lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@gothamgirl put @freshmeat on the list as he is confirmed pedo

Secretly_psycho ago

How the fuck is that a child? Looks to be at LEAST 23

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

you.a child

Secretly_psycho ago

Yeah, and I can tell he's older than me so

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

well you are 13 years old so there is that

heygeorge ago

Fuck, I'm old.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its nice how you never have a rebuttal so you resort toad hominem attacks. 100% tactic of the Jew.

End of discussion.

yurisrevenge ago

Upvote complete sir

Now back to my miserable job

heygeorge ago

Enjoy your additional 1.50/eeek

yurisrevenge ago

Yes massa I wills I wills.

U gowna gib me dem pickled pig lips or is I gowna has to take um from one of dem child molesters like @freshmeat

And fuck him prison style in dish bitsh

heygeorge ago

For the record, I do not think he was filming this.

yurisrevenge ago

He waasnt but him mama was

heygeorge ago

You wil have promotion coming soon, mein prajeet

yurisrevenge ago

I got razor wire, a blender, salt water frozen in a 4 gallon buckets, and 3 cattle prods. When does the freaky German sex begin

ExpertShitposter ago

Even if that were true, and it is not, i still downvoted 4 times less people than you did. You know you are the resident all/new fairy.

ExpertShitposter ago

Why do you accuse us of the exact thing that you do? Is it because you're a jew so you find that entertaining? Look at UV/DV ratios on our account on average and then look at yours freshmeats and grifters.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hy, my name is @freshmeat and i keep donkey fucking porn on my PC just in case i need it to insult people i don't like. That is the only reason i found, saved, remembered, and uploaded this donkey fucking video. I swear! Implying everyone doesn't keep donkey fucking videos on their HDD for this reason. Its a completely normal thing to have on your PC for the purpose of fighting shills. I never lie.

How pathetic can a person get?

freshmeat ago

its a website, not on my HD

Its a completely normal thing to have on your PC for the purpose of fighting shills.

The only degenerate thing I have on my entire HD is a picture of Tubgirl. Ask beatle, he knows why.

ExpertShitposter ago

its a website, not on my HD

Link saved in your favorites then. Exact same thing.

freshmeat ago

It's actually the second most viewed video on that website lol.

ExpertShitposter ago

I've never seen it or that site because i don't seek out degenerate content. You obviously do however. And had i seen it, i certainly wouldn't have reposted it on voat or save it to favorites. You however did.

freshmeat ago

And that's why you will not be prepared for the day of the rope.

ExpertShitposter ago

You don't understand. What i'm pointing to here is that you are, by behavior, a nigger. The day of the rope is for degenerated whites such as your self as much as it is for niggers.


freshmeat ago

only one of us is LARPing.

ExpertShitposter ago

Only one of us acts like a nigger despite claiming nigger hate.

freshmeat ago

I'll be real with you reluctantly for one moment.

Firstly, I do not act like a nigger. It actually shows how confined you are inside your SBBH bubble that you don't even know how people talk nowadays. I see you guys copying the lingo occasionally but you misapply it.

Secondly, I do not hate every single nigger and if you want to promote that then you will have zero success in the real world. I hate most niggers (roughly 90%). You may not know this (or to refuse to acknowledge) but before the civil rights, American niggers had a higher rate of wedlock births than whites at the time. There were thousands of stable black families that democrats destroyed and now use against us, and you make it easier for the niggers that still believe the democrat ideologies.

"Why do you always post nigger songs?"

Well for one I grew up in the dirty south and before I even knew what I was listening to I was already into hip hop and had multiple systems in my car, still to this day. I love bass and hip hop has a lot of bass. Also to mention, there is a rift between blacks and whites in the scene right now and whites are doing a way better job at rapping and producing. I've redpilled more white hip-hop fans than any other demographic (which will bring me to another point regarding you shortly) and there is a lot of potential there. Lots of angry white dudes who aren't afraid to jump some niggers. Lots of white rapper who lived among niggers and know that they aren't the same as us.

That brings me to the point I wanted to mention, what exact kind of support do you have outside of Voat and SBBH? Have you networked? Do you have boys ready to jump in the bed of your truck to go bring hell to wherever it is needed? What happens when the real DOTR is here and you cant talk to your SBBH butt pirates? Is it going to be yourself alone vs a bunch of pissed off rednecks? Good luck with that.

