what is the point to look for my comments on those deleted posts? I mean, I could do so but I have no interest in doing so because you already proved all that I have ever said about you. So once again thanks for that.

Now you run around copy and pasting lies that are nothing more than an ignorant and uninformed personal opinion of yours, while pinging dozens of your friends to brigade vote users.

Copy and pasting? You sure have mental issues son. You have done everything I have claimed to. The fact that you deleted your content to try to difficult the finding of those proofs really doesn't affect my comment history. Again I could look it up but I have no interest in doing so. I will do it when it is completely necessary.

Pinging dozens of my friends? Wow you simply can't not only project your bullshit to others but now you exagerate your claims to play the (((victim))) card again? That doesn't work with me Virge... you should have already understood that by now.

You've shown you're a subversive who pretends to be genuine, so I won't be engaging you a third time - that would be poor form on my part.

No as stated on this comment: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3297555/19381412 I have no further interest in pursuing further discussion with you on what you asked me there. Much like what I said here: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3274898/19163414

Thanks for once again showing my consistency.

Discredit what character? You don't have one, you're made-up. You run away from all real conversation that you can't write a GodsAngell-level book of nonsense about.

And you think that you claiming anything about me having or not a character will affect me in some way?

Or that you have any capability to criticise my writing skills? Now this is funny as shit.

On the comment of mine that you seem to criticise here I simply acknowledge the fact that one user behaves in the same way you do. Deleting comments or ninja editing at convenience of what you wish to show others. However I specified that I am not saying you are the same person. I simply stated that you behave similarly.

Any more false accusations you want to throw at me Virge because by now you have shown your true colors? You are simply digging your hole deeper.

virge ago

Yup. Subversive. You're disingenuous. We're done here.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Your shekels!

sguevar ago

Sure, keep projecting ;)

virge ago

OP has declared in previous comments that the only thing stopping him from literally murdering other users of this site are laws prohibiting murder.

Excellent example of a Type 4 Disingenuous!

The objective is only to attack and put someone on the defensive for the terrible crime of having an opinion within the law. Literally only exists to cause an argument and force someone to defend themselves.

Ignore them and they are powerless. They only care about getting in the last word and attempting to illicit a response. Simple answer, don't waste your time.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! U a fag

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is a larp jew

Nosferatjew ago

So then, you don't deny declaring that you would to murder another user of this site, solely because of things that user has said on this site, if only murder wasn't illegal? I have little doubt that you have deleted that original comment, as you often do with the embarrassing comments you make. What type of disingenuousness would that qualify as?

PS: You're doing a horrible job of ignoring the users you are attempting to warn others about. You are literally wasting your time. Maybe practice what you preach? Or don't, it's fun to point out your hypocrisy :)

virge ago

So then, you don't deny declaring that you would to murder another user of this site, solely because of things that user has said on this site, if only murder wasn't illegal? I have little doubt that you have deleted that original comment, as you often do with the embarrassing comments you make. What type of disingenuousness would that qualify as?

Further example of the behavior of a Type 4. They have no individual opinion, merely an agenda. No dialogue is desired. A type 4 only wishes to paint your behavior in a specific light for their own purposes and put you on the defensive. Constant defensive behavior causes one to release more information a Type 4 can then continue the same disingenuous subversive behavior with.

Your answers to any questions of a Type 4 are pointless. You are not engaging a Type 4, they are only pretending to talk to an audience to put you on the defensive to continue to the conversation. A Type 4 will pick an abstract data point that is an opinion someone has, and use the "that doesn't have good optics" Jew argument, when nobody really gives a fuck about optics. The Type 4 can only keep the conversation going with faux outrage and the Liberal authoritarian methodology of imposing their will on others through virtue signal and faux shame.

As always, a Type 4 must get the last word in. Just basic human psychology. Ignore a type 4 and they are harmless.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! I a fag.

Nosferatjew ago

^^Type 1 faggot, Type 9/11 kike, Type 1, 2, and 6 arrogant douche, Type 3 beta male, Type 12 basement dweller, Type 2 diabetes fatass.

You declaring that you would murder another user if murder wasn't illegal is not my opinion, it's a fact, it happened. Why are you trying to dodge this accusation by calling me disingenuous? Do you deny that this ever happened? Why do you regularly delete your comment history? Do you think that doing so is not disingenuous? Why are you being so disingenuous? Are you familiar with the concept of hypocrisy?

