Vindicator ago

I have never impersonated mods.

That's funny, because there are at least five, maybe ten regular users on here you called out as shills, put on a list, and then banned from your little private penal colony subverse, which named such as to appear to be part of the v/pizzagate network of subverses. Every one of those people thought they'd been banned by a mod from here, and many of them launched irrate flame attacks against Millennial_Falcon, me and other mods. A couple got banned for real before we sorted things out and I started explaining your bullshit tactics of deception. You are the only user I've seen try to impersonate a mod on this board.

Vindicator ago

What's the child sex abuse connection premise, here, The_LIES? This really should be a discussion post, where you spell it out and link us to the specific bits that support the premise. As you've posted it, it just looks like a point of sale app. Undermines you -- seems like an alarmist post. Is there something about Granbury Solutions that's important? Please describe in detail. Removing per Rules 1 and 2. Please flesh it out and repost here. If all you have is a hunch, put it in v/askpizzagate with the questions you have that need to be investigated, and then link to it the comments of whatever other rising threads you like. Thanks!


See my other comment. I'll be back with everything archived and explained.


Thanks for your contribution to this post.

Vindicator ago

I see ArmySeer is waging a new type of harassment campaign since we exposed his phony mod-impersonating ban-hammer routine. Upvoat for your equanimity.


It's fine. Bring up things that are not relevant to what I posted here. If you posted "pyramids bullshit" or anything else, I'd still debate your findings on their own merits, independent of what you had previously posted. Can you do the same?


I'm not even white... so I must have an interesting stance as a white nationalist. "Muh Russians" is state funded propaganda narrative.

I don't think you understood what I was talking about in earlier posts. But that's literally not relevant to this submission. Can you stop with the ad hominem and read what I posted?

I am not a confirmed shill?>

This is all I have left to say with you:

It's fine. Bring up things that are not relevant to what I posted here. If you posted "pyramids bullshit" or anything else, I'd still debate your findings on their own merits, independent of what you had previously posted. Can you do the same?


I'm just going to quote them

Delivery drivers driving you nuts? Take your technology on the road with sophisticated pizza delivery software.

Make driver checkout a painless with Thr!ve.

Get complete accountability and lots of ways to pay drivers (including Google-calculated mileage reimbursement and automatic tip credit wage while on the road).

Top notch security and control over drops, runs, and who gets to take what delivery when.

You can even track expected coupons and compare performance with our extensive driver reports.

Looking for even more delivery data? Our driver mobile app, Dr!ve, helps keep your drivers informed, tracks their location, and lets you know exactly when that delivery is made.

Vindicator ago

I guess I'm not seeing what you are seeing that is suspicious, here. Could you elaborate?


Sorry I didn't respond in time. The apps that Granbury Solutions makes (EXCLUSIVELY FOR PIZZA DELIVERY) don't even work when you go to order Pizza. It is most probably a company that codes websites and apps for Pizza shops that sell children for sex.

Vindicator ago

Please feel free to repost with more detailed explanation.


This is going to take a while.