crazimal ago

interesting but you can no more disprove than prove a link by a shared address or shared registered agent, accountant, lawyer, dentist, hairstylist or feng-shui consultant. Basically you are saying saudis can't be involved because the property's owner C O N N E B I I has an agent who is associated with people other than saudis

please clarify if you are trying to communicate something else!

To generalize, your post seems like saying person A has no connection to person B because person C has a connection to person D. There is nothing here that says person C doesn't have connections to person B as well as A through Z. Furthermore, how do you know the "person D" has no connection to person B??? The whole point of shell companies, agents etc is to provide this obfuscation, and it is quite effective. you need to dig much deeper before you "know" anything significant.

bolus ago

i appreciate what you're saying - and i'm not saying that they can't be involved, but rather there are opposing interests with closer ties. chesapeake, the umbrella for conneb, also holds havePower - they're all about electric cars and fuel's not in their interest to also own land on behalf of the oil industry. if you think there's more - go for it, but nobody has shown a more direct connection to that land yet.

as for your analogy - i'm saying that person A has no connection to person Z because person A is really person B, who reports to person C (George Milne), and person C also employs person D (havepower) who directly competes with (and is in the business of disrupting) what person Z is all about.

there's definitely a web of registering agents, but the two branches share enough commonality that (to me) they are directly connected. i urge you to dig through all of KEVIN R MCARTHY's other interests (there are a ton, but i couldn't find any common with any of the three companies) and also through DAVID A. HOLZWORTH, ESQ connections.

i really do think the holzworth companies have a better path of influence to the 5000-connecticut block than anything else we've seen yet (simple yelling about the middle east) - but show me where i'm wrong with well sourced docs, and i'll gladly read it.

AdVict0riam ago

Top notch work, dude. Debunking bad info is almost just as important ultimately as finding good info.

This makes me think the ownership issue is a complete red herring from the shills. There's nothing potentially damaging to their interests to be found in the ownership data so they want to get as many people as possible to focus in on it since it's basically a dead end. Can you add this info, either as a summary or link, to the Kline/Saudi disinfo sticky? This is very important stuff, IMO.

bolus ago

my only thought was that if japanese/nuclear power interests could create a huge flap about how bad the middle-east / oil interests are, public opinion would sway and they would gain "market share" in the global power economy...but by way of a pedo scandal? seems waaaaay too inefficient.

dunno, but at least it's ammo to quiet some of the noise.