wokethefkup ago

All this confirmed for me was that JA's number was posted online so anyone could of found and made this all up. If he was dead I'd believe it. Sorry

Investigate1999 ago

Actually, I am. :-D

hanknut42 ago

https://i.sli.mg/z1d0FZ.jpg Millennial_Falcon is editing peoples posts CALL HIM SPEZ DONT TRUST HIM

awakenaware ago

Yes we need to curb our enthusiasm sometimes i feel and take a leaf from Gary Webb's book. He was the guy who proved that the CIA was using cocaine to fund arms in Nicaragua. He was a little hastey in publishing his research and was taken down by the CIA stooges in the MSM and eventually was "suicided" by two (count it) bullets to the head. Potential Proof might be a more cautious title..

If we had met five years ago, you wouldn't have found a more staunch defender of the newspaper industry than me ... And then I wrote some stories that made me realize how sadly misplaced my bliss had been. The reason I'd enjoyed such smooth sailing for so long hadn't been, as I'd assumed, because I was careful and diligent and good at my job ... The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn't written anything important enough to suppress ... — Gary Webb

pitenius ago

But see, this isn't your first conspiracy rodeo. The worst thing about PizzaGate is that everyone went off half-cocked and muddied the waters. The path this is on is not heading toward a prosecution... on the other hand, Alefantis is sweating like a stoolie, so there may be some action. That's "good", but convictions really drive the truth and justice movement.

hanknut42 ago

this right here he knows we know now. Watch John Podesta at hilarys concession speech in the crowd hes sooooo nervous they know know now it ll curb them from making anymore fuck up thats for damn sure!

awakenaware ago

We dont really have a road map here that we know is going to work so who can say what is the right approach. Caution and real evidence, but even with real evidence we cant do jack unless some people with influence in positions of power basically risk everything (including their lives) to get the prosecutions happening. In my experience, the deeper you go into all of this, the more attention you get, and the danger levels go up. When I started digging into CIA involvement in New Zealand about 12 years back.. it didnt go unnoticed.. My contacts in media got shut down really fast. And then they denied ever speaking to me. I mean fear and threats go a LONG way.. I saw people get threatened.. we had our phones bugged, my laptop stolen from the house, a visit from a strange man and in the end it didnt feel safe to continue. I discovered that everyone that i turned to was compromised or could be leaned on by "them".. the media, govt, corporates.. they were all scared of an unseen group in the shadows that seems to permeate all of the government and corporate sector.

pitenius ago

This isn't entirely true. You have a roadmap. Several, actually. You have to decide now: are you going for a conviction (a la Karen Silkwood) or are you going for the smear campaign (a la Jimmy Saville)? If you opt for the latter, you might not get any confirmation until people are dead.

My background in this is from conspiracy circle you might not respect much. And yes, you're right -- the counter-operatives don't have to hold themselves to the same standards. And some of the researchers are a liability. It's a rough game, but casting it the way you have -- with references to a shadow cabal of "them" -- doesn't do so much good, even if it is true.

No one wants to hear about any of this. People want to believe the world is boring and tedious meritocracy. And you'll look like a nutter. Wiesenthal looked like a nutter to many. So you downplay the darker aspects. Focus on documentation. To me, the biggest thing that has come out in the past week is that someone actually filed with the police over the threats. It starts a paper trail. It legitimizes a perspective. This won't be put to bed in the next month. Or even under Trump's watch. If this is true, you're in for a long game. It can be won, and it is often won in terms of legacy. Saville never served a day, but the historical perspective changed. That actually changes the future. But your success if this strategy can depend strongly on how people conduct themselves early on.

The time for bad behavior is when you can change the present. I don't have any information that could do that. I don't have the name of a child to liberate, etc. If I did, I might be willing to go criminal. Now? Nothing. Your best bet is to try to establish a strong network of dedicated people. Don't discuss "strategy" in public. Crowd source speculation and research, but establish a trusted network for anything leading to prosecution. In the US, the right of private prosecution has been curtailed, but you could work to make prosecution part of a party platform, even at a state level. It's already a pretty partisan issue. The problem is, even I wouldn't touch this case as it is now.

awakenaware ago

I agree with you pretty much.. I dont have any answers, im just sharing my experiences and opinions.

awakenaware ago

But I do have hope.. I do see the worms squirming about and running for cover and in damage control.. and there are good people in high places and I am hopeful of Trump, but also know he has many flaws.. i hope he has the guts to really do some serious digging and shit.. i feel he already is, and is just waiting and biding his time until he can do whatg needs to be done, hopefully. I fully believe Hillary was deadly serious when she said "..if Trump gets in were all gona hang from nooses!"

hanknut42 ago

Of course it was JA him and isthisgameofthrones are friends The peaagus digging picture has been linked to the subway tunnels so they aer getting scared was the reason for that video in the first place. ISTHISGAMEOFTHRONES stole all the work from yukes who was the OP finder of hte data

bubblebubble ago

Haha, this is some good work man! He seems to be a fan of promoting his own shit. Creating things on Google Maps, posting about his restaurants or museum. He is a bit of an attention whore.

waybackwhen1987 ago

fucking huge if true time to burn diddlers

AgainstTheNWO ago

I do not understand some people here. Day in day out, he is trying to give the asked "proof" and still people are telling "no proof" but also do not deliver proof it was a fake and hoax. That there is a possibilities to fake a part of the hole story like facebook page loading (i had no idea that was possible, so that sceptic could have happend to me to if i did what GoT did) does not proof that exactly did happen!

So, to be clear. By my definition, if you show it is possible to fake some part is NO proof it also happend. And keep demanding he shows proof he did not manipulated that part while not delivering proof he did fake it (even if possible) makes no sense to me after all his affords to proof the circumstances the last couple of days.

Being sceptic is a must, but in this case i find the "attacks" (how it comes over to me) on the person day in day out i do not understand. If still sceptic, pick up the phone and call the number. Nothing illegal about that. Is is James or Comet who answers you have your proof.

Telling you only believe it after a live stream or something like that is lame (imo), you are not the one who decides for a other how to do investigation and deliver facts and proof. If he did not put effort in making a case, ok, but after all his efforts i see no reason to only except that as a proof and dismiss all he delivered until now.

(Sorry for some bad grammatical but not my first or second language so will most likely make mistakes and errors)

We need to work together and not against each other. We of course have to fight the shills , but unjustified place someone under the number shill will do more harm than by mistake not recognize and not treat a shill as a shill.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Your english is ok, but your logic is lacking.

It's almost impossible to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the one making the positive claim. isThisGameOfThrones hasn't provided the proof necessary for his claim to be taken as fact. There is no need for anyone to prove that he is falsifying his evidence. The only thing debunkers need to do is demonstrate how his evidence could be faked. In a case as serious as this, nobody gets the benefit of the doubt.

We have to always be skeptical, even when we really want to believe.

whorsquini ago

I'm going to cover my ass and say that the guy, pizzagategear, who said he was threatened by Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis has not proven his claims until the livestreams his facebook chat messenger, nukes the html settings, and keeps the chat open without anything changing.

It is a high standard and he did file a police report, but this new development seems too good to be true for the insane level of incrimination.

Note: Pegasus is still a real place, is owned by Alefantis, and is very suspicious.

salinaslayer ago

Link me

dickface8 ago

Your first upvote!

seekingtruth2016 ago

I personally think it's time to move on from this topic. It's not adding anything to the research and I highly doubt that he's ever going to provide verifiable proof that this really happened. Even if he did, what difference does it make to the investigation? And what has going on and on debating over this really done to progress our efforts? If anything it was a wasted opportunity to obtain at least some shred of information from the source, but since that didn't happen why are we still talking about it? Time to refocus on leads that actually matter.

kekistocrat ago

Because it just doesn't make sense that Alefuckulties would blow up like a loose cannon and make threats like that... regardless of not recording the phone call, etc. Spotlights on him. He's now representative of his masters. Do you think he would do that? He's on damage control. His masters could snuff him out like it's tea and crumpets. That and Ryan not agreeing to livestreaming... among others.

Investigate1999 ago

The whole idea off that shirt is kind of scary. :-D

chlrndrmz ago

I invited JA to sponsor my new group Clinton Cartel Inc. - no response as of yet :(

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Thank you. This has been very heavy.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Nice job buddy. Stay strong

madmanpg ago

Showing his phone number doesn't prove shit. Stop this. Either post a recorded conversation with full video of the dialing and hangup, or stop wasting our time.

HarveyKlinger ago

Sadly, child pornography laws protect them. Sick.

Lunari ago

Anyone can file a police report for anything. I can go to the police station and file a report claiming a man in a chicken suit ran up to me and threatened to kill me. Does that make it true? No. That's called filing s false report, which, depending on circumstances of what the report is for - if the claim is investigated and found out that it's a false report, you can get in a lot of trouble for it. Though, in reality - reports like his get filed all the fucking time by thousands of people and a report claiming simply just "this person threatened me" are very rarely even seriously investigated unless there's substantial reasoning to do so.

Freemasonsrus ago

It's also a fairly complex and bizarre conversation on text to fake. The overlapping conversations, strange manner of speaking, ect. Not something that could be easily faked from that standpoint either. Seems like an epic shill project trying to discredit him.

WindowsInJudgement ago

And in his hand the smoking gun.sigh

Piscina ago

You people are amazing. I love you all.

Freemasonsrus ago

What would be the motive? Not only does it have serious consequences if he did file a false police report, but his gains are what exactly? Some more "likes" or YouTube views? There's been no reason not to believe him except the incredible retarded ego of JA thinking that making that call was a good idea. I think that's the main thing people can't get past. Sociopaths think they're untouchable and smarter than everyone else.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I'm tempted to call the number. What's the first thing I should ask if he answers me??

Investigate1999 ago

Don't call. He's innocent until proven guilty. Don't harass the people that we are investigating.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Is it harassment though. Hi James you number is posted online and I want to know if you have anything to say, I swear I'll post it word for word

Investigate1999 ago

I agree. I hate reddit, but they do handle these kind of things properly. I hate it when they silence us, but in these kinds of situations, the reddit admins and mods are being more honest about the situations.

[edit: I see that I misread your question, which looked like a statement; I think that it is a mild form of harassment in the sense that he is innocent until proven guilty, and he wants his privacy; if you want to call him, them plan it with the community]

This investigation is turning into a witch hunt.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I agree. Witch hunting is bad. I just got caught up in the research. I'm a good judge of character and I felt I would have known within 2 minutes of talking to him.

I also see how it's a bad idea. I'm waiting for the next update from isthisgameofthrones now

Investigate1999 ago

Honestly, I wish that we could get a public statement from him. I suppose that the news interview that he did was that statement, so maybe us interviewing him is unnecessary for his public claims.

WindowsInJudgement ago

The police report is almost MSM worthy imo

Investigate1999 ago

It's basically all blank, though. There is no mention of James A.

Alpo ago

Several people went to jail for doing things like that in the Sandy Hook case. It doesn't seem worth it.

WindowsInJudgement ago

That's pretty serious. I'll dodge that one so

Lunari ago

This isn't "proof" of anything. Anyone can spoof any phone number they want to make it "look" like there was a dialed / received call from whatever fucking number they want.


Please. stop encouraging this guys distraction and misinformation tactics. It's main purpose is to discredit us and too many people ignorantly believe this crap.


I suppose what Ryan needs to do now is do the 'proofs' again, showing the number this time. After all, he didn't leak it - it was out there already.

bopper ago

Well duh I didn't think of that, thanks. If he's for real he'd probably get spooked. Maybe I'll try, he's pretty close to me. Thanks again, good-night.

LaDonnaRae ago

PSST. Um. Gee. IDK. Uh. Should I mention this or not? Errrr. Perhaps. SO, UM...would someone care to explain why "James" from PEBBLE BEACH, CALIFORNIA, is definitively #JamesAlefantis? I mean, besides WISHING it were so.

SturdyGal ago

Isn't james from Pebble Beach(on the left, the poster) the Brick Oven merchant just talking about a new pizza joint that has a brick oven with the restaurant number in the body of a message? So poster is a james and owner is unrelated james?

LaDonnaRae ago

Sure looks that way to me, but I would not want to get in the way of conspiracy crap and actually deal with facts.

ThePuppetShow ago

Where are you getting James from pebble beach?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Third link in OP (Forno Bravo). Look on the left side of that page.

ThePuppetShow ago

Ahhh got it.

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

Well, shit. I called this guy out on it a few days ago because the verification video seemed kinda off. I am truly sorry.

Everyone stay safe out there.

EndThePizza ago

The skeptics are the ones that keep us credible by weeding out the BS.

