freshmeat ago


MadWorld ago

Out of curiosity, I went back there to check every thread in expanded form. It is indeed very interesting pattern. Is there a way to archive the complete post with all threads expanded, just to preserve the vote record before it gets altered?

Crensch ago

Not really. Could SS it or archive each one, but my word is generally good enough if I say someone said X, or that something was X.

MadWorld ago

This also happened here: I was just wondering why there was so much downvoting on my score when I was barely active, mostly just lurking. And it turned out that submission was still active with downvoting after a couple of days! XD How dedicated of (((them)))!

I have a theory. The /v/realProtectVoat crew uses discord(archive) to organize their group voting behavior. And they were keeping things in sync with outside communication channel. Notice those who were keeping votes "in-check" didn't make comments; they just tip the votes to keep the scores afloat while driving his opponents into negative. He slipped at some point, most likely subconsciously or due to muscle memory. It must be difficult going back and forth between reddit and Voat while keeping things organized and typing really fast at the same time. And he typed /r/realProtectVoat instead of /v/realProtectVoat. This also happened twice within the same submission(comment1, comment2).

I don't have the time, energy, or desire to dig any further. I just want to browse and find something interesting to learn and watch things going on around the world. Since I saw this submission, I thought this might help explain why such voting behavior has surfaced for the past days or weeks.

Vindicator ago

Freshmeat is much more than an annoying nuisance

I thought this might help explain why such voting behavior has surfaced for the past days or weeks.

I think I can add some additional context. I made the Voatdev thread you reference because it's been relatively peaceful in PG for months, except for freshmeat-style brigading and vitriol every time someone makes a post about the Q Leaks. This was bad enough that users created and moved Q discussion to a new sub, GreatAwakening.

But then, Saturday, 3/10, QAnon declares "March Madness", hints Merkel is a blood relative of Hitler and implies the Nazi's did not lose WWII. Voat goes down, the chans lock up, and post-maintenance Voat develops numerous bugs. Freshmeat magically shows up like a shark at an umputee pool party and he and several other users seize upon the vote-count bugs to run the "Voat is corrupt and run by pedophiles, you rubes need to migrate" play in multiple threads in PG and GreatAwakening.

I posted in Voatdev to make sure they saw the way the lack of communication about the bugs was feeding the shills and impacting PG. I was able to publicly undermine his pitch to paranoid pizzagate members by getting him to admit he knows nothing about our sub and was making baseless slurs. The vote count remained evenly matched the first day, but two days later, downvoats had doubled on many comments by me and other PG mods.

But I believe the picture is larger than this.

Based on the way I've seen the nefarious characters behave over the past year whenever anything with real potential to drain the swamp materializes, I began to suspect that freshmeat and various alts have been embedded in Pizzagate all along.

  • Here is freshmeat saying corrupt mods are "the same shit that went down on Reddit before we all got kicked to Voat."
  • Claiming mods and O's are pedophiles that he knows outside of Vote and suppressing investigation by limiting the topic to elite pedophilia:

"Stay vigilant and don't excuse anything that is done in that subverse. It's compromised and this is a very big deal. I know these pedophiles outside of Voat and it pisses me off how easily they subvert our movements online. It's literally too easy for them and pedophiles have way too much freedom here...Pizzagate should be about taking out all pedophiles, not just the epstein tier pedos. There is pedophilia literally on Voat and it's also the HQ for Pizzagate? Think about that."

  • And trying to get people to leave: Yet his account only started 8/17/2017. He began his subverse attacking ProtectVoat 12/1/2016. He caught my attention because his talking points and tactics are strikingly similar to another user...

I believe under other alts, he helped get the Reddit sub shut down, herded the users to Voat, and then instigated a war between the 20,000 horrified mostly-mainstream conservative folks and Bernie jiltees following the Podesta email revelations, and the rough-tongued, censorship-hating old goats of Voat. I personally observed the seeding of suspicion, the MSM "alt-right extremist" narrative push, and the ban baiting of r/pizzagate-turned-v/pizzagate mods worried about being silenced because of it and their subsequent removal, as well as the efforts of @Crensch and @kevdude and others to strike a balance to allow mods to set limits on the shills without compromising Voat's prime directive to allow free expression and depose PC tyranny.

I've repeatedly seen the talking points, brigading, intimidation, innuendo-smearing and disingenuous misquoting of top researchers and moderators first promulgated by armyseer via v/ PizzagateShills uncannily mirrored lately by freshmeat via v/realProtectVoat. Armyseer created a subverse to smear Pizzagate researchers and mods until he drove many them off Voat. Freshmeat created a subverse to smear those who prevented pizzagate from being destroyed --

...on 12/1/2017, the same day QAnon confirmed clues in Trump's Asia video and tweetsand said Phase I of the global swamp drain was complete and public.

I exposed armyseer's tactics and he's been mostly quiet in his DeathtoMasons alts since fully doxing and threatening mod abortionburger with death months ago...until Q picked up steam.

Armyseer, who began his career identifying Amalek alts to win the trust of Crensch and kevdude, progressed to posing as a mod, issuing bans to trigger people so they would get banned for real, left Voat last July. Freshmeat appears two weeks later -- admits to being Amalek in a post to Whatever, then self-deletes. (Check the very first post).

And freshmeat suddenly starts shit-talking and downvoting in pizzagate and GreatAwakening for three pages of his comment history the day QAnon reveals the nature of the evil truth that "would put 99% of Americans (the world) in the hospital."

I believe a serious analysis of freshmeat's history in light of the evidence I've presented shows that he is not just an annoying but harmless autist. He is a tenacious and malignant operator, who undermined the original v/pizzagate investigator mods @PleadingtheYiff and @pizzathrowaway777, hunted abortionburger on Reddit as RedditArmyOverseer to the point of being banned there for doxxing and then on Voat as armyseer after she published an article about a 16-year-old allegedly raped by James Alefantis at Comet Ping Pong. He attacked @IsThisGameofThrones who was subsequently death threatened by Alefantis and filed a police report. Then pushed the idea the YouTuber was Amalek

Freshmeat aka Amalek aka MightyYetGentle aka armyseer aka She is dangerous, protects Alefantis and tries to destroy those investigating him and Voaters who protect them.

MadWorld ago

I didn't know this piece of shit has such long history disrupting Voat and PG research! You have opened my eyes! Don't let him distract all of the great works you guys are doing in PG and saving lives!!! You have great skill set and you keep your research documented in extensive details, that's a very valuable asset. I hope you continue to save the victims and continue to expose those pedophiles for as long as you can! Looking forward to seeing freshmeat prosecuted! Thank you!

Vindicator ago

Thank you, MadWorld. I hope the rest of Voat agrees. I posted it to Whatever and shortly thereafter, someone posted what looked like hurtcore CP to v/pizzagate. I am not really surprised, since "freshmeat" is a pedo slang term.

MadWorld ago

I see your /v/whatever post is doing well. You have my deepest and sincerest respect! Thank you again!

think- ago

@Blacksmith21: please see parent above.

think- ago

@Vindicator: please see parent.

Crensch ago

The votes in "comment1" are pretty telling, too. Make the opposition ~0 and make your votes higher.

Is that sarmegafaggot in discord?

MadWorld ago

I don't know. But this screenshot was given in this thread when he tried to convince someone. The timestamp of that snapshot should be relatively close to the timestamp of the conversation of that thread. The screenshot does show that these guys are organized outside of Voat.

Crensch ago