2impendingdoom ago

Okay, I scanned through the email, its really long. This guy Olli Backman (Finnish?) is apparently trying to invoice everyone from ExxonMobile, Vatican, Obama, BMW, Supreme Court etc. etc for 20,000 millard pounds sterling for unknown reasons, claims that Jesus and his dead father conversed with him on different occasions, that that Finnish gov. & mafia tried to kill him ten times, killed his wife, and that they (all of the people he has invoiced) perpetrating fraud by lying about Jesus, who is not son of god, or immaculately conceived Although it is a bizarre and strange email, it doesn't seem to have any ties to Pizzagate. The guy is probably off his meds.

2impendingdoom ago

There it is, and it is super long!

24Rainier7 ago

It is super long, and on the face of it seems like a batshit crazy rant, but with all the weirdness going on you never know.

2impendingdoom ago

totally batshit crazy

24Rainier7 ago

I think so too, like I said it's just weird given the context of this entire situation.

2impendingdoom ago

Your link doesn't show a specific email.

24Rainier7 ago

Thank you, I'm trying to edit right now but having issues with the copy and paste, it shows in the edit and preview but will not load to save.

2impendingdoom ago

can you archive it with this link? http://archive.is

24Rainier7 ago

I don't know how to use archive.is . Sorry.

2impendingdoom ago

Open it in a new tab or window and cut and paste your url into it, it will archive that page permanently. Its not too hard.

24Rainier7 ago

Thank you, figured it out, it should show at the top of the comments thread.