cosmicmind ago at 15:03 he texts IsThisGameOfThrones-Ryan saying that he doesn't like all.

Based on his other channel vids, and voat discussion threads, it appears the text and police report is legit.

thezodiac ago


ProudTruther ago

It's not like this guy is going to become a billionaire slinging online tee-shirts guys, that being said I wouldn't really want one. It's like having a holocaust tee-shirt or something along those line.

KoofNoof ago

OP is safe. This whole investigation hasn't gained as much traction as it should, because we have no damning evidence yet. Just a lot of coincidences. If something were to happen to IsThisGameOfThrones, we would KNOW something was up. It would be a stupid move on their part. This guys already gone public, he can't be touched imo

draegspir ago


HomeboyChrisBanned ago

We really need you to livestream this really quick and refresh the screen. Then people can go ahead and get this story out.

Truthseeker77 ago

Agreed.. JA is nothing but a liability now.

GenghisSean ago

I agree. And if he really is a shill then maybe they're leading us someplace that has been cleared out already. The only way we can save these children is by following the evidence.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Nah Jesus will come and defeat him. Then we'll have an era of peace and then the world will end.

wokethefkup ago

If you were scared for your life because you and your family were apparently threatened wouldn't anyone's normal non-ulterior motive ass self just take down the videos and answer briefly why, NEVER would it be wise to show JA's supposed number which in itself the content of the renewed video is more incriminating so why would JA allow any of that if he supposedly had a problem with the first video? BECAUSE this wanker not only has shirts but reason to profit off spewing this bullshit. I'm sorry none of it adds up or makes sense and if you think it does then you're not asking the important questions. They are trying to switch the narrative and to divide. The best plan for a forum this well connected together.

speckledcat ago

if he is a dead man then he can be flipped easy. The more pressure the better. I dont think this was JA anyway as it is clumsy and stupid move. If he managed to get that high up already he isnt stupid. Scared yes. So keep the pressure up on him so it doesnt go away and with the change in admin and new orders from the top maybe there is a chance he goes squirrely. That is when he is vulnerable.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

We are living in the end times. Anti-Christ will come real soon.

creep ago

You forgot to shill your merchandise at the end of the video.

Ciscogeek ago

The frame with the chat box was never refreshed. Easily right-click -> inspect element editable.


throwawaa ago

Thanks. So do you think the whole pegasus thing is false? (It may well be, IMHO, given that the rest of his stuff seems intentionally deceptive.)

LostandFound ago

You are a fake THIS IS NOT PROOF, this is someone capitalizing on the genuine concern and hard work of others.

PGTAway818949 ago

First of all, I have 5 numbers for JA. None of them end in a 7. Also if he wasn't okay with the Pegasus vid, and watches voat and YT as religiously as your vid makes it seem, then I'm sure he would already be calling you with more threats after posting something this incriminating. Maybe if you weren't selling T-Shirts you would be more credible.

Scoundrel ago

Are you fucking kidding? It's called promoting and educating people who only get input from MSM. I wouldn't buy one from him, simply make it yourself using one of the many online custom shirt sites.

Owlhunter ago

What's a great way to get real names & addresses of pizzagate researchers? Sell us pizzagate gear! Who else besides activists and dedicated researchers would buy such gears? I don't believe there could possibly be enough sales volume for profit motive. Nice honeypot though if you're working for them.

If you're for real, please post better proof so we can believe you.

superchargedv8 ago

I'm very against banning, but this is a serious investigation that should not be made a mockery of.

Aaanndgo ago

I just looked at a Spoor thread and can see his real name from one of his links. People really need to be safe.

unconceivable ago

Proof that it's EASILY FAKED

ryguyhermosa ago

Police Report Is Real. here is link to pdf

Case #: 17000111

EDIT: you have to click the I agree. to find yourself

hanknut42 ago

dont forget they false flaged already police are in their pocket the gunmen already got off

RecycledUser ago

The link says no report found...

ryguyhermosa ago


wellington33 ago

in your video you can see that when you hover the mouse over the fake "James Alefantis" name, a sticky comes up with the real name. in the video from ryan, that sticky keeps saying James Alefantis, i think you cant fake that.

tazytale ago

The sticky is a tooltip. After the link to his Facebook page, that has been edited in the video, you can see the attribute "data-tooltip-content" or something like that. You can edit it.

quantokitty ago

Man, you got played like a fiddle. The first thing you need to do is confirm that number is his. If it is, call the police and report the threats to them. Never play someone else's game. You call someone when you're prepared to call someone. You should have recorded everything. Now? Now I'm having real problems that it's JA.

fifibrindacier ago

He might have been threatened as well, but choosed to not go on.

unconceivable ago

Will someone make a video to show that you can fake this, please? Reproduce his video. This is serious stuff and it seems like a lot of people are ignorant of how HTML is easily manipulated

unconceivable ago

THIS IS EASILY FAKED Don't believe this until he shows closes and reopens the browser to clear the manipulated links he likely made. You can change ANY text and links by using developer tools that come with EVERY BROWSER. Until real proof is given, he is trying to cause problems with this community. Without solid proof this is dangerous for people to believe. Ignore this

fartyshorts ago

Flash!? Fuck that noise...

r3dtr1x ago

No audio = fake.

chlrndrmz ago

Post the pedophile's number so we can call for a follow up interview.

kekistocrat ago

Indeed. I question the 33 in another.

shillcrusher13 ago

WHO IS BUYING THESE T-SHIRTS? Is this just some weird promotion for CPP? I don't get what is going on here.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Do you know how DC works? Pedophilia is a means of blackmail, used by the CIA to maintain control. Check out the "boy's town" sex abuse scandal. That went straight to the White House, and nothing was done.

birthdaysuit11 ago

STAY SAFE; Use Firefox, delete IE and any other browser. Encrypt hard drive, reconfigure ALL Facebook and Youtube settings, it's a bitch to do but can help. Download a proxy and/or VPN for firefox, use Noscript, Ublock Origin, Decentraleyes and Disconnect. Reconfigure about:config settings in firefox to set up for privacy. Basically, you want to limit finger printing, anything stored on your hard drive, and use a spoof for IP and DNS.

IlluminatiKing ago


asdfghjkl123456789 ago

God dammit!

Guys, I am on the verge of tears as I write this (and I don't even know that anything bad has happened). We NEED to stay safe when we do these things!

Stop throwing your real names around in connection with the investigation. Get a gun, and learn how to use it. Don't expose yourself as a threat to dangerous people. You HAVE to stay cover on this stuff.

I don't want anyone reading this to end up DEAD!

Throwthisaway33 ago

You're right. Everything we have seen can be faked. I actually do think he is legit but this isn't proof.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

He's not reading this. But he absolutely could not come forward. He would be killed immediately.

The operation to get him away safe would be absolutely insane, and certainly have to involve a foreign government harboring him.

thicktail1730947 ago

He's in danger of being killed anyways. If the pressure keeps up his options are going to be dying a hero and dying a villain.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

His best option will be disappearing to some island paradise where they hide these people. IIRC Montego Bay was used for this for a long time.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago


You're talking to a well-connected man that you suspect of being a kingpin of a child rape/murder ring, and you go and talk to him on his fucking facebook account? I would be afraid to e-mail him from a burner account that I accessed with TOR on a public connection with a computer I cleaned frequently.

I'm gonna give you some advice that you are almost certain not to take. Grab any assets that can be easily carried, and GET THE FUCK OUT OF DODGE! The further out into the country, and away from license plate readers, the better.

People with far more power than you have been murdered for this kind of shit.

At a bare minimum, you should have a firearm with you 24 hours a day, and be wearing armor. If you don't have the equipment, I'm sure someone on this sub will let you borrow it. I would offer, but I'm on the other side of the country. I'm praying for your safety.

For everyone reading, this is a perfect example of what NOT to do when investigating dangerous conspiracies.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Hahaha this dudes comment is so fuckin funny

JazzyButterfly ago


Flat_Truth ago

Don't even play into that fear BS. Tough guys? Really? Enough already.

fifibrindacier ago

Yup. Please don't be added on that list :

Throwthisaway33 ago

If he's actually in danger, plastering his face all over the Internet isn't a bad idea.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

That buys him a few weeks, or forces them to really make it look like an accident.

BlueTesla ago

And the articles would read "man dies in a weightlifting accident 3 weeks after being contacted & threatened by Alefantis on Facebook, authorities have declared the death as not suspicious."

kekistocrat ago

Curious. 33. You a man of the east?

Throwthisaway33 ago

West actually. East to some people though technically. I just like the number 3

thicktail1730947 ago

Seriously, that's what Masonic code looks like? No wonder my social network is two steps to crazy and three to power. That's not impenetrable. That's barely complicated.

kekistocrat ago

Exactly. That's why it's used all around the world and bystanders never know. These people have set forth a juggernaut of simple rules to be followed in order to further the cause whilst embracing the human dilemma (in other words, the organization lives on and people come and go (perish)). Early Rosicrucian rules of secrecy are very close to the strategies employed by modern Freemasons.

nnfx ago


Orange_Circle ago

He probably knows that wetworks doesn't mean pool party at the vineyard.....

angryindividual ago

Why did you register to dissent against this post?

FalsePseudonym ago

Probably because he's a lurker who noticed that this isn't definitive proof.

angryindividual ago That's fake, btw. You're not funny.

Htaed ago

If anybody wants to go there let me know. I'll provide the transportation. And safety.

BlueTesla ago

I'd laugh so much if you were a 16 year old skinny dude with some nunchuks, borrowing your moms PT Cruiser

Htaed ago

You know what's even exceedingly funnier? I'm Asian LOLOLOL you know how we're pussies number crunching nerds with binoculars duct taped to our faces? HAHAHAHAHAHA yeah man, I'm one of those. In alefantis wildest dreams he couldn't picture a guy like me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

BlueTesla ago

Dude if i lived in your country i'd be in the PT cruiser with 2 sets of nunchucks and we'd be on our way!

Htaed ago

I'm just a lost kid tryna find my way, and if you want to be lost with me I welcome you with open arms.

BlueTesla ago

We need to kick back, smoke on the reefers and watch some conspiracy documentaries

Htaed ago


Htaed ago

LMAO. Worst. I'm 120lb armed with nothing but my fist. LOLOLOL nun-chucks is a luxury I can't afford.

gopluckyourself ago

you are making a mistake and will only damage whatever case that can be brought against him. If you go you make him a martyr.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

For the love of everything good and holy, please be armed. And don't do anything stupid.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

please dont go.

Htaed ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA but I must. What time are they open M-F?

I want him alive, remember?

madmax0308 ago

Go where... I'm down. If you are talking ab pegasus lets do it.

Htaed ago

pegasus and comet. May as well see all the attraction while there.

Htaed ago

Interesting. I need to go there. I heard there was going to be free Marijuana in DC on inauguration day.

dickface8 ago

careful, that day will be ripe for an attack...

Htaed ago

Small fry. I like walking into traps. I won't be armed with anything, but I really really really hope they will be.

It's just a side show. Not my orders.

cosmicmind ago

He texted that he doesn't like children, at all. I can't remember now if he said he hated them or just didn't like them, at all, and I'm not going to listen to it again,,,

so I'm not sure if your option is one that he'd even care about.

At this point I think it would be a good move forward if we get behind a go-fund-me for the OP, so he can get a good lawyer, so we can force a break in this and get an actual investigation going. His child and his family have been threatened, so JA can't litigate that which he has done himself. It appears that the OP has done nothing wrong at all, and since lawyers are expensive maybe we could kick this up by putting up a thread asking opinions re a go-fund-me legal fund.

contrarianism ago

He doesn't like them, so he tortures and kills them.

dontsuicidemebro ago

Someone accused of paedophilia says "I don't like kids", quoted as "I hate kids" and upvoated.

