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sguevar ago

Maybe because Dial indicator doesn't like us you stupid fag.

He keeps saying that we are the @kevdude mob. However and ironically, we share a common enemy here: The preaching to the choir full of shit shill that you are.

So once again try to divert and play the (((victim))) card faggot because I will continue to call out your full of shit behavior :)

This is the 2nd time you have slandered me on a post of yours, before you stated that @WhiteRonin and I were the same accounts. - suckpuppet accounts.

You fucked up real bad that time and then you deleted the post after a day or two of doing it.

You have been caught once again and I am archiving this also as evidence of your deceitful nature faggot.

virge ago

I noticed you stopped preaching about how everything has to be Christian. Did you finally drop the pretend Jesus act for this personality?

Should I share all the screenshots that are written so differently it's hard to imagine they were posed by the same person as what you just wrote, unless it was an act of subversion by a specific personality you're supposed to play?

I smell fear from you faggot, you want to see Voat die and that won't be very healthy to your continued posting experience in the near future, so I don't even need to bother with you anymore because you're a short-term problem. Just another benign tumor to be cut out if you continue to decide you are allied with those who want to see Voat die.

Either contribute to Voat growing and accept the admin's rules or get the fuck back to Reddit with the rest of the ShariaBlue crew where you belong, you useless lying subverting manipulative piece of shit parasite.

sguevar ago

I noticed you stopped preaching about how everything has to be Christian. Did you finally drop the pretend Jesus act for this personality?

I deal with you accordingly. Or are you saying that when a Christian denounces a false prophet we should do it subtly or say he is a false prophet and why he is one?

Should I share all the screenshots that are written so differently it's hard to imagine they were posed by the same person as what you just wrote, unless it was an act of subversion by a specific personality you're supposed to play?

By all means do, show the proofs you have as I have many proofs and people that can vouch that my account is managed by one person and that I have already confirmed this many times, even from where I am. I am in fact one of the few if not the only voater here that fears no doxxing and that stands by his words every step of the way.

As stated before son, the one that owes nothing fears nothing.

I smell fear from you faggot, you want to see Voat die and that won't be very healthy to your continued posting experience in the near future, so I don't even need to bother with you anymore because you're a short-term problem. Just another benign tumor to be cut out if you continue to decide you are allied with those who want to see Voat die.

I think you are smelling your own ass little (((rat))) but hey you have always shown your ability to project your flaws to others my drunken (((friend))).

Either contribute to Voat growing and accept the admin's rules or get the fuck back to Reddit with the rest of the ShariaBlue crew where you belong, you useless lying subverting manipulative piece of shit parasite.

Hmm I think your builder badge got your head so hard. You sure like to boast yourself faggot and project your flaws to others. You sure are showing how much of an authoritarian you are and kiss ass for that matter.

@MadWorld - you should find this entertaining.

Copy pasted answer @virge gave before he deletes it:

"I noticed you stopped preaching about how everything has to be Christian. Did you finally drop the pretend Jesus act for this personality?

Should I share all the screenshots that are written so differently it's hard to imagine they were posed by the same person as what you just wrote, unless it was an act of subversion by a specific personality you're supposed to play?

I smell fear from you faggot, you want to see Voat die and that won't be very healthy to your continued posting experience in the near future, so I don't even need to bother with you anymore because you're a short-term problem. Just another benign tumor to be cut out if you continue to decide you are allied with those who want to see Voat die.

Either contribute to Voat growing and accept the admin's rules or get the fuck back to Reddit with the rest of the ShariaBlue crew where you belong, you useless lying subverting manipulative piece of shit parasite."

Fizzle-Stizzle ago

@madworld lmao

here is madwold in true form...

here is @madworld work <----orginal (im not freshmeat, I gave him the verse... ) faggot madworld didnt like it, so kike mirrored it and brigaded it. <---- mirrored verse from madworld, just to show you how jewy they are

sguevar ago

Oh Dial, I trust @MadWorld quite alot. And also @kevdude.

I do find it interesting that we both share a common enemy here but I require no assistance in proving how much full of shit he is. I can do that on my own.

Fizzle-Stizzle ago

Oh Dial, I trust @MadWorld quite alot. And also @kevdude.

this is where you fail... you should you only trust our Lord jesus, Christ as your source

you have Just discredited yourself.... back on the good squad list

next time you "ole dial me" fuck off

sguevar ago

I put my faith In Jesus. I have never said otherwise.

Fizzle-Stizzle ago

put my faith In Jesus. I have never said otherwise.



Oh Dial, I trust @MadWorld quite alot. And also @kevdude.

you larp