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mimes4peace ago

It's not Putt's job to protect idiots from bad decisions.

TheBuddha ago

Clammy has AIDS. I have to work on the car. I'll be back later, probably.

zyklon_b ago

clammy gitz deaf

TheBuddha ago

I like clammy. He's good people.

I'm buying dinner for the crew tonight. Wanna come to dinner with us?

zyklon_b ago

lol. cannot we got plans with the new spics that moved down by the lake. going to mexican food place and bar with em

TheBuddha ago

Uno carvasa por favor?

Muchos gracias, mí hombre.

Que muchos por el pequeña?

My Spanish spelling is terrible.

zyklon_b ago

si si mon

TheBuddha ago

Don't actually use the last one.

zyklon_b ago

Have a great nite buddy. and if you have the urge to take a srayzie bo sure not to forget to wipe you @crensch.

manana ese

TheBuddha ago

I'm still indifferent to your voat drama. I've paid it no attention.

zyklon_b ago

im only doin it cause we know he follows and reads all our shit. he is like a fan i guess. lmao.

gd nite komrad3

TheBuddha ago

Drive safe.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

You're right. It's the little clique of addicts. They've been undermining the place for the past year, targeting specific people to run them off the site. Also derailing constructive discourse by causing a distraction. Addicts are easy to recruit into such roles because they'll do anything for a fix. They may come across as harmless addicts making noise, but they're organised and highly destructive. What amazes me is that the site owners allow an addict with a known criminal history to make death threats to another user, any user. Especially after putt's chill with the threats post. Mark my words, this clique will get this platform shut down in the next year if not sooner.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I bet she is one of @NosebergShekelman angels? ah ah ah

albatrosv15 ago

You are also nuking legitimate users.

So you still are a trumptard.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

but but this is how you faggots ping each other. I just thought that I would try it! It never works for me, though. Fucking incel

zyklon_b ago

cheesbooger he said so something. go nuclear and email srayzie husband the messgaes

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I have to dig it up but I analyzed her looks years ago and cracked on her about how I think she is a spanish jew.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Dude....You can't save face with this. You cannot. You have proven yourself to be an incel and a Zionist, just as I said almost 4 years ago. You are owner of the biggest pro-Israel Zionist sub on Voat. hahasmh. Embrace it. There's no other way for you.

I could be making threads about you like a mad mac....but I haven't. Do you understand this white gesture? I could be kicking the fuck out of you right now and really haven't. You know me. I could orchestrate some serious shit posting shit if I wanted to. I could be making meme after meme about how you are Voat's incel, Ben Shapiro. But I haven't. Just like last time you attacked me for calling out Srayzie, I haven't swung back at you OTHER THAN GASSING YOU WITH THAT VIDEO and I am sorry for that but you made me mad and there's consequences to pissing off a Hillbilly. You still try and defend srayzie, which shows that your head is still under her spell. You are still standing by her ashes white knighting. Its pathetic. She kept on attacking people, brigading people, banning people and it all came to a head. She called down the thunder and got it. I told you this day would come. I don't speak for anyone but me, but my advice to you is learn from this. You are one of the most stubborn mother fuckers I have ever met. You are so arrogant that you refuse to see reality. We all go through it sometimes. This is your time. Look in the mirror, fucker. Don't let this lesson be in vein.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission by @zyklon_b.

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gabara ago

something srayzie herself had deleted elsewhere

Still on Google Image Search, or so I hear.

AR47 ago

You heard of prayingmedic?

Self proclaimed Q researcher and all. Well this dude has written soooooo many religious books that are honestly just recycled from others before. Then this Q thing came along and all the sudden this guy is latched on like an Alabama tick.

I swear he has written damn near as many books as L Ron Hubbard. The guy that made Scientology. Plus there is some collaboration book with Q researchers that is selling pretty good.

Oh can’t forget the guy that TM on the Q logo. Some painter out of Texas I think. You can look it up and see.

This whole fucking bowl movement is about money plain and simple.

