24Rainier7 ago

I found a really weird rant of an email on wikileaks from the Saudi Cables , here is my post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1479390#submissionTop , and here is the archive http://archive.is/MPoPZ . Again, it's really weird and really long.

YingYangMom ago

@24Rainier7 I am speechless. This document is WOW. I don't know what to make of it except it makes sense. Kinda. I don't know if I'm ready to believe every claim in it. I don't think many would be ready either even though it sounds logical and possible. What is your take on it?

24Rainier7 ago

Pre PG total nutcase, now still a nutcase but just a bit more believable due to the context and weirdness of the entire situation.

YingYangMom ago

I definitely agree on that. I gotta say though, if there was a time in my life that I ever doubted the Meaning at all, it was after reading that letter. PG has shook me to the core. For the first time in my life, in 44 years to be exact, that I feel comfortable saying: I guess I don't know shit ! Ha!

srayzie ago

I just communicated with the author from these articles, Charles Ortel. I asked him if he's looking into Pizzagate. He said it's not his area of expertise but that he is following potential developments

MolochHunter ago

did you ask him to contribute here at Voat? It would be good for him to refocus this group from the Alefantis low-hanging fruit to the bigger players I'd hate for this whole thing to end with only a little tendril severed and not some major tentacles

warrior_of_light ago

If that is true, ask him to do a AMA! It would be interesting!

tucker123 ago

Very interesting indeed! And true, if everything which needs investigating can be thought of as compartmentalized, Mr. Ortel might be described as in forensic accounting. The tracing and connecting tasks relevant to Pizzagate are a different sort of skill set.

YingYangMom ago

I think the word "compartmentalised" is of the highest importance nowadays. It is the key to understanding why we really need to distance ourselves a little to see things more clearly. Connecting the dots, the different compartments, is really the key to solving the case.

srayzie ago

What is AMA? I'm not good at keeping up with these abbreviations. He's on Twitter

warrior_of_light ago

Its Ask me Anything, basically a internet interview. But yall know we would ask him about pizzagate.

Ocelot ago

It means Ask Me Anything. Originated on Reddit as far as I know, it's basically an online interview where users ask the person of interest any question they want to ask. /r/IAmA

srayzie ago

Do you think we should ask him? He's on Twitter. Maybe if several ask him he'll do it?

YingYangMom ago

That's cool.

YingYangMom ago

Hold on. In her 2013 FB post https://www.facebook.com/invisiblewarmovie/posts/639340429416922 she writes that she's 51 years old and has daughters. The pic that she put up on her twitter account https://twitter.com/marymagdalene doesn't look like a 54 year-old to me. Am I right? This could be one of her daughters?

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Check the /cfg/ threads and their little google doc from 4chan as well, they collected as much as they can pretty early.

YingYangMom ago

Twitter and facebook, it's the same person according to the FB pics.


Investigate1999 ago

OP, good job! This seems to lay it all out. FBIAnon mentioned that the information is out there about the CF, and that we just had to keep digging. He said that Pizzagate wasn't as important. Maybe this is the news that he was talking about.

If so, then he wants us to take all that information, and to keep pressing the public for answers; only then will the CF come down.

[I'm shocked that r/conspiracy doesn't like this information.]

I'll post the web page for future reference for those, who see this after copying and pasting. http://charlesortel.com/concentrating-on-clinton-foundation-facts

I'd like to make a rough time line as I read, so that I can refer to it. Everybody, feel free to make corrections. I'll add them in.

  • 1997 Oct 23: Bill Clinton organizes foundation
  • after 1998: fundraising for William J. Clinton Peace Centre in Enniskillen, Ireland
  • after 2000: fundraising activities in the name of the Clinton Foundation for the William J. Clinton Scholars Program of the American University in Dubai
  • 2001Jan: undisclosed activities in the name of the American India Foundation; allegedly providing earthquake relief in Gujarat, India
  • Around Jan 2001: undisclosed activities organizing, helping to operate, and fundraising for International Aids Trust
  • Starting in 2002: undisclosed activities working with Ron Burkle and Yucaipa Companies
  • 2002: Ira Magaziner became involved carrying out activities in connection with the Clinton Foundation
  • Starting In Jul 2002: undisclosed activities in the name of the Clinton Foundation allegedly fIghting HIV/AIDS internationally; AIDS conference concluded in Barcelona, Spain
  • Starting in Aug 2005: unauthorized and illegal operation of Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund (“BCKF”)
  • Sep 2006: deceptive procurement of strategic partnership with UNITAID
  • Starting in Jul 2007: unauthorized and illegal operation of William J. Clinton Foundation, UK
  • Starting Sep 2008: unauthorized and illegal operation of Gulf Coast Recovery Fund (“GCRF”)
  • Starting in Jun 2009: unauthorized and illegal operation of William J. Clinton Foundation Corporation (Florida)
  • Starting in Jan 2010: unauthorized and illegal operation of Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund (“CBHF”)

I omitted details, that didn't involve locations and names, in the interest of brevity. A lot of it was repetitive.

