Empire_of_the_mind ago

The manuals used by intelligence agencies to modify internet forum communications have been leaked and people on the internet figured out most of the techniques ages prior to that. All that's required is diligence and a sense of civic duty toward your public spaces (internet forums). Have the discipline to not feed the trolls, have the courage to call them out as you see them, have the energy to mark them down if your forum allows it. Have the persistence to not be distracted, or have your conversation derailed. Have the awareness to know who your enemy is and what their intentions are, then have the clarity to proceed regardless. They're easy to beat in a fair match - they only win when they buy the house. Voat isn't owned by them.

kekistocrat ago

Well said.

VieBleu ago

There is no logical fallacy in advocating that there be no promotion of violence within this forum. If you see one, you need to make it crystal clear.

kekistocrat ago

Perhaps you misunderstood... The logical fallacy began with Phobos' assertion that I '... disliked a post about not being violent.' See for yourself: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1470365/7130262 One can clearly see from my rebuttal, https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1470365/7135342, that 'I stated quite clearly that I agree about no violence but disagree with acknowledgement of gunman.' Seems to be a form of the 'begging the question' fallacy. I don't make this stuff up because I'm hurt. On the contrary, it is because I do not use emotions to guide my logic that I am able to see through these logical fallacies. This stuff was already made up by humans long before I arrived, both fallacies and their deliverance, logic. In regards to your second statement: No disrespect, but I shouldn't have to point this out. That is the beauty in learning the Trivium; you can spot the fallacies and thus it will become crystal clear. Good luck to you.

VieBleu ago

thanks for your reply.

Eyeonit ago

Hard to get up to speed on that in a day, but yep, that is what's necessary.


Phobos_Mothership ago

Check the upvotes on my post, doe. Pretty sweet to have that much support from a great community.

kekistocrat ago

That would be an ad hominem attack, an appeal to pity, as well as an appeal to the populace. You're not doing yourself any favors, are you?...

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

We love you :)

ghost_marauder ago


kekistocrat ago

How is spreading word of one of the greatest tools of critical thinking for humans considered SPAM? I always noticed a pattern of negative behaviour, hasty generalization (which is a fallacy), and spreading misinformation to be SPAM... You?

ghost_marauder ago

That's like massively disconnected from the investigation.

You can make the argument that it's in line because you need logic to investigate. But, if it's not the shills posting the vast majority are logical people on this site.

Then you have the fact that what in essence is being taught is linguistic logic rules. Nobody needs to read a 60 page doc (much less a whole course) to understand that TRUE XOR FALSE -> TRUE then apply those rules to language. Just go look at some truth tables learn some basic discreet math, and get on with your day.

kekistocrat ago

Normally, I would agree to disagree. But I must make exception in your case... Like, a massive disconnection would be if I had posted something pertaining to Fly larva being used to feed the homeless which are giving birth to the orphans who are victimized here and it is that very larva which has caused typhoid to break out in Namibia, which in turn... you get the point. I did in fact make the argument that logic is necessary for sound reasoning in research... 'But, if it's not the shills posting the vast majority are logical people on this site.' -- For one, I can't tell what you mean. For another, if I were to assume that I did, then it seems you are making an improvable assertion. Namely that the vast majority are logical people on this site... whiich itself is a logical fallacy, the fallacy of argumentum ad ignorantium. To assert that 'the vast majority are logical people on this site' is appealing to ignorance in that it is impossible to prove. It is unnecessary to try and prove that which does not exist. 'Then you have the fact that what in essence is being taught is linguistic logic rules' -- the claimant has the onus of proof. Ball's in your court, there. However, it sounds like you're using binary logic. Which is fine for computing, theory in arithmetic and cosmology, etc. but not for reasoning. If humans were to use binary logic to fulfill all of our tasks and solve our problems we would be automatons. It is for the reason of man's volition, that Aristotelian logic is needed.

ghost_marauder ago