Do you know anyone who is on board with your philosophy IRL and will fall to action when the call occurs? Are you part of any white nationalist groups that meet up at church or elsewhere?

The reason I ask isn't because im curious, it's because I already know the answers and i know that you are full of shit. You have been surrounding yourself with literal faggots online while people like me have multiple groups of real men who are waiting to run outside with their rifles raised. I bet you don't even own a single firearm.

You are LARPing and intentionally trolling the real people waiting for the dotr.

ExpertShitposter ago

I do not act like a nigger

Addicted to:

  • marijuana
  • alcohol
  • various fucked up videos 24/7
  • nigger music (somehow OK because if the rapper is white?!?!?)
  • accusing people of various things with out providing evidence and lying non stop

100% white masterrace!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love bass

I love bass so besides all the various electronic music i must also listen to songs like Gucci gang. Not at all do i appreciate nigger lyrics.

I hate most niggers (roughly 90%).

Hitler didn't hate 100% of jews, doesn't mean he spread their culture within his country.

I've redpilled more white hip-hop fans

You mean wigger trailer trash?

Do you have boys ready to jump in the bed of your truck?

I live in a European, still 99% white county that was never conquered by any type of nigger throughout entire history. There are no "trucks" to jump in in order to "fight the niggers" because there are no niggers aside from the occasional 1%er.

Lots of angry white dudes who aren't afraid to jump some niggers.

Keep dreaming about your redneck revolt as your slowly become a minority in texas and do nothing just like you did for the past 70 years.

freshmeat ago

Addicted to:

None of those things. Moderation is important part of adulthood. You should learn to moderate your faggotry.

I love bass so besides all the various electronic music i must also listen to songs like Gucci gang.

It's not my fault you were sheltered and can't appreciate hype music for what it is. Also that tune is shit.

Not at all do i appreciate nigger lyrics.

I appreciate how much better they make whites sound

Hitler didn't hate 100% of jews, doesn't mean he spread their culture within his country.

you and your SJW hyperbole. You are disconnected from reality.

I live in a European, still 99% white county that was never conquered by any type of nigger throughout entire history. There are no "trucks" to jump in in order to "fight the niggers" because there are no niggers aside from the occasional 1%er.

Oh so you are a sheltered SJW little cuck bitch larping as a WN.

Keep dreaming about your redneck revolt as your slowly become a minority in texas and do nothing just like you did for the past 70 years.

:^) your nose is showing, better edit that out

ExpertShitposter ago

None of those things. Moderation

C'mon freshie, its just you and me down here, you know the addiction part is your words that i screencapped, not mine. Who are you trying to fool when you know i got the caps?

It's not my fault you were sheltered and can't appreciate hype music for what it is. Also that tune is shit.

I had internet since the early 90's as well as all the early hip hop on MTV even before that so i had seen all types of music in existence from the very start. I didn't chose nigger even before i was racist because i don't have the nigger frame of mind so it naturally didn't vibe with me.

can't appreciate hype music for what it is.

Its literal nigger fecal matter in music form. There is nothing to appreciate. You like it because you are a white skinned man with a nigger mentality. Aka wigger.

Oh so you are a sheltered SJW little cuck bitch larping as a WN.

Europe does not equal Sweden, wigger boi. But too bad i didn't grow up in a nigger infested trailer park, now i have no comprehension of the struggles of life!!!!!!!! Teach me freshie!!!!!!!

:^) your nose is showing, better edit that out

You are starting to make bad posts again freshie.....

freshmeat ago

C'mon freshie, its just you and me down here, you know the addiction part is your words that i screencapped, not mine. Who are you trying to fool when you know i got the caps?

I said marijuana is addictive and has actual side effects and was trying to speak in a manner that made it okay to admit. In that same thread I was opposing legalization.

I had internet since the early 90's as well as all the early hip hop on MTV even before that so i had seen all types of music in existence from the very start. I didn't chose nigger even before i was racist because i don't have the nigger frame of mind so it naturally didn't vibe with me.

What a fuckin hardass! What's that 99% white country you come from again?

Its literal nigger fecal matter in music form. There is nothing to appreciate. You like it because you are a white skinned man with a nigger mentality. Aka wigger.

That seems entirely subjective.

Europe does not equal Sweden, wigger boi. But too bad i didn't grow up in a nigger infested trailer park, now i have no comprehension of the struggles of life!!!!!!!! Teach me freshie!!!!!!!

Israel isn't European.

You are starting to make bad posts again freshie.....

You literally just couldn't resist and attacked southerners like all JIDF shills do. You have absolutely no reference to the shit spewing from your lips. You are indistinguishable from an /r/Atheism poster.

ExpertShitposter ago

Everything you said was ether stupid, or an Ad hominem attack. Sad! I warned you about bad posts, its going to be....

End of discussion.

freshmeat ago

run along now child. It doesn't matter how many right-wing websites you have infiltrated with your SRS cancer shit, all of that can turn on a dime and you know it. Your only strategy is to form false consensus and attack anyone who disagree with you. How'd that work out for you guys when I was campaigning for Trump?

Pro-tip: you failed in 2016, you will fail this november, and you will fail in 2020.

Monteblanc ago

User @heygeorge says the post is child-bestiality porn and the proceeds to archive and then repost. You are both bitches. Argue that you are not all you want, but facts are facts.

heygeorge ago

Note the edit an hour after this comment.

Monteblanc ago

It was to fix a misspelling.

heygeorge ago

I didn't archive this. It was in the thread before @freshmeat deleted the post in what I assume is an attempt to hide it.

Monteblanc ago

If it's child porn you are just as guilty for this post.

heygeorge ago

Lol, that is fucking stupid.

Mickgoestojail ago

It's not really.

heygeorge ago

Not really what

Mickgoestojail ago

Nevermind, I'll let you get back you your important business of spreading the freshmeat drama all over the site to stop the powerful threat you've built up.

freshmeat ago

actually i was going to repost it later because beatle is all over my account lurking right now

yurisrevenge ago

When you die can I sell your soul to medusa?

heygeorge ago

At least put a NSFW tag?

How about a thought experiment:

If you're watching faggot* bestiality stuff like this anyway, why don't you post it to hecho's subs or whatever? You could team up with (allegedly, sometimes probably accurately) @gabara and flood the fuck outta the places that are no good. It'd be like a pedo boner killer/sub ruiner. @lordbeatlejuicethe1 would maybe post about them axing fo dic piks and together you could Make Voat Great Again.

*I do not know the sex of the donkey, but either way it's a valid statement.

freshmeat ago

I apologize about the NSFW tag. I posted it then immediately forgot about it because I had to afk.

heygeorge ago

I think many of us are guilty of that at one time or another. I never knew @Nadesh had a penis. But I guess everyone has a penis on the internet.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

soon we can simply vote the dissent away

freshmeat ago

Good point. It isn't pedophilia and I'm sure as soon as they saw that post they brigaded it just to make this post. Normally when I make shitposts like that they catch zero traction.

Monteblanc ago

User @heygeorge is the cancer of Voat. People like @lordbeatlejuicethe1 are just followers because they have no natural ability to lead. Other than me sticking my nose in this thread I don't know who you are other than your current user name.

yurisrevenge ago

Me 2 me 2 I am cancer too

Why you not say me name

You fucking cuck snowflake

heygeorge ago

User @heygeorge is the cancer of Voat.

You don't have to try to flatter me. :D But please, help me to learn.

Monteblanc ago

You have accused @freshmeat of gas lighting and shadowboxing but continue to do what you accuse all throughout this thread.

heygeorge ago

Claims with no evidence are easily dismissed without evidence. My claim that freshie posted a kid fucking a donkey is pretty easily verifiable. You can argue over the definition of child if you like.

Monteblanc ago

Kid/child not much difference. I thought you were better than that.

Monteblanc ago

Shitpost away, that's all you got. You complain about some fucker posting "child porn" and the you repost his O.P.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@heygeorge is the savior of Voat dude

Monteblanc ago

I've been here a little longer than both of you and I'm not seeing it or hearing anyone ask for a savior. This site was mostly dead when the feet hit the ground. 3 years latter and it is still just a shitpost board.

heygeorge ago

You haven't been here longer than me. (Lurking, at least.) If you don't like the site, then why not make it better?

Monteblanc ago

On the first you're wrong on the second, I appreciate this place for what it is. I say what I want to say. If it's fuck you, it's fuck you. That's why I'm here.

heygeorge ago

I forget what the first thing is. Is it how long you've been here? Ohhhhhhhhh wooooowwwwee. Anyway, how would you know how long I lurked?

Monteblanc ago

You forget what the first is and then contradict yourself. Do better next time.

ExpertShitposter ago

Post quality content instead of complaining how much the site you visit daily suck? Get the fuck out of here.

Monteblanc ago

Are you replying to me or heygeorge? Almost everything I post is OC. Everything you put up is a repost of some other person's work off of another channel.

ExpertShitposter ago

You post OC but not much. I post less OC than re-posts but i still post OC.

Monteblanc ago

M.S. Paint War Nawe.

ExpertShitposter ago

I must sleep. You can draw now, and ping me. I draw tomorrow at work and ping you.

The battleground: v/shittyMSpaint

Fucking @atko ruined all my OC in that sub with his shitty upload service he refused to pay for with 0 warning.

Monteblanc ago

I will do it tomorrow, it's an office day. 10,000 hours, I promise.

freshmeat ago

I see a sand nigger fucking a donkey, no children whatsoever. Nice try though. Obviously a joke, you could tell by the music.


You might want to focus on the pedophilia content such as @Hecho and @Aged

original video

heygeorge ago

Oh? Does that kid look of age to you? A raw beastiality vid is a joke?

Does hecho even post or comment anymore? I see that Aged has been posting racy drawings in v/gaming, which is definitely annoying.

I don't pretend to be Voat's moral arbiter: You do.

freshmeat ago

Oh? Does that kid look of age to you? A raw beastiality vid is a joke?

Looks like an adult male, granted i only watched a few seconds before doxxing @Nadesh. And no, bestiality is not a joke. I think what Nadesh is doing to that poor donkey is deplorable.

Does hecho even post or comment anymore? I see that Aged has been posting racy drawings in v/gaming, which is definitely annoying.

All their content is still there.

I don't pretend to be Voat's moral arbiter: You do.

That's your interpretation. I just fight shills.

heygeorge ago

I think what Nadesh is doing to that poor donkey is deplorable.


All of who's content? hecho's? Hopefully the sub(s) will go dormant and be culled. Are there active posters?

You gaslight/shadow box.

freshmeat ago

You gaslight/shadow box.

That's what you are doing. I just made a funny post about our resident pajeet.

heygeorge ago

@Nadesh is Pajeet? Just like my Paul Ryan 1.50 reference? Lol

freshmeat ago


Nadesh is a muslim tranny, literally. No wonder you guys like him.

heygeorge ago

What is a Nadeshda?

I'll add, here you are judging meanwhile posting a donkey fucking video involving a person of (at best) questionable age.

freshmeat ago

It's is a low effort shit post and looks retarded now that you have brought it to people's attention. I just came across the video and immediately thought of SBBH using pajeets to manipulate Voat and posted it.

What is a Nadeshda?

A sand nigger you pay in bitcoins to vote brigade certain posts you tell them to.

heygeorge ago

I just came

A sand nigger you pay in bitcoins to vote brigade certain posts you tell them to.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Warms my heart to see other people hate that guy

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

good work

heygeorge ago

It only seems right. I do not want to quarrel with @freshmeat, but shit like this from a self proclaimed moral arbiter* must be brought into the light.

*and admitted organizer/promoter of offsite brigading chat billed as "Official Voat Discord"

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


@yurisrevenge @expertshitposter @friendshipistragic upvote brigade heygeorge

freshmeat ago

You guys were quick to defend your token muslims on Voat!

heygeorge ago

You guys were quick to defend your token muslims on Voat!

Please, distract more from your "joke" underage bestiality vid. But muh sandnigger!

I did not post this to fight with you, but only to shed light in the dark.

freshmeat ago

the guy looks at least 17-19. Just malnourished because he lives in the desert.

heygeorge ago

the guy looks at least 17-19. Just malnourished because he lives in the desert.

Aren't you almost 30? If the kid "looks 17" to you in the US and you fuck them, you're a fucking rapist. If you get a text message of their tits, you are in possession of child pornography. You run around pointing fingers, but then say shit like the above.

freshmeat ago

I think you are taking a shitpost too seriously. I do not want to have sex with a pakistani goat fucker.

FYI 17 is legal in Texas, not that it has any context to this post.