How am I being defensive? Can you actually explain this, or are you just going to continue saying I'm a type 4 blah blah blah? You're clearly the defensive one in this exchange. Ever heard of projection?

You're wrong on another front btw, I do have an opinion: you're an arrogant faggot.

virge ago

You declaring that you would murder another user if murder wasn't illegal is not my opinion, it's a fact, it happened. Why are you trying to dodge this accusation by calling me disingenuous? Do you deny that this ever happened? Why do you regularly delete your comment history? Do you think that doing so is not disingenuous? Why are you being so disingenuous? Are you familiar with the concept of hypocrisy?

The above illustrates the example of a Type 2 Ideological Disingenuous. Ostensibly, the Type 2 uses someones opinion and tries to paint it in a light that's negative when no legitimately negativity exists. Same situation, the Type 2 is only looking to attack someone elses opinion.

It's irony when a Type 2 projects their opinion on someone else and then calls them arrogant.

And, of course, just like the Type 4 - the Type 2 must get the last word in, regardless of the fact that they are literally talking to themselves and nobody is engaging them. Comical.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! U a fag!

sguevar ago

The above illustrates the example of a Type 2 Ideological Disingenuous. Ostensibly, the Type 2 uses someones opinion and tries to paint it in a light that's negative when no legitimately negativity exists. Same situation, the Type 2 is only looking to attack someone elses opinion.

Wait wait, this is something you have tried to do with me before. How is it that you aren't part of the same type of people you are describing?

virge ago

How is it that you aren't part of the same type of people you are describing?

Being disingenuous is a choice, not a constant.

Which is why the only true delineation are those who are being open about being disingenuous. I'm confident you can reconcile that logic with reality by just looking around.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Pay me bitch

sguevar ago

Well I personally try to avoid projecting on others what I do. However I do appreciate the fact that you proved to me and others that I was right about you and not only that, that you have proven what v/ProtectVoat asks other users to do with trolls: Ignore them.

What I am surprised of is that you didn't advised the group that started behaving in the same way as their counterparts following the convenience of their personal interests without considering the damage they were doing to Voat's integrity. After all you have been pinged by members of said group in past interactions and have extended false accusation of my character in the past.

This is why I said before that you were conveniently taking advantage of the drama going on on Voat. This is why I said you had ill intentions and this is why I have been honest all the way about my dislike towards you.

@MadWorld, @Crensch, @SandHog, @PeaceSeeker, @Rotteuxx.

I am pinging them to encourage them to archive any interaction they have with you after you have been proving to delete your comment and content history as a way to show what you want them to see, paraphrasing your own words, and showing how disingenuous you really are.

Yes your comment was archived also.

virge ago

I am pinging them to encourage them to archive any interaction they have with you after you have been proving to delete your comment and content history as a way to show what you want them to see, paraphrasing your own words, and showing how disingenuous you really are.

I find it hilarious you waste the energy when I no longer have any reason to delete posts, so I've stopped.

But I guess if it wastes the time of the subversives, by all means please keep doing it.

I really don't follow what you're trying to say. Whatever you're accusing me of is vague to the point where I can't even be bothered to try and respond to it. Are you declaring you're being genuine? Seems like a standard Type 2 to me.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Pay up bitch

Nosferatjew ago


virge ago

^^ Paid shill.

See, I can make baseless accusations without evidence, too. And they are just as meaningless.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Pay me bitch!

sguevar ago

But I guess if it wastes the time of the subversives, by all means please keep doing it.

You have proven to be someone that projects on others what you do so thanks for trying to compare me to you but again you are failing there.

I find it hilarious you waste the energy when I no longer have any reason to delete posts, so I've stopped.

That is probably because you took advantage of said drama to reach to a comfortable place to manipulate people from. However I am sure that you will in the future as when you see that your nature of manipulating others is not working, you will engage on the same behavior you've thought was working for you before.

I really don't follow what you're trying to say. Whatever you're accusing me of is vague to the point where I can't even be bothered to try and respond to it. Are you declaring you're being genuine? Seems like a standard Type 2 to me.

Oh I know I am genuine, even if you try to behave in a dismissive way you can't change the fact that you have proven all that I have said of you in the past. So thanks for that.

