IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Hindsight... you seem to be the most right

stellarcorpse ago


Let's look and discuss
This might be ok
Thank you.
Let me know when you have calmed a bit


Give me a week


Welcome to my world

And what world is that? What does he mean by this? In his world he is shaken up like Ryan just was? Why would a pizza shop owners world be like this? And why has no one mentioned this or noticed this bizarre statement?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Thank you for diving into the messages a little deeper.

To be fair if the allegations against JA ended up not being true I can imagine having to deal with this kind of reaction would shake somebody up.

Or if they are true it could mean a few things

stellarcorpse ago

I did not get the impression he was talking about "welcome to my world" in the current PG chaos sense but in his life in general. Like he's living on the edge and gets off on it. People like James Alefantis don't get their world's shaken. They are adept at shaking up other peoples worlds though. He is a splendid actor. Should come here to Hollywood. But what do I know? I'm just a girl.

Thank you for all you are doing. You are a good man. Be careful. These people dangerous in more ways than just the obvious.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Ahhh I gotcha

herbsmoke ago

wear it as a badge of honor. your enemies know you by name. keep up the good work!!! stay safe bro. I will pray for you

ActivistAngel ago

Are you OK Ryan?

PerusingTheOoze ago

Perhaps the FBI is researching this we don't know. Is the State Police more reliable?

PerusingTheOoze ago

If something bad happens to IsThisGameofThrones we'll know it was legite...

PerusingTheOoze ago

If we all act like the video is fake it might help protect him?

illuminalto ago

Not trying to be rude, but this sounds rude in my head - just need to be blunt with people.

Anyone who thinks they are safe ANYWHERE online needs to remember the origins of this net we are using.

"They" can sniff/view all traffic, encrypted or not, shit they don't even have to remotely sniff, they've got boxes relaying the traffic to datacenters where it can be internally searched just as easily as you and I externally search on the googs or the ducks. "They" made the fucking protocols, "they" paid the top level graduates their salary to create the backdoors, "they" own the factories which produce the chips which make up the routers we are using to communicate.

If you think that "they" need to subpoena any site admin to get more info about you, you are underestimating the electronic machines which host all of this nonsense.

just not yet bought by media organizations to censor and push a narrative.

There's already talk of censorship on voat. Voat is currently under guerilla shill attack and acquisition is underway.

PuzzlePalace ago

This came from /r/conspiracy and I'm bringing it over. I posted a thread but it got flag for rule #1. Guess well see how long it last here.

"I did it. It was a pain with the formatting but it's been transcribed with there bad spelling and all. Do with it as you wish. It's for the community."

Alefantis = James Alefantis

Ryan = Ryan Alexander O'Neal

Each Bullet point is a single text message strung out over multiple. One bullet per text message.

Leaning text is either #1 a photo that I don't have access too. #2 The BLANKed out phone number or #3 writing out (emoji's) since we don't have access to those here either.

First text conversation shown transcribed.


  • Ok man
  • You win


  • interview?


  • What's your voat name?


  • what do you need that for?


  • How do I know you have any cred?


  • IsThisGameOfThrones


  • But your YouTube is diff


  • Yes
  • User sumitted interviews?


  • Who is hopingtohelp
  • Looks like a shill to me


  • not sure
  • why would you say that?


  • I know Ryan
  • I think he wanted me to tell you.


  • lol gotcha


  • is he your son?


  • no
  • ?


  • oh do you know his mom?


  • im confused


  • Ryan Alexander O'Neil


  • spelled it wrong


  • ah O'Neal
  • sorry I see that


  • so whats up man


  • hes in trouble


  • who?


  • you


  • what for?


  • call me and I will tell yoi


  • whats your phone number?


  • 202-2BLANK7
  • Call me now
  • You have ten seconds
  • 10
  • 9
  • 8
  • 7
  • 6
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • Last chance

Second text conversation shown transcribed.


  • Just the Pegasus shit
  • Figure out how to do it - no waves


  • I'm a super reasonable guy. You don't have to scare me like that


  • You can keep your kill room shit about the rest of it
  • Fix this and we are reasonable
  • Sent Photo of Ryan Alexander O'Neal with his mother
  • Thanks
  • Feel ok?


  • Not really
  • Just threatened to kill everybody


  • No need for all that


  • Deleted the video


  • Good
  • Blame YouTube


  • Delete the thread on voat too?


  • They are taking things down
  • I think be more creative
  • Say you think it's nothing or Something - it's your culture
  • Calm down and think about it first


  • Ok


  • Let's look and discuss
  • This might be ok
  • Thank you.
  • Let me know when you have calmed a bit


  • Give me a week


  • Ha
  • Welcome to my world
  • Call me quick I'll be nice this time
  • I appreciate you taking down


  • I'm riding around with somebody
  • Gimme a minute


  • Sent Photo of Ryan Alexander O'Neal with his girlfriend

  • Cute


  • is that you being nice?


  • Not yet
  • So call quick then I can go to bed with less worries


  • Mods deleted post off voat
  • 5 minutes


  • Ok
  • What's mods


  • Moderators


  • Hmm draws attention?


  • They deleted because content was removed is my guess
  • Reason: 1 2 3


  • Hmm
  • Looks there


  • Say it's deleted
  • "it looks like youre trying to make money off this. Link doesn't work"


  • That's on voat
  • ?


  • About to call


  • Ok
  • One
  • More thing - this "happended to ME". You - created this
  • You can uncreate


  • It's an interesting subject. Just doing research on a hobby basically. I would never want my family or myself to have any harm done because of this


  • Meaning - you created it for yourself - you can uncreate
  • Yeah well it's good you didn't end up like welch - in jail for 35 years
  • Or everyone who's getting sued
  • You can find a much more profitable and benficial hobby.


  • I mean nothing I did was wrong but wrong or not it's just not worth it


  • Actually lots of what you did is illegal
  • And punishable
  • But it's expensive to sue
  • So people don't do it
  • I can explain it to you someday
  • There would also be criminal - meaning state charges on some of it
  • But you would need someone smart and connected who wanted to make sure it was enforced
  • And so far you don't have that


  • I took down the video. You win by a landslide.


  • So go to sleep
  • Thank you for that
  • It's appreciated
  • And by the way this storys is a pack of lies


  • What is it then?
  • Pure garbage?


  • Yup
  • I mean that wall is the same wall


  • Oh I confirmed that lol


  • But what the hell does that mean
  • And
  • Our families deserve to be safe


  • No doubt
  • What were y'all building in the room? Why the trenches?


  • You are too much man
  • On the edge of total destruction - still curious


  • I'm curious for myself. No worries.


  • FBI liked your videos
  • So there is something
  • And
  • Plumbing
  • have you ever run plumbing


  • Lol


  • To build a room it's not trenches
  • Any basic construction moron would see the differ next


  • So the killroom stuff was just a joke?


  • Difference


  • idk about that stuff


  • Ugh


  • Sorry sorry
  • I'll stop


  • You don't know what
  • It's freaky room


  • Construction


  • That's why people put shit on Instagram

  • Sent Photo of Ryan Alexander O'Neal "old jobs he worked on"

  • U never moved pipes I guess

  • You are a decorator


  • I've designed a few bars
  • You like?
  • You're quite the designer


  • One more thing
  • If one of these assholes gets near my mom or her house that's it for you
  • That bethesda follows driving over tomororen
  • I'm sure nothing with happen butif it does


  • They've been talking about Pegasus for a while


  • Everything they say about me is true
  • Except I don't like kids
  • At all
  • You should soon take all your shit down
  • Bust for profiteering


  • Will do


  • Night


  • Goodnight
  • Take it down now or later?


  • It's your culture


  • Heard


  • Maybe all
  • Prob best
  • Disappear
  • Profiteer gone
  • I'm going to protect my family now.
  • Now or soon


  • Will do


  • And I don't really want to hear about you again from anyone
  • Night Ryan


  • I'm telling you I'm done. Way too real


  • Cute gf


  • Thanks man


  • Lucky boy
  • Keep your voat profile though
  • Xo (Emoji's) Ping Pong Paddle. Ping Pong Paddle. Kiss Lips. Painted nails. Money stack

0xFFF ago

thanks, good work.

throwawaa ago

Welcome to voat. :) I'm pretty new here too.

I get your picture. But he is still replying to others saying that it is 100% real and that he doesn't know how to prove it anymore than he already has, so he's clearly not hiding. My comment explains how to prove it in a way that is easy to do but not easy to fake, and has 100+ upvotes, but he has not responded to it.

neo50 ago

Informative, well-sourced video. You are much braver than I, my friend. Stay safe!

redtape20 ago

he thought he was as untouchable as the rest of him i guess lol. big mistake if this post is true

hanknut42 ago

the thing is we known about JA owning that bu9ilding from way in the begining its just now that they've linked the construction to the inside and Pizzagategear just STOLE /u/Yukes rsearch and just crapped it altogther

birthdaysuit11 ago

Exactly, if Ryan is telling the truth he would be able to do this.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I endorse you buddy but I need some proof. Initially in the video you said alefantis rang you but you didn't have time to record him. Then you say later in the video that you spoke a number of times. Surely you could have recorded the conversation with a smartphone or something. Why didn't you ask your friend. 'Hey dude video me while I answer this call'

We have been losing sleep looking for hard evidence and you had James alefantis himself threatening you and your mother on the phone but you couldn't even get 5 seconds of video.

As a researcher who is making youtube videos with a Web cam why didn't you leave the Web cam on while he was threatening you. Please explain. I want to believe you but this is a MASSIVE PLOT HOLE

VieBleu ago

There are now over 10,000 subscribers to this subverse. Certainly the Pegasus Incident helped push it over the top.

0xFFF ago

not fun to watch, growth is ridiculously slow ever since they went invite only.

VieBleu ago

and they did that after a huge surge in subscribers to the pizzagate forum- at least some of them felt like they were losing control of the plebians no doubt.

VieBleu ago

Member for a month and never commented or submitted anything? why so passionate now.

looking4truth ago

Looks like a whole load of bullshit. "Keep the kill room videos but delete Pegasus shit" it just seems way too scripted and fake as if he's trying to lead us onto it by saying "oh delete that because it's incriminating and I'm threatened by it so don't investigate that" so people will start investigating that which is what he wants because it's probably a waste of time.

VieBleu ago

what do you mean "doing the staging" - talking about the council meeting?

VieBleu ago

There USED to be a rule against promoting vigilantism and violence, guess kevdude took that away when rewriting the rules last week. This is disgusting - no need to go out of your way to put this back up here. I want to go on record as saying that I completely object to you reposting what Vindicator decided as a mod needed deleting.

Disappointed ago

I object to you objecting to it.

VieBleu ago

I want to go on record as saying that I completely object to you reposting what Vindicator decided as a mod needed deleting. There USED to be a rule against promoting vigilantism and violence, guess kevdude took that away when rewriting the rules last week. This is disgusting - no need to go out of your way to put this back up here. @Vindicator

VieBleu ago

This is disgusting - no need to go out of your way to put this back up here. I want to go on record as saying that I completely object to you reposting what Vindicator decided as a mod needed deleting. There USED to be a rule against promoting vigilantism and violence, guess kevdude took that away when rewriting the rules last week.

LavonAffair ago

He has an uncanny resemblance to this guy:

same hair, nose, and eyebrows.

smudgepotforever ago

So the guy that runs a "family friendly place" ..."hates kids". Brilliant?

salinaslayer ago

he's a loose end and maybe even a hostage at this point, he could be our most valuable whistleblower though if he manages to negotiate immunity for it and the sooner he does it the more likely he is both to get that immunity, and to be successfully relocated, otherwise these people will hunt him down like a dog as he's too valuable in custody of their enemy, or even his family...

He was yelling at the guy, he's clearly on edge by this point, if you're reading James, hope you have a pen drive called "insurance", I don't think you like kids either and you can still walk out of this with your family, are your clients really worth dying for you?

vector3rector ago

Dont sweat it or be scared. James is a huge jerk off who thinks he's God. He wouldn't have to make direct threats like this, unless he's "soft at the knees".

Release WHATEVER you want, that you attain through public resources. Him filing a defamation suit opens up his absurd pedophilic tastes, to open court. If anything happened to you or your family at this point, you have a very large mass of individuals aware now, he has made hostile and threatening suggestions. [Dont worry. SWIM heard lots of international bodies are now monitoring the little princess.]

He and his pedophile friends, placed themselves in this ridiculous situation. There are many solutions, so this could end for them, but instead, they continue to deny and compound their issues. There is no room for sympathy, for a group of people who have so easily been correlated to blatant laundering and cohersion. Of which, the strongest criminal enterprise they seem to be supporting; Human trafficking.

James, A public figure, at this point has endangered himself and others, by not publicly addressing these issues with his jerk off pal, John Podesta. All those that feel endangered (so he says), were put in that position, solely because of Alefantis' own greed and perversion.

At this point, despite all the friendships he maintains in the world of politics and media., He cannot remove the negative spotlight and stigma, on him and his friends. All that James cares about is being a diva. It's why the guy tried to become bff's with members of Hollywood and the art community, and thinks he's some superstar.

What basically happened is, his political cronies have probably informed him at this point, that there are more agencies looking into him and his friends now, than the original Silk Road. So SWIM heard.

Because of the size of the un-partnered legislative groups and incognito style investigation., Majority of compiled information is coming from VOAT. Reddit was getting awfully close and over-publicized, which exponentially compounded the amount of data being released. Agencies and precincts, because of the lack of individuals they have working the case, are primarily collecting their evidence, from well sourced VOAT threads.

Continue to release everything you possibly can. Be as public as possible. Be as well sourced as possible.

sunajAeon ago

I agree it needs confirmation but he reads truth to me at this point

sunajAeon ago

This man's bravado is admirable, but VERY NAIVE, you are talking to CIA, and you GAVE them your LOCATION, get smart if you are going get that directly involved, and frankly if you are afraid of these people you shouldn't be doing it, most of us have weighed the danger and decided whatever happens we will meet them head on-

dickface8 ago

I hope Hillary meets a Mugabe like death.

Marthvedderette ago

I hone Hillary gets gidaffied.

dickface8 ago

Dammit, that's who I meant initially! I'm a dummy.

GeneralProductsHull ago

he blew his cover. subtext: fear-based rage. 100% Streisand Effect.

"freaky" room - well, we all have a slip of the tongue now and then. but this was telling.

classic blackmail tactics. not only in wording - posting pictues of your loved ones speaks to his deeply-held belief in the blackmail system. telling, again.

admits the "wall" when he damn well knows he's surrounded by the cloud of compiled coincidences.

he. blew. his. cover. lost about 50% of his plausibility.

he displays typologies of narcissistic personality disorder. Dominant Alpha male doing what he thinks works. I've lived with a dominant, narcissistic, sociopathic female. the rules don't apply to them.

