littlemissmogwai ago

I'd say the death threats are working. I like the MK Ultra theory, and it would be a shame to see a patsy take the heat and sweep the whole business under the rug. That said, I don't think he's giving up any connections, and I don't see him catching any heat from authorities, because he is basically a made man in government pedomafia.

Searcher88 ago

You have to expect a massive disinformation campaign to be waged on here. Just look back at the JFK investigations to see what tricks will be played. If you are getting close there will be an attempt to find you and threaten you. Most disinformation is a truth revealed amongst a hundred lies, the trick is to figure out the truth. Alefantis reaction to the Pegasus info should mean it's a hot trail . However it's hard to believe he's that stupid, however he may be feeling the pressure and starting to crack. They will most certainly cut him loose and leave him out there if he shows signs of cracking. Killing him would only bring more heat.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I don't know what to think. The silsby alefantis connection which keeps getting removed brings him closer back into the fold

Searcher88 ago

If that whole exchange between Alefantis and Ryan was real, and I think it was, simply because it shows two guys who are acting stupid because they are scared, then our boy is feeling the heat. I would think his connections have fled and now he's pretty much on his own. He knows there is a very good chance that they will kill him and if they don't they will set him up to take the fall. The only way to do that is to threaten his family. He's in a no win position now, cornered like a rat, he could do anything.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I'm still holding out that it's true, police report should be picked up by MSM

WindowsInJudgement ago

Hey pleaselisten

I'm listening. MK ultra exists and is much more prevalent than people think.

I don't fully understand the satan connection but I do understand that it's about harnessing energy and possibly slipping dimensions.

I also agree on the weed thing but it must be organic. There are many compromised strains which cause more harm than good.

With regard to God, or the godhead etc. I keep an open mind but have no direct proof yet! Lots of evidence for satan which is an indicator!

MolochHunter ago

I agree with windowsinjudgement. This is my preferred tactic: We get the goods on Alefantis, but we gotta play good cop too, not just bad cop - so that he sings on Podesta/Clintons etc, and so that he sings to save the skin of the gay community from being tarred with this whole thing.

Because this post is right - if the Elite hang Alefantis out to dry and we dont have enough on others, we will have failed picking the low hanging fruit

WindowsInJudgement ago

Thanks molochHunter. I think he's a scapegoat for them. I'm hoping that there are a few more smoking guns to come from wikileaks soon

Fatsack ago

Yeah, feels bad man. Seriously developing an ulcer over this subject, no lie.

Fatsack ago

You're right, i'm just impatient, and disgusted.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Valid comment from an older post:

[–] Lunari 2 points (+2|-0) 19 hours ago (edited 19 hours ago) I had been meaning to making a post on PizzaGate for a while explaining exactly why I believe Alefantis / Comet Ping Pong and related things are most likely intentional "evidence" literally planned out and out in front of our faces deliberately as means to distract and lead us away from the relevent / legitimate evidence and information, as well as discredit everything about "PizzaGate". Which I should have done sooner considering now there's this whole mess with isthisgameofthrones only confirms my beliefs even more.

Once the truth is realized that everything about this "killroom" nonsense is nothing but a wild goose chase distraction, and that this guy never fucking "talked to and was threatened by Alefantis" - it's probably going to be too late for anyone to fucking take us seriously anymore. They tried pushing the "fake news" bullshit, and have now resorted to infiltrating and actually getting people to believe this shit that really is "fake news". To make us look like a joke and use this against us as a way to discredit everything else we try to show people as evidence.

The whole PizzaGate sub is basically compromised at this point. Look at the first few pages of posts right now - the majority of them are all related to isthisgameofthrones being "threatened" by Alefantis or posts about his stupid "killroom" wild goose chase nonsense.

Nearly every legitimate, relevent leads that were previously being looked into have all been pushed to the side to focus on this "FAKE NEWS".

And god forbid anyone attempt to say this on any of these posts - considering saying such things gets you almost instantly downvoted and called a "shill" by isthisgameofthrones and his hundreds of alt accounts, and all he naive people who believe him.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Yup lol!

Orange_Circle ago

I sort of disagree. Alefantis is a show pony. He wants the attention.

