Investigate1999 ago

I answered that by posting the explanation in the comment that you are replying to. Him promoting his shirts is spammy. He also quotes James, which is kind of sketchy, if you ask me. I realize that you allow him to post that, but I think that needs to be cited better.

This discussion isn't about curating content.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Thank you so much man. I just made a police report

AugustaJulia ago

Oh, I finally got why he said, It's all true except I hate children. It was a reference to the Alefantis = I love children speculation that people made about his last name (possibly being fake).

Investigate1999 ago

The sidebar says that we can't spam.

Please note that adspam, illegal content, and personal information about Voat subscribers will be removed, and the offender will be banned.

By promoting his shirts, he is spamming, in many respects.

srayzie ago

You would think Mr Alefantis would be laying low right now. He just opened up a huge can of worms. This video and conversation is spreading like fire. There is no need to go after Ryan anymore. Let's just sit back, let the videos flow and and watch him self drestruct.

Fateswebb ago

I feel deleting this is exposing the censorship around here and how the forum has alreadg become obsolete. And ITS VERY FUCKING SCARY!!!!!!!!! Can we all move to a new forum now??

nomorepepperoni ago

I don't think I quite buy this one. If he threatened you and your family, why would you post a video showing the world he threatened you and your family? Seems like that would bring more awareness to what he wants to make go away, not less.

Secondly, why would he outright call some random person a "shill" in the same casual manner commonly seen here? Unless he was using that as another indicator that he is watching our sub (not that farfetched, honestly), it seems more like something faked.

Thirdly, if he is watching this sub, how would he not be aware that we are copying and archiving content? Just because you take it down and the mods delete the thread doesn't mean nobody archived the video. I would think he would demand you immediately tell us that you made it up or the video is otherwise illegitimate as well to cover this angle. Even if he doesn't realize we are archiving, other people would inevitably have seen the video and done some digging of their own. This would again need to be countered. He isn't one of the most influential people in DC for nothing (unless he's so scared that he's getting that sloppy).

Fourthly, if this content really is from JA, send this stuff to the FBI NOW, and get a police report filed. After all, it's covering up a crime that tends to do high-level cronies in. See Hillary's emails, Watergate, etc. etc.

Fateswebb ago

Obviously he is scared and wants if anything happens to him to have proof he was threatened.

nomorepepperoni ago

Plausible, certainly. I hope you're right, because if this is fake, it's begging to be an excuse for another false flag.

wellington33 ago

are u dead already ?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Please help

wellington33 ago

you are the only one that can help you right now.

logjam ago

OP is not exploiting his position. He is every bit as credible selling t shirts.

If he was trying to sell t shirts in his videos I watched - I would think differently.

logjam ago

I hear where your coming from - but bottom line is, if there was a phone call to be had, then there is a record of that. With the additional texting exchange it looks very substantial.

I thought Alafentis would be smarter than this though.

Dressage2 ago

The FBI recorded that conversation when Alefantis picked up the phone and answered Ryan's call. That is if it really was Alefantis.

logjam ago

Yes. OP needs to follow though for credibility here. Informing family, reporting this to the authorites, and speaking with a lawyer. Then he is golden.

logjam ago

I see here that the OP removed his name. I am fearing for this guys situation right now.

So fucking help me if this turns out to be "fake news" I'm going to flip my shit.

TPTB would love to see this verse get shut down - and this better not be a tool to do that.

OP just released the biggest nugget since this began IMO.

Fuck off if this isn't the most surreal happening.

Beaucephus ago

His whole MO is drug dealer. He is a known socialite with several businesses including an art gallery (known for money laundering schemes) and his friends are all fringe people, but he socializes with high level, big money clients. To me, this screams drug dealer.

noworldorder ago

Drug trafficking and human trafficking often go hand-in-hand, especially if the clientele is powerful enough.

Beaucephus ago

I understand. I guess I've only been exposed to the former. Also with that, a lot of gay people I've known over the years have been drug dealers.

noworldorder ago

Agreed. Stop selling merch.

noworldorder ago

Why was this deleted?

Investigate1999 ago

@kevdude @Millennial_Falcon @belphegorsprime @Phobos_Mothership @wecanhelp

Pizzagate Gear posted another video without serious evidence. He claims to have phoned and text chatted with James A. He claims that James threatened him. Pizzagate Gear then pleads with us to stop investigating, and then promotes his shirts with a smile.

I think that he is a shill for James and company. He willfully broke Rule #1 again.

Even if he were on our side, he did a dangerous and reckless thing. Instead of consulting the community on how to go about this, he compromised our investigation. We need James and company to feel comfortable, so that they can behave in a normal way, but people like Pizzagate Gear keep interrupting him, and doing it in an unprofessional way.

Other than delete this thread, I haven't done anything to Pizzagate Gear. I request that we ban him from this forum, but still invite him to participate in the other Pizzagate forums, until we can confirm whether or not he is a shill.

On a tangential note, in this thread, @superchargedv8 said...

Publish the number or call him with some sob story about how you're sorry and record it and publish that.

I request that we ban this guy from all forums due to his call for publishing the number.

mrcosmicmind ago

Agree with this as well. The self promotion at the end of the video destroys his credibility.

In the original video, I admit, I was a little put off by his "excitement" with his discovery.

I tend to think of this as a serious matter as opposed to an exciting one.

superchargedv8 ago

I should get banned for making a suggestion to publish his friends number? I called him out for being the larp that he is, i don't seriously think this is JA's #

Investigate1999 ago

Oh, I see. I misunderstood. I thought that you were serious about publishing James A.'s number.

Fateswebb ago

What if we inisted that he give his shirts away at cost no profit, and show his call log quickly to provide some evidence the call occurred. We can tell if it was photoshopped pretty easily I would think.the. He can stay, I feel like the first video of Pegasus was pretty good for a shill to put out.

Investigate1999 ago

I don't care about him keeping the money. I just wish that he wouldn't promote them during his videos. It's spammy to me.

KingKongisCTR ago

How about we ban you, shill mod?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Remember to leave a comment saying you removed the video and why. Also distinguish the comment. Thanks. I'm personally too over-taxed at the moment to look into this user any further. Maybe tomorrow.

Investigate1999 ago

I did leave a comment. The comment that you replied to is the comment explaining it, and it is distinguished. kevdude says that I didn't distinguish it, but you can see it for yourself. Just go up the thread to see the distinguishing.

hanknut42 ago

this is true we don't connact these people we don't harass them we just investage!

Investigate1999 ago

Another important fact is that he could be innocent in all of this. It isn't fair to him.

lockherup ago

@kevdude @Millennial_Falcon @belphegorsprime @Phobos_Mothership @wecanhelp somebody please kick investigate1999. He is out of control and should not be a mod.

hanknut42 ago

why try to contact JA directly nobody is that dumb it almost reeks of the shooter angle


Ryan, do you know how he got your private photos? If they were available online already it wouldn't be hard, but it sounds like he got them pretty damn fast.

Antiracist10 ago

This struck me as all very fake to sell T-shirts, sry.

hanknut42 ago

due he deleted this too is this real lfie>?!

Lobotomy ago


User890020 ago

I feel bad for you man.

You really, really underestimated how dangerous this guy is.

Haven't you seen enough of his soul-crushing crimes to know what he's capable of?

logjam ago

I can't fucking believe this. One could call it "fake news" - but there is too much evidence. He sent pictures of his family to him.

This is the biggest thing to date! I'm in total fucking shock.

IDeliverPizza ago

lol somebody get this to 4chan the anons there will eat this shit up haha.

superchargedv8 ago

Publish the number or call him with some sob story about how you're sorry and record it and publish that.

superchargedv8 ago


IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i promise you im not playing with you. I couldnt sleep at all last night. I doubt I get any sleep tonight

Fateswebb ago

Can you screenshot the conversation log on your phone showing the same number having called at the same times? Not that this couldn't be photoshopped but it would add a lot of credibility to your claim. I believe you but as you know we are constantly looking for shills and disinformation.

srayzie ago

I believe you Ryan

Alpo ago

Please share this video as much as possible. This will keep the OP and his loved ones safe.


The texts start out aggressive but by the end are quite conciliatory.

Criticalthinker615 ago

This story seems a little contrived

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i assure you its not

Criticalthinker615 ago

I don't want to be too critical but, is there any way that someone could be trolling you? Can you authenticate that the messages came from the real alefantis? Maybe do a video proving that perhaps? I'm still in a little bit of shock

wellington33 ago

leak the number from an anonymous source! do it in a week or two! BRING THEM DOWN RYAN!

srayzie ago

Bingo. The Pegasus building hit a nerve BIG TIME. Now we know James Alefantis reads our threads too

wellington33 ago

i guess you are waiting now for him reaction, right? if he's the real one, i guess he will talk to you again. would you share new conversations? @IsThisGameOfThrones ???