OP, if you're in Texas, you likely have access to concealed carry. The downpost a ways are some tips to keep you liquid. Can I encourage you to avail yourself of at least a few of them? Let your family know, as well. I think you could stay close to the authorities who took your statement - make your concerns clear to them. A few dollars to an attorney could ease your mind as well.

stay safe and good work.

stellarcorpse ago

yes sadist Dom.

ilysb ago

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

Windtwist ago

not sure if you were still wondering what the Nail polish emoji was

birthdaysuit11 ago

Is this your first post?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

It's real

VieBleu ago

It seems like your thread is now flooded with new names all desperately trying to throw shade at the very idea this could have ever happened and you.


pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Are you willing to stream live for proof? We really need to stop arguing about this and move on.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

His Facebook profile is not available anymore

throwawaa ago

Actually it is still available (and as far as I can tell, has been this whole time) if you are logged into facebook.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

For whatever reason I am not allowed to visit that page anymore.

throwawaa ago

Means for providing proof are explained here:

(Basically, do a livestream, and follow methods suggested by other people live so there's no time to fake them)

If it's real I hope you'll do that. Otherwise, the Alefantis threats are not much use to us, because they would be so easy for someone to have faked.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i no longer have access to his Facebook profile so when I click the same link it brings me to my messages. Nothing says I'm blocked but the link definitely no longer works

coinscoin ago

it is sad, it was SO easy to prove it but you wouldn't. now no one is going to believe you. you are just coming off like an attention whore who hacked the page elements.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Please, if you genuinely care about this investigation and it's community you need to verify this so we can put it in our ammunition vault and move forward.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I've provided all the proof that I have. It's 100% real. I've talked to a lawyer and the FBI. I honestly just want to go on with my life now

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I don't disbelieve you, but you are giving ammunition directly to the doubters by not providing proof that cannot be faked. Please consider it, as it's dividing the community and causing unnecessary rifts.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

What more proof can I provide? His Facebook account is not available anymore.

LargePepperoni ago

Live stream a video showing your phone. Open your text message history. Cover up part of the phone number with your finger if you don't want to dox. Show us your phone call history on your phone. It should say how long the phone conversations lasted.

Show us a video of you logging into your sprint account and view your call history:

Show us a video of you booting up your computer. Open an incognito window and login to your facebook account. Open your message history and show us the conversation. Film as one continuous shot at your computer screen. This will be sufficient evidence and it is not difficult for you to do. You have 10 seconds. 10. 9. 8. jk, but please do the above.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

There are other options for proof over stream. Also, the link should still show, even if it doesn't let you view the page.

hanknut42 ago

care to comment?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I'm sure a better photo exists

hanknut42 ago

why are you laughing at the end ?

VieBleu ago

why are you harrassing? tone down the intimidation routine.

lhunterel ago

JA is more likely doing the staging..but I agree question, like why John Winstead was flipping out in 2008 over this..

0000000001 ago

be brave bro, you're the hero we need. I don't know what I would do in such a situation but there is honor to die for such a cause. get strapped, delete facebook, tell your mother to leave town.

seekingtruth2016 ago

It's hard to believe that out of all the people who are covering this story and have probably tried to contact JA directly, he chose you, this random guy who has no real following and therefore poses little to no real threat. Yes, I get that you have your police report that is supposedly proof of the "threat", but then why move forward and post a subsequent video chronicling your experience when JA has specifically asked you to take down your vids? You understand how this makes no sense, right?

I'm curious to find out if any other pizzagate voaters who also post YouTube vids have attempted to contact JA. Surely you could also get a response if this guy did.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Yeah it's definitely strange that he decided to respond to me at all.

lhunterel ago

Sketchyy pizza parlor, yea he had a real warm welcome in 2008 I hear...part of the community.. The sick thing is the dude chooses the words so carefully it isnt really lying..just sketchy as hell..also guilty as hell

hanknut42 ago

i didn't watch the end of your video before ya you are smiling ear to fucking ear for a guy who just got his whole family threatened also telling us to stop investgating you should prob snipp of the end of your vid

Smiling EAR TO EAR

DMT4All ago

Guess what one of Alefnatisies characters was called? Eve.

Lilith and Eve... Adam.. Pegasus.

DMT4All ago

Guess who rode on a Pegasus?

Lilith, one of the demons they worship.

DMT4All ago

James is a little bitch.

DMT4All ago

Put your nikes on your bike Alefantis and peddle hard bitch.

deadly_nightshade ago

that's not the JA number, that's

Comet P******* Beltsville, DC

samhara ago

"Strange that JA would personally threaten the lives of your loved ones and you." Not strange at all.

deadly_nightshade ago

that number at 5:10 gives Comet P******* Beltsville, DC

samhara ago

As a matter of fact he's more likely to get himself in trouble if he presses this?

Maybe wait 'til after Jan 20? So many things could happen between then and now. Hopefully we will all be safe til then , and after.

VieBleu ago

Ok, thanks and good luck. It was a memorable month to say the least.

samhara ago

It's just one person's word against the other.

The D.C police are not siding against Alephantis. You could "take that to the bank"

Investigate1999 ago

Yes. I am the person, who posted that.

Investigate1999 ago

I did post it a few moments ago.

Investigate1999 ago

It's kind of hard to screen shot the several pages. Try this link.

21yearsofdigging ago

Don't let this distract us from The Clinton Foundation. That could be the psyops used here. For me, The CF is the big one!

Investigate1999 ago

Since you showed me the police business card, I called the Galvston Police, and they pointed me to the web site, where we could download the police report. It all looks legitimate. [edit: this was an incorrect link]

21yearsofdigging ago

Think about this whole thing. You think Jimmy doesn't have all kinds of connections through his network of friends in D.C?? David Brock....Lynn De Rothschild? I think it is a psyop but I don't know of what yet. We are to believe he is like us, that he cares about his mother?? Could be sincere but I doubt it. We are being played somehow. He is probably trying to give the impression of being a lowly pizza joint owner but his connections betray that appearance. 6 times he visited the Whitehouse?? Who was next to him during the texting and the phone calls?? Was he is Langley during this exchange I wonder. Plus, a thinly veiled threat but it means nothing other than to some of us here.. If the FBI didn't act on any of our information then they won't on this. They( some alphabet agency) could very easily done a profile on you @IsThisGameofThrones and picked you off a an easy target. These think tanks specialize on mind fucks and the psychology of the mind.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Possibly, but there's been a influx of people trying to discredit Ryan's acusations. So far, we need more prood. Debunking is good, shilling is bad and I've seen A LOT of shilling when it comes to this Pegasus place.

VieBleu ago

Most I've ever seen, and now kevdude has gone out of his way to repost vigilante justice type comments eliminated by Vindicator yesterday here at the end of this thread.

There used to be a rule against vigilante/violence comments, kevdude eliminated it I guess last week.

All of this happening over the Pegasus Incident.

Pizza-related-sap ago

Much of the fun of their thrilling lifestyle is "getting away with it" while hapless idiots are none the wiser. Leaving breadcrumbs gives them a sense of daring, and lets all their nasty little cohorts in on the secret. I'm glad that despite their professed intelligence, they're still predictable children in perverted adult form.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

He was definitely not happy to give me his number

birthdaysuit11 ago

I'm pretty sure you can go to verizon or which ever company you use and they can get the phone call. I know they're recorded in archives for awhile.

21yearsofdigging ago

Haha, yup, well @armyseer did this to me to and when I asked for an explanation nothing.

OrwellKnew ago

If you're not LARPing then kudos bro! I guess we will see soon but I tend to believe you

Please check out my recent post

Investigate1999 ago

He is not joking. He could be lying. He claims to tell the truth, but most liars do also.

Investigate1999 ago

I think that he could lie about whether or not he contacted the police. You don't mean "connected the police", right?

Whether or not the police become involved in entirely up to the cultural norms and their rules. Why would they trust an anonymous voice over the phone? If you believe that the police will act on it, then I'll file a complaint against you, and the police will automatically believe me...right?

We never witnessed anything. We just saw text on a screen.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

INFERRING i have concerns

mudderfucker i am the goat of truth and positivity!

i am

ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ GOATKUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!

no seriously tho just wonderin.

crench kong and davion, then.

didn't kong leave crench is a wrench andddd i don't know davion.

britneybitch ago

Is there another place that we should be posting things?

srayzie ago

"Hi I'm Ryan. I woke up bored this morning so I had a fun little idea. I decided to totally trick my YouTube fans and ruin my reputation and make my previous investigative work into Pizzagate no longer trustworthy. You're not going to believe it you guys! I went on my YouTube account and claimed that I was threatened by James Alefantis! I thought I'd really piss off the the powerful satanic murderer that is friends with other powerful Satanic murderers that all have connections! I used my real name too! That way it looked like I wasn't faking. Don't worry honey, I'll protect you. This was all in fun!

So anyways! I took the day off from work and set aside hours to get everything set up! I set up a new facebook account, did some photoshopping, some HTML, thought of a full conversation that me and my friend can send each other in messenger and make it look like it was me and The James Alefantis! Then, I made this great video using all of the things I set up previously!

Thankfully I have great acting skills! I acted scared shitless! Ha, it was priceless! I got everyone good by making it look like the phone number I typed in was really JA's phone number. Darn it, they didn't believe me so I had to make a 2nd video and then a 3rd to make it look even more convincing! No biggie. I finally had a little time on my hands because when the family was having dinner, I ran down to the police station and made a police report! That will make them REALLY believe me. Don't worry! I won't get caught for making false claims!

I ended up having a great night just like I knew I would. I told a little fib tho earlier. The real goal was to go thru all that work because I didn't want people to believe me. Got ya!! Guess what? Most people did NOT believe me, I was called a pussy, and was told how stupid I was I can't even remember how many times! I was told how weak I was and had so many insults thrown my way! It sure did make my day. I'm wore out and am going to sleep so peacefully tonight!"

Think about it people. He's not faking. Maybe he didn't handle everything correctly. But who knows what you would do in that situation if you got scared. If he didn't call JA when he was asked then you would have called him a pussy. You will find fault. Give the guy a break.

ilysb ago

Good point!

BlueTesla ago

The last thing you want to do when you piss off a huge group of angry internet persons is post photos of your mother & girlfriend along with your own real name. He probably doesn't realize it but thousands of us are on the edge of our seats waiting for his next update. Poor bloke, there's a lot of pressure on him.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Exactly, this is legit, whether this be James Alefantis, I don't know but Ryan was threatened and I believe he's telling the truth.

srayzie ago

I know. I feel bad for him. He even shared the pictures in the video. He NEEDS to be careful

birthdaysuit11 ago

He needs to show people who he is, he can no longer stay anonymous that's how people go missing. I really do think this was James or one of his friends trying to persuade Ryan to stop investigating the Pegasus place. When Spoor started investigating this place I knew that it was some sort of front for him and his friends. It's a big lead that James does not want us to go down.

srayzie ago

I think so too

starrydust ago

No to both calls, unless he's lying for some reason (like the police told him to).

birthdaysuit11 ago

Yeah, he needs to show more proof. I have a feeling he will.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


so thenwho runs this shit?

fulltimegeek ago

James Alefantis will get what's coming to him. His child murdering days are over.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

"HopingToHelp looks like a shill." Glad you aren't scared.

Newfind ago

If he made a video viewing the page using Chrome and did the "inspect element" option would you know if it were real or would it even matter? Coz, at this point all I see is a shirt show.

moreAkin ago

It's easy to open a recording app on your PC, then put the phone on speaker. We're meant to believe that this guy is capable of connecting all the dots and creating these videos, but can't record a phone call.

samhara ago

It will be a "live and learn" for him. Learn by a mistake.

samhara ago

It could happen . But the guy is very naive; People are smart in very different ways.

Many times people who are very good at putting together the large pieces are very stupid at things other people consider simple. It's just how it is.

LostandFound ago

This video is a fake, wake up people this is a joke.

Lunari ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

uuh why aren't you a mod here anymore?

ryguyhermosa ago

Police Report Is Real. here is link to pdf

Case #: 17000111

EDIT: you have to click the I agree. to find yourself

starrydust ago

Please try again.

ryguyhermosa ago


DefenderOfTruth ago

Link to page: "no report found" You need to correct your link.

kNUCK ago

bahahahah I hope its the correct one.

SmilingWide ago

This whole thing looks like a fake attempt to discredit #pizzagate and keep people from investigating IRL.

Is there any proof this isn't a David Brock Production?

birthdaysuit11 ago

Possible, I'm not going to come to a conclusion until the shilling stops and the debunking begins. Ryan also needs to provide more proof.

SmilingWide ago

Like I said, until the # can be verified, it's bogus. You don't make a video claiming something and then withhold all evidence that could verify your claim. It's "wildly unbelievable."

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I can't just give out his number

memegod420 ago

Why would he mention you in the first place

Fateswebb ago

Yeah I mean James is influential, but not truly powerful. And really he might be creepy and know these guys but he is definitely not the one pulling the strings and calling the shots. That's why they like to joke about pizzagate being about alephantis and his pizza place making it look like a dumb theory. Because if it comes down to it they will make that shit disappear.

jackjones ago

Similar Topics


Has anyone mentioned the Greek mythological meaning of Pegasus? SPRANG FROM BLOOD OF MEDUSA as she was BEHEADED!

Pegasus, in Greek mythology, a winged horse that sprang from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa as she was beheaded by the hero Perseus.****

0xFFF ago

I think he was referring to that thingy called the internets with culture

Innocent_Bystander ago

wow. I hope its real but jesus, that guy is a moron...

unconceivable ago

Proof that OP could have easily faked video:

alliecapone ago

You know, you're making anyone lurking and wanting to share what they've found think twice before doing it. Dragging the OP sure isn't gonna make people want to have to go through an interrogation like this to be legit. I understand questioning it, but folks are being a bit overzealous here.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Thank you

birthdaysuit11 ago

But did he?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I didn't

fartyshorts ago

nomorepepperoni ago

Is it considered doxxing if it's public record? Hmmm...

Now I realize that number could have been spoofed as well, since it is available publicly.

But seriously, don't contact this asshole. We have better things to do than paint even larger targets on our heads.

Yuke ago

**** whistles ****

SoullessTechnocrat ago

They never will. That's too good to happen.

lhunterel ago

You know it will never go there, epstein and JA are prob drawing straws over whom is gonna take the fall

fifibrindacier ago

Why you don't go to police ? They can find a recording of your call, I am pretty sure he's tapped. He's threateting for your life and lives of your family. That's criminal, much more than your video. He has the typical behavior of a sociopath mafia godfather. You did a good job by saying the truth, you're a brave man, go on. It might be some people well connected and not corrupted by all this Clinton mafia that would be glad to help you. Don't believe him when he says that you are alone and are not able to find a good lawyer. Ask for help everywhere, and help will be found. Instead of selling t-shirts for a living (wtf), do some crowdfunding to pay the lawyer if needed. I will participate for sure.

Ronnilynn31 ago

We need to remember that CPP is only the crack that opened the chasm. The chasm is the Clinton Foundation. That's where this must go and cannot stop or be diverted until that end is met. Goal 1. Goal 2 is to expose the rest of the government past and present that have been speculated, "debunked", and swept under the rug. The children, alive and dead, along with the whistleblowers and those who were caught in the crosshairs of all of this that have died deserve nothing less.

VieBleu ago

please delete this - doxing could get you banned on /v/pizzagate according to the sidebar -------------------------------------------------------------->

CeepsNo ago

Who is Welch that alefantis mentions getting sued? edit: er, "in jail for 35 years" and everyone else getting sued

Alpo ago

Edgar Welch is the Comet Pingpong "gunman".