WindowsInJudgement ago

She's on the couch in v/funny

21yearsofdigging ago

My ex wife was involved in some very nefarious activities. She suffers from D.I.D. which is consistent with other things(prostitution, child trafficking etc) and was ritually abused. My children were very young and I stumbled onto their involvement. Generational Ritual Abuse is a good clue. I was then harassed, death threatened, stalked by professionals(i.e. not run of the mill bikers or something). Safety box breakins and gas lighting. These are the tactics used to break you and what's worse, make most other people believe you're bat shit crazy. My children were taken to Europe and my career was destroyed. More to add and it ain't my intention to scare anyone (hell I am here) but targeting exists. Simply put, MSM has targeted Pizzagate(smear tactics, Saul Alinsky playbook crap, Ad Homenim attacks). This stuff regarding child trafficking though, is the biggest kept secret and it is true!! I will die to get the word out. I will die trying anyway, ha!

WindowsInJudgement ago

Man I am truly sorry to hear. It will take many years before DID/MK Ultra connections are confirmed to the general public. There are a few psychotherapists brave enough to discuss. If there is anything we can do let is know. More voices are always better. Karma will win in the end I promise you

YingYangMom ago

Podesta and HRC are next. It's better to concentrate on them one by one. If we don't, we lose track of threads, evidence and we tend to forget very important details that are crucial in any important investigation.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Archive archive archive.

I think this post of yours is excellent

YingYangMom ago

Thank you, I was very excited about all the info that came from Charles Ortel's financial investigative report :D

WindowsInJudgement ago

It's interesting reading. Good to talk with intelligent open minded people on these subjects.

I would love if PG was confirmed, all the perpetrators were in chains and Voat can become a forum of enjoyment and entertainment!

YingYangMom ago

Goodness! So would I :D

noreturn4me ago

Of course that's how he comes off. He's a narcissistic at the very least. More likely Anti-social personality disorder (socio-psychopath). People like this have no idea how to act "normal" they aren't built that way.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Comment from original deleted post regarding the many 'leave JA alone comments :

I was expecting someone to say something similar, but what prompted me to post was that video from a voat investigator who apparently was personally threatened on the phone by alefantis himself. It reeks of shit that an investigator, advanced enough to be posting youtube videos and selling PG merchandise, wouldn't record even one of the many calls he says he took from alefantis. It just boggles the mind. On a forum of archive archive archive.

Also on YouTube he says alefantis threatened to kill him, without any evidence, while associating himself with VOAT. If this is false then alefantis can claim libel or whatever from the video and discredit the whole forum.

Edit: he also said that alefantis is on Voat. Hi James, I'm not going to threaten you with anything but karma. If you did any of the alleged then you will get what you deserve

kekistocrat ago

So the question becomes... how are the Architects going to off him without drawing attention? This being the normal M.O. for this stuff. Distance is important when a shitstorm is headed one's way...

WindowsInJudgement ago

The MSM have dismissed a thousand suspicious suicides already, but we the public can smell the rats. If Jamesey is 'suicided' then it would be pretty damning of the powers that be and nobody would buy it for a second

yabbadoody ago

thanks for not being a mod.

yabbadoody ago

you're collapsing. Take a break. Let others who might be more emotionally capable than you are at the moment carry on, while you TAKE A MENTAL HEALTH BREAK.

You've SEEN the social media. You've HEARD the threats. You KNOW what that's about. He's hiding SOMETHING very creepy, and very illegal. Take a break. We'll deal with it.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I think that's an unnecessary comment.

You open with 'your collapsing. Take a break' please explain because I didn't get past that

WindowsInJudgement ago

Correct This was a reply fail to another comment.

Solid point from u/Alpo

Edit. It was in response to the comment above.

Fateswebb ago

Well I agree, that for Ryan's sake let's not do anything stupid like go wandering around snooping and shit up at the place, but we can't let the threats on Ryan slow us down.. full steam ahead..

2impendingdoom ago

I knew you meant false flag but I read flash fag so it was funny.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Well flash fag is appropriate I suppose!

