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runningbear ago

Apparently, one guy who was trying to research here, had his stuff removed.. So trying again with this archive link. very fishy if it was removed! HEre's a pic of that users post, it was first so just scroll a bit but here for convenience.

Vindicator ago

Hi @runningbear. We have been working with Voat board owners to clarify exactly how to post research into CP safely. Here is our Policy on dangerous research. You needed to submit this as a Discuss post that could be edited with appropriate warnings (Link posts cannot be edited -- they're just a headline).

We had some confusion, which we are clarifying right now, as to whether @truthseeker_'s post which you linked to, was removed appropriately. I believe it should have been left up, since it mostly followed the stated policy. I am confirming the policy is correct, since CP was found on the site by one of our mods.

Please note that we don't allow posts about the administration of v/pizzagate on the main board -- they have their own special subverse, v/pizzagatemods. Given your comment here I am replying to, that appears to be the purpose of this post. Particularly since the chan material you have included a link to is spreading false claims:

I have been banned on voat for asking help on this.

Neither you nor @truthseeker_ have been banned. Here's the ban list:

While I believe truthseeker's post was removed erroneously, I also suspect these two posts were a deliberate attempt to disrupt and undermine this board, and smear mods. Not only did you include this false information posted elsewhere, truthseeker_ jumped on @Crensch and called him a pedo for removing what he thought was a link to CP. That was probably an attempt to provoke a ban.

This much shit-stirring is really not a good way to help the kids.

As for @think-'s removal of this thread, it is legit under Rule 5 and the Voat User Agreement via the Dangerous Research policy because it is not a Discuss post. That's on you.

runningbear ago

Hey also wasnt saying it was truthseeker that was banned, but that An Anon in the thread on 8ch SAID they were banned form voat when they brought that to the site. Wasnt' saying I was banned either....

Again, no arguments here from me removing the posts, youre doin your job... I was just concnered that, from teh rules, it seeme dlike things you remove are reported to :( ...

runningbear ago

I wasn't saying I was banned, jsut what that guy said... I didnt even know if he brought it to this sub or another...

I am not trying to stir shit, nor am I salty about teh removed post, i was just trying to get people a heads up if they could look into that sort of thing. I did NOT see any CP in the thread, or any removed posts from teh thread. but idk maybe that changed. I DEFINITELY wasnt trying to bring anything illegal into the sub....

I was just concnered about being reported to LE, I know you report the site, but I just want to know I am ok! I am not banned so I assume I am? pls respond :)

Vindicator ago

No, there was nothing illegal posted, so nothing to report.

Blacksmith21 ago

My gut tells me this was a noob mistake. That said, if it walks like a pedo, smells like a pedo, and says pedo things - it's probably pedo somehow (the content of the post). The file size and format indicates something may be buried.

For our forum, it is better off erring on the side of caution. If something nasty slips past the gates at the right time, it could be very bad for this sub.

I think @runningbear is sincere (but you're on my shit list until proven otherwise - assuming you stay).

This may be a blessing in disguise to keep an eye out for new and innovative methods of sabotage.

runningbear ago

Hey man, I didn't really see anything illegal...usually that stuff gets removed on 8ch and you see the post ID greentext in posts, which means something was reported and removed.

The images were only on the broken url in the OP of the thread..... I didn't even post that link like the other post, just an archive of the page...

I don't care if the post if removed, I trust the mods if they think there is something bad there then get rid of it. I was only concerned that I would be reported to LE for an error in posting something :(.....

Blacksmith21 ago

Then you may want a quick refresher on 18 U.S.C. § 2251- Sexual Exploitation of Children (Production of child pornography), smartass. You got my one pass. Don't be an asshat.

"and electronically stored data that can be converted into a visual image of child pornography are also deemed illegal visual depictions under federal law."