VieBleu ago



alanna ago

You are very brave! I totally understand why you deleted in initial panic and how frantic the situation was during the contact. The shock that this was happening. It's ok for everyone to ask for verification also. Everyone wants to "know" the legitimacy. You are dealing with that well also. In the end I feel this will be a monumental building block in this investigation and all doubt will be cast aside. Thank you! Many are watching and passing on behind the scenes. I'm one of them!

VieBleu ago

Did you know about this?

Vindicator > VieBleu | Sent: 56 minutes ago on 1/6/2017 10:12:45 AM I've sent a DM to KevDude about ArmySeer I have advised that he be banned from v/pizzagate for sabotaging the sub and has a pattern of harassing significant contributors. I connected the dots with HopingtoHelp's role in the Alefantis threat storm for him. We will see what happens. I am also letting all the other mods know what's been going on. Keep up the good fight. Get some sleep. :-) Vindicator

BlueTesla ago

Call it and find out if it's him, I would but I don't live in america

YingYangMom ago

No need to buy an already printed PG T-shirt and have it shipped. Specialised stores have machines that pull out any image from the internet and prints it on t-shirts. Pay cash if it makes you feel better, ha.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

It's back up on youtube

Free_Radical ago

Our law enforcement is a fucking joke

Very, very true. The "law" has been turned upside-down. They are covering-up crimes instead of exposing them.


fulltimegeek ago

Of course it is! Our "government" is a fucking for-profit CORPORATION.

norobotono ago

You should check your local laws on wiretapping and see if it similar to that of DC whereby only one party in the phone conversation needs to give permission for a call to be recorded (ie you can record without consent of the other person if you make the call in DC). If wherever you live has the same one party consent law then you do not need his permission to record.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Don't forget that the Clinton Foundation investigation is ongoing and has been since February. I think this is a lot bigger than people realize. Alefantis is most likely just there for body disposal. He has the pizza ovens, pegasus metalworking furnaces, and owns properties that probably connect to large tunnels underground. But they always say follow the money. Clinton foundation is the key to knocking down the first domino.

carmencita ago

Imo if he gets too hot then they may off him by making him and the whole place go down in a blaze of glory. A fire that will destroy him and all the pedo evidence that may link elites to him. Nothing would surprise me at this point. He comes off as pretty scared to me. Also I believe that he now has realized that he is not as important to them as he would like to be. Stay safe OP.

vector3rector ago

He's definitely shitting a brick.

carmencita ago

He deserves to be scared as hell. He also deserves a jail cell.

lhunterel ago

Real nice area tho if you were to do a reverse lookup for the map, prob totally unrelated to the cause, though, beautiful area though I miss living out there

VieBleu ago

Doxxing is against the rules and I believe can get you banned at /v/pizzagate. @Vindicator, @Phobos_Mothership, @Millennial_Falcon you may need to look at this as well

lhunterel ago

I am so very sorry my apologies, wont happen again..

VieBleu ago

Vigilante justice is not promoted through pizzagate investigations amigo.

lhunterel ago

Its not an investigation but I get your point :)

VieBleu ago

I'm confused by that statement. From what I've seen here, that's primarily the way it is referred to, and the reason given for so many posts being deleted - links must connect to the pizzagate investigation.

So what do you call it?

lhunterel ago

Journalism, dont get me wrong im a believer, but clearly no one is being paid to investigate anything...sick world for sure and it isnt cool

VieBleu ago

I gotcha. Seems like a good argument. I'm going to start saying that - pizzagate journalism instead of investigation. Thanks.

VieBleu ago

Doxxing is against the rules and I believe can get you banned at /v/pizzagate. @Vindicator, @Phobos_Mothership, @Millennial_Falcon you may need to look at this

rodeo13 ago

EXACTLY. This fucking pisses me off. HopingtoHelp, we are behind you - you are not alone. Alefantis is a fucking coward - clearly, if he has to get his jollies with children. But WE WILL NOT STAY SILENT. This is not going away. They cannot silence all of us.

DCmommaBear ago

@hotcoldman can you look into the info on this building in the listings?

Tbear05 ago


bubblebubble ago

I need to check that video. Just got on here and saw the other video with the chat log.

I don't see anything in wrong in what has been done by Ryan or any of us here. We're researching using publicly available sources. It's not like we've crowdfunded a 100k to get a PI on his ass 24/7. I don't find what he does intimidating at all, if anything he is getting desperate, why else retort to threatening people? Those are the actions of a desperate man. I'm sure James also knows what he did is going too far and most likely illegal. He acts like a bully who decides what others can talk about or investigate?

r3dtr1x ago

Been off for a couple days. What happened? Doxing? Tell me people aren't doxing.

Oh cripes. That always makes things get really ugly really fast.

Vindicator ago

ArmySeer is not a moderator here, and the sub he made is not affiliated with v/pizzagate. His opinion is just that and does not effect your standing here.

@VieBleu and @HopingToHelp, please feel free to DM @KevDude with your concerns. He is aware of the shill sub, but I am not sure if he realizes the effect this is having. I am not familiar enough with the nuances of Voat's anti-censorship culture to know what your recourse should be.

VieBleu ago

okay thanks for the response. Strange days.

VieBleu ago

You have really lived up to your name - you helped.

Vindicator ago

ArmySeer is not a moderator here, and the sub he made is not affiliated with v/pizzagate. His opinion is just that and does not effect your standing here.

bubblebubble ago

Haha, it really pisses me off. This is a gown up guy with businesses and multiple houses and a lot of money, with a lot of connections, so he thinks its ok to make such threats I guess.

I wonder if he called from the Comet Pizza number; 202-364-0404.

Investigate1999 ago

You have a very valid [edit: a very valid point]. I agree with you in general. However, he claims to know how to do screen captures. He also claimed that he didn't have time to record. He never claimed that he didn't know how. In this context, it's reasonable to hold him to a higher standard.

VieBleu ago

@Vindicator - if you are around, could you see if there is a remedy. HopingToHelp is definitely not a shill. Alefantis of all people should not be the one who decides who is a shill on /v/pizzagate.

Never a dull moment, right?

Edit: I was just informed that ArmySeer has been recommended for banning due to a pattern of targeting good contributers for harrassment. Another one bites the dust.

bubblebubble ago

@IsThisGameOfThrones Rest assured that if Alefantis does anything towards you or your family, we know where to find him and make him accountable for what he did.

I am surprised by his guts to talk the way he did. Then again, he really thinks he can get away with anything. Even veiled and not so veiled threats to someone's family.

If you're reading this James; I got you on my naughty list.

lhunterel ago

It could still be scripted by a higher creature, so be cautious..not to say they both arent terrified for very different reasons. I just know how they they like to work..

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

This, he could just be the body disposal guy wrapped up in 10x more than you just did. Maybe he was alluring to if his mom got any threats because of the noise being made hes going to be pissed.

Or he could just be a flamboyant liar like I think he is. Have you heard the bullshit this guy tries to call his pizza? He tries to compare his sauce to vintage wines as they are made in batches and blah blah he even squeezes fresh picked olives for his pesto's. A real cook just looks at him and laughs on the inside.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

This is what is going to wreck their entire game. As in everything: follow the money and ye will know truth.

bubblebubble ago

Very good. I am getting increasingly angry at how he treats Ryan. Makes me itchy for an eye for an eye. Alefantis thinks he is a tough guy showing images of his family? What a fucking rat.

bubblebubble ago

Report this to the police. He has threatened you and your family and he has images of them. You have to to report this to the police, if only so they have a note of it in their system.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

I think you are correct. Likely the one with 'kids' painted out in front. And I am sure she has no idea about any of this and it should stay that way.

lhunterel ago

Can I buy some shirts?

lhunterel ago

Lol I laughed really hard!!

whorsquini ago

Please do a live-stream on Twitch and take straw-polls on how to verify this is 100% real where you can verify it in real time. Please do it soon to maintain maximum credibility.

VieBleu ago

thanks for checking in, we love hearing from longtime lurkers and their take on things.

lhunterel ago

Beautiful work, I would trade places with you in a heartbeat, he is one of two ppl on this forum im thinking bird<●> or zzvote

Aaanndgo ago

I think from his impassioned plea about leaving it up to law enforcement means J leveled with him and told him how dangerous this is for others, not just him.

ASolo ago

Here to reiterate:

Listen guys, you need to stand your ground although you could have done more careful research and excluded such sensationalism like labeling this video and that facility as a 'Kill Room". Making and profiting from t-shirts is also in very poor taste. This is the kind of sensationalism and embellishment that makes everyone look crazy AND brings out the crazies like Mr. Welch. In NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM SHOULD ANY OF THE PUBLIC TRY TO PHYSICALLY CONFRONT OR OTHERWISE INTIMIDATE ANYONE INVOLVED WITH THIS EPISODE WITH PHYSICAL VIOLENCE, IT IS SIMPLY NOT THE RESPONSIBLE CHOICE. IF ANYTHING SHOULD COME OUT OF THIS THE REAL CRUX OF THE MATTER WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE PROFESSIONALS AND WHOEVER IS INVOLVED NEEDS TO BE TREATED FAIRLY WITH A PROPER TRIAL, CONVICTION AND TREATMENT. PHYSICAL HARM IS NOT WITHIN THE REALM OF ANYONES RESPONSIBILITY THAT IS 'INVESTIGATING' THIS 'THING'.

People like you are focusing on the wrong issues and are making generalizations over inane aspects of this investigation that are subject to a plethora of plausible deniability, any rational man would side with Alefantis that what was going on in those pictures of the Pegasus Museum was a major plumbing issue, however, what investigations this Pizzagate thing HAS uncovered is of much more importance. I present to you the work of Yoichi Shimatsu:

PizzaGate Is A Giant Step For Investigative Journalism - PizzaGate part 1

Are The PizzaGate Pimps For The Global Elite Up To Snuff? PizzaGate part 2

It Takes A Spillage...Of Blood...To Awaken PizzaGate PizzaGate part 3

Clintons, Soros Implicated In Norway Child Porn & Macedonia Fake News - PizzaGate Part 4

For Anyone Who Still Believes Snopes Is An Abuse Victim PizzaGate part 5

Strange Days In The Snopes-DHS-ICE Underworld - PizzaGate 6

Pedophile Savile Haunts The New York Times - PizzaGate 7

Also, here are some more rational questions you could have asked Mr. Alefantis once you got your head together, but that didn't happen:

"Well, I'm sorry Mr. Alefantis, I might have been a little hasty and harsh including the shock value title to the video that this facility is an alleged 'Kill Room', I do apologize for that mistake and I will edit it accordingly, but, I will not delete my findings"

And since you felt strongly enough about my videos being so 'incorrect' that you had to physically harm me and my family, end their lives in fact, in order to force me to remove them from the public domain, I believe you owe me and my family some sort of an apology for such harsh disrespect and can at least repay the insult and afford me truthful answers to a couple serious questions:

What is it that is so special about you, or how is it or why is it that you are ranked in GQ's most influential men in Washington DC if you are simply a modest ping pong and (from what I understand overpriced and nominal flavorful) pizza vendor in a small section of the city?

If nothing is to be investigated, Mr. Alefantis, then why was your pizza shop explicitly mentioned in one of the most infamous organizations for 'whistleblowing' in the world, in conjunction with some of the most high ranking politicians in America, along with a potential running mate for the United States Presidency?

Why is it that in every one of your public comments you do mention that everything is false but never once explained why you thought you were included in the Wikileaks emails? Why is it do you think you were included in those wikileaks emails?

Do you think it was unfair of Julian Assange, a worldwide known snitch on fraud and deception in today's high paced world of racketeering in politics, of targeting you and your modest pizza shop?

Do you plan on suing Julian Assange as well or do you just plan on threatening to sue and murder the poorer independent researchers?

Why IN THE WORLD do you think we would TAKE YOUR WORD FOR IT THAT NOTHINGS GOING ON, a simple pizza tosser over the word of an organization with TEN YEARS of 'credible' leaks, like IT'S THEIR JOB? Regardless of who they work for (btw, do you know who they work for Mr. Alefantis?)

Do you think it is appropriate behavior from a 'child friendly' establishment owner to state that he 'hates kids' yet open his establishment to them at all hours of the night?

Do you think that your musical and artistic tastes are appropriate for children?

Do you think your lifestyle and the lifestyle you promote through your lifestyle, musical and atictic tastes are appropriate for children?

Do you not think that some of the material you posted on intagram about children, is inappropriate?

How would you describe your musical and artistic 'tastes'?

How would you describe this 'influence' once again that you have over Washington DC?

Was it not your friend and financier Michael Maccoby the one who stood up for you at the common council meeting threatening neighborhood commissioner Frank Winstead that he's take anyone down that stood in the way of your facility staying open past midnight?

Isn't Michael Maccoby in charge of some orphanages in Haiti that just happen to be connected to no less than TWO convicted human traffickers?

Is it not true that you use the avatar of Antonis, the greek boy lover of the emporer hadrian?

How would his customers feel if they learned you actually hated children?

Do you NOT think it is important that the people investigate allegations of wrongdoing in their own communities?

There could be MANY MANY more questions posed.

throwawaa ago

Hey, could you edit some mention of this into your post? That way it will show in the first comment on this thread, which is potentially wasting everyone's time.

IsThisGameOfThrones has not yet responded to the demand for proof that his chat with Alefantis wasn't faked. So I don't believe him right now. See

shillcrusher13 ago

Starting to think this is true.

shillcrusher13 ago

This seems a bit like a sham... like a little nonsensical drama. Does anyone remember the guy that claimed to be pm-ing with Alefantis, saying that JAA was going to buy his art? Smacked a bit of the self-promotion going on here as well. Just a thought.

Birdzeyeview ago

the name of this Voat should be called Addicted to Drama.

VieBleu ago

so that's why you are still here.

lhunterel ago

James?? Is that you? My emoji analysis flags you and two others lol

EQJ ago

I'd downvoat you, but unfortunately I need 28 more comment contributions lol

HarveyKlinger ago

Just did it on your behalf.

UglyTruth ago

You know that you can use a deadman's switch for insurance, right? Just let Alefantis know that if there's no proof of life from you then the original video goes public. Make sure you've got a witness to any phone conversation you make with him, it will help when making an affidavit, to tie his threats to the video.

Flat_Truth ago

I would guess the little freak has others breathing down his neck over all of this. I mean he was so sloppy is why things have come to light as they have.

EQJ ago

Glad u r light spirited. If JA fuckface called me out I'd be a bit peaved! Lol

samhara ago

Please y'all Can't you think straight? What next Alef/ kleinman becomes a MOD?

He's a joker . That was a funny joke. He's telling VOAT who the shills are I ' m sure.

EQJ ago

I just looked at your submissions. This is so fucked man. Sorry this is happening! U seem legit!