Fateswebb ago

I agree. I agree that James isn't a big fish. But he is a fish. I think we need to continue what we're doing which is focus on all angles. Sure we can agree we wish the leads would move more toward podesta but the fact is James is just so easy to figure out like like too much a bragger to keep quiet type thing. If podesta had the personality of James it would lead his way more. BUT we shouldn't not focus on valid info or focus more on one person. We should continue to focus on what seems most productive. Let's not tell people where to look unless it's clearly unrelated and a waste of time.

tehthu ago

Yea.. Alefantis is like a bishop on this chess board. Important, but not the king, queen, rook or knight.

yabbadoody ago

not a "big fish", but via his POSITION in the operation, def a "kingpin" and I think that realization has finally DAWNED ON HIM.

David Brock just the other day alluded to J Achilles Alefantis and John Podesta being in a "relationship" as such - exact word Brock, Alefantis's former lover, used. He would know then, wouldn't he?

Dot to dot. One step. Direct connect, as pedo-procurer sleeping with Clinton's campaign manager. No dialtone, direct line. Kingpin. KEEP DIGGINGl.

srayzie ago

Why do some think JA is in the CIA? Isn't the CIA supposed to be someone who spies? Are people thinking he's not bad and just watching everyone around him be bad so they can arrest these people in the future. No way. Can someone explain why they would think he's in the CIA?

Orange_Circle ago

I don't think he's CIA. He's too much of a loose cannon, too much of a weak link. Who would trust him? No one would.

Most people don't even like him.

kekistocrat ago

There are mountains of evidence suggesting that the CIA is a secret society organization full of eugenicists and powerful ruling class players. Their proper role in our society should be considered and investigated before attempting to comprehend what level these people operate at and how the operate. Jan Irvin, and his Youtube channel, does a lot of work on these subjects.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Alpo ago

There are spies in the CIA, but they are mostly in foreign countries - the CIA has many other operations and activities. People do not think that Alefantis is a good guy working for the government doing surveillance on pedophiles - that would be the FBI's job. They think he is in the CIA because of the MKUltra (officially confirmed) and MONARCH (not officially confirmed) programs, and because of suspicions that the CIA is involved in international human trafficking and blackmail of politicians using pedophilia.

MKUltra is a mind-control program originating in the CIA in, I believe, the early 1950s. They experimented with drugs, hypnosis, and other techniques to get people to tell the truth, not tell the truth, carry out missions without remembering what they had done or why, and other things. Monarch is said to have sprung from this, and it allegedly involves traumatizing young children with sex and torture to induce multiple-personality or dissociative-identity disorder. The goal is to create a mind-controlled slave that has a highly compartmentalized mind. Information gathered about Monarch is mostly based on the testimonies of those who claim to be its victims (namely Cathy O'Brien and Paul Bonacci)

There is a lot of information available about this in books and online. One of the best books about MKUltra is The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks. The Finders case is also very significant.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Off topic a bit but, I think Oswald to was a MKUltra student.

carmencita ago

I heard on the news today a few times that the Fort Laud. shooter told the FBI in Alaska a yr ago that an Intelligence Agency was telling him to watch ISIS videos. Why are these things not checked out? This sound like MK Ultra to me. I also believe that JA is under CIA MK Ultra control.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Official: FLL shooter told FBI that gov't controlled his mind WPLG Local 10 › news › what-we-know... 23 hours ago - Suspect identified as Esteban Santiago. ... - Esteban Santiago, the accused killer at the crowded baggage claim area of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, told the FBI in November that the government controlled his mind and forced him to watch ISIS

carmencita ago

The fact that it was on the local news was shocking. We saw it on two stations and now I hope I will be equally shocked to find that they will be running a full investigation. We should not allow them to sweep this under the rug.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I totally agree!

srayzie ago

Thank you for all the info. I know all about MK Ultra but didn't know how that would have anything to do with JA. Is it believed he grew up under MK Ultra mind control? Victim turned predator?

WindowsInJudgement ago

Agree with u/Alpo it's all circumstantial at present but he fits the bill

Alpo ago

I don't think there's a consensus at this point about JA's exact background, just a general feeling that he is involved based in the limited information we have now.

sunajAeon ago

I cant see how he can prove Enfantis said this w/o a recording

WindowsInJudgement ago

This ^

sunajAeon ago

OK I'll take another look at it, he most certainly is CIA which makes him a highly trained operative on some level but I will take another look

WindowsInJudgement ago

Thanks kev. I think the mods have their work cut out and I stand by them

sunajAeon ago

You guys are grossly underestimating Alefantis, they don't let just any dummy speak to the world in public interviews unless he is a master of deception, in speech, content, and body posture-this guy is speaking for the BIG BOYS, and there are sever penalties for failing in your mission, which in his case is to look like some (strange) poor pizza guy, who has been caught up in some childish (p.t.p.) internet prank gone wrong...

Fateswebb ago

It's not exactly like he has been thrown into the lions den. The media is guaranteed to work with them to make this look like it's debunked.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I could be off the mark but sometimes the truly powerful in public don't rank so high in private. He could be the head fo all I know. Be vigilant

Fatsack ago

Like the chicken guy in Breaking Bad.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Good 1

Fateswebb ago

I agree we don't know he social pyramid, but from what I gain of the evidence James is too much about vanity to be a powerful hidden super mafia kingpin, sorry it just doesn't match his personality. More like a event coordinator type I would think.

Orange_Circle ago

Agree. But he's the weakest link, and he's going to keep running his mouth and showing his ass, because he loves attention.

sunajAeon ago

I don't think he is the ELITE I think he is a soldier

yabbadoody ago

a soldier IN THE THICK OF EVERYTHING. Don't think he has not finally realized that.

kekistocrat ago

Right. Definitely not one of the architects. Completely agreed on Alefuckle being one of 'theirs.' He's no bottom-feeder minion. You don't get to 49th position for nothing... but, very realistically now representing part of this and easily distanced from the elite if need be.

Stellarjay ago

Useful idiot is what he is, until he is no longer useful.

2impendingdoom ago

They lost the election, the whitehouse, the congress, the senate, the scotus, I imagine the fate of Alefantis is not a huge priority, they will just kill him if he they think he will spill.

AnonymousAgnostic ago

Do you really not think the GOP is full of 'Elites'? Do you really think they don't have as many if not more?

Do you not think those who want you to be scared of "the new world order" are not themselves the "new world order?"

This is way, bigger, and not as complicated as this research has become.

yabbadoody ago

He can't spill. They'll kill all his relatives. But he's very likely to die anyway, b/c that's how they tie up loose ends now, idinit?

I would say either or both Podestas are on that list as well - they were the "cause" of it. They'd kill Jesus again, if they believed that would protect the dark high brain-rotting bitch-witch Hillary.

Stukov ago

He won't die until after the heat is off of him. You can't kill someone without raising red flags amidst all of this. There is also a chance that the shooter at CPP (who was an actor) was someone sent there to scare him into keeping his mouth shut.

I have to think with Trump coming into office, the fact we keep finding all this stuff, they are going to have another game plan. After HRC loss they have to be scrambling consider they want to start WW3.

2impendingdoom ago

I'd say that Hill did herself in, she knew having a personal server was wrong and unsecured and was subject to hacking, but she did it anyway. and yes, that doesn't stop her from blaming everyone anyone else. I will not be surprised if we find out that Putin frequently dined with her and Bill at the Chappaqua home. Hopefully the kuru will take her down soon.

Fatsack ago

The point it was subject to hacking was the whole purpose of the server. That's how she sampled and sold the f35 to the chinese, through her little cadre of 5 chinese hacker friends she sends Chelsea to china to coordinate with.

sunajAeon ago

Its a long time until the election even still the same power is in control, not much change

2impendingdoom ago

Things will change in two weeks, hopefully for the better.

kekistocrat ago

I would not doubt it if Alefantis is a 'lifer' MKUltra slave with the likes of Brock Pierce and such. After the 60's, it seems MKUltra was 'sold' to other governments and NGO's as technology. Operation 'Paperclip' was rather plentiful. Alefuckis does display certain characteristics of a split lifer; authoritarian dependence, life long character development in alter-ego, etc. I'm still having trouble with all of the 33's strewn about in this topic... smells of the temple in the east.

yabbadoody ago

"temple in the east" reference: are you thinking OTO/Crowley as well? Because it's writ large over their social media, and Abramovic's "art".

NerdyNoodle ago

Not to mention the "Thelema favors" directly mentioned in the Podesta emails. It's pretty clear they are in OTO.

kekistocrat ago

Yes. In general, Freemasons. But, particularly, the OTO... and Aquino's involvement.

remedy4reality ago

I'm going to go a step further. Not only is Alefantis CIA, so are the Podestas and the Clintons. I'm surprised so many people cannot see this for what it is: A generational intelligence psy ops designed to give CIA ( elite controlled ) complete dominion over the government of the United States. Let me know if you want to chat off board about your conclusions. I would appreciate hearing them.

Fatsack ago

Yeup, you are right on. The cia IS the illuminati, they ARE the 'shadow government'.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I have a good eye and ear for connecting things and smelling BS. I wanted to say podesta is a pawn too but he was secretary for state ffs. If that position is a pawn position then the true enemy is very powerful. This means that we can't win if even our governments and courts are compromised. On what forum do we judge them then if courts can't be trusted. Vigilantism rarely succeeds

noreturn4me ago

Of course they are. Bill was an underling for Bush Jr. while governor of AK. Bush Sr. was mentioned in the JFK FBI papers, and Prescott Bush was a Nazi supporter!!

Truthseeker3000 ago

Absolutely. This is what I also believe. JA was a victim of MK Ultra as a child sadly. He has been groomed since childhood to be CIA aka Illuminati/globalist minded. These people have infiltrated every level of society by now. They are everywhere. It's fucking sad. The whole psychological warfare began with Aquino who is still around dictating today.

littlemissmogwai ago

This is my belief as well. Is there any research into Alefantis' upbringing?

kekistocrat ago

Not enough said about Aquino. Huge part in this with Satanism basically being a parallel ideology with the military -- of which this guy being solely responsible for (of course, built on the backs of Crowley, etc) the introduction and adoption into the military. Unfortunately, every time we speak of these bigger players (like Epstein), in relation to connections with pizzagate, it seems too far a stretch for some. Makes perfect sense to me... the connections and relevance to pizzagate, that is.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Good point. I actually repeated the 33 figure but Wikipedia said 40 children. It's interesting imo

Yuke ago

If you want more information on Podesta, take the lead and start researching yourself. I have stuck with the Alefantis 'area' of things on the whole because that part interests me, the human behaviour, links etc. If we all upped sticks and only focused on one thing, we'd miss a lot of other things.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I agree. I'm just worried the latest developments could compromise the investigation. I believe this is global and I am focusing on connecting the US operation to Europe where I'm based and felt I had to warn the community.

TrishaUK ago

You will do well to look at George Webb on facebook he has such a good easily understood compilation of all the spiders web related in many parts to trafficking but not exclusive, it also shows connections to oil, pipeline, everything clinton/podesta/laurasilsby/monica peterson (killed looking into clinton child trafficking in Haiti) wars/money etc. the Where is Eric Braverman series hes still continuing daily. EXCELLENT STAY SAFE :)

WindowsInJudgement ago

Thanks Tricia. I'm a big fan of george

2impendingdoom ago

Unfortunately there are only so many of us, we are not getting paid (well, I'm not), we fiend off shills and many of the people here are very fixated on pegasus or the basement or alefantis's creepy friends (with good reason). Please recruit your friends to help if you can. These subjects you mention are well hashed already if you search the older threads, have you tried that? Also check in the deleted threads. I posted threads about Podesta's children and cousins so look for those as well. They lead to weirdness in Winchester VA and probable adoption related child trafficking by Podesta cousin Patti Paule-Carres et al.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I agree totally. I posted the references because the mods deleted my post.

I am aware of much research in the Podestas and hilary and I endorse and support much of it.

What I am trying to point out here is the fact that alefantis could be a false flag and the latest phonecall/ voat connections reek of bullshit

Disclaimer edit: I am not telling people to stop investigating him just saying be careful what you post and believe because there is a massive counter intelligence operation happening

Edited also for spelling

21yearsofdigging ago

Massive is right! Take it from a guy who has had Cointelpro type harassment for over 20 years for simple wanting to know who threatened my 4 year old

WindowsInJudgement ago

What happened to you?

2impendingdoom ago

Ok, I need a day off, I read that as flash fag and laughed so hard...

WindowsInJudgement ago

God damn auto correct. 😀