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

hes already contacted me.

srayzie ago


IsThisGameOfThrones ago

im going to talk to lawyer and police before i release anything else

KingKongisCTR ago

Be careful. The DC police chief who charged an 11 year old girl who was raped by multiple men with lying even though there was medical evidence including semen samples?

srayzie ago

Good. At least tell someone in your family in case something happens. He NEEDS to know that others know so he doesn't try anything first

wellington33 ago

can we wait for news? i mean, if its real, keeping us informed is your only way out. that, and going to police right now. if its real, call your buddy, call everyone you can.

nomorepepperoni ago

And make damn sure they're aware you have no interest in suicide as well, and to investigate if you do turn up that way.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

It was 100% him

contrary_mma_hipster ago

How do you know?

wrok-wrok ago

because no autist could RP this well

VieBleu ago

You have protected yourself well, unassailable extra protection is sent to you now as well. You will be safe. Cowards threaten when they are cornered, and then if they are very crafty, Pan turns into Panic and... together they RUN! Matter of time only. : )

redditsuckz ago

It really shows him to be a controlling psychopath...I can see him talking to children like this and threatening their lives or their family if they speak out.


What is really puzzling about the FB conversation is that "Alefantis" (let's accept that it's really him) says that everything people are saying about him is true, except that he doesn't like kids at all. (Of course, you don't actually need to like kids to traffic in them.) But isn't that essentially a self-incriminating statement? Would the real Alefantis say that? I think someone might have been having a little bit of fun with Ryan. (IF FB accounts can be spoofed.) I also find myself wondering why Alefantis would be worried about the Pegasus stuff rather than anything else. It's almost like he's saying, 'Pegasus is the real stuff I'm hiding, Comet is nothing.'

dindonufin ago

He's arrogant and protected. Why wouldn't he say it? My thought at least.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I can assure you its the real alefantis

Beaucephus ago

I can tell you from firsthand experience that anyone threatening to harm you or your family has no intention of harming you or your family. When you mean someone harm, the last thing you do is threaten them.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I want to believe

...and there is logic to what you say. Still... we aren't dealing with normal people and this is not a normal situation.

srayzie ago

You and your family will be safer by filing a police report. It will help because he won't want another target on his back. He was threatening your family but did it just right to put you in check but could be fought in court. Things like "cute gf". He could say he was just being nice. That's why you should have recorded the call but that's too late now. He also let you know you didn't have good legal counsel didn't he? He's letting you know that he does have connections and you wouldn't stand a chance. You can understand a lot by these messages.

It's still better to file a report. I'm sorry you are scared. I feel bad for you. He's evil. He even said "everything you guys said about me is true except I hate kids." That's a BIG STATEMENT. Hating kids is even worse but admits he's how we describe him.

Fateswebb ago

Love or hate, why would he call them Hotards and post such things to instagram and have a kid related pizza place and just basically everything you do revolves around kids? I guess you don't have to love them to find them useful. There are thousands of people on this site and tens of thousands of others across the internet that see what's up. I mean you can threaten one, but maybe we should just put all of our names into a big list and all collectively thousands of us post the video, he can have all tens of thousands of our phone numbers as well. Or maybe he should just invite a group to look around Pegasus since he claims it's nothing. What's with the sink and creepy bench through the doors? So it's a museum or a metal shop? If it's a museum then certainly a tour wouldn't be out of the ordinary as that's exactly what museums are for is well taking tours of. So let's ask him for a tour.... since it's a legit place. Then this whole mess can be put to rest. Yay!!

srayzie ago

I think that video is going viral now. There are many mirrors. People can share all over social media. He should give a tour all over Pegasus to a group so we will get off his back. You know he's shitting bricks and reading all these threads. He totally brought up voat.

KingKongisCTR ago

What cops will he call? The DC police chief who charged an 11 year old girl who was raped by multiple men with lying even though there was medical evidence including semen samples?

srayzie ago

That's so sad. I mean that everything needs to be on record because you never know what could happen. Just like we are researching for records or anything to fight Pizzagate. Make a report. Have it on record. Keep copies

LaDonnaRae ago

You are kidding, right? The police? The ones who sit outside of Comet Ping Pong eating doughnuts until Jack Posobiec enters, at which point suddenly they spring into action...and throw HIM out??? Yeah, OK. Let us all call Metro. That'll work. (OMFG)

srayzie ago

I know what you mean. BUT, It should be on record just in case. If something happens then there should always be record of it.

LaDonnaRae ago

Until it gets "lost". I would not trust DC PD to find my dog (if I had one). We need someone a little more dedicated.


If it is the real Alefantis, there are parts implying that he's more scared than you are. I'm referring to a part of the convo where he basically says "criminal charges could come out of this" (against him, not you) but "you haven't got anyone who could take it that level yet."

What I'm suggesting is that some of the things "Alefantis" says (such as this) would actually encourage Pizzagate researchers to dig deeper. Wouldn't Alefantis just want it to stop and go away?

redditsuckz ago

I guess there is something he really doesnt like in this vid;

"KILL ROOM FOUND! Pegasus Museum owned by Alefantis is home to..." [duplicate video]

goat_cheese_pizza ago

And he didn't record the convo? Dumbass.

bodthedog ago


KingKongisCTR ago