OrwellKnew ago


Get some training. Get yourself a Concealed Carry license. Pick out a nice firearm. Glock is a wonderful firearm (I own 6 of them)

Delete your Facebook. Use alternative anon social media such as Gab, Steemit, Voat (which you have), etc. But don't mix the two. Stay anon

Stay away from crowds. IF you MUST be in a crowd, be highly suspect if someone bumps into you, pay attention. Don't allow them to deliver a pathogen or toxin. Suspect every interaction

Keep a livestream app handy on your phone for if something becomes shady. Record, stream, archive

Take different routes home, to work, to gym. Keep them guessing if under surveillance

Bulletproof vest: can be obtained for $200 or less

Surveillance camera system at home. Records to hard drive

Own a dog. Preferably a loud, protective breed. German Shepherd, Old English Sheepdog

And finally, firearms. Never leave your house without one. Ever

alliecapone ago

Let me reiterate...GLOCK is an AMAZING handgun. Very lightweight too, I have a 23 and I'm just a petite thing, but it's very easy to shoot. I'd recommend he get himself a long gun too. A nice 12ga (I love my Mossberg) get some 00Buckshot until the handgun thing goes through. From classes to actually getting my gun, and registering it with local police took me awhile. You can go get a shotgun anytime, even at the Walmart! They're relatively inexpensive, but I wouldn't recommend going cheap on firearms. My favorite thing about the shotguns are that they're a pretty fine deterrent from the noise they make when you rack it, it's an unmistakable sound. I scared away a prowler outside once doing that.

Sig Sauer is another fine handgun. Make sure you see a reputable dealer, good gun dealers are very helpful, when purchasing. I'd also recommend that he gets the girlfriend one. Someone on the news yesterday was quoted as saying every American should have a gun. Why? Cause we're capable. Arm yourselves!

HarveyKlinger ago

Dashcam. Get a good one that also has a camera for the rear window. I won't drive without one.

EQJ ago

Why do u think he picked you to target!?! So curious!

EQJ ago

Damn! Well hope u r not James! If u r (JK) we have A LOT of questions!

Birdzeyeview ago

If you muppets can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. You all deserve to be sued, you have no idea at all how freakin demented you all sound.

kimochiwarui ago

God bless your soul. You did something no one else could have done--may you and your family stay safe and unharmed once this ordeal is over.

Thomascro83 ago

Dude....he's fucking watching you now. How can you sleep haha? Shit man

Flat_Truth ago

I bet there's some very powerful people who are very unhappy with pizza guy and his pals. From the looks of it, he's bringing light on their stuff.

VieBleu ago

He's a mess that is getting messier by the day.

cosmicmind ago

Get a lawyer and put up a go-fund-me so I can contribute to the cause.

This is very important.

If you can be the wedge used to force an investigation then you're a hero for this cause.

VieBleu ago


cosmicmind ago

yeah, it's his ''culture''.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

"I don't actually rape children. I simply enable those who do."

B3nder ago

Aaanndgo ago

I kinda hope J let you leak the texts because it's kinda insurance for him showing his family is threatened too...I don't know. If anything happened to him it would just be spun back on the researchers so I hope he stays safe too.

Edit: How did he know the FBI liked the videos?

VieBleu ago


Throwthisaway33 ago

Pm me his number. I volunteer to be your dead man's switch.

HarveyKlinger ago

His number is easily seen here: It's known because it was on the building permit from 2015.

Birdzeyeview ago

ooooooh, the D R A M A !!!!

PuttItOut ago

If you can't delete the email then it's a bug and we'll get it fixed. I don't think many have ever tried to remove an email as this is the first I've heard of this issue. Most add one to reset their password.

Piscina ago

Have you taken Alefantis's threats to the police (not that they'd do anything). He made serious threats.

EQJ ago

Yes, he has

IlluminatiKing ago

I don't get it though. Fantis is okay with you posting a video with the convo between them?

Fateswebb ago

Lol go figure. But it fits the community I suppose.

IlluminatiKing ago

This is insane....

Dressage2 ago

I think you should do a separate post bc this going to get buried with almost 300 posts. Might have people investigate further.

Fateswebb ago

Hey buddy no spamming your album covers in here. This is an investigation. ;)

B3nder ago

Ok, thank you.

gonegoogling1 ago

IsThisGameOfThrones seriously the safest thing you could do right now is post the phone number.

EQJ ago

I agree! At this point it's almost like a dead man switch ! dude you have to post the phone number! I'm not saying we don't believe you I'm saying for your safety

VieBleu ago

I don't think so. That is also doxxing and could be dangerous for everyone involved, bad for pizzagate researchers and against the rules of this forum. He can give the phone number to a trusted person or a safety deposit box without putting it online to the public. Just NO.

ravensedgesom ago

yeah that was my conclusion

scared_yung_father ago

You just re uploaded it, are you looking for a death wish? Either way I hope this is real.

Edit: saw the Facebook video, this seems totally legit

NerdyNoodle ago

What if one of US is James Alefantis shilling for... himself? THAT would be a typical psychopath thing to do.

So yeah, I get from this latest update that someone claiming to be James Alefantis admitted to being a Luciferian AND a human trafficker. But not a pedo. And that something is definitely up with Pegasus, and his mom lives nearby ... ? I wonder if his mom lives in the blue house.

Nobody here wants to harass your mom, James. We just want the truth.

ArthurEdens ago

I'm assuming Alefantis is nervous because he used a dead guy's identity to buy the place. That is bigtime fraud.

Banned4Truth ago

whoa! Is that accurate? I must be way behind. Can you point me to more info on that? Thanks

ArthurEdens ago

I saw it buried in one of the pegasus threads a month ago. I wish I could dig it up for you but I'm strapped for time. I wish there was a wiki for this stuff.

Gorillion ago

He's nervous because he's the weak link and has been playing it way too free and easy while he's had connections to the white house. It's not Pizzagaters or cops he fears, it's his masters.

He's gotta be on his last warning with Pegasus. And they'll certainly never let him reach trial.

I wonder what false flag death they've got planned for him? Standard "mugging gone bad", "gunman #2" or will the Chicago BLM Torture video have given them some ideas...? Maybe featuring a bunch of masked goons yelling "Pepe!", "Dank Memes!!" and "We are 4chan!!1!" while they chop him up live on Facebook with a chainsaw?

newworldahead ago

Who knows... they could even try to put the blame on "all those crazy people investigating pizzagate". A desperate false flag in the hope that the public think those researching this stuff are murderers.

Hehe, just love to speculate :)

Truthseeker77 ago

He is now a liability! His death, however it occurs, is a win win for continuing their narritive. I'd be mighty nervous if I were him!

fartyshorts ago

They'll just kill him and blame it on "fake news".


That would make him nervous knowing his slackness has opened a can of worms....Podesta will go too.

contrarianism ago

Rule 3: If you don't know who the patsy is, then you're the patsy.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Rule 4: If you think you might be the Patsy but aren't completely sure; go on Megyn Kelly's show and proclaim your innocence.

Freemasonsrus ago

Yup yup

EllaMinnow ago

"Everything they say about me is true, except I don't like kids. At all." What are we saying about him besides he likes kids way too much? His art gallery is a front to launder money. He is, at least part time, the heavy breathing Ape. That's all I can come up with. Nope, not buying it. If he doesn't participate in the actual sexual use of children, he at least profits of of the sale and coordinates the acquisition and transfer. He's gotta be scared of somebody to make that statement, IMO.

samhara ago

If you listen carefully you will discover they do not like children. Listen to Amanda Kleinman .. at their parties.. They make fun of babies.. That's the whole "hottard" thing.

samhara ago

Is that an admission that he enjoys hurting them? No one I know, ever thought he liked children. Not with the comments on the photos. The assumption was that he was a sadist, who liked hurting children for sex pleasure.

But in his alter "Kleinman" they did say they preferred children.. I guess "preferred" doesn't equal "like?"


they are saying he is an enabler of paedophiles and ritual child killers...but he does not indulge in his own product.

truthdemon ago

theretically ..anyone on this planet can activate UN law against human traficking and human rights violation ...all it would take a dollar a month froom everyone ..and reudce the US debt ( world debt ) at the US treasury with has a debt reduction department .... u then becoem responsible to the corporation that is the US as surety of the debt and its administrator , the US and its govt .. they have to answer to the group of sureties...( ggole :surety rights ) anyone on this planet can do it ..but since no one understands debt ..they dont understand the power that is available to them ... so with the powwer of the pen / an email ..and a dolla ra month u can instruct the investigation of obama and his transfer of 65000 dollar worth of pizza from chicago to white house ... ..its the easiest and only option ...but its a bit difficult to explain because people think they know what money is ..all it is is credit ( double book entry ) and we can use it to increase debt at teh banks ( whihc takes a while to explain the consequences of the debt eof which is the killing of children ...some entity makes money in the stock market when registred children are killed ...) utube : birth certificate what are you worth utube : 30 truths america google : very soon every american

by reducing debt , within a week a group could set up courts of universal jurisdiction with investigative powers under UN jurisdiction , no one can hide under diplomatic immunity googel : universal jurisdiction google : universal jurisdiction + henry kissinger i would set up an activist group outside the playground near pegasus ...the group agrees to pay one dollar a month to the debt reduction department with agreement to setoff any future charges in the groups name ..instruct the US treasury that u r sureties to the US and thus world debt ..and will be working to investigate violation of UN human rights , child rights and human trafficking ...

VieBleu ago

@kevdude - copypasta

VieBleu ago

Ella, what people say about him is that his place is a front for child trafficking, that he provides a place for rapists and murderers to do their business, that he is a blackmailer, child pornographer, and that he is the impressario of a major hub of CIA ritual satanic abusers connected with an MK Ultra music and video production unit, that he possibly has disposed of body parts and blood in the food at his restaurant and helps hide the evidence of murdered children by otherwise disposing of bodily remains. People say that he's a sociopath, psychopath and soulless kingpin in a world of spook psychedelia run riot and amok on hubris, arrogance, decadence, drugs and self-delusion. Finally, it is said that he truly is the Achilles' Heel of a giant but toppling corrupt secret organization. This can all be found in discussions regarding Alefantis on the internet.

You may wish to lurk moar.

samhara ago

It's certainly massive on Facebook.

truthdemon ago

theretically ..anyone on this planet can activate UN law against human traficking and human rights violation ...all it would take a dollar a month froom everyone ..and reudce the US debt ( world debt ) at the US treasury with has a debt reduction department .... u then becoem responsible to the corporation that is the US as surety of the debt and its administrator , the US and its govt .. they have to answer to the group of sureties...( ggole :surety rights ) anyone on this planet can do it ..but since no one understands debt ..they dont understand the power that is available to them ... so with the powwer of the pen / an email ..and a dolla ra month u can instruct the investigation of obama and his transfer of 65000 dollar worth of pizza from chicago to white house ... ..its the easiest and only option ...but its a bit difficult to explain because people think they know what money is ..all it is is credit ( double book entry ) and we can use it to increase debt at teh banks ( whihc takes a while to explain the consequences of the debt eof which is the killing of children ...some entity makes money in the stock market when registred children are killed ...) utube : birth certificate what are you worth utube : 30 truths america google : very soon every american

by reducing debt , within a week a group could set up courts of universal jurisdiction with investigative powers under UN jurisdiction , no one can hide under diplomatic immunity googel : universal jurisdiction google : universal jurisdiction + henry kissinger i would set up an activist group outside the playground near pegasus ...the group agrees to pay one dollar a month to the debt reduction department with agreement to setoff any future charges in the groups name ..instruct the US treasury that u r sureties to the US and thus world debt ..and will be working to investigate violation of UN human rights , child rights and human trafficking ...

VieBleu ago

@kevdude, copypasta

starseedlover ago

When he said, "I don't like kids. At all." I got a sinister vibe about it. Like, he outright hates children...

DeckoGecko ago

Strange right!! Not the tone of comment you'd expect from a guy who seems to obsess over his 'god daughter' CarisJames...

Toogi23 ago

Reminds me of 'Dreadlock Holiday by 10cc'. I don't like cricket, oh no, I love it...

IlluminatiKing ago

He kind of admits to trafficking children if he says everything they say about me is true.

samhara ago

I know. "Truth is the best lie" Most idiots won't believe him. "If it was true he wouldn't say that."

I played the "wolf" in the "Village Game" and got away too by that tactic.

Also, he doesn't care if he says it since he knows he's not getting caught.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

He's a gay adult man, he probably doesn't like children very much. This is somewhat typical and how I read it. I suggest you don't read too much into that statement.

Watcher_Down ago

umm, except that gay adult men are attracted to 'younger' males in most cases.

Fateswebb ago

Murder? I mean that's basically the accusation implied by kill room..

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I wish more people would start looking into his comments like you

EllaMinnow ago

Damn man I'm proud to be even slightly affiliated with you. Good job, keeping it together while talking to a friend of the devil.

NonexistentNihilist ago

Uploading it is definitely the safest thing you can do. Now he'll be the first place we look if anything happens to you or anyone you love.

miballz ago

They gonna kill Alefantis and blame a pizzagater for it.

samhara ago

They could even do a "Deathening" scam.

They do that all the time. Why punish the good servant?

DeckoGecko ago

keep repeating this and he might realize that there's a real chance it will happen,,, and he might turn states witness!! cuz the noise isn't stopping, all the paid shills aren't working. The dots are still being connected and evidence dug up.... seriously. He's got what two weeks before shit could get REAL nasty! And if I was a Saudi Puppet master I'd be lining up some wetworks on a little pizza boy, no matter how much moolah he cleans through art!! THINK ABOUT IT JAMES!! I'd pull a Braverman and call the FBI like NOW!!!

Fateswebb ago

Yeah the thing about the damn internets, is things like instagram photos and videos get saved. It's pesky as fuck. Cool name uh, MrPong.

MrGodspeed ago

Yep, MrPong. That's it.

Fateswebb ago

Dude seriously leave his mom out of it. There is no reason to suspect her of anything and even if so this isn't about her. That's a dumb idea or topic. Focus on facts and not hate bro.

Fateswebb ago

I think at this point if jimmycomet falls then It would look VERY bad for Podesta. It would validate that pizzagate is real which would immediately move the heat from jimmy to Podesta. For this reason jimmy can't be a patsy and basically they will make sure he doesn't fall. This is why a smoking gun is required no matter how much circumstantial evidence there is.

redtape20 ago

yead. it'd be a chain reaction of shit. it would validate our claims plus help paint a picture about everyone who dfended alefantis publically. they cant patsy out of this

ArthurEdens ago

They'll scapegoat Alefantis and say he was a criminal and no one knew, then Podesta will think he is off the hook. But he won't be. We are in uncharted waters with the internet vigilance and evidence.

Freemasonsrus ago

If he's under threat I'd guess their methods to make some fake news and try to turn the narrative would either be another FF event or a suicide w a "confession". So it plays out either "look what fake news caused!" Or "we are shocked! We had no idea he was involved in such horrible things" ala everyone who knew Hastert was a pedo and feigned surprise.

EllaMinnow ago

ten years from now, this will be referred to as "when the internet saved the world"

miballz ago

Alefantis is a little bitch. Post his number.

VieBleu ago

calm down John Podesta, you'll get your turn to confess and implicate for immunity.

bikergang_accountant ago

Throwaways, vpns, cookie clearing, and user-agent switching.

My test is if youtube can't recognize anything about me. If google's tracking algorithm can't figure out who you are then even voat admins couldn't figure out who you are, then someone who intercepts a slim portion of the data sure can't figure out who you are.

