StrangeHologram ago

You can see his name/email in the album of his screen caps:



abortionburger ago

yea. definitely a misstep on his part. i redacted that from the picture that I posted, but I obviously couldn't change the archive. it can lead you to his real identity if you look hard enough. (i'll give you a clue: his name is not Philip from Lodi...)

if you do your own digging, you will see that he is not full of shit, and neither am i.

he doesn't want to go public, so please keep your findings to yourself.

abortionburger ago

i'm a girl!

Birdzeyeview ago

B E A R B A R R E T T ??? are you here????

abortionburger ago

his Voat username hasn't been active since his AMA was deleted.

redditsuckz ago

Carol mentions Dylan stayed with James Alefantis at his house...

A chat with Carol Greenwood AKA Childballad;

*One summer, the summer we turned Greenwood into Buck's Fishing & Camping, Dylan and I stayed with James and David at their grand house in Georgetown. The days were hot and the sky was always a shimmering undying blue. It never ever rained. *

Carole Wagner Greenwood work history;

Executive Chef Comet Ping PongWashington, DC, US Jul. 2005 to May. 2010 (4 years and 10 months) Role & Tasks:

founder, designer and executive chef of this farm to table pizza restaurant. Awards: food network named 'the smoky' (smoked mozzarella, smoked mushrooms, smoked bacon, roasted onions and garlic), a brainchild pizza of greenwood's , "best pizza in DC." Executive Chef Buck's Fishing & CampingWashington, DC, US Jan. 2000 to May. 2009 (9 years and 4 months) Role & Tasks:

founder, owner and executive chef of this longtime farm to table restaurant. Created concept and designed restaurant, interiors, all menus and wine list.

Her son Dylan Greenwood;

PresudentMcCheese ago

Abortion burger is code for eating fetuses on a bun. Get fucked you sick pervert. Now that Trump is prez, you will STARVE!

abortionburger ago

lol, it's actually a reference to the SlamBurger from Denny's

abortionburger ago

Glad you cracked that code, Sherlock.

It's my 8 year old reddit account that I kept the username on voat and steemit for continuity's sake, in case anyone wants to check my history.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Just busting your balls. Hey, I appreciate how you are making pizzagatrs look stupid by getting them to fall for the dumbest stuff you can think up. The greatest part is that we can talk about it openly and they still won't be onto you ;) Anyway, keep up the good work and feel free to call me a brain dead shill or whatever so you can keep the con running.

abortionburger ago

I didn't think anything up - I am dedicated to making sure that my article is factual. I worked hard to remove bias and just report and source the allegation.

Originally no one believed that Bill Cosby could be a rapist.

AreWeSure ago

Regarding the Carole Greenwood bit

We can also confirm via a Washington Post article written in 2003 that Greenwood does have a son who would have been 17-18 years old in 2009.

The Washington Post article from May 2003 says her son is 13 years old. She left Comet in June 2009. He would be 19 years old.

Carole Greenwood of Greenwood Restaurant has raised 13-year-old Dylan by herself.

What years did this person work at Comet?

This person is claiming that Carole Greenwood reported this to the police and the police did nothing? This is odd for a few reasons.

According to the accuser, another employee witnessed the assault of Greenwood's son. Those reports were allegedly swept under the rug by the DC police. Both Greenwood, and the alleged witness were unavailable for comment.

Unavailable for comment? Did you have a way of contacting either Greenwood or the alleged witness?

In the comments, you say

Mr. James Alefantis is listed as one of GQ's most POWERFUL men in DC. It shouldn't be a surprise that people are hesitant to step out against him

That article came out at least two years after this incident. I believe it was in 2012. David Petraeus was still a general in 2009 and in that 50 most powerful list, he is listed as the director of the CIA where he only lasted one year.

One reason this is odd is that Carole Greenwood would have been more well known in than James Alefantis was in 2009, much more famous. She certainly would have known a ton of people and had access to influential people and the press (certainly food writers knew about her.) That idea that the the police would cover up an accusation coming from her to protect Alefantis seems very unlikely to me. That seems to be projecting his fame now back into the past.

And a google search for her limited to 2008-early 2009 confirms this

She was up for prestigious James Beard award for Best Chef in the MidAtlantic region in 2008.

Washingtonian Magazine had Comet Ping Pong and Bucks on its 100 best restaurants list in early 2009. Alefantis is not mentioned. She is. 100 Best Restaurants 2009: Comet Ping Pong No. 81: Comet Ping Pong Cuisine: Chef Carole Greenwood, a locavore before the term was trendy, embellishes her thin-crust, wood-fired pizzas with everything from soft-shell crabs to pepperoni.

100 Best Restaurants 2009: Buck’s Fishing & Camping No. 40: Buck's Fishing & Camping Cuisine: Chef/owner Carole Greenwood’s fine-dining paean to the holy trinity of contemporary gastronomy: local, seasonal, organic.

Alefantis's renown grew after she left Bucks and Comet and both restaurants stayed successful. She was the one with local celebrity in 2009. In fact, this article on how the restaurants were doing after she left, spents several paragraphs on her before mentioning Alefantis. To get a sense how well known she was in 2009 check out the headline.

Carole Greenwood's Empire, Minus Carole Greenwood

The other reason this seems odd is Carole Greenwood seemed to be bulldog of a woman, not afraid of letting you know how she felt or causing a ruckus. Had the police tried to shut her down, I don't see her going quietly. If she didn't want it publicized would be one thing, but if she went to the police with it, she was obviously not trying to keep it quiet. She certainly could have gotten heard in any newsroom in washington.

abortionburger ago

I was never told that Carole tried to report it to the police. My understanding is that she left immediately after and just wanted to put it behind her. There was another employee, Masha A., who attempted to report it - it was allegedly swept under the rug.

I tried several avenues of approach to get in touch with Masha, but to no avail.

I'm not wealthy, nor am I in a position of power; I can imagine that the world does work a little differently for those who are.

AreWeSure ago


abortionburger ago

For what it's worth, the accuser said "reported", but did not state what authority she reported to. I checked police reports and was unable to find anything, but she could have reported a health violation, or even have just reported it to Greenwood herself.

I attempted to contact Greenwood via email and Twitter and she did not respond.

AreWeSure ago

OK. It's not clear in your article that someone else reporter this. It sounds like it's coming from the college students with the emails.

VieBleu ago

There is a nightmare Jimmy Comet (an online character) keeps having, a little rabbit that doesn't stop at Pegasus, just keeps going, and going and going and going, and going and going and going, and going and going and going, and going and going and going, and going and going and

za-throwaway ago

did you really need to show a username "abortionburger" - gross. choose something that makes you look at least semi credible?

abortionburger ago

listen. i pay the price for my 8/9 year old username choice ALL OF THE TIME! lol

carmencita ago

Wow. When there's only you around to pull your own trigger? Some pretty sleazy stuff in here. This is how he talks on reddit? How dumb. I think this really points to him being MK Ultra. They are not all that bright sometimes. This makes me think he is pretty cocky and also pretty sure he will be bailed out and backed up. Kind of like, well I can get away with anything in this town. Yes, let's hope someone is emboldened by his confession and comes forward. It will probably be like a Bill Cosby case. A cast of hundreds.

militant ago

Thanks OP, but I'm not sure what is the point of adding the comments by the fake Alefantis.

abortionburger ago

well...according to the OP, James has found, it's not that far outside of the real of reasonableness that /u/JamesAlefantis (who we know roams Voat) was the dude with that username.

I'll leave this here:

militant ago

Oh I'm sure Jimmy knew about it in a matter of minutes, but that guy was still an obvious troll.

abortionburger ago

uhhh...obvious troll? I'm not going to out the dude, but he's definitely not a troll

abortionburger ago

Misread what you meant, I thought you meant the OP was a troll.

I added the "Alefantis" comments because I thought they were relevant. I stated clearly that we don't know if he was legit or not, but I do think that the rhetoric and typing patterns we saw in "his" Reddit comments were very similar to the texts he wrote to PizzaGateGear. Similar errors in grammar, similar condescending tone, etc.

delivery1 ago

Altogether this seems quite credible with the victim showing the emails between him and Alefantis, the timeline checking with the departure of Greenwood from Comet Ping Pong and the Reddit thread that was censored.

Now when you consider all the stuff that has been revealed in the past two months and there has been plenty (disturbing Instagram photos of children and the shady comments, threathening of the guy who contacted him via FB, and the lies told to the press) this puts Alefantis in extremely bad light.

abortionburger ago

Everything about this dude struck me as legit from the first few minutes of the post. I'm glad that I was able to completely validate his backstory because it put my skeptical husband's mind at ease.

pizzagater99 ago

URGENT: Add a reference to the comments on this 2009 article by "Carole Fan", which occured 8 years ago pre-pizzagate accusing Alefantis of disgusting behaviour

"Working with artists is always an intense experience and there is always two sides to every story. I happen to know Carole's side and it would make those dining on the new food choke and feel nauseous. I will only say that if they knew what really happened, they like me would no longer dine at either establishment."

