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IsThisGameOfThrones ago

It's real

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Are you willing to stream live for proof? We really need to stop arguing about this and move on.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

His Facebook profile is not available anymore

throwawaa ago

Actually it is still available (and as far as I can tell, has been this whole time) if you are logged into facebook.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

For whatever reason I am not allowed to visit that page anymore.

throwawaa ago

Means for providing proof are explained here:

(Basically, do a livestream, and follow methods suggested by other people live so there's no time to fake them)

If it's real I hope you'll do that. Otherwise, the Alefantis threats are not much use to us, because they would be so easy for someone to have faked.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i no longer have access to his Facebook profile so when I click the same link it brings me to my messages. Nothing says I'm blocked but the link definitely no longer works

coinscoin ago

it is sad, it was SO easy to prove it but you wouldn't. now no one is going to believe you. you are just coming off like an attention whore who hacked the page elements.