Google will give you video recommendations successfully with only a vpn strategy. That should tell you something.

jml1201 ago

This guy spoke with Alefantis twice???? and not once did he record this??? Something seems really off about this

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

imagine being a normal guy with a very small youtube channel and alefantis says call him and you have 10 seconds... you make the call

samhara ago

Well now you know you shouldn't do it.

You always need a witness in a conversation like that, Even if it's just a recorded, but a person and recorder is better.

Yes, you can be threatened when you don't have a witness. Because it's your word against theirs.

What were you expecting him to say. As it is said among lawyers, "Never ask a question that you don't know the answer to" It's dangerous. You can be unpleasantly surprised.

GeneralProductsHull ago

but he made threats in writing and images. hard to dance away from that.

hendaiburtu ago

Didn't you say in the video that you had called him multiple times?

jml1201 ago

Imagine you guys are connected? I'm just thinking of all scenarios. Maybe this is to spread fake news. WHO KNOWS?

EQJ ago

I would have panicked! Lol

HarveyKlinger ago

I would have too, especially with that moronic countdown. But now that I think about it, I'd actually love to talk to him. Hell, I'd even tell him how to make this all go away.

Investigate1999 ago

That's a good point. He could have recorded it the second time.

jml1201 ago

Thank you!

nomorepepperoni ago

To the archive with this video, too!

mrcosmicmind ago

Interesting video. Still, something seems off. Is JA burning us?

Birdzeyeview ago

you all deserve to be sued , or have some kind of consequences for this insanity you promote

stellarcorpse ago

what do you fantasize about doing to us dear?

ArthurEdens ago

"I think he's a shill", Alefantis thinks IsThisGameOfThrones and Hopingtohelp are the same person.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

that would make sense

ArthurEdens ago

That's why he was playing games, thinking he caught you

mrcosmicmind ago


OrwellKnew ago

I understand your frustration. The best I can offer is, there are many great FBI people. They are up against a corrupt upper management structure. Indeed, it is my belief that FBI "white hats" along with NYPD investigators who had knowledge of the Anthony Weiner computer data, forced James Comey's hand into reopening the Hillary investigation. Supposedly there was a stack of FBI resignations sitting on Comey's desk if he didn't capitulate. I think he did what he did to save face among his colleagues

Fateswebb ago

Shill or not should we be concerned with buying shirts which obviously have to be shipped to addresses? I mean what if James carries through with his threat and gains access to the records or the person selling the shirts is a shill and gives the info to James. It just seems risky and I do not think he is a shill at all!! Just don't like the idea of giving away personal details when related to pizzagate.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i can

IDeliverPizza ago

Why didn't your friend record the conversation man they can get a warrant and search his place if he's In there.

wellington33 ago


zoltan907 ago

I think each new thread is automatically archived when it's first posted, but users have to manually archive each thread to capture all the comments and maintain an up-to-date copy. Sometimes when I archive a thread, I get a message saying it was last archived 15 hours ago. So I just re-archive to keep them as up-to-date as possible. Also, each link in a post has to be individually archived.

Fateswebb ago

If I recall correctly it doesn't send a verification email? So hmm...

wellington33 ago

that's illegal dude.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


wellington33 ago

well, then its your choice!

srayzie ago

Was this James Alefantis? Did anybody notice this? @HopingToHelp was mentioned in the video. He or she asked for his info to be deleted so he can be safe. Then, this was posted The profile has been active for a month but no submissions or comments until just now. I think it's him

FalsePseudonym ago

If you're claiming @bellesbark is JA I think that's a rash judgment that does take into account lurkers. That handle is likely not a throwaway and leaves not reason to suspect that they're our guy.

srayzie ago

I never claimed anything. I asked if they thought it was him? Why does it bother you anyway? I looked at your profile. You've never submitted anything and your 5 comments are rude. So if you're bothered by my post then maybe you are a shill for Alefantis. It's pretty strange that you've been here for only a month and this comment is what brings you out of the shadows.

FalsePseudonym ago

You asked a question and you're suspicious of me because I answered? I've never submitted anything because I don't have anything to submit: I'm not going to post some garbage for the sake of having a submission - which apparently validates me. I'm an avid lurker of pizzagate and conspiracy boards - go figure I question things, right? I'm from Reddit. It's no secret that many of us just joined in the latest of many exoduses because Reddit edits and the PC culture is lame. I figure that's something you'd understand considering you yourself are using a month old account. To be honest, If you think my posts are rude then I think maybe you'd feel safer in a more PC environment.

"out of the shadows" lol

srayzie ago

You're full of comments tho, such as telling someone to eat your dick. That's nothing but immaturity and I have no interest.

FalsePseudonym ago

Keep reaching dude, but I've been entirely reasonable with you. By "full of comments" do you mean more than 29? That's what I've got so far - including this post. I implore you to help me identify any immaturity or rudeness that I've displayed in this conversation with you up until this point. It seems to me that you're unable to hold a real conversation, so instead must rely on attacking a shitpost I made in response to another shit post.

Full disclosure: you will not tell me how to fucking Voat.

srayzie ago

I'm not a dude. What was it you asked? Wasn't it a ritorical question?

FalsePseudonym ago

Sorry, ma'am. No, I'm very curious why you're taking my response to your question as evidence that I'm a shill. You seemed to be asking if other's believed that the user in the photo you posted was JA; I responded after googling the username because I found what I believed to be reason to be skeptical of that idea.

I'm not bothered by your post; I was responding to a question.

srayzie ago

Well if I remember right you said it in a rude way. If people are rude to me then I am rude back

FalsePseudonym ago

By calling me a shill? You're hurting the community because you read my post in an agressive tone.

I said it was a rash judgement. I meant it literally, not as an attack, but that if you were making that assertion, that I thought it proceeded from a lack of careful consideration. It had nothing to do with you personally. You perceived me as rude, but I did not intend it. To be fair: this is not only the internet, but also Voat.

srayzie ago

Ok well thank you

B3nder ago

I am B3nder , I hope you are talking about the guy I commented on. Because my profile is active since beta and I posted quite some and commented a lot

srayzie ago

Yeah. Not you. The one you replied to

B3nder ago

:) yeah the guy is suspicious

anonymousj ago

Why can't I access the info on user account Bellesbark? I just get a weird double arrow?????

srayzie ago

I wonder why he mentioned the other guy in the video. If that was Alefantis, it seemed like he was mocking the guy

B3nder ago

@VictorSteinerDavion @Crensch @kingkongwaswrong @kevdude Hey mods, so I upvoated both comments above by @srayzie, I definitely did, but it is not showing besides his/her name (both say zero up zero down voats) but that can't be right? Am I missing something? Please explain..

B3nder ago

2 Minutes after my last comment the upvoats showed up, I am confused or I don't exactly understand how voat works...

JoJo287 ago

Interesting that he'd say that when he owns a freaking restaurant "for children." There's something seriously wrong with him.

dickface8 ago

Plus in that first interview with him out front of CPP he said "I love everyone! I love you!" seems a little contradictory.

JoJo287 ago

You're absolutely right.

kekistocrat ago

There a few things that you are asking us to assume here. One in particular I cannot get past. First, that Senor would operate his own Twitter handle, now, under these circumstances. Second, that he would threaten to kill. Anyone. At all. Third, assuming he has a coach from one of the alphabet gangs, that they would condone that behaviour. I would love to be wrong. And I saw no date on that police card linking anything to this...

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I can assure you its real. Ive shown everythign i have besides his most recent texts

Pizzalurker15 ago

What is in the most recent texts?

Aaanndgo ago

I just saw your YouTube video of your FB screen. Please go change your security settings...don't want anyone going to harass your friends or find out more about you!

EQJ ago

Ryan, I have watched your video twice. we have discussed you up side and down in other forums. PLEASE for the safety of you and your family released that phone number! you've already released all of the information surrounding it so why not release the phone number! we need to have this evidence not only for future investigative purposes but for you and your familys safety! There is no reason to redact at this point! Get it out there and let the investigative world protect you! No one is going to f*** with you if all of the information is on the table and widespread

wrok-wrok ago

Shared it on

I have 3 invites available- first 3 emails to whisper me can get an invite to skip the registration queue

Fateswebb ago

Since alefantis basically commuted a huge crime here by threatening the lives of several people, as well as used his cell phone to do so, it wouldn't be unusual for a judge to put out a warrant for said cell phone. This leads him to a similar problem as did Anthony weiner. Possible evidence of other crimes obtained by warrant to unrelated crime even that used a cell phone. I am starting to think these guys aren't really as smart as we think just more powerful. Because if the interaction is real is has to be the dumbest thing alefantis could have done at this point.

GeneralProductsHull ago

yeah, outed himself big time!

VieBleu ago

well put.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

its 100% real

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

please dont go down this specific path

redditsuckz ago

Could you post the conversation you had with him before you uploaded your video? when you first asked him via facebook to do an interview.

AugustaJulia ago

The first time he was given 10 seconds.

Selnee ago

If this is true he is definitely in meltdown mode. Maybe someone else could contact him again for an interview. Lol. He would go nuts and start threatening again. If you talk to him record it.

kekistocrat ago

Or why did Alefuckis threaten to kill in the first place? I thought that kind of shit is illegal. Especially under these circumstances. You know he has consulted with lawyers, cops, alphabet gangs. Why would he have such a pleasant demeanor on video and then it's Mr. Hyde on Twitter? As if he's talking with someone on a secure line? It's Twitter. Threaten to kill. Obvious red flag there.

ravensedgesom ago

Really because by all account said alphabet gangs are involved in protecting Alefantis and could even reach compromised FBI agents as he implied in the recorded text. This investigation could be in for a colossal setback.

B3nder ago

You could give the phone number to an anonymous phisher/hacker - they would hack his phone ;)

warrior_of_light ago

Hey alefantis, go fuck yourself.

Madwack ago

Lock him Up,

Good job and stay safe

B3nder ago


goodguy1367 ago


Freemasonsrus ago

I don't think he's insane, just scared shitless. I'd assume he's being threatened and that's why he pulled this stunt.

GeneralProductsHull ago

yeah, sociopathy isn't a criminal defense.

samhara ago

Psychopaths are cold - blooded. You claim he is frightened, but he is cool as ice.

I make no predictions because I'm a deluded soul, (and can be a sucker for sweet -talkin' lying psychos) But my bet would be now, with all he has behind him and what is there backing himself up, he 100% safe and he knows it.

Certainly, if he is scared, he's not letting on. It's called double -down.

What you all have to understand, from a veteran researcher on large State Crimes - the truth does not get you anywhere. They own the means to decide what is true or false. Don't be naive..

Truth is what people are told, not what is real.

Mini-spare ago

Appears to have been shitfaced drunk.

zzvoat ago

I am really pissed and venting.

  1. What kind of asshole sets himself up to sell pizzagate gear? If that isn't fucked up enough, where does the god damn money go? And, yes, I did tell him in person how inappropriate it was.

  2. If this guy thinks he found a killroom you don't put it all out on the Internet. I'm not sure what you would do with it but not that. If you believe these guys kill kids, you don't think they'd come after you or your family or your kids. How fucking naive are you?

  3. What kind of asshole is then stupid enough to directly contact Alefantis? What the fuck did he think, that he's Project Veritas? They are smart and plan things wisely, not act like some stupid punk.

  4. Who beyond that does he think he is, David Seaman? Put his face out there on a youtube channel get all well known..

  5. This is all bullshit, ego, stupidity plus more ego with a side of total fuckedupness.

  6. If anyone reading this is anything like this guy, delete your account and get out of all pizzagate related anything, immediately.

If any of this is real, dude, I'm sorry but I think you need to apologize to this community, pack up the wares you are selling, and go join another investigation far far away from here.

ps. There are some very legitimate questions regarding whether that is actually where that room is. NOooo, rather than let us all work through them and do what was right you haul off trying to be some supersleuth hero. This was exceptionally careless and thoughtless. Fuck man

Lunari ago

I've been really skeptical of everything this guy has been posting....

I just get the feeling it's all distractions / misinformation (which ties into a whole different topic which I've been meaning to post about...)

But anyways, everything comes off as being really sketchy.

If it's not purposefully distracting / spreading misinformation - then it could also possibly be a way to draw attention to himself to scam people out of money to buy his "PizzaGate shirts" and shit. (which there's so many things wrong with that... but I'm not gonna go into it...)

IF this were real, then I suppose I could potentially understand not being prepared to record the first phone conversation.... but he claims that there were multiple phone conversations after that - and he seriously wouldn't think to record anything....? really?

And the very short FaceTime call that he claimed "His voice 100% plus there was a split second FaceTime where I actually saw him driving in his car but he hung up almost immediately" if that was true - then why not screenshot it? On an iPhone, it takes only a fraction of a second to screenshot something - so why wouldn't he screenshot the FaceTime call where he allegedly saw JA....?

Why wouldn't he make a video recording of him on Facebook showing the alleged conversation with JA and from the messages directly click on JA's Facebook to show that it's his legitimate Facebook profile....?

Why would JA respond to some random person and make all these crazy threats...?

I could easily make a video showing the exact same "proofs" considering any "proof" that was shown is extremely fucking easy to fake.

It all just seems extremely fucking fake. Like I said - either to intentionally distract and spread misinformation - or - as a way to draw attention to himself to scam people out of money buying his "PizzaGate shirts"

I'm shocked at how many people just automatically believe this without a doubt.

Of course, there's always the slim chance that I'm wrong - but I highly doubt it.

Investigate1999 ago

I could easily make a video showing the exact same "proofs" considering any "proof" that was shown is extremely fucking easy to fake.

I agree. I'm disappointed in how much support he is getting.

redditsuckz ago

IsThisGameOfThrones got the ball rolling with more investigators combing over the evidence again when he posted his first video asking where the "kill room" really was...I dont think /v/pizzagate would have made this progress this fast if it wasnt for IsThisGameOfThrones making his videos.

mrcosmicmind ago

I hear/feel you. I appreciate your openness to it being real but like you, I am not convinced.

In the original video, the uploader stated rather quickly how "exciting" it was that he supposedly found the kill room.

Is this exciting, or is this serious? Whatever. I suppose it's possible 100 people would react in 100 differing ways.

Investigate1999 ago

0Selling shirts and wares is like spreading a meme.

[edit: I gave you an up vote, though]

wellington33 ago

if this is real, he has made more for us than anybody, so calm down.

B3nder ago


AugustaJulia ago

He said "everything is true except I hate children." What does "I hate children" refer to? I think it refers to the speculation that Alefantis is an assumed name and is a code for "I love children." He is saying that this speculation is not true. Alefantis is probably his real name.

And by the way, how strange. You hate children but you choose to open a "family friendly" business? What are you, a masochist?

samhara ago

I take it literally. He doesn't like children. He's a sadist. The name could be fake, could be a co-incidence; Dunno.

Lets_be_Real ago

notice it's babies on instagram - kids at Molesta's swimming pool - there IS a difference.

TimesUp ago

If he doesn't like kids, how did he come to be the affectionate godfather to Caris Cummings??

IlluminatiKing ago

He doesn't like to dick them, it's just business he means.

zoltan907 ago

It might mean he's involved in trafficking kids, but isn't a pedophile himself--he just makes money off of them.

samhara ago

These type of pedophiles don't necessarily like children. They like to hurt them.

Makingspace1 ago

Of course he doesn't like children...why else would he be so at ease abusing him they are a product, chattle, meat...

wellington33 ago

he said i dont LIKE children. please, do your homework.

VieBleu ago

LOL "I don't like children" should be a meme plastered all over the place with a statement of his about his "family friendly" restaurant.

HarveyKlinger ago

More like, "I don't like children. J'aime les enfants"

AugustaJulia ago

Well, not verbatim then. But it's still the opposite of the "j'aime les enfants" speculation that people indulged in earlier. The meaning doesn't change. It's just that I couldn't figure out where It came from until I remembered the reference that it might be connected to.

samhara ago

He's a sado - pedophile.

anonymousj ago

OK, so consider his remark "I don't like children".....could be "I don't like children (I like men)" or "I don't like children (I think they are rug rats) or "I don't like children (Iactually LOVE children) or "I don't like children (I actually hate children). See how things can be misinterpreted. We need to be careful forming a narrative that gets picked up. Words are powerful and can be interpreted many ways......just sayin'

B3nder ago

Also in the interview video in front of C.P.P. he said he loves everyone and he loves there's that

AugustaJulia ago


kekistocrat ago

Honestly, why would Alefuckhead threaten someone like that? He kept such a cool demeanor in most of the videos I've seen of him. Just because it's on Twitter he feels comfortable enough to threaten to kill mothers and girlfriends?!? This smells of bullshit. So all the attention is on Alefucker and the FBI is (assumed) communicating with him ('FBI likes your videos' about Pizzagate Gear's vid) and they coach him to threaten? or they tell him it's all right to say whatever the fuck you want, even idle threats against another's life?!? Not buying it.

Fateswebb ago

Seems like a horrible idea to me as well but it worked in a sense that the video was taken down. However it may have opened a new can of worms for jimmycomet. Seems like warrants could be made based on the evidence provided here. Which could expose even more of what presumably jimmy wants to be quiet about. I just think he could have played it a bit more cool. Fact is really there is no evidence, but now he HAS commuted a crime, and there is evidence of THIS crime.

wellington33 ago

dont you realize going viral is the best way to defend yourself in a case like this? yes, of course is the best choice to make money, but dude, read the post, he has presented some proofs... and 202 is a area code number for DC, while OP is from TX. how do you make up something like that? how do you make up an app that shows the name of James Alefantis when you look for the owner of that number? how do you make up a facebook conversation with the only james alefantis with a comet profile picture in the whole facebook? HOW?

srayzie ago

I saw that. Why were you mentioned?

bikergang_accountant ago

Hey @IsThisGameOfThrones. I archived if that is cool with you. If not let me know.

I'm going to do something strange and it's your call. I've dealt with witness intimidation before. I've been through all of this. It's how I got into gun ownership. If you send me your address and it's close I will stand guard outside. You can see my account and see I'm legit.

I've dealt with these low life scum. They only know how to go after weak targets. Involve the police, involve a lawyer (purely because they are really good at archiving everything), keep them continually up to date, place in physical security. Do not spend the night at your place to night at least.

The key is that by threatening they can only get 60 days in jail for that (if they are caught). When the cards are down the incentives are such that they would be stupid not to threaten. As far as carrying out that almost never happens especially if you put up some resistance (information and physical). Yes these people may be murderers but when people are watching and recording it makes perfect sense to aggress against them rather than have it the other way around. Chase them away but have something to back it up.

They will only attack soft targets where there is no threat to themselves. Having someone on the outside of your home is a huge advantage for making them feel uncomfortable attacking especially when that person has silent motion alarms (outdoor).

By the way, taking down the video might have put you in more danger. Now your HD has the only copy. You are not out of the clear just because Alefantis made you feel comfortable.

Fateswebb ago

It would be extremely niaeve for him to tell you where he lives.

bikergang_accountant ago

Probably. I've just been in those shoes. There needs to be a gun on site. Bad people know where he lives at this point either way.

The funny thing is IsThisGameOfThrones might think he's being reasonable (alefantis) because of threats he's gotten to his family but in that case the worst thing he could do is start threatening people. He threatened because he doesn't like the legal circumstance that video puts him in, not because he's in a relatable situation like IsThisGameOfThrones. If he was being threatened it would be smart for him to comply with the law and not threaten especially people who have not levied a threat against him.

I don't want IsThisGamesOfThrones to think Alefantis is a reasonable guy who just got placated. I've taken my management classes and Alefantis is a manager. We should know that what is taught is that communication is to effect behavior. He did that effectively. It doesn't have to reflect actual views of the manager. Meaning that the indication that things are all good now could have no relationship to whether or not a violent action will take place. Similarly though threatening language even if unrecanted doesn't mean something would happen. The threat could be empty from the start. That's the silliness of taking the video down. By taking down the video you've only changed the communication in either case. Still it has legal value because it would show to a Judge that IsThisGameOfThrowns believed the threat to be credible. It looks less convincing if he continued undaunted despite the threat, as logical as that would be.

At the very least though he might want to talk to someone who's been through it. Who knows the emotional strategies to get through it.

truthdemon ago

r u a real accountant .. i'm hypothesizing that teh culling of children provides funds for some entity on theinternational stock markets...liek how goldman sachs made money from teh credit default swaps from AIG from the distruction of the value mortgage securities the registration of children creates what is abill of lading ..a financial instrument that can be traded by delivering to a third party ...i propose that this is the pllication of live berth ...podesta is involved in research of law at george twon university that just reecently apoogised for the slave plantations ..he know how the contracts of slaves used to work and now work ...podesta might have connections with the knights of malta ..which set up the crusades as knights hospitalliers ..the registration of berths occurs in their hospitalss ... till we reduce the debt at the treasury it seems that the value of the bill of lading ( application of live berth ) can be traded and insured as well on the stock market ...i am just reading up on charter bill of lading and letter of indemnity ... letter of indemnity is when someone ( trader ,charterer) insures teh ship owner pays the owner if the goods are delivered or is lost ( killed , permanent damage ) to an entity other than the one holding the bill of lading.. teh US as a corporate ship was chartered by the Crwon ( it acts as treasurer to the Holy Roman empire) the vessel owenr ( of ur registered NAME ) is the Crwon ..the cargo is ones energy ) ..i think the one who provides tle letter of indemnity are the Juesuits ... when a child is killed or dies ( damage goods) ..the care and maintenece is done by the caretaker ..THE US will have to pay teh entity holding the bill of ladding application of live berth ..who is holding ur allication of live berth ..we dont know ..but the value of the cargo at teh moment is probably connected to GDP per capita ...this might be the payment the moment teh GDP/capita can be increaes by increasing GDP .( which is not growing much...or decreasing capita ( killing babies , elders etc ) the only way to get back claim on teh application of live berth , IMO to reduce teh debt at the treasury ...u then become the holding of teh bil of lading via teh US treasury accepting ur instruction to reduce debt with ones credits ...

its liek how oilis ( eneergy ) traded today .. a ship( energy vesseel , teh NAME) owner enters into contract with a trader broker (for a seller) in say London to ship oil from kuwait to a port in china takes shorter time to move the oil than it is for teh bill of lading ( beneficiary rights ) to reach the destination teh ship owner has to cover teh risk that theowner if delivered to the person (trade brokers buying agent who is not holding the Bill of lading. gets sued by teh holder of teh bill of lading ( oil contracts are traded numerous times during the journey) ...for monetary loss.... if this risk is not covered teh SHIP wont agree to ship teh a letter of indemnity is issued to the ship owner..that in the case the ship sinks , the trade broker covers the cost teh ship owner has to pay teh holder of the bill oflading ..most times it is double the cost.. teh roman system has created a smilar maping for our life's journey ...teh US and all other countries are charter shippers of ROME , the end journey being PEACE ...till then they are trading inside a concept of WAR ( war on terror , terrra ..crusade) googel : dum diversas when we reduce debt we take control of the warship that is the US and moor it to the port of peace..we become holder of the bill of lading ( application of lve berth ) till we do that we are lost at sea ( holy See ) inside a war game ...and during this game the holder of the bill of lading ( i beleive it is teh jesuits or knights of malta ..they are big into vaccinations , AIDS and cancer programs across teh planet) will get paid if some goods are destroyed ...killed birth registration i ssimlar to teh ones sold as beneficiary registration kits ..... birth registration kits

teh video bellow explains the nature of the NAME as a trust ship ..(the oil ) used to fund the movement of teh charter ship ( US) simplifies certian concepts but the solution is even easier than filling forms ..all one has to do is to instruct ur tresury to reduce debt with ur bank credits ( it is the ROMAN property, borrowed by our consent to play the WAR game )


there is more to understand ..but the process is simple ...REDUCE debt ..OBAMA and the other sociopaths become our slaves ...the emperor has no clothes...but till then he is stripping us off our dignity by hijacking our beneficiary status

they are making money off our debts and deaths

IN TIME death and debt

we've been living in a dream world REWRITE THE RULES

logjam ago

I hope it doesn't spread then.

georgeorgeg ago

Hi James you sick fuck

IlluminatiKing ago


aleeum ago

He downvoated you ;]

Gorillion ago

Must have hit a nerve.

VieBleu ago

that's about all the power he still has these days lol

georgeorgeg ago

I'm working on that special 100 points so I can downvoat him and his band of shills

Fateswebb ago

Fear :)

Tsuishika ago

Pedo's days are numbered, only a matter of time.

Selnee ago

Seems he's cracking for sure!

DefenderOfTruth ago

There's something off about this video...the logic doesn't make since to me. So, someone threatened you, so you made an even more damming video public?

MolochHunter ago

its insurance. Now the world knows if Isthisgameofthrones is 'suicided' it is absolutely not a suicide. He did the right thing. If Alefantis beleives him to be libellous, Alefantis can take him to court like a normal law abiding citizen would. If his followup video reinforces the libel, then the judge can take that into consideration on full examination of the merits of the case

IF Alefantis wants a full examination of the merits of the case

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Somebody threatened me and I complied. Deleted my videos and as going to disappear. Talked to some smart people and decided this was too big

IlluminatiKing ago

Please don't be Seth Riched! Don't wanna be saying HIS NAME WAS "IsThisGameOfThrones"

Pizzalurker15 ago

Why are you two saying "night" and "goodnight" but on your phone its 12:55pm?

Aaanndgo ago

Hopefully that's the current status bar of when he took that screenshot?

Pizzalurker15 ago

Oops. Ok i get it now

Repo ago

He is scrolling through messages at that time. It does not mean that is when the messages were sent.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Still, not the path I would have taken. I hope your mom and gf are on board with everything.

Truth will prevail either way. I don't mean to discredit you if you're telling the truth. Time will tell.


I don't know how much more 'revealed' it could get. If they were going to 'off' him, they would have done it by now. Most people in his situation would have closed up shop and left for the Bahamas by now. I'm wondering what is keeping him there running Comet despite all this, when he could probably do without the hassle.

Godwillwin ago

If he died all of sudden- it would be too obvious. They would be telling the world through his death that they killed him because he screwed up with his instagram bringing attention to their sick D.C. Ring

I wouldn't be surprised however if they kill him and try to pin it on someone like us. I don't think they'd actually have someone innocent charged. I think they'd just say unsolved murder must have been a "crazed alt right"

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

this is 100% real and true

B3nder ago

in one thread i suggested that maybe this whole pedo thing is to lure actual pedos into these places so they can prosecute them, why else would they let this guy with a wig talk about it inside CPP - it seemed (to me) like a bait for pedos from the beginning

Did you ever think about all those downvoaters posting shit here over and over ? Did it come to your mind that they could've contacted him and told him everything? someone got paid for exposing you like this?

he said it would be too expensive to prosecute and make sure it's getting done till the end, (i think) meaning he would have to bribe/pay someone that would be able to do what he wants without "waves"

fedophileslayer ago

Or it could be that Pegasus was it, either the smoking gun or the honeypot, and James now has no choice but to set off the fireworks. Either because he knows that time is up, or because this is stage two of the grand distraction that is pizzagate. And scores of other killrooms are being methodically scrubbed/filled as we pontificate.

wellington33 ago

202 is code area for mobile phone and landline in DC. OP story still valid!

B3nder ago

get an app for recording calls, not that complicated

Womb_Raider ago

We need to press the investigation twice as hard. Alefantis, we're not going to hurt your family. But we are going to uncover the truth and prosecute you in court. You will be found out.

Tbear05 ago

Hes more worried about the elite hurting his family

DeckoGecko ago

in particular his mother,,, seems a soft spot for him

alliecapone ago

It's his own doing. I feel ZERO sympathy for this man, and if his "family" is knowing about all of this, and covering, well they do too. My feels are for the children out there worried about the elite hurting them daily.

P.S. I'm not busting your chops, btw. I'm not accusing you of sympathizing, or taking up his position for him. This all just pisses me off so much that anyone involved with hurting kids deserves "hell and back again"

Btw, I do casually mention in news comments what he did, it got past moderators so far (and was upvoted a lot on a couple!) I interlaced it with a Comey's hand being forced post to someone, and that it could be forced again because of JA's actions. I suggest that, because a reporter could be curious and look at it. I don't know if anyone is a fan of Charlie LeDuff, he's from Virginia. He's a VERY passionate man, and I think he'd be interested in this case. He's a thorn in a Lion's paw when he wants to be, check him out on YT if you'd like. Maybe if we email him in numbers he'd notice...or even tweet him. I'd almost bet he's poking around and reading some facts first. His cajun accent tells me he doesn't screw around. Source; I'm cajun, and we do not fuck around! I feel like he's a good bet. But if so, he can't fart around much longer. He's poked the bear plenty of times, within the government. Just a thought. I'm starting not to care if my Twitter gets deleted, so I've been tweeting and retweeting/discussing freely until I get a invite. I'll be tipsy tweeting later...who knows what'll come out as far as my desire to make truth known.

Edited to add: I don't stupid drunk tweet btw, I'll be smart with how I word things, hash them and all. No worries to OP. I wont mention your locale or anything, I'm just suggesting that he's going around online communities and threatening innocent people just looking around at the oddities is all.

logjam ago

All these things are important. People are backing things up - just in case, but it's more about where do you go?

Womb_Raider ago

Something peer to peer, if possible. We need something like twitter that's transparent, you see everyone's chatter. The data is all peer to peer so no monolithic force can control the data flow beyond reason.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


Live_Free_Or_Die ago

How do we know this was really Alefantis and not just some friend of this OP. I don't get it. How is the 100% verified and legit?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I have more replies from him but as far as proof thats about all i have. Trust me on this one please

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

shit man. if this threat from him is real, you'd better hope you never speak to him again. seek legal counsel immediately.

zoltan907 ago

I think he needs a security detail more than a lawyer at this point.

JoJoVoat ago

Absolutely... better find you a hard right powerful attorney and quit selling the damned t-shirts

B3nder ago

A trustmeplease will not convince anyone

wellington33 ago

why dont you read just a little dude?

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

this app proves nothing. he should have recorded the calls.

juhos ago

If his friend was next to him, why didn't the friend record the call with his phone?

wellington33 ago

why proves nothing, i really cant understand. i think 202 is a DC area code? and OP is from TX?

kNUCK ago


nitro169 ago

This is absolutely crazy


This my friends is worth fighting on for. Its not like we are calling for someone to skewer JA rape him then cook him and eat him. We are just asking for an unmolested investigation to occur. Couldnt use any other analogy sorry.

redditsuckz ago

Streisand effect...James wants us to look away from Pegasus...well lets all have a close look.

Notice there is a doorway on the top floor?;

Imagine a second floor room that is only accessible from that door...His "PEGASUS MUSEUM"..

Some PEGASUS Construction Photos from JA's Instagram;

cakeoflightylight ago

I wonder if the choice of name could have something to do with the whore of Babylon, or beasts in the apocalypse

As with everything James does, there are occult references to Satanism.


Pegasus, as the horse of Muses, was put on the roof of Poznań Opera House (Max Littmann, 1910) The poet Hesiod presents a folk etymology of the name Pegasus as derived from πηγή pēgē "spring, well": "the pegai of Okeanos, where he was born."[2] A proposed etymology of the name is Luwian pihassas, meaning "lightning", and Pihassassi, a local Luwian-Hittite name in southern Cilicia of a weather god represented with thunder and lightning. The proponents of this etymology adduce Pegasus' role, reported as early as Hesiod, as bringer of thunderbolts to Zeus. It was first suggested in 1952 and remains widely accepted,[3] but Robin Lane Fox (2009) has criticized it as implausible.[4]"

Zeus is synonymous to Satan.

See also: (Deleted for rule 1, then reposted and deleted for rule 2. Re: Antinous symbolism.)

I've posted about the Egyptian Mysteries and Satanic symbolism of the occult in the past but I decided to look up the figure Antinous to see what else I could learn about him. What I found out is that he was potentially murdered in a human sacrifice, and that after his death, his lover Emperor Hadrian had him deified, and he became synonymous with Osiris. For those of you who do not know, Osiris was the same figure as Nimrod from Genesis. Nimrod was descended from Noah after the flood. **Some people believe he may have been half demon half human (The Nephilim were thought to be those bred with fallen angels). Nimrod was the king of Babylon and married to Semiramis (who is actually the same figure as Isis). **

Since Hillary and Obama created ISIS and had Al Quaeda murder our ambassador, and since James Alefantis uses a statute synonymous with both pederasty and with Nimrod (king of Babylon) who was actually the Sun God / Satan, and who was killed in a possible human sacrifice, I think it's ironic that no matter how much I investigate this pizzagate stuff, it still baffles me and I can't even believe it's true that people are capable of this stuff. Like, seriously I can't wrap my head around all of this evil. I'm reposting the references from Wikipedia because I didn't fully explain the relevance to Pizzagate when I first posted it, I was thinking it was obvious but my post was deleted. Antinous a part of the duo deity cult Osiris-Antinous, not only pederasty (pizzagate) submitted 1.9 hours ago by [deleted] Antinous From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see Antinous (disambiguation). Bust of Antinous from Patras, (National Archaeological Museum of Athens) Antinous (also Antinoüs or Antinoös; Ancient Greek: Ἀντίνοος; 27 November, c. 111 – before 30 October 130[1]) was a Bithynian Greek youth and a favourite, or lover, of the Roman emperor Hadrian.[2] **He was deified after his death, being worshiped in both the Greek East and Latin West, sometimes as a god (theos) and sometimes merely as a hero (heros).[3] Little is known of Antinous’ life, although it is known that he was born in Claudiopolis (present day Bolu, Turkey), in the Roman province of Bithynia. He likely was introduced to Hadrian in 123, before being taken to Italy for a higher education. He had become the favourite of Hadrian by 128, when he was taken on a tour of the Empire as part of Hadrian’s personal retinue. Antinous accompanied Hadrian during his attendance of the annual Eleusinian Mysteries in Athens, and was with him when he killed the Marousian lion in Libya. In October 130, as they were part of a flotilla going along the Nile, Antinous died amid mysterious circumstances. Various suggestions have been put forward for how he died, ranging from an accidental drowning to an intentional human sacrifice. Following his death, Hadrian deified Antinous and founded an organised cult devoted to his worship that spread throughout the Empire. Hadrian founded the city of Antinopolis close to Antinous’s place of death, which became a cultic centre for the worship of Osiris-Antinous. Hadrian also founded games in commemoration of Antinous to take place in both Antinopolis and Athens, with Antinous becoming a symbol of Hadrian’s dreams of pan-Hellenism. Trojan war connections? Is this possibly linked to the Olympics? (sorry I know that seems random) 5 comments sort by: New Bottom Intensity Old Sort: Top [–] cakeoflightylight [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.7 hours ago Rumours spread throughout the Empire that at Antinous’ cultic centre in Antinopolis, there were “sacred nights” characterised by drunken revelries, perhaps including sexual orgies.[81] permalink save edit delete reply report [–] cakeoflightylight [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.8 hours ago (edited 1.8 hours ago) Antinous was understood differently by his various worshippers, in part due to regional and cultural variation. In some inscriptions he is identified as a divine hero, in others as a god, and in others as both a divine hero and a god. Conversely, in many Egyptian inscriptions he is described as both a hero and a god, while in others he was seen as a full god, and in Egypt, he was often understood as a daemon.[54]Inscriptions indicate that Antinous was seen primarily as a benevolent deity, who could be turned to aid his worshippers.[55] He was also seen as a conqueror of death, with his name and image often being included in coffins.[56]> permalink save edit delete reply report [–] PizzagateBot 0 points (+0|-0) 1.8 hours ago Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s): OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle MEME RED PILL – Why Does Alefantis Identify As Pedo If He’s Not? Where can I find the “pedophilic vocubulary” before pizzagate? “Can you tell me why Pizzagate is fake news?” Alefantis and Stavro (the owner of Maple Leaf Gardens during the Maple Leafs pedophile scandal) both lined to Order of AHEPA permalink save source reply report [–] cakeoflightylight [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.8 hours ago Another possibility is that Antinous represented a voluntary human sacrifice. Our earliest surviving evidence for this comes from the writings of Dio Cassius, 80 years after the event, although it would later be repeated in many subsequent sources. In the second century Roman Empire, a belief that the death of one could rejuvenate the health of another was widespread, and Hadrian had been ill for many years; in this scenario, Antinous could have sacrificed himself in the belief that Hadrian would have recovered. Alternately, in Egyptian tradition it was held that sacrifices of boys to the Nile, particularly at the time of the October Osiris festival, would ensure that the River would flood to its full capacity and thus fertilise the valley; this was made all the more urgent as the Nile’s floods had been insufficient for full agricultural production in both 129 and 130. In this situation, Hadrian might not have revealed the cause of Antinous’s death because he did not wish to appear either physically or politically weak. Conversely, opposing this possibility is the fact that Hadrian disliked human sacrifice and had strengthened laws against it in the Empire.[40]> permalink save edit delete reply report [–] cakeoflightylight [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1.8 hours ago Wasn’t there something mentioned a while back about a drowning in James Alefantis’s fraternity? I wonder if this was his secret Greek name.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Additionally, the entire top floor is on rollers, so you can move the floor away from the door and there's no way to get in or out of the room on the top floor.

salinaslayer ago

brilliant, right?

fulltimegeek ago

Didn't even notice that. Good catch.

Pizzainmyass ago

Oh man that staircase looks dangerous

DeckoGecko ago

What about the loading dock door... that's perfect for pulling up and unloading a truck w no one seeing what's being loaded..

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I'm having trouble seeing any potential use for Pegasus. No matter what they had planned previously, once pizzagate became viral it seems logical that the site would be scrubbed. It was new construction so I doubt much evidence of previous activity/crimes was here. Assuming this is all true, what's the motivation? I suppose I could see it from the angle that this was JA's personal project, and there being a degree of pride involved


If any of this was true then alefantis would want you to continue pegasus investigation.....pegasus is the tax exempt not for profit money skeletons there...

VieBleu ago

It's not like we are calling for his so called friends and associates to smell when the ship is going down and turn evidence in order to save their own skins and gain immunity from prosecution. It's not like we are encouraging Alefantis to run fast and far away because his time of freedom is closing fast and when I say freedom I mean freedom regarding a slow painful endgame or a mercifully quick one.

Ihatepizza2 ago

If you think you were mentioned you are doing something right. Your only decision is whether the value of justice is worth less than the consequences of failure. Do what your heart tells you.

Ann_laurie ago

I have no investigating skills and would be greatful if this found its proper place. I would appreciate your help in submitting this. Thank you Go here:


Charles Doherty: Mission statement What we at Heart Progress are trying to do is teach children about pedosexualit. How to consent and how not to be abused. A progressive community that promotes acceptance and peace. We strive to achieve greatness by allowing people to be themselves and making sure hate is out and tolerance is in. I hope that's of some help.

Lorac ago

Yes! This needs a thread of its own! These people make me physically ill!


ravensedgesom ago

yeah actually don't have any desire for this to be what it really is. A network of psychopaths sexual abusing children who flaunt it openly. Don't understand why he said the FBI likes his videos. Does this mean he has the FBI actively working to ensure his role is not given full exposure.

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

You are now on a kill list. I recommend you get to a public place and find an attorney who is willing to represent you.

Vindicator ago might wanna know that your comment is currently sitting right beneath Womb_Raider comment directly addressing Alefantis...looks like you are warning Alefantis he is on a kill list.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Interesting that he used the term "shill" but didn't know what a mod was

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

It's because he has been on here attempting to dissuade people when they get close to the truth and been called a shill, likely multiple times. But he has no clue about internet culture. And he has no concept of weaponized autism . There are no safe spaces in this world. There is no acceptance for him and his ilk. This is a board of peace. Kek wills it.

WindowsInJudgement ago

This is a board of peace.

I dare you to spread that message over at v/niggers

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Lol. I'm sure those guys would know exactly what I mean. Follow /pol/ for a while and you will understand.

Ihatepizza2 ago

People! Remember that the people you oppose occupy the same battleground. They are here! They are everywhere you are. Never forget it. Always protect yourself. Fight. Win!!!!!

kNUCK ago


redditsuckz ago

Alefantis only gave him 10 seconds to call...this would be a move to not give the caller a chance to record the convo.

moreAkin ago

He gave him 10 seconds to call, and then went on to have multiple lengthy conversations with him. Doesn't add up at all.

JoJoVoat ago

but his friend was sitting there an could have it record on his phone in 2 sec's

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

im a normal person. i barely had any views before this all started. I dont have spy equipment ready all the time

moreAkin ago

So why didn't you open a recording app on your PC and then put your phone on speaker mode?

Why didn't you download a recording app (of which there are many) after the first call?

Bubbha ago

There's an app called Automatic Call Recorder for Android. Automatically records and uploads to Google Drive.

kNUCK ago

Sorry to all cap you, but it sucks... If you are holding out on a recording from the second call ... that really sucks... but I understand based on the threats... If you do have a recording, I hope you have copies and several backup locations...

Ihatepizza2 ago

By all accounts this place belongs to peter thiel. paypal mafia. Dyor


It's a pity the original post was deleted because a lot of the comments were extremely interesting.

Fateswebb ago

I mean if James says HTH is a shill, I feel like that pretty much proves he isn't, unless this is a super mind fuck. But I have noticed and upvoated HTH before so I don't think so. He speaks truth to power.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

you must have been doing something right

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

police report has been filed

heygeorge ago

Post your incident number.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i posted it in this thread

heygeorge ago

It's buried, didn't find

bikergang_accountant ago

Do not base your security through obscurity. Don't hope your information won't get out there or that someone else won't be reckless with it. If you were reckless with your own information how can you hold someone to a higher standard. This isn't to point a finger but a reminder to put realistic expectations on people knowing that your own flaws illustrate that standard can't be very high (I used the second person but it could apply to anyone).

Also if you are in fear for your life record everything. Put a computer in a remote location of your home connected by wifi and connect your phone or a camera to it so that rolling film is put onto it in certain time chunks.

I'll give you ahead start on the auto cleaning part of that

#!/usr/bin/env node
var cmd = require('child_process').exec;
setInterval(function () {
 cmd("df | grep '/dev/sda3' | sed 's/ \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f5",function(error,stdout,stderr) {
  if(parseInt(stdout) > 90) {
   cmd("ls -t | tail -1 | parallel rm {}",console.log);

There are apps you can use to make your android phone act as an exernal camera over network and the right driver will make your computer think it's a plugged in webcam so you can at that point tell the autonomous computer to record its webcam. If you can do it in chunks then the cleaner will work. You can plug such a computer into an attic.

Also purchase a gun, and a dog (one that sleeps light).

logjam ago

Did we need to give an email to open? I just checked to see if I had one and didn't see it??


You don't need to give an email to join Voat. That's what makes it a perfect place to discuss sensitive subject matter.

MolochHunter ago

OK everyone, take stock of the implications of this incident.

James Alefantis is monitoring the comments on this website. THIS IS WELCOMED. It means when we post shit that is potentially damaging to him and his associates, we will be MORE MINDFUL of making arbitrary and ambit claims of his guilt/innocence.

The hardest evidence we have so far shows that Mr Alefantis has a distasteful sense of finding humour in sexualising even infants. While this may well be indicative of worse - and we well know the satanic ritual abuse is prevalent and growing from associated cases/busts, our communities evidence is not 100% conclusive of having caught Mr Alefantis in the actual act of pedophilia.

Mr Alefantis, if you are reading this, the reason the world is investigating is because the authorities and media wont. You well know this will continue to be the case unless you MAKE A CASE to the public. Discuss your dark humour, if that's all it is, address the more salient evidence that the media refuses to countenance.

If you are covering for a crime that is lesser than child abuse, this is your opportunity to go to the FBI and turn yourself in. I know, that's naive, you may well be implicated in crimes of men far more powerful than your average FBI agent.

But the SPECULATION from your and Podesta's silence - and the disinclination of media/law enforcement to take the concern AWAY from the citizens, is the cause of collateral damage and unfounded/unfair allegations to others. So stop playing games (no Megyn Kelly is not transparency) and help us all bring this to a resolution.

ryguyhermosa ago

Police Report Is Real. here is link to pdf

Case #: 17000111

EDIT: you have to click the I agree. to find yourself


We the people do not know if the authorities are running investigations and for the love of justice,we would not want the guilty to be spooked before the warrant arrives....We have to be patient until TRumps inauguration...I dont think even then that things will change one iota...They have been fucking each other sideways for eons..jezebel and the homosexual priest cult existed in bible days...

phlux ago

i love your comment, but fuck this also - the internet is about absolute truth. lets find the actual truth.

shillcrusher13 ago

AGREE. You are on the right track. We must find the truth.

Birdzeyeview ago

the world is investigating? dont make me laugh. Most don;t give a rats and others like me are only here to have our minds boggled at how truly delusional some tinfoil hatters can get.

MolochHunter ago

then dont post a photo of a baby for sale $1200, joke about it, and expect people in the world not to take an interest when you refuse to acknowledge it or discuss it openly and honestly, even if its to say 'ok, you got me, i got a sick sense of humour'

9217 ago

Hi David Brock, Alefantis, CTR. Nice to see you've taken the time to comment here.

mrcosmicmind ago

Very well said. Thank you.

logjam ago

OK everyone, take stock of the implications of this incident.

