Vindicator ago

Thank you for bringing this to Mod attention. ArmySeer is an overzealous shill-hunter who has a disturbing habit of targeting some of the most valued contributors here. We are monitoring the situation and communicating up the chain. He is not a Mod and his sub is not affiliated with this sub. His antics have no effect on your standing here at all...unless you let them. He created a sub that no one ever visits, and then bans people from it so they receive that message. Please ignore it, and keep participating here. If you see him doing this, use the message mods feature in the lower right area of the sidebar to let us know. Or, post in v/pizzagatemods.

Now, I need to remove this post from v/pizzagate because it is not a sourced research post and doesn't fulfill the submission guidelines for this sub. You are welcome to repost it for the record in v/pizzagatemods and hyperlink the url of this post. You will be able to find it in the Removed Submissions area at the very bottom of the sidebar. Thanks for your patience.

Fateswebb ago

Absolutely, sorry for breaking the rules, I knew the post would be deleted just was curious what was going on and thanks for answering.

ClintonsRottenSnatch ago

@Crensch & YOU BOTH told the @ARMYSEER to create the list and call it /v/pizzagateshills, and now your distancing yourself from your own fucking child?

You are just another account created by @KingKongwaswrong & @Crensch a month ago.

I remember not two weeks ago when @Crensch told @armyseer to make the list and put it on a subverse, now your telling us that @armyseer don't work for MODS? You sir are full of fucking SHIT.

2impendingdoom ago

He is not a mod. He is a sick pedo supporter trying to undermine good work. Most or all of his list are great contributors. He is hoping to make us abandon this investigation. I was shilllisted because I do not (generally) downvoat. But how is that his business?

Fateswebb ago

lol I only downvoat when I feel it is definitely warranted. I mean if I don't agree with you doesn't mean you didn't try...

pizzaAutist ago

@armyseer is a bot that @Crensch run's the bot searches for keywords on the /v/pizzagate subverse, when you mention israel, saudi, peter thiel, trump, anything that is verboten and/or banned topic on /v/pizzagate then you get a mention from @armyseer, when that happens one of the @Crenshch mod's step in and delete your post. This bot has been operational over 3 weeks here on voat, what is interesting is the bot seems to have no limit to daily comments, which means that this bot is a hard coded part of the voat software, implemented by /v//protectVoat aka @Crensch ( new owners of VOAT peter-thiel, @Atko, the real atko is LONG GONE ).

The /v/pizzashill list is also part of the keyword software, once your names goes on that list, then anytime or place you post on voat, you will get called out as "@Amalek" by @armyseer, and that will cause the brigade-bots to attack you anywhere on voat and down voat you, it appears that @armyseer and his owners are trying to 100% control all debate on voat, note they also control /v/politics

Right now they control

/v/pizzagate and all of its subs listed on right



@armyseer is very active on /v/whatever & /v/askvoat, so I suspect that is his next takeover.

Vindicator ago

This comment is incorrect. The only mods here are those to the right in the sidebar. ArmySeer is definitely a real person, and he is making the job of the Mods on this sub more difficult.

2impendingdoom ago

I have found that he does not like push back. :) Typical bully. Is probably one of the satanic friends of Jimmy comet...

Fateswebb ago

I guess it wouldn't be effective to just block armyseer since he has a network of bots... well, as long as nobody else believes this baloney that I'm a shill I'm good, thanks.

Fateswebb ago

Oh so whatever comment it was it has been deleted. Okay. Fair enough, I am not sure what I said that fit the keywords, but I'm not a shill, and don't post about the jooz controlling the world so idk. But of course I'm no shill, I can't even sleep at night this shit is disturbing.... anyway then what is pizzagateshills and why would it ban me from there I have never been there.....

Fateswebb ago

Ohhhhhh I get it... hmm so it's completely unrelated to this board. But isn't Crench a mod? Great so what you're saying is I got put on a list of good people to attack great.... bring it on shills..

remedy4reality ago

the entire Pizzagate thread has been successfully infiltrated and destroyed

DefenderOfTruth ago

It is turbulent here at times, but I'd hardly say we've been destroyed. I see a lot of logical communication going on, generally.

& This is an open source investigation, what do you expect? There will always be a revolving door of shills. Just address them and move on.

UglyTruth ago

You wish. Shills are an unavoidable part of communicating about these topics, but they're not omnipotent.

Vindicator ago

Please share with me any evidence of this, as we are working very hard to keep that from happening, while maintaining the Voat free-speech standards.

JimALFixIt ago

Eh you personally are walking a fine line and I think failing. I've seen you delete posts because of editorial standards (yours). You may have good standards, but it's not up to you to delete posts based on a perceived bad argument, it's up to the community to decide if the discussion is useful. If the post has a link and some kind of justification, let the community sort it out. Your editorial bias (again, not saying its bad) is driving at least some of your removals, and that's wrong. This is the marketplace of ideas, stop shitting on it, no matter how good your intentions.

Vindicator ago

Can you share an example so we can understand what you are referring to?

We have encouraged researched pieces in v/pizzagate, and unsourced discussion in v/pizzagatewhatever. The point is to make the marketplace of ideas BIGGER and BETTER, not shut it down.

Do you want the hard-hitting, researched posts that win over curious readers and cause the pedo rats to scramble buried and slid off the board by the scores of other posts that flood in every day?