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freshmeat ago

Crensch is controlled opposition and so are the rest of the mods. Pizzagate should honestly migrate here.

They dont want Pizzagate to gain traction specifically because it's a hot topic

srayzie ago

They have made changes and got new mods. That’s what we asked for. I think we should give them a chance, I’ve seen improvement. When we complain and beg for changes and we finally get what we asked for, we should be more thankful. I’m tripping out on how I’ve seen people act. I’m not just directing this at you.

This is honestly not an easy job. New mods shouldn’t be judged before they’ve even had a chance. 3 pizzagate mods are regulars in this sub.

freshmeat ago

I appreciate what you do for PG but I'm 3 years ahead of you on who your "mods" are and why any of that replacement even occurred. See my comment here

No apologies for the vitriol. These mother fuckers take over every grassroots movement on social media, including an example in that comment i linked. Pizzagate is the one that blows all their shit wide open, and scares them the most, so they are going to be damn sure they are the gate keepers. There is no genuine PG sub on this website that gets visibility, and it's intentional. Everything is controlled in the current /v/Pizzagate, more than any other subverse on this "free-speech" website.

You need to wake up, you are dealing with the most purest form of evil. The Devil himself.

srayzie ago

What I’m saying is that there are new mods. 3 of the new ones come here and follow Q. 4 pizzagate mods all together come here and take part. They deserve a chance to prove themselves. Especially with all the changes.

@Blacksmith21 @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Vindicator all come here.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King

Cause of death:

The combination of alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana found in his system were contributing factors. The conclusion of the report stated: "The effects of the drugs and alcohol, combined with the subject's heart condition, probably precipitated a cardiac arrhythmia, and the subject, incapacitated in the water, was unable to save himself."[69][70] Rev. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy at King's funeral.

I wouldn't be surprised if RK took a beating for the early DS and MK'd out in the pool.

freshmeat ago

Did you read this post? This is exactly what happened here, the fact you need to ping up back up just proves you are either a) oblivious to where you are or b) part of the shill problem. Think long and hard about what I'm saying.

All of those mods are irrelevant and could be anybody pretending to be non-biased towards pizzagate, meanwhile its the most censored subverse on this platform. Anyone who is objective has known this since reddit migrated PG here and had it controlled by /v/ProtectVoat

srayzie ago

I pinged the others because I’m not talking about people behind their backs. I am aware and have argued with everyone on the pizzagate sub myself in the past. I am not oblivious and am not a shill. But I am mature enough to see that there has been improvements. I am grateful. They delivered.

The ones that are mods now, were fellow pizzagaters that were asking for change as well. They got rid of MF. Pizzagaters stepped up to the plate. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to because of this very reason. They are now being blamed. Some people have to always blame someone.

All this drama was totally unnecessary. This is being blown out of proportion. Everyone who disagrees with you is not a shill.

freshmeat ago

But I am mature enough to see that there has been improvements. I am grateful. They delivered.

The mods and platform itself is flawed, you will have zero success here.

The ones that are mods now, were fellow pizzagaters that were asking for change as well. They got rid of MF. Pizzagaters stepped up to the plate. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to because of this very reason. They are now being blamed. Some people have to always blame someone.

it's still owned by shills and it's why you are too afraid to even speak up to the possibility of me being right. They have got you scared to speak up. As intended.

All this drama was totally unnecessary. This is being blown out of proportion. Everyone who disagrees with you is not a shill.

It's extremely serious. Pedophiles are in control of the investigation into pedophiles. Even if you don't believe me, just consider it a possibility. How fuckin dumb would you feel?

think- ago

Pedophiles are in control of the investigation into pedophiles.

....says the guy who is into underage males raping animals.

....and who doesn't like it that the pizzagate mods will delete child porn and report it to Law Enforcement.


srayzie ago

I’m not scared to speak up. Omg you must not be familiar with me. I’d go full on bitch in pizzagate when I felt what they were doing was wrong. Who would I be scared of? I don’t have anyone over me telling me how to do anything. I’ve never even talked to @Putt. I’ve been free to run this sub how I’ve wanted.

There’s been some bug for a day or 2 and people get all flipped out. The only one I’ve dealt with is @Vindicator. If I needed to know how to do something, he would tell me. He even directs people that follow Q here.

