popezandy ago

The shipping posts will always have a spot in the master list as long as I have something to say about it. Debunked? Fuck them.

jackthyme ago

Submit your findings directly to the FBI and the House Oversight & Reform Committee. Posting info for the general public to spin is fairly useless at this point. Just think what might have happened if we had flooded the inboxes of federal investigators instead of twerking for the nerd patrol.

concernedcitizen36 ago

Already done.

jackthyme ago

Good work

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

This is really interesting and intriguing to follow. Good work looking so intricately into it. I look forward to seeing what else you find. Kia Kaha!

4thDaGrymReaper ago

This is the only thing I have on Besta Pizza, I did not create this.


concernedcitizen36 ago

That's pretty interesting and I think requires some looking into..........

concernedcitizen36 ago


All my stuff is linked everything lines right up. If the poster did some real FUCKING research they'd see the ties, poster is either lazy or a SHILL.

whitehand ago

Don't just use Intellius, use this:http://www.geocreepy.com/ You are all welcome!!

reasonedandinformed ago

I am confused on the Besta owner. Some say it is Ibrahima Diallo. The WaPo (which I know is not a good news source) interviewed the owner of Besta and had him as being Abdel Hammad: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/were-going-to-put-a-bullet-in-your-head-pizzagate-threats-terrorize-dc-shop-owners/2016/12/05/39469a82-bb2e-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.ea6061255100

Maybe they both co-own, there are 2 locations...Any clarification on this?

concernedcitizen36 ago

Not entirely sure but Hammad is def linked to Besta as an owner of some sort....

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing "Accuracy in question." See my comment in post OP links.

reasonedandinformed ago

The Andrew Kline DOJ part seems off in the link to Besta. I do not know about the rest. May be a bit of "baby with the bathwater" issue, but I do not have time to pursue further.

madmanpg ago

Hint: if your post title started with "FUCK YOU GUYS", you're an asshole. Assholes get downvotes. Downvotes mean "go away, asshole".

Godwillwin ago

I am totally confused by the sticky with the Andrew Kline stuff. After reading that thread my head hurt like literally. So I continue to research and come up with my own conclusions. Not letting anyone tell me what to believe - not the pizzagaters nor the shills. There is a doj linked to this stuff. that info was out there before pizzagate blew up

srayzie ago

Why are you all pissed off and flipping out? Am I missing something?

concernedcitizen36 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484334 My stuff is being called shill work when In fact its backed by dozen's of hours of solid research and 100% backed with links.

Commonwombat ago

Here's the link that connects Abdel Hammad to Hammad Abdelrahmen, same address in the White Pages. OP you need to put this in your links. http://www.whitepages.com/name/Abdel-M-Hammad/Mclean-VA/akh4re7

concernedcitizen36 ago

I already know its the same person, It's on Intellius.

Commonwombat ago

Just thought I'd send the White Pages link for clarity.

Commonwombat ago

You provided some interesting links that definitely need to be looked into but how did you come to the conclusion that Abdel Hammad is Hammad Abdelrahmen? What am I missing? Never Mind, found it!

VieBleu ago

I applaud you for pushing beyond "social stigma" and yelling and shaming for a good purpose when you needed to. Expressing indignation for all the right reasons is tricky, well done.

As neophite as it is, I put all good suggestions I run across on my Skillz Class page, I will put Intelius on there too.

qwerty33 ago

relax we got shills (disinfo agents all over the place)

Commonwombat ago

The only thing people were getting pissed off about were morons posting that the 2 Kline's were the same person and that Andrew Kline DOJ owned Besta.

bolus ago

here you go, dude: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1487301

i found a five-step link from Besta to Podesta yesterday:

Besta -> andrew Jon Kline, not the DOJ Kline -> JECCA -> Titan Transport -> Podesta email #21810 (attachment = attachment: https://i.sli.mg/fBWnC0.jpg )

i'm with you, but i think Andrew Jon Kline of Veritas/JECCA is a major piece of the puzzle.

concernedcitizen36 ago

Yeah, You might be right about A.K. I just haven't looked into it myself. I do know FOR A FACT Hammad is tied to 3 internationally shipping companies with SKETCHY ASSED arrangements/websites.

reasonedandinformed ago

That looks worth pursuing. The CTR operation really wanted us to chase the other Andrew Kline (now at the FCC, formerly in DOJ). That and tying it to the Saudis were agenda items in the CTR attack.

e-traiu ago

This lead should be followed. We have established that its way deeper than pizzastores and pingpong domino pasta whatever awfull shit. We must not be afraid, of scanning actuall suspicious pizza leads. In fear of Pizzagate being overstepped and plausibly denied by the child abusers...

shortymcbossypants ago

I'm actually expounding on that and expanding on the shipping container barges via Turkey and Israel lead we had a few days ago. I can read and speak some Turkish since it's very similar to Ladino.

djklbd ago

I agree this lead is worth looking into.

hanknut42 ago

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/J4jc1_Kt9oE/maxresdefault.jpg this is the guy who owns besta hes since deleted his linkn profile and the whole site on the orphange. this guy owns it and was traffficking girls from africa to it . hes deleing all his presence off the net so hurrrry!

edit here is bragging about all the money hes got



LeChevalBlanc ago

Some events I came to know about long ago lead me to consider that Guinea Conakry is not the safest place to hang around in the world and even in Africa! That is unless you are protected by the "right" persons...

billcaseyABC ago

George W. Bush's admin, via the Pentagon, used Guinea in 2001-2003 as a staging ground for a rebel army (LURD) to invade and destabilize Liberia.

shortymcbossypants ago

Am I the only one that finds it ironic that this guy has a pretty African Muslim name but the acronym of his "charity" is HOG?

