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Lunari ago

I had been meaning to making a post on PizzaGate for a while explaining exactly why I believe Alefantis / Comet Ping Pong and related things are most likely intentional "evidence" literally planned out and out in front of our faces deliberately as means to distract and lead us away from the relevent / legitimate evidence and information, as well as discredit everything about "PizzaGate". Which I should have done sooner considering now there's this whole mess with isthisgameofthrones only confirms my beliefs even more.

Once the truth is realized that everything about this "killroom" nonsense is nothing but a wild goose chase distraction, and that this guy never fucking "talked to and was threatened by Alefantis" - it's probably going to be too late for anyone to fucking take us seriously anymore. They tried pushing the "fake news" bullshit, and have now resorted to infiltrating and actually getting people to believe this shit that really is "fake news". To make us look like a joke and use this against us as a way to discredit everything else we try to show people as evidence.

The whole PizzaGate sub is basically compromised at this point. Look at the first few pages of posts right now - the majority of them are all related to isthisgameofthrones being "threatened" by Alefantis or posts about his stupid "killroom" wild goose chase nonsense.

Nearly every legitimate, relevent leads that were previously being looked into have all been pushed to the side to focus on this "FAKE NEWS".

And god forbid anyone attempt to say this on any of these posts - considering saying such things gets you almost instantly downvoted and called a "shill" by isthisgameofthrones and his hundreds of alt accounts, and all he naive people who believe him.