C'mon guys.

cosmicmind ago

@ don'tsuiciemebro, I wasn't sure if he said I don't like kids, at all, or "hated kids".
I don't want to listen a second time to verify, it was hard to watch the first time. I generally don't like to focus on JA, so can you verify what he said by providing the time stamp? thanks. Also in this case I'm not sure if there's much of a difference between don't like kids and hate kids, when the amount of pedo-related art and suggestive pedo comments are apparent --- do people who use this type of picture, music, art and verbiage hate or just dislike. At this point you're splitting hairs. .


Be careful!

NonexistentNihilist ago

Alternatively, like fifty people should go to Pegasus at once. Can't disappear fifty people who are livestreaming at once.

Flat_Truth ago

Well, if James boy and the media are going to make up visits......then why should there not be real visits? Make a sign up list and plan a date. There's probably a lot of people who would like to meet some of the players face to face.

thicktail1730947 ago

Flashmob! Sunlight Sunday. Turn it into a circus, a block party. Pull the media into condemning us for "FAKE NEWS" again so they'll publicize the location!

SpikyAube ago

This has to be done, that would be amazing. Everyone should all dress up as ghost busters or something, with the theme tune playing, but use the word pedo instead of ghost.

redditsuckz ago

?..we know Alefantis is well connected and Its NOT scary...calm down...

The only ones who should be scared right now is Alefantis and his well connected friends.

If the OP was afraid then we wouldnt have all this evidence against Alefantis...I think you need a break from pizzagate.

srayzie ago

You said in voat that he contacted you again. What happened??

throwawaa ago

I want to believe but this isn't proof. In 30 seconds I reproduced this by right clicking the name on a chat window in facebook, clicking Inspect Element, and then editing the url that the link goes to. That link stays the same even if you click Home, because the chat window is not reloaded.

I want to believe you man, trying to figure out how you can really prove this.

redditsuckz ago

Caller ID verification for Alefantis Phone number

common_sense ago

He could make a video of him using the "refresh Firefox" option in the settings and THEN doing what he did in this video showing us that the conversation is actually Alefantis.

throwawaa ago

I was going to suggest that, it is more evidence than this at least, but it's also not hard to do your inspect element bit and then cut it out of the video. It would take me 5 minutes instead of 30 seconds, but still not hard to do.

common_sense ago

Livestream it. Something as big as this demands absolute 100% confirmation.

throwawaa ago

Yes, livestream would be a good idea. THAT would be a lot tougher to fake, especially if he does it today.

common_sense ago

It just needs to happen. For all I know he could be working with Alefantis in order to divert our attention from a different lead.

Maybe I'm just a skeptical fuck but I need proof.

kekistocrat ago

Proof. Proof. Proof. Claimant has the onus of proof. So much of this is built upon a very weak foundation. We're all hanging out here on this one little branch hoping it won't snap. Actually, this is like one of the many strategies employed by our loving, spying alphabet gangs. Technique #2. - Consensus cracking.

throwawaa ago

He's already making money off pizzagate, and this can make him a lot more money. So yeah. Need proof.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

You have an interesting post history -2200 score. lol

redditsuckz ago

Stop Fear-Mongering pls...

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

It's not fear-mongering. It's warning people of the real risks of fucking with dangerous people.

Birdzeyeview ago

haha maybe he got a writ.

Lileee1010 ago

Stay safe...

hang_em_high ago

Bullshit. If they are committed enough to make videos for a "conspiracy" forum, they are probably here daily, let alone 3 weeks.

kekistocrat ago

We all appreciate you following up on this as you have the onus of proof. You must understand your feet will be held to the fire on this. These are strong claims. Are you able to verify the police report for us? In order for me to believe it, I must first disprove it. If unable, logic follows... Appreciate all your effort in this. Rotten tomatoes for selling shit, though.

