maxoverdrive ago

My message is simpler:

Go fucking back. If you're so fucking stupid you didn't bail from reddit after the "Chairman Pao" scandal then you'll never be smart enough to be a Voater. All you'll be here is, well, frankly, "in the way". Like fucking furniture, only mobile. You're fucking worthless, just a waste of space and time, and you don't belong here. So go back to reddit now, because that's what you'll do in the end - because you worthless fucking niggerfaggot, kike-dick-sucking, Jew-cum-swallowing assholes are exactly what we don't want or need on Voat.

heroinwinsagain ago

Excatly. And this:

Fuck youtube for censoring this shit. its video of news articles. predating the holocaust talking about the holocaust.

DaNiceGuy ago

I'm not sure where this "6 million Jews" claim has popped up from in recent years. Not that long ago when I was in school, that 6 million number was mentioned, but it was supposed to include all those who died throughout the Nazi camps through whatever means (gassing, starvation, overwork, torture, etc). Which is to say, it included Poles, Slavs, homosexuals, political dissenters, and yes, Jews.

So, what those figures above show, is that the Jewish population grew slightly over a 15 year period, but we do not have any data on Jewish birth rates during the same period. If there was a very high birth rate due to Jews outside Nazi-occupied territories having many children (and indeed, North America as a region accounts for pretty much all of the observed population growth during that period, while there are fewer Jews in Europe in 1948) and then a significant number returned to Europe after the war, you could indeed still account for the loss 1 million or so lives.

Also, your post also fails to address the reduction in the number of overall accounted-for number of Christians. Especially Protestants. Did they die? Did they convert? Were the main victims of the Nazi camps in fact Polish, and as such several million Catholics also disappeared? I submit that this data neither supports nor disproves claims concerning deaths in the Nazi camp system as it lacks any connection to causal factors.

heroinwinsagain ago

6 milliion is specific to jews. use jewgle.

albatrosv15 ago

Also, your post also fails to address the reduction in the number of overall accounted-for number of Christians. Especially Protestants. Did they die? Did they convert?

NKVD massacres and related. Look it up. Seriously, it's all fucked up. Even katyn massacre was blamed on nazis until 1990, when soviet union finally admitted they did it.

I have concluded that ww1, soviet union and ww2 was solely done to kill white people (especially christians). Didn't serve the purpose, so now they are using the mix-breeding strategy.

DaNiceGuy ago

The NKVD massacred over 33 million North American Protestants between 1933 and 1948 did they?

albatrosv15 ago

Ah, you were talking about that specific place, that specific people. Oh wait, you are from usa who thinks usa is the only place noteworthy in this world?

DaNiceGuy ago

Nope and nope, but if you're holding up that the presented population figures somehow disprove claims surrounding the network of Nazi camps in Europe, then you also have to explain how the apparent disappearance of 33 million Protestants from North America was covered up.

Schreiber ago

Doesn't matter in Voat. Whatever supports the echo chamber is good.

That's why there's a fuckton of upvoated fake news that made it to the first page throughout Voat history.

IMO holocaust is a myth, but that doesn't mean shitty "evidence" should be upvoated either because it makes Voaters look stupid.

killytpeople ago

you obviously flunked out of school, nazi faggot.

picman ago

*Sees official world census data*

*Ignores facts and reacts by calling OP a nazi*

You've really convinced me.

LongyyBearr ago

Lol just got yelled at for showing this to a close buddy of mine and the dude reeeeeee's wheres your source...

XD... if the dumbfuck read... he woulda known it was from the jews themselves..

And I got a bonus out of pocket statement for saying I'm trying to make them smarter. XD... god dammit man... fucking dumbfucks.

picman ago

I commend you for trying to enlighten your friends. Ridicule comes with the territory, sadly.

LongyyBearr ago

Sooner or later hahaha

Currently I'm left with the statement, "I didn't need to know that because it doesn't concern me."

Mother fucker it's our History.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

I thought Slavs were supposed to be good at math.

spookybm ago

15 years to pop out 6 million babies...
as if the Moors haven't done that before.
But still....

idle_voating ago

Have there been jews from that time period in europe who didn't give a fuck and had big enough balls to come forward and said that the halocaust never happened?

cyclops1771 ago

You've been here 2 days.

What are you afraid of, queerbait?

3891776389 ago

They are arresting people in the UK for visiting Breitbart and tweeting Muslim chimp out videos, voat would probably send them to the gulags. What a shit world we live in. And then faggots like you think the shills use new accounts. Why would they do that? We don't ever ban shills, we actually flip out when a shill does get banned.

cyclops1771 ago

Good point - didn't think of that.

Thanks for helping explain that, interent stranger.

picman ago

This account has been here 2 days. I've been on Voat much longer than that ;)

InDifferent ago

Obviously there were 6,437,279 Jewish babies born in-between those to dates, duh. /s

In all seriousness though, to play a bit of devil's advocate, I'm not seeing a date on the bottom picture, how do we know that it's for 1948?

Feles ago

You tell me, what did happen?

Justsomeone ago

The real head scratcher and eye opener is the following question:

"What the fuck do you do with 6 million dead bodies?"

With today's technology, a cremation take hours to "fully" dispose of a single corpse, and even then, there is a certain amount of material that doesn't turn to ashes.

How would an army that is already fighting a two front war against basicly the whole world, and losing badly, deal with "gassing" AT LEAST 6 million people in months and disposing of the bodies in a way that, even today, people couldn't actually pinpoint where they ALL went?

Think about it and do a little research on the whole holocaust subject and modern ways to dispose of bodies.

After you are done with this research, you will be presented with a choice: accept that you've been lied to and start uncovering the truth or just disregard everything I just said and or everything you found in your research and keep living the lie.

22jam22 ago

Ya this is the big what the fuck.. The math doesnt add up and the logistics dont add up.. We need a game some type of haulacaust similator.. It would have to be an analogy where you are burning firewood or something.. Make machines and robots to burn the firewood.. Im sure someone can think of a better way to do this.

doorbellguy ago

if someone makes a World War game set in Nazi germany where my only objective is to burn jewes, hit me the fuck up.

HorseIsDead ago

They didn't need to follow regulations to prevent injuries/unintentional deaths and all that shit, they can run much bigger incinerators and turn bodies into fertilizer or some shit. A modern crematorium is meant to do one MAYBE two people at a time. And it's bound by tons of laws.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


these limp dick rebuttals are tiresome and pathetic. answer the question and back it up.

WW2 saw an astounding amount of military production including some of the craziest weapons, tanks, bombs, planes etc etc built and along with that loads of data, engineering plans, scrap parts, fully working vehicles, pictures, video, personal accounts nearly unlimited that yes a Sherman tank existed. a German panzer existed. and on and on.

but for some reason....hmmm...POOF....NOTHING about these 'gas chambers'.

and no critical analysis allowed regarding cremation and the pure physics and logistics of 6 GORILLION.

then there is faggots like you that spew out this 'incinerstors or some shit'...

back to Reddit faggot


HorseIsDead <- I want to believe in the hollow-cost - this guy -^

Rellik88 ago

bigger incinerators

So why none found?

ThisIsMyRealName ago

German engineering

ruck_feddit ago

Accept no substitute.

HorseIsDead ago

You're almost certainly using statistics that assume because some giant oven has one entrance it handles only one body at a time and runs at some pre-conceived temperature.

Also tons of it was destroyed... you think they want that info to fall into the hands of enemies and create the white genocide? They did their best to remove evidence and there are much bigger secrets no one will ever know.

albatrosv15 ago

46 questions about the gas chambers.

CrudOMatic ago

Dey destroyed dem yo, das why dey din zist. Sheeeeit, because dey din want em to be used ginst dem. Duh. Da logik be all self-ebidint an sheeeeit.

Neinlife ago

fuck off blue pill faggot

HorseIsDead ago

fuck off niggerlover autismonaut

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Best thing is this is from the jews information... Not ours. These are their numbers.

ErrantCognition ago

Let's see a photo with the date printed on the bottom document. You really just blindly accept some fucking meme text overlay?

idle_voating ago

Have any Jews in Europe during that time period publicly stated that the halocaust never happened? Anyone who was badass enough to not give a fuck.

Crensch ago

picman ago


BeefBourgignon ago

Does the top one say 13 mil or 15 mil?

picman ago


BeefBourgignon ago

I feel like this picture is a bit iffy.

15,315,359-6,000,000=9,315,359 is the number of survivors.

15,753,638 in 1948 subtract 9,315,359 survivors is 6,438,279, the difference to be made up between the end of the war and 1948.

9,315,359 survivors divided by 2 is 4,657,679 female Jews, and maybe 60% of them are adults so let's say 2,794,607 breedable female Jews.

6,438,279 divided by 2,794,607 is 2.303 kids per breedable woman. That is definitely an attainable number, especially if those women have kids.

If my math is correct it is possible that the Jews bred to compensate for the supposed losses sustained during the Shoah. You should also include the picture that shows only the Bolshevik investigated camps are said to have been death camps. There are better red pills.

picman ago

Except when you consider that jews have historically very low birth rates compared to the world average. So to assume that all of the sudden over the time when a massive amount of jews would have been displaced by the holocaust they managed to increase their birthrates so much so to reproduce over 6 million jews from only 9 million in 15 years is implausible at best.

BeefBourgignon ago

It's implausible, but not impossible. They do call that generation the baby boomers for a reason.

Greasy ago

Perhaps the Jews who weren't in the camps were keeping themselves busy, IYKWIM?

Cheesebooger ago


Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Also, notice that the European population only dropped by about 100,000 people (where did the 6 million go, and where did the new 5.9 million come from??), while the North American numbers skyrocketed (also, a tiny amount more went to Africa than left it in those 15 years).

Mylon ago

Europe's population increased by nearly 80M in that time. For all of the people that died in war, there still were a lot of extra people being born.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

So you expect me to believe that, in a time of pure and near-total global conflict, in the heart of the "evil empire" that the remaining political superpowers were campaigning against, even among the small groups trying to hide from a "guaranteed death sentence at a concentration camp"...

...not only were thousands, if not millions, of those same terrified prosecuted people able to easily have children, but they are even inviting their friends and family from all around the world to resettle in and around Germany?!?!

God, you shills just have no way of making any kind of fact-based argumen, it's just 24/7 propaganda and easily-disproven lies.

Mylon ago

I'm just going off the graphic. Read the fucking numbers: 1933 Europe grand total: 474M. 1948 grand total: 551M.

AnTi90d ago

All I get is:

The connection has timed out

The server at is taking too long to respond.

picman ago

Looking into that now. Webserver is refusing certain connections for some reason.

Thanks for reporting!

Falcon2_0 ago

Must be an issue on your end, it works fine for me.