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freshmeat ago

Someone got butt hurt. This helps me bring attention to the problem with you PG mods and the takeover PV did. You guys are the most censorious subverse on this website and have ran off users left and right, and even control the alternative subverse pizzagatewhatever.

I appreciate you helping me out lol

These comments are some of many I have noticed in the past few weeks pushing the idea that our O, Crensch, is a pedo who is trying to subvert pizzagate and Q researchers (never with any evidence, mind you). I guess they are going after him, now that Falcon is no longer a mod. I addressed another example (here) yesterday. I've seen similar comments in some of Putt's recent posts.

Crensch's actions speak for themselves. I only want awareness to who is being cancer mods and ruining a sub intentionally. And also has a long record of false witch-hunts

All of this can be found in /r/realProtectVoat

think- ago

This helps me bring attention to the problem with you PG mods and the takeover PV did.

What you call 'takeover' was merely demodding ex-pizzagate mod Millenial_Falcon, about whom many complained to mod to tightly and to delete worthwhile content.

And it wasn't a 'takeover' - @kevdude just got appointed as an O again to help with the transition process for a couple of weeks. Then he will leave.@kevdude had been an O of v/pizzagate already previously, and there was a mutul understanding that he would be appointed an O again should there ever been a crisis situation again. VictorSteinerDavion stepped back, he wasn't booted. So this wasn't a 'hostile takeover'.

And the new mod team is by far the most lenient mod team v/pizzagate ever had.

So bitching about 'censorship mods' will not help you to gain any credits from v/pizzagate users.

freshmeat ago

What you call 'takeover' was merely demodding ex-pizzagate mod Millenial_Falcon, about whom many complained to mod to tightly and to delete worthwhile content.

Millenial is still there. That was one of many alts PV uses to moderate a majority of the system subverses and high-traffic subverses. If you actually believe all that manufactured bullshit then you shouldn't even participate in PG. The original owner was SRS from reddit and herded Pizzagate here so it could be more easily controlled and not with the views it would have got on reddit. The fact that the owner collaborated with Kev and Cresnch is all we need to know that they are not genuine. It's why I created /r/realProtectVoat; Kev and Cresnch are responsible for some of the most effective harassment and manipulation on this entire website and people who fall for it are not to be trusted. If you can't be arsed to look into it then that's your issue.

And it wasn't a 'takeover' - kevdude just got appointed as an O again

You sentence is entirely contradictory. You just denied and admitted that PV took it over in 12 words.

Then he will leave. kevdude had been an O of v/pizzagate already before, and there was a mutual understanding that he would be appointed an O again should there ever be a crisis situation again.

The crisis was manufactured by Kevdude initially with SBBH and PV. They literally created the problem, then offered a solution. It's the exact same way /r/The_Donald was taken over. It's hilarious how many Voaters are currently using this site who are still prone to this type of PysOps. You are a fool if you trust PV.

And the new mod team is by far the most lenient mod team v/pizzagate ever had.

The sub has been dead since the first take over. It doesn't even show up in /v/all anymore. I linked many examples in this thread.

So bitching about 'censorship mods' will not help you to gain any credits from v/pizzagate users.

The user's need to know they are being corralled by SRS. Just like how /r/The_Donald has leftists reddit admin shills on the team, Pizzagate has pedophile defenders on the mod team. You realize Kev and Cresnch are both very vocal about keeping the pedophilia subverses on voat in the name of "free speech"?

Yeah your mods are complete liars and it's incredible how many people fall for their bullshit. They say and do a few things to look good in one aspect, totally concealing their true intentions. They are against free speech.

You can't deny the traffic has gone down drastically over the last year since they took over PG. They have been effective at their job to turning people off to it, and people like you still defend them.

think- ago

No, Millenial_Falcon isn't here anymore, he was demodded and left. I was modded instead. You can look at my comment and submission history if you like, and you will see that I'm not an alt of someone else.

I'm not interested in your little wars here on Voat. When you attack another Pizzagate mod, you'll find my comments when you wake up. It's as easy as that.

@srayzie @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

freshmeat ago

Oh shit you are a PG mod? No fuckin wonder you are trying so hard to spin bullshit, that's straight SRS shit lol. You Kevdude's alt?

think- ago

Oh shit you are a PG mod?

You're bitching about Pizzagate mods, and you don't even know who they are?


Back to the school board, @freshmeat, pronto! :-P

I'm nobody's alt, neither kevdude's or anybody else's.

Next time do your homework properly, Donkeyrape.

@Vindicator @srayzie @kevdude @Crensch

freshmeat ago

Lol, you are crensch. Easy af to prove too, keep lurking rPV and you will see soon

srayzie ago

I tried telling you all this last night. There are new mods and changes are being made in the pizzagate sub. @think- is not @Crensch lol.

You and I ended on a good note last night. There’s no conspiracy going on. Let’s get back on focus.

freshmeat ago

im disappointed to that you are going to brush this under the rug, I was kind of hoping you were legit.

srayzie ago

I am legit. But we talked about this last night. I told you how I felt about the improvements in pizzagate. You’ve just been arguing since yesterday. Then you try to manipulate if someone doesn’t agree with you. Disagreeing doesn’t make someone a shill.

I don’t have a mod. I’m doing everything on my own right now on top of responsibilities in my personal life. I don’t have time to argue with a person for 2 days that I don’t even know. You’re accusing people of being alts. You’re making arguments that can’t even be proven. I don’t want the drama.

freshmeat ago

I told you how I felt about the improvements in pizzagate.

For the benefit of the doubt let's just say that you didn't read what I told you about it being wholly compromised at the top, so it doesn't matter what mod drama happens. It's all intentional distractions. The fact you defend Crensch and Kev is super alarming, especially considering your name recognition on Voat. They have a proven track record of censorship, taking over subs and it's the exact same thing I said happened to T_D.

You’ve just been arguing since yesterday. Then you try to manipulate if someone doesn’t agree with you. Disagreeing doesn’t make someone a shill.

I haven't manipulated anything. It's extremely frustrating trying to take down pedophiles and the most visible places to get support are controlled by the very people we are trying to take down. Do you not even think it's possible after everything that has happened with this topic, especially the censorship internet-wide? Voat itself is a honeypot for the unruly users reddit banned and the admins here have communication with the reddit admins, to the point im convinced Voat is a reddit side-project. They banned a ton of people the last 3 years and want a place to herd them and observe them and manipulate them. That is where we are.

I don’t have a mod.

I edit that out, I read what sar told me incorrectly:

I’m doing everything on my own right now on top of responsibilities in my personal life. I don’t have time to argue with a person for 2 days that I don’t even know.

Yeah life is a bitch, especially when we have to spend extra resources to fight pedos on their playing field (like voat). I haven't even barely talked to you as well. We had short exhanges where I am trying to spread awareness. You are a gatekeeper in a sense for the movement so if you side with SRS/PV then it's a glaring contradiction to the search for truth.

You’re accusing people of being alts. You’re making arguments that can’t even be proven. I don’t want the drama.

I apologize im just a drunk redneck who has no technological skills and cant hack whoever i want to prove these things but I have eyes and I see when people are being mislead. My whole point is that the mods are compromised and anything that happens in that sub is manufactured. That is why I didnt even realize think- was a mod, I do not check for PG on Voat anymore. The sub is a shit-fest ran by dishonest users that is proven everywhere all over the site

You are a shill if you side with them and many people are going to agree, so think carefully. People like LaJune and others have been chased off Voat by PG mods. The mods can play musical chairs all day but the core controllers are shills so none of it mtters. They are keeping you segregated and under harsh censorship.

srayzie ago

I went thru all of this. I’ve argued with them in the past. I’ve seen improvements. They did what we have asked. They got rid of Millennial and got new mods. Most of the new mods were fellow pizzagaters that were right along side me. If you disagree with them, then talk to them. I don’t know what you expect me to do. I’m not their boss. You aren’t saying anything new that I haven’t heard since I joined voat.

Maybe you should chill on the drinking if it makes you just argue with people. You called me a fucking moron and shill. You want to go make a post about us. Go for it. You are acting like a shill and being a disrespectful dick.

freshmeat ago

I don’t know what you expect me to do.

Stay vigilant and don't excuse anything that is done in that subverse. It's compromised and this is a very big deal. I know these pedophiles outside of Voat and it pisses me off how easily they subvert our movements online. It's literally too easy for them and pedophiles have way too much freedom here.

Maybe you should chill on the drinking if it makes you just argue with people. You called me a fucking moron and shill.

I don't really like to personalize people on this website so im treating oyu like i would treat anyone, i've been through a lot of shit because of SRS. If I see you defending PV and SRS then im going to call you out for it.

Go for it. You are acting like a shill and being a disrespectful dick.

I'm being real. I don't give a shit about pleasantries when i've literally seen children being fucked and streamed online for other people (like Hecho) etc to see. I'm tired of playing these bullshit social games while kids are being exploited and e-celebs like Seamen and other subversives try to discredit pizzagate.

Pizzagate should be about taking out all pedophiles, not just the epstein tier pedos. There is pedophilia literally on Voat and it's also the HQ for Pizzagate?

Think about that.

srayzie ago

Who is SRS and PV?

I don’t run pizzagate. I’m not a mod in pizzagate. If you are talking about someone and I ping them, then deal with it. If you’re gonna talk shit, they deserve to know. If you have something to say about the GreatAwakening sub, then ping me. I’m done with this.

freshmeat ago


PV is ProtectVoat aka Kevdude and Crensch

I don’t run pizzagate. I’m not a mod in pizzagate.

You have affiliation and people trust you. You speak for pizzagate on voat whether you want to or not. So many people discredit PG and Q on voat... and they run the god damned subverse.

If you’re gonna talk shit, they deserve to know. If you have something to say about the GreatAwakening sub, then ping me. I’m done with this.

If the truth is tlaking shit then so be it. All my points still stand and I support what you are doing with this subverse, i just wish you weren't so easily fooled.