This sub has succeeded and it’s growing. What would you suggest? I just give up? I want these fuckers to go down too. So I’m not giving up. I try to be an encouragement to you guys because we should be in this fight together. We need to support each other. Q said they want us divided. This attitude isn’t helping anyone. We need to go support our president and help in this fight. That’s the only way we can help turn this country around. It’s the only way to bring them bastards to their knees. That’s what we should be concerned about right now.

freshmeat ago

I support you 100% i just want you to know to not trust the moderation team in the current PG subverse. There is a plethora of evidence of why you shouldn't trust them and they will go out of their way to libel and slander anyone who calls them out. You should see the pings i get daily. I promise if you spoke about how PV/SBBH controls /v/Pizzagate you would get attacked for it. I'm happy you responded to me so in the morning I will PM you a brief message with a few examples of what I'm tlaking about. I'm genuinely looking out for everyone who wants justice for what's going on. It's all part of the same cabal, Voat included. 8ch is also compromised working with reddit admins, but I figure you have already found that out by now.


srayzie ago

Thank you ❤️

bopper ago


Whether the board is compromised or not I dunno but this mod srayzie is far from being shy about speaking up, I've seen it many times lol! Probably exercises a lot of restraint in fact.

srayzie ago

You’ve seen me at my worst 😂

bopper ago

Yes, NOT a pretty picture, THAT I can tell you! Pity the faggot that crosses Srayzie! Lol.

srayzie ago

🤣 A lot of lurkers here would trip out on my mean side lol.

bopper ago


bopper ago

I know bro.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I left PG right when @srayzie set up this sub, after months of frustration and much work being deleted. I proliferate v/politics and v/news with Q intel. I'm outnumbered, but I don't give a fuck.

These faggots are going down.

bdmthrfkr ago

I don't like all of this name calling "you are a shill" stuff so I will just give you a personal experience about an interaction that I had with crensch. I had run across some PG related stuff, but it was somewhat toxic and I was seriously worried about sharing it in pizzagate, it was the type of thing which might have gotten back to me. That was back when that fucker millenium dickwad was a mod so I looked at the sidebar and looked to see who the owner was.

I sent a message to crensch (who I had really never interacted with before) and explained that I thought that the mods of his sub might be compromised and if it would be possible for me to send it to him and then he could review it and then post it, he said no and that he had nothing really to do with pizzagate even if he was the owner of the sub. He really seemed to have just handed it over and left the cancer mods to do whatever.

In my opinion crensch set up the sub and installed a mod or two and then just stepped out and let it run on it's own, whether that is a good or bad thing you can make up your own mind about but while it might have been negligent it was not malicious. Pizzagate is what it is, it does do good work and yes, the mods are fucking pricks.

This freshmeat guy on the other hand is a whole different story, I would guess that you also spend time on the chans and run across these MM and JDL types as often as I do, this asshole checks all of the boxes.

in before "he's a SBBH mod hurr durr!" they offered and I accepted but I have really never posted with them. I just think those guys are fun but I don't take that shit seriously, even if gabara is a kaiju.

think- ago

and yes, the mods are fucking pricks

Thanks dude, it's great to see how much you appreciate our work.

freshmeat ago

in before "he's a SBBH mod hurr durr!" they offered and I accepted

Lol. That's funny we were just talking about you and Tendies shill accounts.

Thanks for confirming it openly.

bdmthrfkr ago

freshmeat ago

literally what you just described in your own comment (4 chan shill posting). And your whole sob-story about the cancerous Reddit PG mods from PV ended with you just accepting that the mods are bad instead of stating the obvious; it's been taken over by actual shills and they need to be removed or a migration needs to occur to a subverse out of their realm of reach.

I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but you sodomites take that as a compliment. I got your number mother fucker don't think you control any narratives around here. Truth will always prevail, even over your shitty brigaded posts.

bdmthrfkr ago

What's the first rule of the internet? Don't feed the trolls. You will never hear from me again.

As a Parthian shot though I will mention that you type WAY too fast to be a cowboy. You are a known shill and will be shunned here at Voat you fucking kike.

freshmeat ago

You are the troll and the bought and paid for account. Using pajeets to boost you while you come in here to spread lies without even pinging me. It's clear to anyone watching this who is the fuckin shill. Anyone is free to check /v/realProtectVoat to see my perspective of what you shills are doing to this site.

As a Parthian shot though I will mention that you type WAY too fast to be a cowboy.

What made you think rednecks are stupid? Kike media?

You are a known shill and will be shunned here at Voat you fucking kike.

freshmeat ago

Amen. We just need to expose them because we know who they are on Voat but the admins won't do anything about the. They aren't just faggots, they are paid shills meant to control the narrative with PG and the rest of the site.

Pizzagate community is too nice. They should get more pissed off since a power grab from PV took over the sub on Voat. I've seen legitimate posts get removed to protect pedophiles who aren't celebrities in Hollywood.

think- ago

I've seen legitimate posts get removed to protect pedophiles who aren't celebrities in Hollywood.

.....says the guy who is into underage males raping donkeys: