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sguevar ago

By now you just realized you were full of shit.

You just realized that you threw false accusations to the wrong person as I will always demand proof of them which you have never provided.

Your constant dodging and childish behavior are simply proofs of my previous statements: You don't know what you talk about, you don't care about waiters, you are arrogant and cheap and you are full of shit. Using alts to brigade, though I admit you stop doing it because you got caught, and dormant accounts that you got a hold of somehow shows that you are desperate to proof that your cause is righteous but you simply fail to see that you are corrupt.

I on the other hand will always be against defaming other users and using alts. You my dear fellow showed how sad you are that you can't even back up your claims with the so called evidence you have:

I've archived their past 20 pages of posts and have only gone back 10 so far but have noticed the following obvious trends:

You resulted in a lame as chain of responses that I used myself to troll you further to show how full of it you are. I am certain now that you are the same person that pings me constantly in the anons.

I have noticed your writing style and your continuous diversions, I have an idea of whom you might be but I will keep an eye on you from now on. Thanks for having giving me a good weekend of fun. Enjoy your bourbon nights alone, you clearly need it to avoid thinking about how a low life you are...

Here is your admission of being wrong: