Disciple7 ago

Posting this here in case there is a link. Note the findings further down the thread as well.

Cbradio ago

Who are the black construction guys? What company? Right next store? Are they alive and safe? They sure would know about the construction in the pics that no one has found a permit, too?

Who is the county politician that got into with Comet, some years back? I saw that Comet supporters, posted online, during that that will watch that politician like a hawk to see if he does any zoning violations and more.

Clearly, comet and supporters know zoning laws, but felt they had impunity to permits.

Cbradio ago

What about dc subway workers in the tunnels? That is ALOT of construction jobs that may know something.

Cbradio ago

Saudis, I've noticed ALOT are friends with ones, going to events. Some drs, attorneys. Yet, from a ultra rich view; many do not have to work, even rich Corp types are less rich than them, and they also can have unrelated to the ring corporations; and just expected their ordered sex slave products as needed or payment/ donation exchanges. Many are rich, but many Saudis are ultra rich and expect ones to do work, dirty or not dirty and live in gluttony, as peruse constant pleasure.

hanknut42 ago

[–] hanknut42 0 points (+0|-0) 10 minutes ago (edited 5 minutes ago) https://i.ytimg.com/vi/J4jc1_Kt9oE/maxresdefault.jpgJPG this is the guy who owns besta hes since deleted his linkn profile and the whole site on the orphange. this guy owns it and was traffficking girls from africa to it . hes deleing all his presence off the net so hurrrry!

edit here is bragging about all the money hes got



concernedcitizen36 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1491301 BULLFUCKING SHIT!!!!!! NO! Saudi connection is not debunked and is PROVEN and Rand rants has 2 FUCKING VIDEOS ON THE SUBJECT YET NO 1 IS POSTING THE 2ND VIDEO! WHY IS THAT??

concernedcitizen36 ago




Millennial_Falcon ago

What is your response to my points about the Random Rants video?

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ )
This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site http://www.neywca.co.uk/jesmond-house.php Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984 This is the sign I seen from the street https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.9859876,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, Thank you.

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ )
This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site http://www.neywca.co.uk/jesmond-house.php Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984 This is the sign I seen from the street https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.9859876,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, Thank you.

Sampson7 ago

Just joined to seek help, been investigating pizzagate a while Since 4chan and the old subreddit , I believe my PC has been hacked remotely and weird things have been happening. Now, last week I've been raided with a search warrant and they claim someone used my IP address back in summer to upload CP!! This is alarming and I have no idea what that means . But they return all my stuff expect my PC and external Drive used for old torrents when I got music or movies . I'm completly innocent and need my story heard !

piv0t ago

I was reading that the businesses to the side and across the street from the pizzeria were owned/built by Saudi roots. Truth?

search4truth ago

Great work everyone. Keep fighting on all fronts. You are making a difference, so don't get discouraged. Some of us are researching, some raising public awareness, and some are keeping the morale high. I am doing what I can locally to check into suspicious activity at clubs and Ports. Everything matters.

happyme73db ago

Good work, we must be squeaky clean in researching.....there are snare traps all along this path....

Chinada3 ago

I call Besta Pizza owned by Andrew Kline (#FAKENEWS STRIKES BACK HARDER THAN PODESTA) https://youtu.be/1kKZyi1EmH8

VieBleu ago

It's time to take this down, been over 1 day now. Enough.

webofslime ago

First, you should be showing the Linkd In page of the Andrew Kline with the DoJ.

Maybe you should also include all of the other business that Andrew Jon Kline is tied to, because it seems super relevant to this discussion.

This sticky is really misleading as to what the important connections are.





Now, ask yourself which Andrew Kline this is:


Certainly, this one is a dishonest prosecutor.

We are most likely dealing with two not so honest Andrew J Kline's.

Honestly, it is confusing the way this little conflict over the Kline's is being presented.

The bottom line is that both should be looked into.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I fucking knew it. Jews love deflecting the blame onto their expendable Saudi pet.

Htaed ago

VOAT pizzagate is compromised. The mods are all either shills or cia/nsa.

You cannot do this peacefully.

shillcrusher13 ago

Podesta Group did legal work to keep 9/11 victims from suing Saudi Arabia. Treason, if you ask me. Sauce: http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/business-a-lobbying/304019-saudi-arabia-continues-expansion-of-k-street-force

VieBleu ago

oh bs read my comment history. You just can't accept that you can't put vigilante posts on here. Period. That's the end of the story, and I was asked who was doing it so the finger points to you bud. Don't do it, no problem.

VieBleu ago


you can look at this parent thread and my subsequent comments to JohnGalt322 on the page, you'll see I was cursed and told to get lost for asking nicely to edit the posse idea.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Do you have links to the comments. I want to know who to disbelieve

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Some questions:

First of all, we already know that the Andrew Kline listed as "agent" on Besta Pizza is just an attorney who filed the paperwork, and we know that the Andrew Kline in the DOJ is a different Andrew Kline.

How do we know that? What is the evidence Veritas law firm filed the paperwork?

it is showing businesses owned by 3 different people, none of which are Abdel Rahman Hammad. They are 3 different people named "Hammad Abdelrahman." This is like confusing people named Michael Johnson for someone name John Michaelson.

Not quite. It's been my experience that in other cultures that use more names than just First/Last, there's variance in which name is listed in what order. Moreover different systems may store names differently, some putting the last name first etc. I might show up as John Doe in one system and Doe, John in another.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

In fact after reading this mod's post history, I just see a lot of concern trolling. His first post was actually a lengthy shaming of the pizzagate community which is suspicious. Not quite willing to completely dismiss the DOJ Andrew Kline still being our Besta Pizza guy until actually proven otherwise.

Millennial_Falcon ago

In fact after reading this mod's post history, I just see a lot of concern trolling.

His first post was actually a lengthy shaming of the pizzagate community which is suspicious.

That was something someone else wrote that was on the frontpage of /r/pizzagate the day of the ban. I reposted it because the author made very good points. My point wasn't to "shame" anyone, but to warn people about disinformation being used as a weapon against us.

Look up "black propaganda." What you are seeing in my post history is me legitimately watching for possible disinformation and demanding sources and evidence for claims. It's unfortunate that there are so few people on here exercising skepticism. Disinformation is the NUMBER ONE tool shills will use to disrupt our efforts.

milo_nambla ago

The MOD deletes everything we post that is real and keeps the shit to maintain the NYT-CTR narrative that pizzagate is nuts

Brock has told us that "JAMES ALEFANTIS is in a Relationship with PEDO PAL John Podesta" The MODS are deleting this VALUABLE discovery - Brock fears for his life (v/pizzagate)

46 minutes[deleted]


Please people don't let the MODS or CTR-SHILL-BOTS close down our investigation.

webofslime ago

Nowhere does it say that the first Kline works for the Department of Justice in that link.

Can you please provide a source that says the first Andrew Kline in your link works for the DOJ?


Watch this too. Egyptians are 10's of thousands of years old.


VieBleu ago

problem is, so is the media.

VieBleu ago

I have no beef with you except your comment about vigilante justice, which cannot be tolerated on this forum or left to stand unanswered, for the good the of real people spending their time investigating here. Oh and your bad manners and foul language, but that can be overlooked.

VieBleu ago

Yeah, and where you are it's all lily white. Read another book some day.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I've posted about twice already that this Abdel guy has like 7 aliases. I did a paid public search on him last week & all of his various name spellings belong to the same guy.

He's the same guy that has a company under his name called Universal Trade Inc. and the website for that is password protected.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I did a paid public search on him last week & all of his various name spellings belong to the same guy.

Proof, please.

Onalaskeye ago

Is there an archive of the paperwork on Besta Pizza?

VieBleu ago

I once laughed out loud the 99th time Rand repeated her tired line "Who is John Galt" then burnt the book to keep the tedium from ruining someone else's reading time. Usually wouldn't never burn a book but that was a happy exception.

VieBleu ago

You are hardly a threat, as I am in PA where you obviously can't go. Pffft.

VieBleu ago

what are you going to do, come get me with your posse of 1?

VieBleu ago


Stubbon vigilante justice comments, won't edit. Could you take a look?

VieBleu ago

The record will show that vigilante justice is not supported by this forum or on voat, so you are on your own with your "citizen's arrest" and your posse of one person. BTW Ayn Rand couldn't write her way out of a wet paper bag and her philosophy is a sophomoric mind control trick which obviously must have worked on you.

Commonwombat ago

I'm Australian and we spell it the British way but pronounce it American. That said it's still creepy if they are using that as a pet name for themselves.

VieBleu ago


DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Thank you!

VieBleu ago

I ask respectfully that you immediately edit or delete this reply. No suggestion of vigilante justice is tolerable on this forum, not even loose talk or analogies. If something goes down at the Pajama Factory you don't want your JohnGalt322 handle associated with a call for vigilantism. Thank you in advance.

Investigate1999 ago

Thank you so much!!

michelonwheels ago

What about the fact that the whole block is Saudi owned?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Where is the evidence for that?

bolus ago

link to my post about the 'mysterious' CONNEB II, LLC / "CON.N.E.B." owners of the block.


summary: no middle eastern connection, keep on the pedos.

ColDax ago

Discussing the validity of a Saudi connection: Does anybody have a reliable source for the alleged CONNEB II LLC H GILL & SON connection? Duckduck go only returns links to pizzagate forums and Hunton & Williams LLP. I have this image I downloaded from a forum but have not been able to reach the actual webpage. https://sli.mg/0TnIbb

milo_nambla ago

It's all been scrubbed see that's the pattern here, is the MODS ask that we prove something, then we provide the links and 24 hours later the site is scrubbed and the google is scrubbed.

We of course did archive all, but the fact is providing the links to the mods on /v/pizzagate just accelerates their scrubbing all the evidence of crime.

Yes, hell yes its true that Pizza Blocks are owned by SAUDI. Saudi also own CLINTON-FOUNDATION.

Millennial_Falcon ago

LOL, nice username, shill.

stay_critical ago

Been lurking in the shadows for a week now. Made an account and subscribed just to agree and say kudos to you all. However this ends up, it's been impressive to watch the collective effort of a select and committed group of strangers to stay one step ahead, question, call out, and keep people like myself up to speed. Going to be important to continue to consider all sides and possible perspectives. Keep it up.

Commonwombat ago

My take on that is they all have an interest in road cycling, hence the double entendre as peddles/peddlers and the say peddos to be edgy. Just my take, anyway.

Godwillwin ago

No. after he says worlds best pedo or my favorite pedo or something like that, he then asks if Penn state is hiring

Commonwombat ago

Is Penn state a school? Sorry but I'm not from the U.S. What do you think he was implying?

Godwillwin ago

Penn state was where the football coach was found guilty of rape over a span of several years I believe Jerry Sandusky

Commonwombat ago

Oh wow, I have heard about this. That makes it extremely suggestive. Thanks.

Commonwombat ago

Thank you!

UglyTruth ago

Welcome to the real world. You've got to put the effort in to reap the rewards.

520patriot ago

def a saudi connection. idk about the kline stuff. but look into we the pizza. they have done business with saudis. and also remember that pizza gate was linked to a sheik in dubai

justanotherpizza ago

peaceful and responsible investigative action is the best way forward.


didn't someone find that the whole block was bought by a Saudi company and sold for $0 - or was this debunked?

Prepper_Jack ago

Well, the block was in fact purchased on the same day, and by the same company. CON NEB LiC, and a property management company based in Northern Virginia. He was claiming that he found evidence that CON NEB was a Saudi company. I haven't found any evidence as to what this company really is.

CONNEB I LLC appears to be a company registered in Vienna, VA. The location is a single family home. I'd swing by and check out who it is, but that house was sold in October. The registered agent was a "Kevin McCarthy". This could be the actual agent, or the owner of the LLC acting as an agent. The business entity claims an alternate address at H.A Gill (the aforementioned property company) There are a few notable Kevin McCarthy's in the area. One is a US congressman from California. The other is a man who works investment brokerage for AFL-CIO (interesting). Another is a doctor with his own clinic in Bethesda, MD.

It speaks more to the possibility that the block is owned by a single man who lets a property management team handle the day to day operations (for a fee, of course). Of course, there is the possibility that it could be someone managing property for a foreign entity.

As far as the block being sold for $0, that's how it appears in real estate databases. In the DC government property queries, the sales price appears as "unavailable". I talked to a family member who worked commercial real estate in DC - and she said that reports like that aren't that uncommon. It may be that they simply failed to report to the agencies what the actual sales price was, possibly a transfer of title from an older version of a company to a newer (perhaps a restructure), possibly the addition of the management company on the title, or one of a number of other things. Some possibilities are more suspicious than others.

I should also add that selling an entire block is actually very common practice in DC.

Millennial_Falcon ago

As far as I'm aware, no evidence (let alone proof) was ever provided. It was promoted by LegionWill, who was outed as a shill and deleted his account. Note that nobody has replied in this thread to provide evidence.

Sheilaaliens ago

Why wouldn't the Saudis be in on it? The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had a mansion in Virginia that was raided where they found (at least) 2 human sex trafficking slaves. This was just outside of D.C. It's harder to prosecute them because they have diplomatic immunity.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You don't seem to have read the whole post. See note at bottom.

bdmthrfkr ago

You guys are so full of shit. The other Kline works at the FCC, not the DOJ.

UglyTruth ago

And you expect us to just take your word for it?

bdmthrfkr ago

Oh, you mean this guy here... who works for the fucking FTC?!?

You all have been had.


UglyTruth ago

Don't you think it's odd that there's no history for this prior to around the time that PizzaGate started?


darthveddit ago

Those bastards. I went down that rabbit hole for like 4 hours yesterday

mrjdouble ago

That sucks, we've all been there. It just means you care to follow up on all leads. This is a large part of the oppositions plan, though, right?

Baluga ago


MrWaldeck ago

Nr 1: Linkedin says Andrew J Kline record is gone https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewkline1 (why?)

Nr 2: Linkedin says that Andrew J Kline worked as partner at Kivitz & Liptz from Oktober 1984 – 1992 (8 Jahre) but here I see that Kivitz & Liptz started in 1996 https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_md/W04384954

So both records have errors, why? When I'm wrong, please convince me, old images would help...

Commonwombat ago

I can still see it his LinkedIn profile. Kivitz and Liptz LCC founded 1972 http://www.manta.com/c/mmj4pgf/kivitz-liptz

MrWaldeck ago


Commonwombat ago

No worries! 😃

Baluga ago

Depends if you want to further discredit us and give the government more excuse to censor investigation. You say they're pedos. Who are the children victims? Where are those children? If you can't answer that, you don't have a case yet. Keep researching and don't do anything stupid.

RecycledUser ago

I agree. The mods here have stated MANY times to NOT confront people. So is this a shill, wanting to do exactly that?

Baluga ago

We still are not police. Citizen arrest is a crock if you don't have tangible evidence of crime.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

youre absolutely right and by the looks of some of these comments we need somebody coming in and saying this now and then. Them deleting the accounts and business directory listing is not the only evidence i posted though. The videos go into a lot more detail about these new players and the pajama factory

CJJacobs ago

Just wanted to add: On the 'My favorite pedo' Instagram post, the very next comment from Jeff Smith also references 'Penn State football' (Jerry Sandusky reference), and next post after that says 'Terror in the District' in French. Ie - District of Columbia?

EDIT: It also mentions PDX, which I believe is Portland Airport. Portland, OR has been on my radar since the Politics and Prose (right next to Comet and owners are #50 on GQ list) info came out. I made a post about this a loooonnngg time ago (when story first broke), and I believe there is a connection to Portland -- and possibly Powells Books -- and this ring too.

Baluga ago

We are not police. We are not vigilantes. Capturing them isn't our job. Besides, we still need better evidence before anybody can be convicted.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Thanks for the intelligent research, great to see people not just diving on every lead and assuming as true. The Saudi/Arab angle brings up an interesting point to me. Do we have many people with an Arab background looking into this? I only know a minimal amount about the languages over there, but do know the variations in english spelling account for a lot of paperwork misses when it comes to terror related stuff. Mohammed alone can be spelled like 8 different ways and still be correct can't it? Just something to be aware of I suppose

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

i dont think so. Right now just keep gathering information. If we are right then they wont be able to debunk this. If they dont debunk this it will spread and spread. When this is common knowledge something will be done about it by those who are in a capacity to do something.

ThePuppetShow ago

Look at the teeth, that's the proof. The 3rd pic isn't the same guy.

nomorepizza ago

Woah woah. All you did was link to two Andrew Klines. You did not show anything other than that two Andrew Klines exist. I'm perplexed why you think what you showed is anything other than that.

abortionburger ago

I'm not convinced either way, but I will say that the shape of the nose and earlobes does have me leaning in the direction of them not being the same person. Obviously I don't say that with 100% certainty.

redditsuckz ago

The DOJ IS connected...so even if its a different Andrew J. Kline they are all in it together...

Arun Rao of the DOJ human trafficking unit caught LIKING Comet Ping Pong comments.


(((Andrew J. Kline))) - (((Saudi Royal Family / The House of Saud)))



Al_Rubyx ago

Get out of here with the anti-Semitism this is about a serious investigation into human trafficking.

redditsuckz ago

Are you from Temple SINAI Synagogue?


You must "Stand With Comet"?

Why would a Jewish Synagogue care about Comet Pizza so much?...they are NOT "neighbors"...


Al_Rubyx ago

No I believe 100% in pizza gate. I've seen plenty enough evidence to support it, and I think comet is involved. But I wanted to prove the point that you (((people who use these to throw off the investigation))) are either shills or just SJWs of the right, accusing anyone who brings up even the slightest little thing against you of being from a fucking synagogue and being a pedophile.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

There are no sources in that article where the Saud's are supposedly Jews. You're reaching pretty hard here.

fartyshorts ago

What about this!? Andrew J. Kline from DOJ:

http://www.ungift.org/docs/ungift/pdf/vf/traffickerworkshop/differentiating.pdf - a UN site http://archive.is/DqJA9 http://archive.is/http://www.ungift.org/docs/ungift/pdf/vf/traffickerworkshop/differentiating.pdf (note the date, at least it's not brand new)

Google's preview shows this, but the page doesn't: http://sli.mg/a/KKdqv6

He didn't use to have a photo: https://web.archive.org/web/20160225153033/http://theveritaslawfirm.com/our-team/#tab-id-1 As late as November 02 this year: https://web.archive.org/web/20161102221358/http://theveritaslawfirm.com/our-team/

Are we really sure it's not the same guy? The UN seems to think it is.

redditsuckz ago

With his pic being "broken" I think its a web browser problem because the pic is broken in chrome but shows up in firefox...

And with this;


I looked at the Cache and the if you search for "Department of Justice" on the cached page it shows up on the right column under another person. So even tho it shows up in google search its not really in the Veritas linkedin Andrew Kline profile.

I would say the Veritas Andrew J Kline is 99.9 percent NOT the DOJ Kline...

Andrew J. Kline of Veritas posts in Foodservice Monthly;



That would be quite the psyop to hide the DOJ's identity.

But still it doesnt rule out the posibliltty that the DOJ could still own Besta Pizza...tho highly unlikely;


concernedcitizen36 ago


So this OP is either a COMPLETE MORON or a SHILL. You decide. Everything is 100% sourced and is being vetted out.

PeytonM ago

Why do these 2 Andrew Klines, both of Vertitas, have completely different photos?

The one you posted vs the one posted in OP.

Father and son?

fartyshorts ago

Mine doesn't have a picture. That's the point. It was added VERY recently.

PeytonM ago

Ok, my bad. I was looking at a picture near the name and was wrong.

However, I think I figured it out. On your link, if you click "Read More".. it reveals additional infomation. At the top it says "Andrew_Veritas_448x473" (an image description) - so there was a pic there with those dimensions.

Your pic: https://web.archive.org/web/20160225153033/http://theveritaslawfirm.com/our-team/#tab-id-1 Your pic - Read More: http://imgur.com/a/62vx5

Then, if you go to the OP link, and look at the dimensions of the photo. It says "448 x 473."

So, maybe the first link didn't pick up the picture for some reason, but the dimensions on both are the same.

OP link: http://archive.is/2ji23 OP: with image Dimension as "448x473" http://imgur.com/a/41B90

redditsuckz ago

Andrew Kline of the DOJ just deleted his Linkedin;



milo_nambla ago

The Mod's have banned TOPICS Saudi, Kline, and now Podesta can't be mentioned.

David Brock has told us that "JAMES ALEFANTIS is in a Relationship with PEDO PAL John Podesta"

The MODS are deleting this VALUABLE discovery - Brock fears for his life (v/pizzagate)

46 minutes[deleted]


Please people don't let the MODS or CTR-SHILL-BOTS close down our investigation.

Stukov ago

Where is the evidence he likes the picture of the toddlers there, it just says 4 likes with no names?

Stukov ago

I'd already seen the 2nd image (which didn't answer my question), but the first one, even though it is a little bit blurry I can read he was one of the ones who liked the image. Thank you for the link.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Many different ways to tell those are completely different people. Quickest way, check the ears.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

The shills have been pushing the besta/Kline narrative and trying to down play the lead to the pajama factory.

https://youtu.be/RykGBp4MDxgYouTube Video linking Alefantis killroom to Jeff Smith killroom

https://youtu.be/mgE1fT6472UYouTube Follow up video uncovering the pajama factory and Jeff smiths brother who says in one Instagram post "my favorite pedo"

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

The shills have been pushing the besta/Kline narrative and trying to down play the lead to the pajama factory.

https://youtu.be/RykGBp4MDxg Video linking Alefantis killroom to Jeff Smith killroom

https://youtu.be/mgE1fT6472U Follow up video uncovering the pajama factory and Jeff smiths brother who says in one Instagram post "my favorite pedo"

Both of these Instagram accounts have since been deleted.