Htaed ago


kekistocrat ago

I fail to see how this is in any way shillacious. I'm skeptical. A shill would not condone this message. Look at 'Consensus Cracking' Technique #2. ...really easy to simply use ad hominem attacks without proving anything or confronting the argument. ...really easy to behave childishly on a message board as well.

Htaed ago

You know who I am shill.

kekistocrat ago

...and I'm the shill. Yeah. 3 lowest rated comments: 8Chan is attacked right now, has post "Possibility of a CIA Coup" submitted by DuffBeer4Me to pizzagate

Htaed -3 points (+0|-3) 27 days ago

The time for peaceful protest is OVER!!!! Violence is the answer.


Htaed ago

There is no question.

redditsuckz ago

He filed the report with Galveston PD;

kekistocrat ago

much obliged. I hear you. Still have questions though. There's no date on these linking anything (technical) -- and why go to bed at 1:15 pm?

redditsuckz ago

There's no date on these linking anything (technical) -- and why go to bed at 1:15 pm?

I think that is the time he took the screen shots...

Check the time at the top...iMessage Yesterday 10:13 PM

kekistocrat ago

Nice. I should have caught that. Have an upvoat.

redditsuckz ago

Nothing wrong with asking questions or being skeptical...we all want this to be the real deal...more proof the better.

noworldorder ago

Can you link to the vid?

noworldorder ago

Links to comments saying they were going to investigate in-person?

whirledpeas ago

IsThisGameOfThrones, I recomend for your safety: use the Periscope app to broadcast every time you go anywhere. It doesn't have to be a public broadcast. Make private broadcast and have a couple of close trusted friends use the app to follow you 24/7. Also, you & your friends can use an app called Scopedown to download/archive any periscopes you might wish to.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Not a bad idea, but I doubt that's gonna save him. They can jam up a smart phone, pretty easily.

angryindividual ago Here's a direct archive of it being James' profile.

throwawaa ago

He has NO PROOF he talked with Alefantis. In 30 seconds I reproduced this video by right clicking the name on a chat window in facebook, clicking Inspect Element, and then editing the url that the link goes to. That link stays the same even if you click Home, because the chat window is not reloaded.

He needs to do a livestream and prove it in multiple different ways suggested on the fly by other trusted people here. One example would be (on livestream) to restart his web browser, open up facebook, open up the chat, and click the name like he did in his proof video. He claims he is no longer able to view Alefantis' profile (I still can), but we would still be able to see that his browser tried to visit that url and was blocked or redirected. That is, if it's worth the effort to prove this. But if we can't prove it, it's not really much use to us.

He is already making money off pizzagate through his tshirt website, which he advertises in his videos. This gives him a monetary incentive to make this up, to get more attention. I'm not accusing him of lying, just saying there's no proof so we shouldn't all waste our time on this until it is proven.

EDIT: 12 hours later, IsThisGameOfThrones has not replied ( to my PM or to any of these comments demanding proof.

EDIT: Two days later, he has replied to many other comments to say that it is real, but not to this one with 100+ upvotes that explains how to actually prove it.

That to me is evidence this is a fake, and my guess is either he wants to undermine the credibility of pizzagate by throwing a fake story into the mix, or he's trying to make money. I don't like saying that someone is lying but I will remain skeptical until he provides the requested proof.

shaboyi999 ago

You should apology to OP,

throwawaa ago

Is there proof now that he talked with Alefantis? I haven't seen it yet -- could you give me a link?


ohnellie ago

Yeah when he said "and it should go to his profile...and it does" that made me a little wary. Like he wasn't sure it would work

thezodiac ago

I'm still waiting, it's starting to look like BS really

WindowsInJudgement ago

A video of alefantis threatening him on the phone would be at least a step further he's supposed to be researching and archiving but he takes a number of phone calls from alefantis and records nothing. I want to believe him but I need something more.