There's also suggestions online that he raped Carole's son when he was 17-18, please look into it

reasonedandinformed ago

At the start of this article:

I had called Greenwood for an innocuous little column about what ingredients—fruit, vegetable, or protein—chefs would alter if they had the power to manipulate genetics. Greenwood returned my call with a question for me: “Are you a man or a boy?”

Why would she ask this except out of a concern that the reporter is a young boy??

AreWeSure ago

She is actually challenging the reporter's masculinity. Note that he describes this as a possibly hostile question.

“Are you a man or a boy?”

I never did understand the inquiry, or its context, but I obviously got a straight shot of that famous Greenwood eccentricity. Or force of personality. Or hostility. Whatever you want to call it. It was just another facet of the same demanding soul who battled with bloggers over photographing her food at Buck’s Fishing & Camping, refused diners’ requests for substitutions, and viewed herself more like Jackson Pollock than kitchen poissonier.

See my comment above about her not being a pushover which makes me doubt she reported a sexual assault to police that was ignored.

abortionburger ago

Please post this same comment to the article itself. You and @pizzagater99 are definitely on to something.

reasonedandinformed ago

You can update your comments in the post, below the title. Would you mind pulling in our two pieces of info??

abortionburger ago

Posted with commentary in comments

reasonedandinformed ago

Sorry, I misunderstood. Can you please also post right above in the comments section for your original post? Only you can do that, and this will ensure that everyone sees it at the very top in the actual post.

abortionburger ago


the Dylan allegation is already there. I will read that article and cite it if it backs up the original story.

ploppy ago

I bet the mods delete this for some bullshit reason

Mommyplayer571 ago

So many Pedo rapes aren't reported until the statute of limitations runs out. I'll bet the perp in this case is still liable. Hope he finds the strength to file a suit. There are likely many victims. The Boy Scouts gets off on the statute of limitations in many states.

eyeVoated ago

The truth has no statute of limitations. Fuck the court system.

crystalclearme ago

I thought in "some" places - and I'm sorry I can't remember exactly where, the statue of limitations regarding sexual abuse of children was raised to the age of 50 of the victim. This young man I hope is getting support and treatment for his PTSD. Certainly coming forward could be part of his healing, moving from surviving to thriving and likely protecting so many others

abortionburger ago


Truth is like a number line with zero being the sum of all truth and all equivalent lies.

FriesischShipping ago

DC they made it long for blackmail purposes: 15 years.

abortionburger ago

great to know. i've been in touch with the OP who says that James has tracked him down :(

Z11Mama ago

If that is the case, he needs to give someone EVERYTHING he still has and tell all. Make it so he is no more threat to JA.

abortionburger ago

Alefantis has tracked him down

I would not be surprised if he came public. His hesitation, years ago, was from Alefantis' repeated threats of slander suits.

organic1 ago

Makes me wonder if the FBI is really investigating like Ryan (the Pegasus Museum video detective who talked to JA) said they told him they would after making his report. Why would someone who's already under investigation for threatening someone go and threaten someone else? Psycho in nuclear meltdown!

FriesischShipping ago

If there's one there's more, can't kill us all, and FYI his story is the MO for adult homosexual to -> teenager rapist. I know of someone who went through the same thing with the exact same pattern of coercion, drugging, abuse, and then gas lighting.

DL4L ago

Thank you for posting this. I realize it has the potential to be an important piece in the puzzle, though with the layers of anonymity and our need to rely on a single person as a source for verification of the alleged victim's identity, it occurred to me that this type of angle, at least when sharing with skeptics, could do more harm than good. There is what we believe is true, what we know is true, and what we can prove in court. (Someone else said that long before me, props to them.) You may consider adding 'alleged' to the post title? Think about a skeptic coming to this site to check it out and seeing him/her validate their own bias with posts such as this. I know that ritual abuse and child trafficking is occurring on a global scale. The credibility of this particular part (AMA) of the pizzagate story has not yet reached my threshold for even belief. Thank you for your hard work and for bringing this information forward.

abortionburger ago

changed the title of the article. Cant change the title of the post - I agree with your assessment.

DL4L ago

Thank you for the consideration, greatly appreciated. And greatly respect your contribution. Keep at it mate.

abortionburger ago

This is my first article. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

AreWeSure ago

Hi, in the emails, .......edited

abortionburger ago

Yes, which was how I tracked down his identity. He really does wish to remain anonymous though, so maybe consider editing your comment. I purposely did not state how I got his information, for privacy's sake.

AreWeSure ago may want to edit your post and the image.