The business listing for smith steel has been deleted.

This all happened within a day of discovery. Meaning Jeff smith is close enough with pajama factory management to immediately get his listing taken down.

Something is happening at the Pajama Factory.

EDIT: photo found where Jeff smith calls James alefantis the boss. Jeff smith works for himself so in exactly what capacity is alefantis the boss?


Cbradio ago

Idk now if pajama factory is a lead; and wonder if related to industries that make prison and hospital/ institution garments. There is a power tyranny over ones clothed in demeaning and vulnerable uniform, and easier to keep inmates/ patients monitored and bulk cleaning. Lime or other chemicals to break down bodies, has not been accessed. ALOT of lime was used in the Jersey Island pedo case at the orphan school. Hydrogen peroxide, bleach, other chemicals? How would an efficient infrastructure be created, outside corps/shells/private business fronts to handle the daily real time needs of child/ all ages, enslavement? Where are the supposed red shoes made? What is a way to demand the dc tunnels are searched, before possible cleanup? Has Podesta and others been in clean up evidence mode? Well, IF, guilty, surely they would.

What would their back up plans and locations be? What warehouses or farms or underground bases? Or are kids brought into homes, looking like they are fostered or student exchange, or infants adopted?

What people are fostering ALOT of kids for years in DC, VA, etc? What Fosters have had cps cases, yet got away with it, and /or a child died?

More you know the various systems, can find how organized. As pedo or cannabis would be an addiction, what new area or way could ones order their child, if not using their past modes; due to this all going public?

How many weeks has it been.that cps in DC has violated federal.law and not welfare checked each child and infant reported? Everyday, not investigate in a timely manner is a federal.violation by cps. What and who is causing cps to be so bold and federal violate, adding up daily violations?

Who oversights cps and does that connect to Kline, or not?

Clearly, when.ones call cos, the refusal to take reports and intimidate are being done, and those are all federal violations, also.

Why is law not adhered, too?

DryvBy ago

I've been away. Pajama factory??

Godwillwin ago

Good find that he call Alefantis hits his boss! The brother of Jeff is just as creepy as Jeff. Blair smith I think is his name

goodguy1367 ago

Nice videos man, keep up the good work!

dindonufin ago

I agree with this, and our doj link is Arun Rao.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

You need to recheck your links. The first two pics are of the same guy, maybe even taken same day.

reasonedandinformed ago

Explain their varied bios and provide actual evidence of any claims you want to make. This investigation must be driven by evidence. If there is a theory, let's move for the evidence to support it and not be stuck on wild claims. EDIT: As to the pictures, really: Explain the teeth and other major facial feature differences in the nose and eyes. In the end, it does not matter. The point is that CTR is aggressively promoting the Saudi link, with hateful rhetoric as part of it, for a reason: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484168

Millennial_Falcon ago

Nice try shill. First two look exactly alike. 3rd one is completely different.

LionParty ago

Monitor /user/chelseasPizza and /user/BlueBerryPie they have been posting all of these Muslim ties and it is all they post. Suspected major shills

doubletake ago

If there was nothing to this, then it would already be Slander City and Defamation Alley with all the allegations being churned out during the past month. I know it's a longshot, but just maybe the Podestas know a lawyer or two who could wipe out the entire alt media that has dived into P-G? Maybe Hillary knows someone, too? Why opt for the censorship attack when you could easily use the bankruptcy attack, and make money at the same time as you silence your shit eating critics? Why aren't there lawsuits exploding all over the place? Bears repeating, it is one of the great questions surrounding this affair. But lining up false information to defame an innocent to bring down P-G credibility is an extremely likely ploy, so thanks for this important warning. I just wish the podestas would sue somebody.

postfascion ago

It's a waiting game on both sides...it's why the OP's point is so important (as well as for obvious reasons).

zoot3d ago

darn tootin my brotheren

reasonedandinformed ago

Your interpretation is benign. I think it goes beyond sending us to pursue dead-end leads or frame the owner...I think it is being done to literally frame our investigation.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. I have been trying to warn about this, and how they are doing this to frame us, here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484168#submissionTop


These mother fuckers aren't Saudi. Freemasons/NWO through and through. Been saying it for 20 years. AMA


AdVict0riam ago

As bad as it's been lately, can we sticky this for a bit? It's super important this Andrew Kline disinfo doesn't take root.

