AndrewBlazeIt ago

Ohhhh, DUDE.

I was JUST starting to think I was going fuckin' nuts, but now I get to sit and watch the entire empire of dirt collapse into a big disappointing pile of muddy SHIT.

bdmthrfkr ago

Nah, we send out a signal over the internets that (((they))) fear, they respond with an ever increasing flood of paid mouthpieces. They are easy to spot and unlike on the chans it is impossible to slide posts off of the front page here on Voat.

They are using yesterdays technology to fight tomorrows war. Fucking idiots.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Point out that a bunch of downvotes will appear, then they magically don't!

Every other comment in the thread will have em, tho!

Boy that's just another weird cohencidence, isn't it?

bdmthrfkr ago

Actually, I made this post after I had seen another post which had mentioned that all SCP is frozen after the OP makes an edit. After I made that edit all UVs and DVs were frozen. I think that it may be a bug in the new code and have sent a ping to peaceseeker (one of the dev guys) and maybe they will fix this. If they don't I really don't care, I normally only post content not comments, this is one of the few times that I have actually, it's just that that fagmeat guy paid vandal got under my skin.

picman ago

OP: I don't like all of this name calling "you are a shill" stuff

*Calls freshmeat a shill in submission title*

My advice is to just ignore them.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

member for 1 month

bdmthrfkr ago

Funny that.

bdmthrfkr ago

I said I don't like to do it but I didn't say that I wouldn't call a duck a duck if I hear it quack. I don't really like to wash my dog but if I don't do it the dog smells up my house.

pic related

picman ago

*OP implies he calls it how he sees it*

*Calls me a jew despite the fact I posted this*

bdmthrfkr ago

Look pal, this is a bait thread specifically designed to fish out the shills, I can't tell anybodies weight let alone their political biases on an anonymous site like Voat but after I see a pattern of comments and posts it becomes really fucking obvious.

Also, while I spend a fair amount of time here I can't see every single post that every single user makes so cool your jets fly-boy, you may or may not be the enemy but judging by the amount of UVs you got they at least seem to like you... a lot.

BushAppointedMueller ago

They are fucking desperate. The budget for their boiler room bullshit disinfo ops more than tripled just for the upcoming elections alone. It has since quadrupled AGAIN after they figured out how much trouble they are in.

This desperation is wonderful. Even the @Tallest_Skil account doesn't bother me any more, because there was a little bit of turnover and their new guys are dumb as a bag of hammers.

bdmthrfkr ago

Hehe, they like you even less then they like me. Good work, so far you have more DVs on your comment then I have on this post!

AndrewBlazeIt ago

This dude's one 'em.

BushAppointedMueller ago

I do it intentionally so that their VPN nodes can continue to be documented.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re getting bothered now, you retarded fuck. Tell me what your position is so I can prove it wrong. I don’t remember you and don’t care enough about you to have done so.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, you think I’ll click on a google link

picman ago

Yuck! Why are you linking directly to Google's services???

BushAppointedMueller ago

Use a VPN if you don't want google to track you. I recommend Parrot Linux and the builtin anonymous mode.

But don't worry about Google.

picman ago

Ever heard of a referral link in an HTTP header?

But don't worry about Google.

Now I know you're bad news.

BushAppointedMueller ago

Worrying about Google is like worrying about the erosion of a beach caused by the ocean.

Nothing you can do about it except worry. I didn't create that dropbox, but it's there, make use of it. The content in there is more important to share than squeamishness about a company that already knows everything about you. Or don't you have an Android phone, or use, or Chrome?

Even if you use Linux, Google's code is working its way into all your apps. Check out their memalloc. There's no escaping it.

Anyway, the data is useful, and yes, I am bad news. But not to you I don't think.

picman ago

Google doesn't know much about me and I'd like to keep it that way as much as possible.

I don't accept the path of apathy just because Google is so prolific in developed countries.

bdmthrfkr ago

This guy isn't dumb, tallest_shill was a decent effort at best. Fagmeat is just around the best that they have to offer and the fact that they are dedicating these types of resources here speaks louder than words. I would guess that it has a lot to do with the congruence of pizzagate and great awakening, (((their))) worst nightmares are comparing notes here at Voat rather than operating independently.

This is their nightmare, a free speech platform where people can actually get together and map their crimes.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry harder, you yiddish sack of shit. You post lies, you get called out. It’s how the world works again.

bdmthrfkr ago

Do you yids actually think that us White people are stupid? I know that you are taught that but really, do you really think that?

Kikes must have skewed the I.Q. data in their favor through generous grants cause I don't see any evidence of it in the real world.

Tallest_Skil ago

If you’d stop posting lies, you’d stop being called out on them. I don’t know why you think you can call yourself white when you don’t understand this.

BushAppointedMueller ago

Are we getting in the way of you having a nice relaxing night with your wife? My guys say she washed she sheet with the hole in it. Go enjoy your Mitzvah! Lots of new work will be coming for you very soon!

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because i can’t refute what you say

Jews don’t tell the truth, shlomo. Try harder.

bdmthrfkr ago

I love your throwaway, whoever you are masked man. Hi Ho Silver...AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bdmthrfkr ago

You should get together with your colleague, fagmeat is far more skilled at this then you are. SMH.

Tallest_Skil ago

When you’re capable of substantiating any of your claims, let me know. Until then, enjoy being a kike shill.

Inara__Serra ago

He's just an ass. Move on and ignore him.

bdmthrfkr ago

I wish that that was the case, he is one of the enemies higher level employees. He is well trained and very difficult to spot, not the run of the mill creep, he is a serious projection of the enemies power. I wish that I could be totally indifferent about this but Voat is starting to draw down some serious heat and we need to be vigilant.

You guys are a big part of that and that is a good thing.

Inara__Serra ago

I think we should support rishvi and kareemulla in his work against Mumbleberry/Sanegoat and see if he'll return the favor with freshmeat.

bdmthrfkr ago

I am not familiar with this, can you send me in the right direction so that I can check it out?

Inara__Serra ago

There are a lot. Mumbleberry/sane pissed them off and they've fanged up on him. Mumbles carried his shit to other sites and they doubled down on him.