Who/what are you even talking about? Are you actually suggesting that everytime someone pings me for something I'm on board with them? That's too silly for you, even.

Well they pinged you because you showed support to them in their attempts to character assassinate those that do not trusted you. As stated before, you conveniently took advantage of the past drama on Voat to manipulate people. I don't need to show more links about that when you know it is true. Like that time when you mocked me for being a Costa Rican that then you decided to deny because you had already deleted your comments about it. Or that other time when you accused me of being @WhiteRonin's alt on a post you did on v/ProtectVoat saying you had screenshots and so on and so forth and when called out and requested you to post them you went silent and then deleted those posts.

So please Virge, don't try to play your games with me. They don't work on those that know how you behave.

Have a good night. This hypocritical behavior of yours has been fun to watch.

virge ago

You have proven to be someone that projects on others what you do so thanks for trying to compare me to you but again you are failing there.


That is probably because you took advantage of said drama to reach to a comfortable place to manipulate people from.

Manipulate what? For what purpose?

Oh I know I am genuine, even if you try to behave in a dismissive way you can't change the fact that you have proven all that I have said of you in the past. So thanks for that.

Nothing dismissive about asking what you are implying.

Well they pinged you because you showed support to them in their attempts to character assassinate those that do not trusted you.

Please give me an example of the bolded behavior. I suspect your memory is faulty.

As stated before, you conveniently took advantage of the past drama on Voat to manipulate people.

Manipulate who? For what purpose? You can keep saying this, but until you provide a reasonable explanation with some evidence the accusation simply has no merit.

Like that time when you mocked me for being a Costa Rican that then you decided to deny because you had already deleted your comments about it.

You big dork, what's wrong with mocking you for being a Costa Rican? Just because you take humor personally doesn't mean it's nefarious. Come now, sir, you doth protest too much!

I don't need to show more links about that when you know it is true.

I guess if we're declaring that it's true just because you say so then we can certainly agree to disagree.

Or that other time when you accused me of being @WhiteRonin's alt on a post you did on v/ProtectVoat saying you had screenshots and so on and so forth and when called out and requested you to post them you went silent and then deleted those posts.

I believe I asked you if you were and you never responded. Actually, I'm 100% positive I asked you because it had a question mark after it. If you aren't WhiteRonin, what harm is there in denying it? You never did.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Cheap Jew

sguevar ago

I believe I asked you if you were and you never responded. Actually, I'm 100% positive I asked you because it had a question mark after it. If you aren't WhiteRonin, what harm is there in denying it? You never did.

I am just answering to this because pursuing further conversation with you on the rest has no real interest. No you didn't you accused me of being him on two separate posts and multiple comments and I did deny it by mocking your attempt and showing how in the past I am against using alts. But again you conveniently decided to acknowledge that with this comment of yours stating that I never denied it. I can however show how this statement of yours prove your disingenuous nature by showing another one that contradicts what you are saying here:



https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3274898/19163728 where you state that you have never accused me of such thing but then on your comment above you admin you have.

And through that interaction you will see your failed attempts to character assassinate me at convenience of the people you tried to take advantage of... Even if they wish not see it. I really don't care at this point.

virge ago

I am just answering to this because pursuing further conversation with you on the rest has no real interest.

They have a high degree of interest to me. Please respond to them. I strongly think you are mixing me up with someone else. I'm not passing judgement, because I've even caught myself doing it to others, probably including you, by mistake in the past.

This is, once again, me trying to get legitimate dialogue with you. The first time you just ignored everything and stopped responding. This time I won't let you do the same, or I'll be forced to conclude you are disingenuous and then there is no further point in talking about it.

Put simply, lets conclude with some finality if we're just being too hard on each-other, or if we're foes ideologically. If we're foes ideologically, then of course we'd never agree so there is no point in continuing - but at this time I don't see that as the case. Do you? If so, just say so and we need go no further.

Here's the deal. I've gotten the information I wanted to collect, and I've used it to elicit a response very specifically from targets. I've concluded the research and laid it openly to bare for anyone to read in my various posts and submissions. I find it interesting that some people are extremely interested in keeping the totality of what it presents obfuscated, to the point where they go through great lengths to attempt to annoy me.