I don't know enough about how easy it is to fake these kinds of things, so I'm remaining skeptical on this until the consensus is 100% clear, just because it's so crazy.

fuspezza ago

That's how I felt 1 month ago. On the whole thing keep in mind 1 the false flag marked with ribbons and unclear times for how long the gunman was a threat. 2 The unbelievable infomercial fox news pushed on its viewers. 3. 4.

3and4 left blank intentionally to get that hamster wheel of yours rolling.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Exactly the same stance I have.

JoJoVoat ago

lol hey, takes a big person to say sorry.. upvoat.
And it tough as we dont know who to trust anymore. We get it. :-)

kekistocrat ago

No disrespect intended... Trust your own judgement and conclusions. Use the Trivium, Luke. Had to say it like that. It is a serious thing though. Very valuable info for finding truth. Cheers.

JoJoVoat ago

interesting. never heard of this...

kekistocrat ago

... in that case. Check out logical fallacies, found on the same website. Forgive me if you already know some of this. Logical fallacies are used everywhere (especially by the people we're investigating and politicians, shills on voat, too) to basically manipulate/obfuscate the truth. Very important. I submitted something on this but I can understand why a lot of people thought it was spam. I'm always long-winded...

think_whatif ago

Continue the fight, but this was all known for weeks now. Push harder.

blinkofaneye ago

please forgive me for randomly posting on this topic. there are some strange photos uploaded on google maps images, from the 11&Monroe playground. check out the little girl in the pink coat on 2 of the photos. https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/103620145943754859011/photos/@38.9276268,-77.0363537,15z/data=!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1

Selnee ago

Your right! Creepy! Also if you scroll to left on the 3rd photo there is another ghost kid. I've never seen anything like that in google maps.

blinkofaneye ago

it is the same boy from the first photo, they probably came together to park with the photographer. also the woman with the brown jacket appears to be with the photographer too, looking at her body language. please notice though, on the 2nd photo the pink jackets girls face has been intentionally photoshopped to the ground. and on the 3rd photo this girl is standing all alone (no brown jacket woman)

Selnee ago

yeah it is all kinds of weird in those photos!

jml1201 ago

Where is the part of IsThisGameOfThrones conversation with Alefantis before "ok man you win"

"I asked him if I can do a user submitted interview with him based on user submitted questions" go to the 28 second mark.

Anyone have any answers?

Phobos_Mothership ago

flairing this for accuracy unless you want to delete/repost it with a less clickbaity title. titles must be accurate and descriptive (rule 3)

atheist4thecause ago

How is that not an accurate description? You mods are seriously out of control.

MolochHunter ago

Hey, the mod is doing the right thing - flagged it with a warning rather than deleting it outright.

And the poster has used conclusive language 'PROOF' he shouts from the rooftop. How about a title that leaves some wriggle room 'May be proof' 'apparently verified' 'potential evidence'

Lemme channel some Steve Buscemi "Am I the only fuckn professional around here ! " ;)

atheist4thecause ago

That's a pretty pedantic thing to get upset about when proof in common usage is often stated synonymously with evidence.

MolochHunter ago

i dont think anyone's upset, we're just in pursuit of best practice and credibility

IlluminatiKing ago

For one, I don't think this GameofThrones guy is stupid, he should know the consequences of pulling a prank like this (if he did). Not saying that he could be lying though. Maybe he can post a picture of his phone with the calllog of that time he called Alefantis. Would provide some proof assuming you can't fake that either.

bopper ago

What's his name, or Facebook page, I'm close enough to (carefully) go see him, within 20 minutes or so. I know cops down there at Galveston police dept.

BeanieBabyEmail ago

I grew up with the child of a chief of police in Galveston County myself but I don't think there's any action that needs to be taken here.

I really don't think this guy Ryan is faking it. Maybe that's naive but he has seemed very forthcoming this entire time. I have dealt with people like Alefantis, arrogant, narcissistic, likely sociopathic and that type of behavior is exactly what you would expect. Alefantis really thinks he is a God in his own world and he can intimidate you or influence you to do whatever he wishes and get away with because he is smarter than us, more influential, he is better than us. It is so obvious to him he cannot see past that and he is surrounded by sycophants that do nothing but feed that right back to him. He must be so out of touch and he is being very reckless. This is not at all surprising. It is a pattern of behavior. He cannot help it. Ultimately it will likely be his undoing. He knows this too he just doesn't want to admit it to himself just yet because in doing so he would be admitting defeat. That is crushing to him. Eventually though self preservation instinct will kick in and if he is not eliminated he will bring down others with him. It is his culture, after all.

bopper ago

I think I worked with the guy's son (chief of police). I'm not going to try and see Ryan. And also, he seems on the up and up to me also. You're right about petulant people like Alefantis.

BeanieBabyEmail ago

I grew up very nearby to Galveston, TX and I really don't think Ryan is in any way faking this based upon my experiences dealing with the authorities there and living there - this is exactly the response and process and documentation that would be expected.

Terroristic Threat is a pretty common one in Texas and I think really you file the police report more to make a record of the harassment so that if anything further continues or a future incident occurs, you can show a pattern of behavior by Alefantis and/or possible intent to cause harm to Ryan. It is known between Ryan and the police officer this incident itself won't lead to charges on Alefantis but it is also understood a record should be made and if anything further happens, Ryan will follow up with the detective and the history is established already.

throwawaa ago

That's easy for us to verify, we can call the police station. But it has no bearing on whether he actually talked with Alefantis, as far as I can tell.

Investigate1999 ago

I already called the police station. They pointed me to the police web site, and I shared the link to the police report. I posted it in a thread here. That doesn't prove that he talked to James, though.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Wouldn't JA just already have denied that he was contacted?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Says video removed by user.

pizza1989 ago

@Hazilla dude show us the video. We need as many eyes on this as possible!

Hazilla ago

It contains a load of his other numbers too, and the PizzaGateGear guy probably wouldn't appreciate it if I reuploaded it since he's already had death threats from the crazy bastard

mrjdouble ago

Do the right thing. Redact it and then throw it back up.

redditsuckz ago

@Hazilla Show us screenshots...Block out the names and numbers...there are many "painting" programs that you can use to do that...

If you dont know how to do that?...take the video and Isolate the audio and upload the audio to vocaroo...I would at least like to hear what he had to say...And if you cant do that...well...

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Thank you

mrjdouble ago

At what point did you, a) think this was a good idea to post this unedited? and b) realize that you had made a serious folly? Well truth be told, mistakes were made through this entire process.

ThePuppetShow ago

I hope you recognize that if you're LARPing people are probably going to DOX you and turn you in to your local PD for filing a false report. Not to mention, James could decide to make an example of you and and sue your ass off. If I were you I would do whatever I could to prove this is real and what everyone is suggesting with the live stream seems to be the only answer. Your cell account won't work either, a couple other people have brought up call spoofers. You have to prove this through Facebook messenger.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I'm not. I've spoken to my lawyer and the authorities. I've given y'all this information and have provided all the proof I'm willing to provide. Put yourselves in my shoes. I'm a regular guy trying to do his part. I did not expect any of this.

redditsuckz ago

I've given y'all this information and have provided all the proof I'm willing to provide.

You will sell more shirts if you prove this beyond a reasonable doubt...I might even buy one...;)

Put yourselves in my shoes.

I dont think any of us would do what you did...that includes selling shirts and calling James like you say...

I'm a regular guy trying to do his part.

Then take this across the goal line...

I did not expect any of this.

Really?...what did you expect?

I hope you understand and forgive why we are all being skeptical but these people we are dealing with do "false flags" nearly every weekend and twice on Sundays.

kekistocrat ago

At least give us a reason as to why you won't give the objective proof that is needed here. If truth is what you're trying to provide, then you shouldn't mind a collective approach to this if it does not incriminate/harm you (other than what you have allegedly already done to yourself). It boils down to reasoning, anyway. Look, man, I hope the best for you if this is true, but you're trying to convince the collective. Leastways, collaborate with everyone to find a good strategy to legitimize your claim that we all agree on before you enact said strategy. Otherwise, you must understand how this looks to a bunch of people (young and old) who are trying to use truth through verifiable facts (not Snopes and the like) to help a bunch of little people who need it.

pizza1989 ago

ur not a normal guy. you made a business out of pizzagate. dont blame us for not trusting you. give us absolute proof or gtfo!

ThePuppetShow ago

Don't be surprised when Galveston PD gets all this information in regards to your report. If you're being truthful you have nothing to worry about. If not, you better hope you're JA's buddy or you're going to need some soap on a rope.

LargePepperoni ago

I never saw the video. Also, why not just live stream like everyone asks?

redditsuckz ago

Hold a Q&A and ask what people what they want as proof and how they want it then do it livestream via youtube...

Put this to rest dude...this is too important...everyone wants as much proof as possible and show the full conversation between you and James.

rhy ago

And have video surveillance on yourself 24/7. If these fuckers kill you, your only revenge will be the internet getting the footage.

pizza1989 ago

he's already given alefantis enough reasons to murder him. i doubt that's going to happen because his situation has thousands of eyes on it. if he mysteriously dies, then we will KNOW why. Alefantis wouldn't dare.

ThePuppetShow ago

The other numbers are the problem, Hazilla has already posted JA's number, that s/he got from the video.

Hazilla ago

I genuinely didn't mean to post it in the thread, I thought I was replying to a pvt message. It's not like his number has been a secret anyway

ThePuppetShow ago

You just typed it.

pizza1989 ago

if you withold this info you're helping pedos

ThePuppetShow ago

Really? That's messed up. You're asking him to not only reveal JA's number, but a whole page full of numbers. I saw it.

redditsuckz ago

Check your browsers cache if your on PC...the video should be there somewhere.

ThePuppetShow ago


redditsuckz ago

I guess it depends on the browser on the tablet and your settings...but you might need a program to view the cache...maybe the app "astro file viewer" might help to view the temp files?

throwawaa ago

I downvoted because it is not proof. Not saying you're a shill, I just would love to see actual proof since that would make this a huge story.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

The lack of skepticism is alarming. No proof = no proof.

dickface8 ago

Dude has a look about him, I don't know if he's really meek and genuine or a fucking asshole that's taking us for a ride. Gotta stay skeptical.

Pizza-related-sap ago

I thought the same. He looks like a guy that would approach you at a gas station asking for gas to get to his brother's funeral. Then approaching you with the exact same story, convincingly, a week later. (Happened to me)

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I've literally never done that

dickface8 ago

hahaha totally!

Investigate1999 ago

People here are so desperate to believe.

ThePuppetShow ago

I don't know if it's desperation or if it's just people's inability to believe that kind of stupidity exists. This guy, if lying, has committed libel, filed a false police report and revealed his name to the internet. If he's LARPing he's likely to get doxed before he goes to jail and potentially gets sued for everything he owns. It's fucking baffling the lack of though put into this, if it's fake.

Investigate1999 ago

I agree. I've tried to present info that I could find, regardless of which argument it supports. I'm the user, showed people relevant case report.

ThePuppetShow ago

I've sent all this info to Galveston PD (to the chief's assistant) [email protected]

I recommend everyone else do the same, if he's telling the truth it will only help him by drawing more attention to it. If he's lying he can fuck off in jail.

Investigate1999 ago

That's a very good idea!

molehairz ago

I love all the month old accounts telling us how petty we are.

Investigate1999 ago

No kidding, eh?

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Who is Carole Greenwood - has she been looked into?

1Termite ago

i did a few searches on her here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1438540

this is an interesting article on a place where she worked for a short time after CPP(notice the S&M tilt) http://ny.eater.com/2015/1/22/7862051/one-year-in-grindhaus-red-hook-brooklyn

Keep up the good fight like One Termite!

Freemasonsrus ago

Funny you say that. I had started looking into her. Apparently she's a bitch. One of the articles I read was quite interesting in that she actually sent a cease and desist letter to a local blogger who had eaten at Buck's and taken pics of the food and of her to add to his write up, which was a positive review. Apparently she didn't want her "food" to be photographed.

Quote from lawyer letter: The food and contents of the said restaurant are propriatary and confidential.


So what exactly is in the food??

Yuser_Manuel ago

Wtf...if I paid for the food and I'm ingesting it, you bet I have the right to photo it.

Orange_Circle ago

She was his former partner, rather well known chef in DC. She had her detractors, but also her fans.

The consensus is that she got a bad deal when she was forced out, but not everyone was sympathetic.

Comments on articles at the time of her departure however alluded to sick things going on there and "if people knew" they would never eat at either place again.

throwawaa ago

This is not proof.

The phone number may really be Comet's, but there's not yet any proof that he talked with that phone number. Showing call logs in a web browser on a non-livestreamed video is not proof as has already been explained.

If it's real he can prove it by doing a livestream as 115 of us have requested: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1541808/7505552

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Your comment history doesn't give me any good vibes...

throwawaa ago

Not sure how to respond -- I'm trying to help this guy prove his interaction with Alefantis since this story would be huge if it's real and proven. I guess almost all of my comments in the last couple days are about that and sound mostly negative since all I'm doing is debunking various attempted proofs. :/

HarveyKlinger ago

For grins, googled the number. Found this article from 2004. Worth a read:


And here's the archive for it: http://archive.is/gbFGD

And here's Comet's Business License. Same number so I don't know why he bothered to hide it. It's quite public:


Archive: http://archive.is/JobZ3

throwawaymade4pizza ago

https://www.businesslicensesdc.com/license/66005965/comet-pizza says his business license for comet expired in August

Alpo ago

It says a license was issued in June 2016, and one ran from Sep. 2014 to Aug. 2016, so it looks like there is an overlap of two consecutive licenses.

vector3rector ago

Nice observation.

redditsuckz ago

That might be a lead...Brandon Morse had that number before and he's an artist in DC...

Brandon Morse, a young techie who teaches in the University of Maryland art department.

Brandon Morse - Data as Art: Digital Art in McKeldin Library


Brandon Morse is a professor of Digital Media at the University of Maryland and a Washington, DC


salinaslayer ago

He looks like the guy in the construction pictures


fuspezza ago

Show me your love picture made me sick with disgust.

salinaslayer ago

It's from a military/intelligence school I bet


No, Alefantis used to own Strand on Volta. That part is just listing information about the art gallery.

redditsuckz ago

I didnt know that...

Sex, Violence...Ritualistic Themes is his forte on Strand on Volta;


Strand on Volta Cuts In To Some Meaty Issues

Strand on Volta's latest group exhibition, shown along with examples of some less readily identifiable bodily tissue/fluid sculpted from molten glass -- teeth? a jawbone? sperm? tears?


Dissecting the Artistic Vision of 'Meat and You'

The result offers more than just flesh to chew on. - Who the fuck talks like this??


James Alefantis also the Board President of TransformerDC;

Transformer is a Washington, DC based 501 (c) 3 non-profit, artist-centered organization that connects and promotes emerging artists locally, nationally and internationally.


Visionary Leaders’ Circle Founding Members 2012

James Alefantis

Heather Podesta

Tony Podesta


Funding Partners;


SayWhatNOWAY ago

WTF! they call this art! Sickos!

anonymousj ago

National Council/Endowment of the Arts for "Artistic Excellence" - wow, glad to see my tax dollars supporting this disgusting art (NOT).

edited for typos....

throwawaa ago

I put this number into caller id and got "Comet P*******", not JAMES ALEFANTIS which is what he got in his video: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484334/7208157

Does caller id sometimes have two names for the same number? I don't really know how it works.

KansasJakeBG ago

Yeah the phone number matches. It's been published many times notably on the Behance profile of Scott Cummings (in an image).

B3nder ago

Now some anon needs to hack his phone...

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

... and, invoking Anonymous, order a hundred pizzas to his place.

Spicy irony.

mrjdouble ago

Trollin' so hard

ThePuppetShow ago

In the video he clicked to his calls page from his account page. Can anyone say if its possible/impossible to edit the elements of the calls page, move away from that page, click back to the calls page and it will still be edited?

Edit: Why would someone down vote my comment? I'm not denying this is real, I'm trying to make it undeniable.

hanknut42 ago

watch end of the video threat he smiles at the end as he closes out the program starts laughing

Millennial_Falcon is editing peoples posts CALL HIM SPEZ DONT TRUST HIM

creep ago

It's known as Duping Delight.

Investigate1999 ago

I'm surprised that he didn't end the video with, "And if you enjoyed watching me get threatened, then click that like button. I post new threats and conversations each week, so if you want to see more, then don't forget to click the subscribe link below, too. While you're waiting for the next video, check out these 2 videos about the kill room being at the pyjama factory. Also, we have these awesome new tshirts for you to help spread the message of Pizzagate. Just go to PizzagateGear.com. Bye bye everybody."

Lunari ago


WindowsInJudgement ago

I think isthisgameofthrones is a #pizzagate crisis actor.

I hope he proves me wrong

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I am not

Lunari ago

Basically yes.

I somewhat explained this recently in another comment: https://voat.co/v/pizzagateshills/1541317/7520325 (I don't feel like rewriting or copy/pasting the comment again lol)

WindowsInJudgement ago

Thanks u/lunari

I made a similar post and just reposted your comment over there too. I thoroughly agree and am eager to see how this gameofthrones fiasco develops.


throwawaa ago

Yes, that's easy to fake if it's in a web browser on a non-livestreamed video.

I wish he would just do the requested livestream (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1541808/7505552)) which would give him no time to fake anything. But he has not responded to the idea of doing a livestream, at all.

ThePuppetShow ago

How can you fake that if the page reloads? He also clicks to page 2 of his calls to show more calls from him.

throwawaa ago

Lots of ways to do it, you can have some javascript in your browser that will edit the page immediately when it loads.

That's why the only proof would be a livestream where he does what people ask him to do on the spot, where there's no time to prepare any kind of fake.

(Again, I'm not accusing him of lying, just saying this isn't proof and explaining how he can prove it if he really wanted to.)

ThePuppetShow ago

Again, I'm not accusing him of lying, just saying this isn't proof and explaining how he can prove it if he really wanted to.

I'm trying to do the same. Personally, I would have no idea how to do that, but obviously some do.

throwawaa ago

Livestream with voaters watching who can suggest exactly how to prove it on the spot, so there's no time to fake anything.

ThePuppetShow ago

Your other post was an excellent example, that is what spawned my question. I'm glad you're the one who answered.

Also, I was just talking to my brother and he brought up caller id spoofers. So, the cell account won't work anyways. Proof has to come from the Facebook conversation.

Edit: just saw someone above mentioned this too.

WindowsInJudgement ago

He's so diligent about you tubing and archiving. Why did he not record one of the calls. Alefantis openly threatening an investigator is a smoking gun. Etc etc

ThePuppetShow ago

Yeah, I'm getting frustrated with this. @IsThisGameOfThrones Why make this so difficult? He's obviously reading this, he thanked @Hazilla for not reposting the video.

WindowsInJudgement ago

How could he not record the phone calls. Seriously. I'm absolutely baffled by that.

I should stop there but I mean seriously how fucking stupid is this guy u/Isthisgameofthrones

He got evidence of murder threats from one of the prime suspects and he didn't record the call. Im angry to fuck at his ignorance and disregard for common protocol for investigators. It absolutely boggles my mind

Hazilla ago

The number is legit so that answers your question

ThePuppetShow ago

Not if he was able to edit that number into that page. That's what people accused him of with the Facebook messenger thing.

Hazilla ago

To edit the number into the page he first needs the actual number, and the video shows that it's his real number

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm just trying to cover everything so it can't be denied.

HarveyKlinger ago

Well, here's his business license. It's on there. Why is this presented like it's some recently discovered mystery?

http://archive.is/JobZ3 / https://www.businesslicensesdc.com/license/66005965/comet-pizza

ThePuppetShow ago

It's not. The number has been known so people will say he edited the page element to display that number. I'm not sure how that would be possible because he clicked to his calls page, it wasn't pre-loaded, then he clicked to page 2 of his calls, but someone has already stated it is possible.

ThePuppetShow ago

He had the number, he made that video I sent you in the other thread.

ThePuppetShow ago

It's on the Pegasus building permit too.

HarveyKlinger ago

That's where I got it from. It's legit.

throwawaa ago

It's the real number but we have no proof that he actually talked with that number.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

it really isn't difficult to spoof a number. I could call you from that number (as far as your caller ID is concerned) in 5 minutes. I don't know if this is real or fake yet, I am waiting for more verification one way or another, but knowing the number isn't too much of a giveaway

throwawaa ago

Yeah, I think using a livestream and verifying the facebook chat was actually with Alefantis' account is the most straightforward approach if he really wants to prove this.

HarveyKlinger ago

As far as that, correct. Personally, I don't care or need proof. If he is making it up but got REAL police reports while everybody knows his full name, he'd have to be pretty stupid, which I don't think he is.

waxdino ago

"I don't care or need proof" is incredibly dangerous thinking. I'm trying to forget the whole distracting thing that has thrown this subverse off course. But, if it is meant as a false flag, the police report wouldn't matter. He could be a shill paid off for any trouble he might encounter for filing a false report. Think of how shitty it'd be for our cause if someone made a false claim against Alefantis. It could totally be a hoax.

throwawaa ago

That's a fair point. I don't know the risks involved with the police report.

I'm just trying to explain that all the "PROOF" threads don't actually prove it.