Naspert ago

Presenting a 100% proof would put him in even greater danger, assuming this actually happenened. Stay safe, i'd rather have an alive faker than a dead truther!

party1981 ago

Yeah I want to believe that this is real.

The Pegasus video was very convincing.

But there is a clear financial incentive here, and everything in the new video can be faked.

Scoundrel ago

Why didn't he just go to his chat page which will list James and other people he chatted with all on one page. He only shows us the chat widget which throwawaa was able to recreate easily.

victuruslibertas ago

Agree - I would have liked it if he recorded the phone calls. I mean, MAYBE you get a pass for not recording the first call but NO WAY are you not prepared to record the 2nd call. In addition, I am assuming JA will contact him again because of the repost video and the threat video. When that happens, there's no excuse for NOT recording the call.

notArobott ago

I came here to say this. A video of a browser means nothing, when modern browsers allow you to modify elements at will. A high schooler in a basic webdev class could fake this in 5 minutes.

madmanpg ago

Yep. We need a situation proving this communication that can't be accomplished through basic alteration of website code. Maybe he could log in on a different computer to show it's a legit conversation.

throwawaa ago

It has to be a live stream to be proof to the people watching the live stream. Almost anything else is easy to fake.

Throwthisaway33 ago

This is correct. We need more proof.


What I couldn't get it do though was change the pop up text which it does in his video. I'm sure there is a way but is it easy or difficult?

throwawaa ago

No doubt there is, but he wouldn't have needed to. If he faked it, he would have created a fake profile with the name James Alefantis, so that would be the pop up text anyway.


That's my way of thinking. But he'd have to make it look the same as the real Alefantis profile (because it's easy to compare) and you'd have to delete it straight away (before Alefantis changed anything on his real page).

throwawaa ago

No he wouldn't -- see The fake profile only needs the name and profile photo -- then he can edit the chat box to link to the real james.alefantis profile to get the effect shown in his proof video.

common_sense ago

Everyone needs to upvote this comment, a livestream is crucial to authenticating that this is legit.

throwawaa ago

Thanks for suggesting the livestream in the first place common_sense.

redditsuckz ago

Might as well livestream it via youtube;

silverstar23 ago

Please contact the police and report the death threats and document it. BE SAFE.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

police report made. thank you

dksogo358 ago

Where's the police report?

FriesischShipping ago

You're in the pedohunting game now buddy, and this game is lethal. Think of heroin/cocaine and replace that with children and that's what you're dealing with.

PedoHunter69 ago

Why the fuck is he threatening to kill you, your family and you girlfriend? You either found something he wants hidden or hes just going nuts since pizzagate isnt going away

redditsuckz ago

Pizzagate will never go away.

Notice there is a doorway on the top floor?;

Imagine a second floor room that is only accessible from that door...His "PEGASUS MUSEUM"..

Some PEGASUS Construction Photos from JA's Instagram;

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Doesnt that remind you of that poster in Besta Pizza with the ladder going up to that room?

cosmicmind ago

my guess is he didn't have too far of a fall down the nut tree.
It's like Hellary, she loses it when her self-entitlement status doesn't get catered to.

Maybe JA should open up a Burger King, where he can have it his way.

wellington33 ago

2 downvotes already? HAHAHAHAHAH KEEP IT UP GUYS!

wellington33 ago


cosmicmind ago

He got my sub.

If this is all legit, which we'll know when he gets a lawyer (and I am all for a go-fund-me lawyer account to help this cause) then I'll really be satisfied to call this guy a hero.
A lawyer is the only way to cover the stories interest from compromised police, and to help us break a crack to get an investigation.

Alefantis says he doesn't like children, but children are the future and they need us to stand up for them.
This op Ryan is a brave mofo. (shoulda got a recording but :/

KiloJuliet ago

This is DEPLORABLE.... Speechless.

nathanwblair ago