Millennial_Falcon ago

As bad as it's been lately, can we sticky this for a bit? It's super important this Andrew Kline disinfo doesn't take root.

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion

VictorSteinerDavion ago

If you think this is something worth digging into go for it, the only 'permission' you need is your own conscience and the support of the community through participation.

Considering the discussion around this, a sticky is probably worth the effort if it helps people maximise the amount of information being shared, feel free to make it a sticky.

kingkongwaswrong ago

hey man, victorsd is a hands off owner, I think crensch didn't mean to be so active and I'm going to be awol soon, feel free to do this stuff if you feel like it's the right decision! You have mod powers, you should be able to do most things.

I'll sticky it right now, since I'm not sure if you're online but next time if you think it's the best thing for this board right now, feel free to do so.

anonentity ago

Kline bought it for a dollar off of the Saudis, that's what happens sometimes with gifted properties.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I'll sticky it right now, since I'm not sure if you're online but next time if you think it's the best thing for this board right now, feel free to do so.

Maybe for a day or two, as a warning to users about disinformation and the need to be skeptical of new claims. The summary sticky is also pretty important. I'll be glad to maintain somewhat of an active role, although I do have to balance with other responsibilities. Soon I'll see if I can find a few more mod candidates to help out with watching for disinfo and posting violations.

justanotherpizza ago

Mods set the framework for this sub, so in my view it is very important to have active moderators that can take this kind of defensive action to preserve legitimacy / credibility. I think this is where the old reddit pizzagate mods messed up. a hands off approach lets an active opponent create tons of accounts that can completely distort the sub. without a moderator exercising judgement, it literally will go to shit. Something that I and I believe others would appreciate is some kind of objective measurement related to each main lead. what are the supporting facts, what speaks against, so that rhetoric without substance cannot gain ground.

thank you for all this work.

kingkongwaswrong ago

You're right, we need more domain and subject matter expert mods who can help in these instances.

I for one dont know enough and don't read deeply enough to be able to confidently make these kind of decisions, so I really appreciate @millennial_falcon stepping up. He's a hero.

Millennial_Falcon ago

He's a hero.

D'awwwww. Here's hopin' I don't get "an-heroed" :D

justanotherpizza ago

The attacks to de-rail, dilute and disinform the sub are persistent and getting more voting power as shill accounts begin to mature. dealing effectively with organized shill activity should be the focus of one mod. that is a domain owner you need. we can do without subject matter experts longer than we can do without an effective counter-measure to the destructive activity going on. one idea is to penalize accounts that generate a lot of new posts but without adding value. of course you need to define transparently what you are doing and why, so everyone can buy into the logic or criticize its weak points. the fact is that shill activity can be profiled, and it should be addressed systematically to defang their growing power over this sub. You guys are all heroes in my book, but you have a real challenge on your hands, and some kind of immune system needs to develop in this sub before the cancer takes over. only you guys can create this.

other ideas ive had. create bots that comment on posts that trigger one or more shill behaviour criteria. there are ways to fight this that are transparent and respect the free speech principle.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

important to have active moderators

I am active, but not in a manner that is easily apparent.

My primary function is to make sure the sub doesn't fall to bad actors via mod churn (rapid mod turnover), and to help the other owners in case of calamity.

Something that I and I believe others would appreciate is some kind of objective measurement related to each main lead. what are the supporting facts, what speaks against, so that rhetoric without substance cannot gain ground.

If you think this is a worthwhile thing to add to the community maybe you can take that on when you see the need.
A comment containing an objective assesment given all the other info surrounding the topic can help people gather perspective on this ever growing jigsaw puzzle.

Moderators are servants to you the community, if you think the community could benefit from a course of action speak up and bring it to the attention of the community.

And just for reference, this sub will not be left moderator less or taken over by bad actors due to the foresight and planning of @kingkongwaswrong, doing this work is not a risk free endeavour.
There are a few checks and balances to ensure this doesn't turn into a reddit shithole. I am messaged frequently by concerned members of voat and I welcome bringing to my attention the concerns of the community.

kingkongwaswrong ago

<3 love you man. I love our intellectually diverse mod group.

darkofthemoon ago

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion

You might want to take a deeper look at this issue and check which side is really disinformation here. There has been an orchestrated campaign to shut down all discussion about Andrew J. Kline by making it appear that there is a consensus that Andrew J. Kline (Veritas) is not the same person as Andrew J. Kline (DOJ). I would like to see the idea discussed calmly, but when the opposition's preferred tactic is to shut down discussion on the pretext that everything has been debunked already, that's not possible.

You see, I think the Andrew J. Kline from Washington D.C. in the first picture is the same person as Andrew J. Kline from Washington D.C. in the second picture. It's just that he's gotten older and gained weight. His twitter profile picture https://archive.fo/0sPda is from the interim period and shows a smile identical to the one in the second picture.

Mommyplayer571 ago

The only tweet I had to remove from locked twitter was using Andrew Kline name. I think he is linked to this. Perhaps a USG blackmail operation.

SherlockMcGyver ago

Negative, teeth are different, hair has a natural difference, etc. You're just wrong on this one. They're clearly different people. They also have clearly different biographies. Here's a challenge, call both of them, or email both of them. Then you'll get laughed at by both of them when you bring it up.

VieBleu ago

This is not a convincing reply Sherlock. Do you have dental records? ever been to a hair salon? written a fib on your resume? Please. Oh, but the laughter argument, you are right on with that one.

Honestly, the training you guys recieve is sub par.

YingYangMom ago

The ears are not the same at all. The nose is different as well.

darkofthemoon ago

The hair is exact same, just cut differently. The teeth are uneven, and with a 3D object it's only natural that it shows differently from a different angle, etc.

I'm planning on making an infographic.

Baluga ago

Maybe cousins or something, but they work for different law firms, went to different law schools, and had no idea they were going to be part of a pizzagate online research scandal.

darkofthemoon ago

But isn't it interesting that they both go by Andrew J. and look similar enough that we're even having this discussion? And the only law firm I see is Veritas.

Looking at the biographies...

The Veritas guy:

He attended George Washington University and is a 1981 graduate of the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William and Mary.

The "other guy" was hired as faculty to the School of Public affairs, but the it doesn't actually say where he went to school. But trying to look even this deep is futile when the entire issue is dismissed out of hand.

Commonwombat ago

I'm sure if you could find definitive proof of them being the same people then that would blow our minds and it would be game on. People were asserting it as fact and that, at this stage is not true. That's what this post is all about.

Baluga ago

The "other guy" went to school at:

Master of Public Administration, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Juris Doctor, Pepperdine University School of Law.

darkofthemoon ago

In addition to a law degree, Professor Kline has a Masters in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government.

The two key words: In addition. I failed to notice that bit (a honest mistake), but it looks like the unified Andrew J. Kline has two degrees: A law degree from the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William and Mary and a Masters in Public Administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. A very accomplished person, clearly.

Baluga ago

This isn't a unified Andrew. Professor Kline has a Masters from JFK School (at Harvard) and a JD from Pepperdine. He doesn't have a degree from William and Mary.

darkofthemoon ago

Sorry (genuinely). I think I finally see it now, though I needed to use ctrl-f to find the text. I've been over-wired with the emotional pressure from this Pizzagate thing, having to write quick replies, and sleeping badly. I think it's getting to me, like my attention is pinpointed at one thing and something like browsing through a text properly is hard. Permanently tired too. I think I might delete these several posts, but I think I want you to see this first.

Still... They really do look a great deal alike... Cousins, maybe.

Investigate1999 ago

I, for one, am glad that you both discussed this. That being said, don't focus on this issue any more, but still keep it in mind, because 1 of those pages could be a lie. It's not like we are examining honest people.

zoot3d ago

biggity bango

safetythrowaway1234 ago


In all seriousness though their shit's getting old.

ronnyCPI ago

Totally agree.

Commonwombat ago

Lucky you didn't mention Saudis or you would have been shutdown! /s

reasonedandinformed ago

Sorry...a bit knee jerk on rereading. I need a break.

reasonedandinformed ago

SHOW us the smoking gun. Write a clear message about these connections with actual documentation. I have documented repeated attempts by proven shills to push this story: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484168#submissionTop


Here is the smoking gun. It has been out in the open in the world since Google Earth came around. It is the Freemasons/NWO/Talmudic Jews. They own our planet.


Millennial_Falcon ago

he was being sarcastic (/s)

safetythrowaway1234 ago

it was a joke...