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IsThisGameOfThrones ago

The shills have been pushing the besta/Kline narrative and trying to down play the lead to the pajama factory. Video linking Alefantis killroom to Jeff Smith killroom Follow up video uncovering the pajama factory and Jeff smiths brother who says in one Instagram post "my favorite pedo"

Both of these Instagram accounts have since been deleted.

The business listing for smith steel has been deleted.

This all happened within a day of discovery. Meaning Jeff smith is close enough with pajama factory management to immediately get his listing taken down.

Something is happening at the Pajama Factory.

EDIT: photo found where Jeff smith calls James alefantis the boss. Jeff smith works for himself so in exactly what capacity is alefantis the boss?

Cbradio ago

Idk now if pajama factory is a lead; and wonder if related to industries that make prison and hospital/ institution garments. There is a power tyranny over ones clothed in demeaning and vulnerable uniform, and easier to keep inmates/ patients monitored and bulk cleaning. Lime or other chemicals to break down bodies, has not been accessed. ALOT of lime was used in the Jersey Island pedo case at the orphan school. Hydrogen peroxide, bleach, other chemicals? How would an efficient infrastructure be created, outside corps/shells/private business fronts to handle the daily real time needs of child/ all ages, enslavement? Where are the supposed red shoes made? What is a way to demand the dc tunnels are searched, before possible cleanup? Has Podesta and others been in clean up evidence mode? Well, IF, guilty, surely they would.

What would their back up plans and locations be? What warehouses or farms or underground bases? Or are kids brought into homes, looking like they are fostered or student exchange, or infants adopted?

What people are fostering ALOT of kids for years in DC, VA, etc? What Fosters have had cps cases, yet got away with it, and /or a child died?

More you know the various systems, can find how organized. As pedo or cannabis would be an addiction, what new area or way could ones order their child, if not using their past modes; due to this all going public?

How many weeks has it been.that cps in DC has violated and not welfare checked each child and infant reported? Everyday, not investigate in a timely manner is a federal.violation by cps. What and who is causing cps to be so bold and federal violate, adding up daily violations?

Who oversights cps and does that connect to Kline, or not?

Clearly, when.ones call cos, the refusal to take reports and intimidate are being done, and those are all federal violations, also.

Why is law not adhered, too?

DryvBy ago

I've been away. Pajama factory??

Godwillwin ago

Good find that he call Alefantis hits his boss! The brother of Jeff is just as creepy as Jeff. Blair smith I think is his name

goodguy1367 ago

Nice videos man, keep up the good work!

dindonufin ago

I agree with this, and our doj link is Arun Rao.