How far does your history recollection go back on fuckery? Mine goes back to WoW and somethingawful. I remember when Katrina hit and SA made a claim some server huh was fucked up and they got FEMA to reimburse them 700k and you would think it stopped there.

It didn’t because they find a way to get money all the time.

Also SA and SRS are the same people. If you think for a moment they ain’t

gabara ago

^^^ sguevar

ex-feminist ago

Oh kekerdoodles I'm going to need more popcorn

AR47 ago

Think about how off the rails srayzie has been and how she assumed ownership with GA the entire time with her comments and posts.

Do you really think she would have given it away and allowed ownership to be transferred ?

I ain’t so sure, and on top of that look how now the focus is on “full dox” they posted her name and all this shit.

That NEVER happened.

Trig posted the pics she had on her twitter is all. Honestly a link to her profile via voat. So what.

They didn’t even find the pics from her Facebook account. Her Etsy account, and her other social media accounts. What I think is they didn’t even try.

Thing is that now it is with me or against us. Chrench did this with pizzagate as well. Honestly it is funny to see the same accounts supporting as last time. As well as the ones that disapprove as last time.

sguevar ago

ain't that the truth (G.G)

sguevar ago

so until @Trigglypuff went full-dox

I don't agree with this. It wasn't doxx.

users are too fucking lazy or full of shit to do anything about it.

No one is being lazy, well maybe some are, but I assure you we are trying to work this out so we can prevent this from happening in the future.

Vent your frustration for I know where you are coming from with it. But you were given the proof that she had linked her personal social media before in pms with 6 others, included her. I don't work on the backs of anyone and I never supported the actions that zyklon_b took nor any of his "group" to go ahead and harass her.

But a due process needs to be set and it has to be objective.

And to all you "goats" PROVE ME WRONG

I have with the proof I sent via pm. Had her social media not being linked to Voat before then I would agree that there was a doxxing effort, but that wasn't the case.

I have no interest in taking you down, my interest is that you join the effort to work on this due process and we can prevent this from happening again. I know you are enraged right now, I know you are disappointed by many users but I stand firmly where I put my words on. We can't uphold the ban without compromising Voat's integrity.

If we uphold the ban then you can also argue that @antiliberalsociety (sorry man I don't wish it but you are a perfect example of what I am trying to illustrate here) must also be banned because of the constant posts he has done against TexaasVet. You know he won't be because TexasVet linked his personal social media also in addition to his Gofraudme account here at Voat.

You are giving in to the faggot @Zyklon_b and I know you are stronger than this man. By all means stop this bullshit because what you are doing is not trying to safe Voat but to destroy it which is in fact something that his (((handlers))) like. What better destruction than an implosion.


antiliberalsociety ago

Actually it doesn't specify who doxxes who, @TexasVet himself should have been banned.

sguevar ago

Rofl that is true but either way, you know the point I am trying to illustrate here.

Native ago

If you have fire ants there is a much bigger problem than drama on Voat.

Wasn't there a really good horror book about a man and ants

It was a movie

ExpertShitposter ago

You are being full of shit now.


side with zyklon

No one ever "sided" with him. Not a single person agreed with his actions. And i don't even recall people being against his banning ether. People simply became anti-srayzie in addition to being whatever-zyklon, for her other reddit tier mod actions:

  • pre-emptive bans for jokes in other subs
  • pre-emptive bans for associating with "undesirable" people in other subs
  • retroactive bans for 2 month old posts within the sub
  • permabans for a single shitpost


No immune system response.

If we had the perfect immunity system, then among other things, @srayzie would have been stomped out long time ago by the announced vote to remove redditor mod system. Even with kevdude having to slap her all the time she managed to make her reddit shine through.


Then, "THE PLAN" was hatched

No plan was hatched, don't go full nutcase like srayzie. People had their personal axe to grind, so they grinded it.


H said he will go full autism, so he went full autism. It has nothing do do with anyone else, especially not the group you are imagining.


