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whirledpeas ago

IsThisGameOfThrones, I recomend for your safety: use the Periscope app to broadcast every time you go anywhere. It doesn't have to be a public broadcast. Make private broadcast and have a couple of close trusted friends use the app to follow you 24/7. Also, you & your friends can use an app called Scopedown to download/archive any periscopes you might wish to.

throwawaa ago

He has NO PROOF he talked with Alefantis. In 30 seconds I reproduced this video by right clicking the name on a chat window in facebook, clicking Inspect Element, and then editing the url that the link goes to. That link stays the same even if you click Home, because the chat window is not reloaded.

He needs to do a livestream and prove it in multiple different ways suggested on the fly by other trusted people here. One example would be (on livestream) to restart his web browser, open up facebook, open up the chat, and click the name like he did in his proof video. He claims he is no longer able to view Alefantis' profile (I still can), but we would still be able to see that his browser tried to visit that url and was blocked or redirected. That is, if it's worth the effort to prove this. But if we can't prove it, it's not really much use to us.

He is already making money off pizzagate through his tshirt website, which he advertises in his videos. This gives him a monetary incentive to make this up, to get more attention. I'm not accusing him of lying, just saying there's no proof so we shouldn't all waste our time on this until it is proven.

EDIT: 12 hours later, IsThisGameOfThrones has not replied ( to my PM or to any of these comments demanding proof.

EDIT: Two days later, he has replied to many other comments to say that it is real, but not to this one with 100+ upvotes that explains how to actually prove it.

That to me is evidence this is a fake, and my guess is either he wants to undermine the credibility of pizzagate by throwing a fake story into the mix, or he's trying to make money. I don't like saying that someone is lying but I will remain skeptical until he provides the requested proof.

shaboyi999 ago

You should apology to OP,

throwawaa ago

Is there proof now that he talked with Alefantis? I haven't seen it yet -- could you give me a link?


ohnellie ago

Yeah when he said "and it should go to his profile...and it does" that made me a little wary. Like he wasn't sure it would work

thezodiac ago

I'm still waiting, it's starting to look like BS really

WindowsInJudgement ago

A video of alefantis threatening him on the phone would be at least a step further he's supposed to be researching and archiving but he takes a number of phone calls from alefantis and records nothing. I want to believe him but I need something more.

Naspert ago

Presenting a 100% proof would put him in even greater danger, assuming this actually happenened. Stay safe, i'd rather have an alive faker than a dead truther!

party1981 ago

Yeah I want to believe that this is real.

The Pegasus video was very convincing.

But there is a clear financial incentive here, and everything in the new video can be faked.

Scoundrel ago

Why didn't he just go to his chat page which will list James and other people he chatted with all on one page. He only shows us the chat widget which throwawaa was able to recreate easily.

victuruslibertas ago

Agree - I would have liked it if he recorded the phone calls. I mean, MAYBE you get a pass for not recording the first call but NO WAY are you not prepared to record the 2nd call. In addition, I am assuming JA will contact him again because of the repost video and the threat video. When that happens, there's no excuse for NOT recording the call.

notArobott ago

I came here to say this. A video of a browser means nothing, when modern browsers allow you to modify elements at will. A high schooler in a basic webdev class could fake this in 5 minutes.

madmanpg ago

Yep. We need a situation proving this communication that can't be accomplished through basic alteration of website code. Maybe he could log in on a different computer to show it's a legit conversation.

throwawaa ago

It has to be a live stream to be proof to the people watching the live stream. Almost anything else is easy to fake.

Throwthisaway33 ago

This is correct. We need more proof.


What I couldn't get it do though was change the pop up text which it does in his video. I'm sure there is a way but is it easy or difficult?

throwawaa ago

No doubt there is, but he wouldn't have needed to. If he faked it, he would have created a fake profile with the name James Alefantis, so that would be the pop up text anyway.


That's my way of thinking. But he'd have to make it look the same as the real Alefantis profile (because it's easy to compare) and you'd have to delete it straight away (before Alefantis changed anything on his real page).

throwawaa ago

No he wouldn't -- see The fake profile only needs the name and profile photo -- then he can edit the chat box to link to the real james.alefantis profile to get the effect shown in his proof video.

common_sense ago

Everyone needs to upvote this comment, a livestream is crucial to authenticating that this is legit.

throwawaa ago

Thanks for suggesting the livestream in the first place common_sense.

redditsuckz ago

Might as well livestream it via youtube;