YingYangMom ago

You're welcome :)

tucker123 ago

Charles Ortel is the financial expert who broke the GE stock overvaluation scandal a few years back. Any YouTube interview with him is worth a listen.

He's been researching the Clinton Foundation for well over a year now, and has been working with others as well. As far as digging goes, he's already done all the digging, especially in terms of researching and analyzing all the publicly-available information available via required I.R.S. filings. He stated in one interview that he's already been in contact with the attorneys general of multiple states and has brought the material to the attention of at least one U.S. Senator.

The main "win" when it comes to all this information is that the penalties and potential jail terms for the egregious legal violations are SEVERE. Her name escapes me, but one former Florida politician is looking at a possible 300+ year sentence for a much, much less obvious commission of charity fraud.

The digging, for the most part, is already done. Every single state and foreign country where the Clintons have been raising money has a solid legal case against it, and since the President cannot pardon crimes committed at the state level or in foreign countries, the book is closed. I suspect there'll be a line of entities waiting to deliver those subpoenas right after inauguration. After reading Ortel's work, and hours of listening to his past interviews, I think this is far and away the easiest way to get a ton of crooks in jail.

That disgusting Foundation has been on the wrong side of the law practically since the first hour those wretches filed for existence as a non-profit back in the 1990's in Arkansas.

An ethical and motivated I.R.S. and Dept. of Justice has more than sufficient material for a case as well, but Obama could pardon those.

Freemasonsrus ago

And this is exactly the reason the Presidential Libraries should already be budgeted for. This crap of having a President go out and "fundraise" is a joke. It's simply an excuse to line pockets and cover whatever criminal activities they are participating in.

YingYangMom ago

"The Latest Available Clinton Foundation Filings Appear Deceptive."


xeemee ago

short excerpt of a rather lengthy and very passionate comment left on the article, Concentrating on Clinton Foundation Facts - Charles Ortel, by 'Mary Sowder Ryckman' where she mentions one 'Freddy Briones Ruiz' ...

The Clinton's have stolen millions from me. A $30 million lump some from my 31 August 2007 $330 million winning lottery ticket, was stolen from me by attorneys in the law offices of Anthony Schram, Freddy B Ruiz and others, for continued federal protection to exploit my family and I, my wealth and steal Intellectual Property, that they would then broker for their profit. I never provided legal authorization of representation to any of these people, and any that appears to be given was under the influence of drug / hypno &/or duress. I want my money back, access to my wealth and freedom to leave this country with my children's and grandson's bodies, which the Clinton's allowed human trafficker, Freddy Briones Ruiz to sell for sex, rape, torture and murder as a fellow Clinton pedophile and voodoo practitioner to spiritual influence victims of their criminal choices and behavior.

YingYangMom ago

I checked out this Mary Sowder Ryckman's twitter account and she's retweeting David de Rothschild tweets. It's fake.


xeemee ago

what's fake? her testimony?

i'm not following you

should be easy to verify some of her claims...


Freemasonsrus ago

Here's an interesting link. She mentions Patricia Gruber Sowder. This person was put in charge of some kind of research (the type of which is hard to discern in the article). Wondering if that's the type of research that this lady is speaking about. Patricia was put in charge of this research that had a BILLION dollar budget. Yowzers.


YingYangMom ago

WTF?! It was posted 3 days ago. It needs to be investigated.

Chimerarose ago

thank you! Great information here. Archiving this

YingYangMom ago


YingYangMom ago

In his investigation report, Ortel writes:

"Meanwhile, much larger issues surround Clinton family connections to Laureate Education Inc., its key executives, investors, and affiliates. Do not listen to surface level media reports that fail to consider the complete public record."

So I googled this Laureate Education Inc. and I found this article where the CF and Soros are involved in a scandal and in which Charles Ortel is quoted.


tucker123 ago

This is a very important point and worth significant "digging" itself! Laureate Education definitely looks equally as, if not more, sketchy than the Foundation.

Laureate was in 29 countries as of 2015, with the highest concentration in Latin America.

Ortel goes into the best briefing about Laureate in his interview with John B. Wells (zap a couple into your phone for later listening - Ortel is very user-friendly!) but the corporate history, especially its connection with Bill Clinton, on Wikipedia is a good introductory read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laureate_International_Universities

Note the "Operations" section, which is a good at-a-glance look at the scale of money which goes in and out of Laureate. It also notes that it is well connected to yet ANOTHER entity, the Clinton Global Initiative University (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Foundation#CGI_University)). The number of countries involved, combined with the assortment of legal entities, could certainly provide plenty of opportunities for "creative accounting".

Between 2010 and 2015, "Honorary Chancellor" Bill Clinton was awarded about $16.5 million. Laureate's largest backers include George Soros, Paul Allen, Henry Kravis, and Steve Cohen.

For more about Laureate's financial picture, here's an article about a 2015 IPO when Laureate was $4.7 billion in debt after what some might think overly quick expansion: http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-laureate-ipo-folo-20151005-story.html

waxdino ago

This is some good shit! Thanks for posting it! Very informative.

darthveddit ago

Does this link crash for anyone else? I would like to read it

srayzie ago

Yes it keeps messing up and refreshing on its own but it works fine on the archived version

xeemee ago

disable JS and hit it again

Kiwi_Slave ago

Crashed my computer - Apple Mac running Firefox browser

CrackerJacks ago

Crashed mine too....I think it's the pdf.

xeemee ago

disable JS and try again

YingYangMom ago

Running it through chrome, it's working fine.

Konran ago

No. Not a problem for me.

gaskills ago

Crashes for me

YingYangMom ago

That's strange. It works fine for some and not others...

YingYangMom ago

Not supposed to. Try reloading the page.

YingYangMom ago

This Charles Ortel has done tremendous work here and we have a load of information concerning the CF. We need to dig into this website and fast!

Charles Ortel twitter page. https://twitter.com/CharlesOrtel

"With regard to 2013 alone, Clinton Foundation directors, particularly those among them who might be deemed truly “independent” do not seem to have exercised appropriate corrective influence over this far-flung set of charitable entities,."

Table 3: Directors for the Foundation in 2013

1 Bruce R. Lindsey

2 Terence Mcauliffe

3 Chelsea V. Clinton

4 Eric Braverman

5 William J. Clinton

6 Hillary R. Clinton

7 Frank Giustra

8 Rolando G. Bunster

9 Eric Goosby

10 Hadeel Ibrahim

11 Lisa Jackson

12 Cheryl Mills

13 Cheryl Saban

14 Richard Verma

We go back to Eric Braverman which may be in FBI custody and a witness to the real HRC scandal.


fogdryer ago


These universities got a lot of sub state dept money from killary . A lot of money

Retired Detective Mike Greene August 27, 2016 · RETIRED DETECTIVE MIKE GREENE The alleged Clinton/Clinton Foundation/State Department/Education scandal Let’s understand some of the lesser known players involved: *Laureate International Universities (LIU) is based in Baltimore, MD. It is a for-profit business. Laureate Education, Inc (LEI) is the parent company of LIU. *The International Youth Foundation (IYF) is based in Baltimore, MD. *The founder, Chairman and CEO of LIU and LEI is Douglas L. Becker. Becker is also the Chairman of the IYF. *The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is a sub agency of the U.S. Department of State. The details: *Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. *Between 2009 and 2016, LIU donated up to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. *From 2010 to 2015, Becker appointed Bill Clinton as the Honorary Chancellor to LIU. LIU paid Bill approximately $18 million to serve in this role. *In 2009, the year before Bill joined LIU, IYF received ‘only’ $9 million in funds from the USAID. *In 2010, IYF received $15.1 million in funding from the USAID. *In 2011, IYF received $14.6 million in funding from the USAID. *In 2012, IYF received $25.5 million in grants from the USAID and the State Department itself. *I am unable to locate the 2013 funds received from the USAID to IYF, but the number is estimated to be approximately $40 million. -this number is not confirmed. *Hillary left the State Department in 2013. In 2014, IYF received considerably less money from the USAID - approximately $6 million in 2014, and only $3.8 million in 2015. *Walden University and LEI were named as defendants in a class action lawsuit wherein former students allege various forms of fraud. The LEI affiliated school is also cited as being one of the top schools in the nation for students owing tuition related debts. Fraud, scam, illegal activity, pay to play, coincidence, business as usual, nothing to see? You be the judge.