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kekistocrat ago

We all appreciate you following up on this as you have the onus of proof. You must understand your feet will be held to the fire on this. These are strong claims. Are you able to verify the police report for us? In order for me to believe it, I must first disprove it. If unable, logic follows... Appreciate all your effort in this. Rotten tomatoes for selling shit, though.

redditsuckz ago

He filed the report with Galveston PD;

kekistocrat ago

much obliged. I hear you. Still have questions though. There's no date on these linking anything (technical) -- and why go to bed at 1:15 pm?

redditsuckz ago

There's no date on these linking anything (technical) -- and why go to bed at 1:15 pm?

I think that is the time he took the screen shots...

Check the time at the top...iMessage Yesterday 10:13 PM

kekistocrat ago

Nice. I should have caught that. Have an upvoat.

redditsuckz ago

Nothing wrong with asking questions or being skeptical...we all want this to be the real deal...more proof the better.