Furthermore, I've only ever said very specific things, with very specific reasons. In many cases, this information being deleted proved extremely effective. I was, openly and admittedly, acting as Type 4 & Type 5 behavior. And here we are now, where me calling out the very behavior while making it clear that ever since I stopped deleting posts I have been quite genuine allows me to be candid about the others who are also being disingenuous.

Everything I type, including this very post, are information I put out with very specific reasons. Every time I post. The comedy of sorts, I suspect, is that there is still some collateral damage to be mended, but I've made amends with various others in very short time so I know it's only a matter of seeing through the noise.

Start there, or we end here.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Chicken shit

Rotteuxx ago

I screen capped that one after laughing whole heartedly at the thought of @virge struggling with a massive amount cognitive dissonance.


virge ago

Phone fags from Tel Aviv screenshotting every post I make absolutely makes my day. Thank you, sir.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Cheap fucker!

Rotteuxx ago

That's nice Timmy

sguevar ago


Rotteuxx ago

Looks like searchvoat.co doesn't care for edited comments :)



Nosferatjew ago

Interesting approach to ad hominem you have here... instead of addressing the accusations made against you, you attempt to discredit your critics and accusers with a seemingly authoritative, made up systen for labeling them "disingenuous". That's some serious pilpul kikery right there.

Why do you refuse to answer any of my questions? Might it be because I am right, and you know you have no real defense?

virge ago

An illustration of where the Type 2 fails by demonstrating their desire to put someone on the defensive when no defense is necessary for their virtue signal outrage.

No further observation necessary, case is closed on this one and it can get the last word in because I've finished the lesson.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Pay me!

Nosferatjew ago

Doubling down on the ad hominem I see. How long before you delete this post and all of your comments within it?

heygeorge ago

Your lesson is finished!

Nosferatjew ago

I've learned so much lol

Corpse_washer ago

I find it quite simple. Just put on a hard hat when visiting sbbh.

ExpertShitposter ago

holy foken shit dude.

i member being on a team tasked with dismantling a plant full of such explosive residue filled reactors.

only a few small fires ever broke out in open areas. we lived.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! He’s a fag!!

zyklon_b ago

he gay as ferret

zyklon_b ago

@ar47 allowed the zog agents to run a train on his son for a lenient sentence


AR47 ago

Damn I can’t wait till they investigate the “tip” I gave ice3.

Shit will be epic when they kick in your door and you keep saying


zyklon_b ago

@ar47 raped his son and allowed agents to rape him for a lenient sentence

@trigglypuff @expertshitposter cross reference names from the address in pennsylavania with okc apt leases and the suburbs to nearby

zyklon_b ago

@virge fucked @ar47 some on his 10th bday in 1990

zyklon_b ago

@virge is adhdferret ... 110% as far as i am concerned

zyklon_b ago



zyklon_b ago


dear trig right now we are top trolls on all the english speakin interwebs. CONGRATS n THANK YOU we fuckin destroy

virge ago

This demonstrates the basic fundamental routine of a Type 4.

The Type 4 cares not for discussion, and will say whatever they think will cause a response. Their primary objective is to attack and put the opponent on the defensive, to use whatever response to continue the attack. A Type 4 thrives off the response and attention.

Deal with prejudice by down-voting and ignoring them and they are completely harmless. Let them get the last word in, because that's what they are trying to do, and move on.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Faggot

Nosferatjew ago

The Type 4 cares not for discussion, and will say whatever they think will cause a response. Their primary objective is to attack and put the opponent on the defensive, to use whatever response to continue the attack. A Type 4 thrives off the response and attention.

You just described yourself. Good job dumb dumb.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! He’s a fag!

virge ago

Type 4, Type 2, & Type 5. Probably a Type 1 also.

WhiteRonin ago

@virge is larp who won’t pay me! Fag

CameraCode0 ago

Generally avoiding internet drama is a good idea for everyone. You can still shitpost without the drama. There are quite a few SBBH people who can do that.

heygeorge ago

LOL, the post OP links to:

Let's put things in perspective. If GA is a psyop, then that means that @crensch is knowingly an enemy of the people of the United States.
submitted 8 days ago by [deleted]

virge ago

Dork, you know I'm not linking the OP. Dunno why Strange deleted it, anyway. He's an odd one.

WhiteRonin ago

Larp. Pay me!