SheSaidDestroy ago

I don't get it? Who in that thread said your work was debunked? You got 26 upvotes from what I'm looking at right now, and comments are helpful or supportive. What is wrong? Why are people flipping out like they are being persecuted here lately? Was it another thread? Private messages?

Was it over this thread? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476934 3 downvotes and a douchebag?

Shrug it off, other people's opinions of each on here don't matter. The info/sources/facts are what matters. Come on we are here to try to save children, right? Let's rise above it.

One thing I notice about your thread that you link in your OP here, it is hard to follow. To you and some others it's probably not, but I can tell your mind moves fast and absorbs/processes a lot of info rapidly and juggles multiple trains of thoughts at once. That's awesome, but most brains are not like that. A lot of people are going to struggle to keep up and rapidly connect dots and so on, they are not inside your mind, then when YOU USE ALL CAPS they are just struggling to keep up and now feel yelled at, and so just generally mad, and out comes some canned ad hominem "neckbeard" insult or whatever that dude said.

See? It's not a reflection of you. Says more about them.

I am not that smart but accept that I am not smart, so I can just calmly tell you: it's hard to follow, you're probably smarter than most, I know it is frustrating for you but it's good to have you here, ignore the haters, when you are calmer try to organize it in a way that we derps can follow along, like an organized list

concernedcitizen36 ago

This shit right here!! Someone made a video about my post and said vid was debunked. And Now I am PISSED. I spent 2 fucking days on this and I am NOT A SHILL. I am human, could be some mistakes in my work. But this is a real and good lead that is being called Shill'ery.


srayzie ago

You seem to be a good person @ shesaiddestroy

Rakosman ago

In general I pretty much disregard people who use caps, especially when it's broken up to emphasis parts of a sentence, and most especially when those parts are insults and aggressive. If you really need to emphasize things, there are formatting options.

Incidentally, I am smart, and even I have a hard time keeping up with this sometimes.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Why are people flipping out like they are being persecuted here lately?

Creating an atmosphere where this is thought is part of the disnfo plan bad actors use to derail forums that get too close.

Some fun things to look for are agression words, escalation words and judgement words.
They are all meant to produce an emotive response and it can be quite a shock to people not prepared. I'm in no way advocating tone policing, just saying it's worth observing the chain of users/shills following a flowchart script.

then when YOU USE ALL CAPS

If I were to abuse mod status this is probably the one thing I would make a rule on.
I keep reading it with a shouty mental voice and it's a bit much

I am not smart,

You're able to type a coherrent sentence, give yourself more credit

trumpisPizza ago

They're playing the anti-semitism card, its all they have.

You come in and protect KLINE everytime he's mentioned and he's key to the whole deal, but he's protected by the Tribe and thus we are banned from mentioning kline-DOJ.

The entire investigation is a limited hangout, limited to CPP, and hung out to dry

FBIanon assertion that UK/SAUDI were world leaders in child slavery was his most damaging assertion and your telling us as you always do to ignore it, ignore the 500LB gorilla on the pizza-blocks.

"H. Gill & Sons-CON.NEB-Ii LLC"

We know CON-NEB is arab-emigrates owned by SAUD

We know that H. Gill is JDC which is NYC and is the largest builder of retirement property on Palestinian land in Israel.

But we have been banned to mention where pizzagate led us.

Chance903 ago


hanknut42 ago

owner of besta is that afican dude who has an orphanage in gueina

AdVict0riam ago

No one, to my knowledge, has said that Besta Pizza is totally clean and therefore unworthy of scrutiny.

The issue is that one particular person was creating throwaway account after throwaway account to spread known disinfo about the DOJ's Andrew Kline being involved with the business when it's a totally different Andrew Kline.

AndoMc87 ago

Do you have proof it's a different Andrew Kline?

Millennial_Falcon ago

We can't assume what the motive for the disinfo was. All that matters is demanding sources and evidence. For example, we still need to establish what Abdelrahman Hammad's relationship to Besta is. On one listing for Besta, it said the owner was Uptown Pizza, Inc. In another, it said an Abdel Rahman Hammad is "governor" of the location (i.e. the real estate). What the hell does "governor" mean in this context?

I really think we ought to be focusing on known connections like Alefantis' associates and Frank Giustra, but maybe this will lead somewhere.

pizzasjw ago

I think the original pedo logo pretty much put the idea of being clean, to rest pretty early.

remedy4reality ago

How about getting off the Besta line and investigating BOTH Andrew J. Kline's ? I think that would be wise. Seeing that the DOJ Andrew J. Kline is overseeing one of the worst clusters of child abductions in the country, I think we can start with him.

Commonwombat ago

I think OP is onto something.

concernedcitizen36 ago

Look at the links and spread someone is trying to say Hammad isn't linked to INTERNATIONAL TRADE when he is 100% linked to it!!!

redditsuckz ago

Here these links might help you and investigators connect the dots;

Search for and Connect Business and people together;


And Offshore leaks database search;



Here is what Abdel Rahman Hammad looks like;



If thats REALLY him...supposedly hes an Egyptian immigrant.