I'm a follower, and respect the work of so many. The voice of fucking reason is speaking here right now though - so please - hear me. NOW is the time to get to another platform. Keep this one as long as possibe, but be ready for a shutdown/disruption. There needs to be some insurance on all of this work.

DMT4All ago

samhara ago

That's was exactly my thought. There should be many many other choices. Especially considering the size of the investigation; Unless they are all working for Brock, which it certainly seems so , at times.

KingKongisCTR ago

Who gave out your email???

pizzaequalspedo ago

This type of activity just confirms that there is fire behind the smoke.

This is not something that an innocent person does. Any normal person would welcome a full FBI investigation at this point if they were innocent and wanted their name cleared.


Well, if the FB chat is authentic, then Alefantis is not claiming to be innocent at all and he actually implies the opposite a couple of times. That's the reason I'm wondering if it really was Alefantis. Since it's looking very much like it really was him, I'm trying to work out what game he's playing. He doesn't seem to think he's invincible (or he wouldn't be concerned about the Pegasus video) and there are traces of vulnerability. My conclusion is that he's caught in a more complicated dilemma that we can probably imagine.

nomorepepperoni ago

I would also be condemning the hell out of such allegations and point out I'd NEVER dream of doing such sick things.

Also, I might consider suing some people. Heh, maybe he threatened to sue Reddit if they didn't shut down r/pizzagate?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Check out the caller ID photo

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I have proof via text that he's not happy about it

theosimon ago

it's for real. Pizzagategear just uploaded a short video confirming Alefantes phone number.

logjam ago

This whole situation pisses me off. I'm sorry man.

I DO NOT LIKE what this has come to.

Pizza-related-sap ago

This is how they operate. If they cannot lure one in with promises of riches, or child fucking, then threats to family members must be issued. As we've learned, THEY have family too...

throwawaa ago

There's NO PROOF yet that this chat with Alefantis wasn't faked.

IsThisGameOfThrones has not responded to the demand for proof after 9 hours. See

Could you edit some mention of this into your post? That way it will show in the first comment chain on this thread, which is potentially wasting a lot of peoples' time.

bikergang_accountant ago

When people recall conversations that is one of the easiest times to differentiate between a lie and a truth. People recall conversations differently when they are lying. This smacks of a recollection of a real conversation. Not every part has a point. Odd parts need explanation and he doesn't trip over the explanation even if not directly topical.

throwawaa ago

Burden of proof is on him to prove it's real, IMHO.

Birdzeyeview ago

well you all treat it like it's a game to make up cray cray BS about hundreds of people, their businesses, their families, their jobs,,,,they are real people too and they should not be expected to take it all lying down, hell I wouldn't

Gorillion ago

Shut your piss-drinking hole, pedo cannibal faggot.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Lol. OK. So your first response would be to threaten to murder everyone and then clumsily attempt suggest which posts and references to remove and which parts are ok to leave? Jesus. How fucking stupid can you get? Honestly boys, I think we've been giving these guys far too much credit. Yeah, we got a fish but it's a wee one. Not small enough to toss back yet, fortunately for us, it's both dim and compromised enough to lead us to the main haul.

You know Jimmy, the easiest thing in the world would have been to come up with an explanation that satisfied the casual observer when you went on Megyn Kelly's show and other outlets. But nooo. Instead of showing the vile comments on the Instagram posts you and your pervy friends made and explaining them you elected to whitewash everything. Why was your ex-boyfriend, David Brock, forced to pay you more than $800,000 in what he essentially admitted was blackmail money? Geez, that must have been something he really, really didn't want anyone to know about. That's ok. We'll find it. You want to know why? It's because you are arrogant and stupid. A person can survive one or the other but not both. Not in today's world. The clock is ticking. The truth will come out. Confess your sins or reap your just reward. Meanwhile I think I'll invest a little time working on my night cheese. The truth will set you free.

bikergang_accountant ago

This is why our accusations are not miscalculated. They are at the very least criminals of some kind seeing as they think threatening people is a normal response. These are not businesses or they would conduct themselves like businesses. These are criminals.

And of course they blame everyone but themselves when it would be so easy for them to stop their violent ways. These people like all criminals are a joke and we can't expect them to think critically about themselves. They will dig themselves further and further down the hole till they end up in jail. If they were socially well-adjusted they wouldn't be criminals in the first place.

They lack some degree of consciousness to be aware their lashing out is unproductive, and it is this developmental short-coming that lead to their life of crime. What they should do is sit down for a second and think, are other people not the bad guy even though they attacked me. Believe it or not it is a possibility.

9217 ago

Hi Alefantis, David Brock and CTR. Nice to see you on this thread.

anonentity ago

I really think that James Alefantis is missing his greatest moment. He should have a load of Pizzagate T shirts made and sell them with a personal signature outside of Comet Ping pong. He'd make a friggin fortune.

Fateswebb ago

Throw a music festival with pop punk bands called pizzagatealooza and sell 10 dollar slices of pizza with the official pizzagate logo on the box. Wait wtf??? Maybe not....

fartyshorts ago

Have Marina Abramovic cater the event too.


anonentity ago

Well baby eating pizza 50 dollars, printed on T shirt signed by J.A....Or top of the range print signed of course, taped to table . 100 dollars, the run of the mill T shirts just a slice of Pizza signed of course 20 bucks the mind reels from the profit margin.

nomorepepperoni ago

He could write a book called "My Secret Basement" and I bet he still wouldn't be behind bars. 😝

samhara ago

I used to think that about W. Bush.

If he would be fucking a child on the White House lawn, no one would see it.

bikergang_accountant ago

He could write a book, "If I brokered deals between rapists and human traffickers and laundered the money through political groups this is how I would have done it."

MolochHunter ago

omg hilarious as it is bleak

Bluebirdsolitude ago


wellington33 ago

Oh man... i should be sleeping, but im just gonna make me a sandwich and enjoy this beautiful night. still hopin op is not fooling us.

Acidfox ago

Is there still a working link of the original Pegasus video ? The one that made him call ?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Will repost on my channel shortly

kNUCK ago

If you really do fear for your life, why the reversal now in reposting the vids?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i posted a reply to this earlier but basically a change of heart. I deleted everything but then decided this would be too big to hold on to

LawofTruth ago

You're the man and possibly the savior of PIZZZAGATE

theosimon ago

I have it downloaded. And another youtuber has it also on their channel. Unsure if it is safe to announce where/who. Maybe wait until Ryan decides what to do..

VieBleu ago

In the comments on You Tube many people said they had it downloaded.

nomorepepperoni ago

Police number adds up:

Still, any chance the person you were speaking with could have been a troll posing as JA? Would like to see evidence this is really JA's FB in light of this.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

His voice 100% plus there was a split second FaceTime where I actually saw him driving in his car but he hung up almost immediately

ryguyhermosa ago

IsThisGameOfThrones did the best thing, He released all the info he had. His life is not in danger now. It would only highlight everything he did if he were to be harmed.

nomorepepperoni ago

If you aren't somehow presenting a very-well planned fiction (to the point of having a GPD friend help), and haven't been trolled somehow, and if someone hasn't hijacked JA's account, I am truly sorry you have been put into this position.

First of all, I see you live in Texas, so I would strongly suggest that, if you are legally able to, buy a firearm for self-defense first thing in the morning, and learn how to use it as soon as you can.

Secondly, whether you take that advice or not, I would also strongly suggest you contact all family and friends and tell them what happened. Make abundantly clear to them that you have no interest in harming yourself, and to investigate if, God forbid, something happens. Send them all the evidence you have so they also have copies.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I have no clue why he mentioned you.

surgeson ago

Probably to signal that he knows about this place. That would be my best bet anyway.

Alpo ago

James Alefantis is going to Hell.

Vindicator ago

Alefantis is already in Hell. Clearly, he's turning slowly over hot coals.


He is already in it :D

The people above him are going to pick him off soon lol

Birdzeyeview ago


Fateswebb ago

Kinda scary for him. What if they off him and then blame one of us for it? Yikes.

DeckoGecko ago

This is such a likely scenario! ARE YOU GETTING THIS JAMES!! If he has any evidence or reason to be silenced he needs to get his ass to the FBI ASAP!!! duck out before the big boy's martyr him!


FBI is the big boys lol

VieBleu ago

Then that would expose them as liars.

Alpo ago

I think that would draw even more attention to all this, which is something that has consistently backfired on them so far.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Guys im working to get yall all the proof i have of what happened.

sunajAeon ago

Why didn't you tape the call? There is NO proof he said these things now

PerusingTheOoze ago

Yeah, didn't GameofThrones say he talked on the phone several times with him...

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

This is incredible. thanks for contributing

IsThisGameOfThrones ago -- CALL LOG WITH ALEFANTIS AND POLICE -- CALLER ID # CONFIRMATION -- POLICE REPORT NUMBER -- video linking alefantis messenger to his account

ryguyhermosa ago

Police Report Is Real. here is link to pdf

Case #: 17000111

EDIT: you have to click the I agree. to find yourself

newworldahead ago

Clicked on the link. Looks like the report got deleted.

domzy ago

Works now for me, but you can go on the site and write "17000111" on the search bar on the right and you'll get it

newworldahead ago

Thanks! It worked perfectly

PleadingtheYiff ago

Hey man. You realize what he did to you is illegal right? Are you interested in filing a suit?

ArthurEdens ago

Just hold another phone up to the one you're talking on and record with that next time. Be safe man

noworldorder ago

If you talk to James on the phone again, for whatever reason, make sure you tell him straight away that you're recording the conversation for your own personal safety, and make sure he verbally communicates that he understands this. In some states it's against the law to record conversations without consent.

samhara ago

Unless you call from Canada. It's legal in Canada.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Most states you need to let the other party be aware of the recording for it to legally hold up in court anyway.

sunajAeon ago

NO! Its more important to GET the tape, you guys aren't dealing with Andy of Mayberry, for Fucks' sake! If this is the way you think you don't belong here as an investigator-you will get hurt-do you think they don't realize they are more than likely being taped? Get smart, FAST

HarveyKlinger ago

Not if it's out of fear of safety.

JoJoVoat ago

So you did it? you filed a police report? What did they say?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

They were as nice as they could be. Professional and took lots of notes

Birdzeyeview ago

five minutes on Voat and you can be sure they will be only sympathetic to him. Idiots!

MrGodspeed ago

Hey, IsThisGameOfThrones - How do you know for sure that you weren't just pranked by someone involving you in a big hoax? I mean how do you know it was actually James Alefantes? Couldn't it have just been someone else trying to scare the crap out of you?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

it was initally from his facebook. Then he sent his number. I talked to him, its his voice. I checked the caller ID app to see who it was. He aslo facetimed me for like 2 seconds and i saw him driving.

MrGodspeed ago

IsThisGameOfThrones - Did police/authorities take you seriously? Like, did they seem truly interested in what you might be involved in? I wonder what they normally do in a circumstance where someone accuses another person of making a death threat to them. Do they call the other person, or send a squad car over to investigate?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

absolutely. They were great. Just a report though

MrGodspeed ago

Wow. Shoot, Ryan. Really crazy.

srayzie ago

You said Alefantis contacted you again but wouldn't say what happened until you seen the police. Can you tell us what happened when James Alefantis contacted you again?

MolochHunter ago

politely ask for a hardcopy of the police report, dont leave it entirely with them

domzy ago

What happenend with the last call with JA, the day after ? Except if I'm wrong, you didn't report about this one in your video.

KingKongisCTR ago

I recommend you put these links in the description area of your video.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Good idea.

Fateswebb ago

I was going to ask that you expand the infor so we can see the length of the calls, but I feel the video you provided removes any doubt that you talked to him.

nomorepepperoni ago

Actually, I would still like to see that. The more evidence, the merrier.

JohnTitor_0 ago

Registered myself here just for this: why did you upload this? you say you are scared because of alefantis threats and that you took it down because of this. but he also said to not make waves and yet you upload this which is bound to make waves ignoring the threats. also what is the case filed at the police about? threat?

Also if you are actually for real and not somehow bullshitting thank you a lot


exactly...conspiracy of two...

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Well at first I wasnt going to upload anything. I deleted the video. Unpublished my other videos and i didnt speak another word. But then I talked to some close people and decided to make the video

fulltimegeek ago

Good move. They convinced youtube persona Justin Woolee (aka Justin P. Hess) to take down most of his videos, which he did. They still murdered his mom and framed him for double murder. Here is my blog about it:

When they want you to take down videos is when you got to upload MORE.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I'd have done the same. Threaten my family, threaten my mom? Fuck you.

I'd talk to my family (and they would be on board) and then I would do just what you did. Be safe.

Freemasonsrus ago

It's clear he himself is being threatened.. He's just a cog in this wheel. The blame should go on Podesta bc he was the one who had a p@ssword, bc none of us sould be the wiser to trace this shit on IG without that info. His IG posts were just fine to those running the show until they were exposed and people started digging. Now he's the root cause in their minds to the exposure, when he wasn't. So I'd guess his threats to you are over the top bc of the threats made to him. And suing would be terrible for any of these people bc it opens up discovery and who knows where that would lead.

phlux ago


and we need to find out who is threatening him!!!!

JohnTitor_0 ago

Ah ok, makes sense. If you recieve threads to take it down dont hesistate to do so, others have the video already downloaded again. Its okay to be egoistic when it comes to your savety. And what is the police report? Because of the threats?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

yes. police report was specifically for the threats he made

EndThePizza ago

Uploading this video was probably the best thing you could've done. If anything does happen to you or your family, everyone will know who did it and why. Because of that, it would no longer be in their best interest to harm you.

Well, that's my guess at least. I am not experienced in making or receiving threats, or taking part in any criminal activities, so i really have no idea.

Although i occasionally coast through stopsigns on empty streets.


And remember, he is probably going to get picked off soon. No offense, but they don't give a fuck about one of us. You are included. He is just freaking out because the people in his "culture" are going to slaughter him if he doesn't do everything in his power to stop the avalanche in full motion.

phlux ago

the only way one man can stop an avalanche is if he is formed of a valley. He shall absorb the full mass of this - but there are billions on the ridges watching it happen, thus the avalanche will be known.

ArthurEdens ago

Hunter S. Thompson. "In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught."


Spoken like a genius.

Fateswebb ago

I wouldn't be surprised if jimmycomet gets killed or goes into hiding or both, meaning makes it look like he got killed and goes into hiding. He is in a tense spot at this time I would say.

logjam ago

Don't go offering any interviews to Putin - ok? ;)

JoJoVoat ago

Oh my God this made me freakin' fall outta my chair laughing!!! Thanks for that. Funny as shit

wellington33 ago

FACETIME VIDEO???? that's new man...

eyeswidewoke ago

the facetime video may have been accidental as it's at 1:15 - the same time as the next call was made? EDIT: saw OP's comment above, after I posted this

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

He called for like 2 seconds. I answered and saw him for just a little bit and he hung up. He immediately called back with a normal phone call

Fateswebb ago

Ohhh creepy video call with the devil lol. Fire shot out the phone I say fire...