She felt betrayed by srayzie posting highly personal PM's she sent her. She gave her insider advice on how to deal with trolls, as an experienced troll herself, and srayzie just posted it, and used it to paint her as an evil schemer shill. As a response, triggs made a mock sub with her pics. Big deal, every prominent user on this website has a mock sub someone dedicated to him, me, you, and @kevdude included. I can list a lot more users with mock subs than that. Nobody ever quit because of it. Yeah, they don't include our pictures, because we weren't dumb enough attention whores to post them, but those pics don't change much anyway. And putt stomped out the sub in less than 5h.

And that whole "threatening my kids", do not attach that to others. Not to mention that its all meaningless when all you have is srayzie's picture. No name, no address, no kids name, no kids picture, no kids address. I've had pizagate/awakening mods threaten me and my family in PM's with "an organization that already has my location, and will pay me a visit soon if i don't quit voat". Guess what, i posted their shit and laughed at them because they in fact don't have my address.


Please show where i've posted her pictures? I've posted censored pics AFTER triggs was banned:

And i've made a tiny flair with her pic yesterday in SBBH that is barely recognizable:

Nether of those identify her, and at that point literally everybody already had those pics, as they have been whored around voat for almost a year now.

As a matter of fact, i'm the one who warned all the boomers over a year ago not to link their pics and twitter profiles with their accounts on voat. And i warned @srayzie PERSONALLY, 5 months ago to REMOVE ANY AND ALL identifying parts of information from the internet RIGHT NOW.



All she had to do was ban zyklon, and block his pings, remove all her pics from the internet, and none of this would have ever happened. But instead, she kept banning and unbanning zyklon, refused to block him and took 6 months of ping abuse that kept coming mainly because she was responding and letting him know she is agitated, and refusing to remove the pics. As a matter of fact, after i had warned to delete all her pics, she only linked MORE social media, and uploaded MORE pics, because google revealed 3 different pics. Five months ago, only the twitter account one was known and posted. And why? Because she enjoyed the attention. When she first spread her pic around on voat, everyone said "woha, so hot, would bang". She reveled in the male attention, rather than choosing safety. And now it cost her her sanity.

Everyone else:

Various users of voat enjoy provoking a reaction. Once they saw sryz and other Qtards easily dispense them, they decided to talk shit them selves, and post crap in GA to provoke a ban. And i don't remember Rotteuxx attacking anyone with any threats or shitposting GA much, if any.


Then the ban. Until putt decided Voat was the Wild West

Putt didn't decide voat is wild west. Voat was always the wild west. Putt just forgot about that fact for a second. The internet needs a wild west. There are plenty of sites, with varying degrees of restrictions. From reddit that is communist gulag, to 4chan that is somewhat free, to voat that is actually free, to tor websites that are too free.

Voat is sitting in a position that it always sat in. It doesn't need to change. Any faggot redditor Qtard migrant that wants things to change is no different than a sandnigger refugee being kicked out by ISIS and then demanding sharia law in his new country. An example of a massive faggot who thinks voat needs to be less free because of feelings on an individual user:

So people should simply go the the website that has the appropriate amount of freedom that suits their needs.

User Glory_Beckons and Vindicator only hit a nail that is stuck in their own head. They fail to understand that this happened more due to the weakness of srayzie than viciousness of tryggly or zyklon. I spoke about it before here:

And they fail to understand the concept of slippery slope. Fuck their feelings. This isn't reddit.


q is totally a LARP

It is, and i might make a detailed post about why that is so in a day or two. IF I CAN BE BOTHERED TO DO IT, as this has become a centrist vs right-winger deal, where nether side has a chance to convince the other. I probably wont bother. Hint: "q is a LARP" no longer means "q is fake", like it did two years ago, instead it means "q is irrelevant to the survival of the white race, if not detrimental".


Voat Immune Response

It was always a reference to the inability of redditors to enact censorship on voat through overwhelming numbers. Not an "anti user who i proclaim is a jew" system. And with your series of preemptive bans you just made in GA is a sad surprise for everyone. Batman quote: You ether die a goat, or live long enough to see your self become the redditor?

@clamhurt_legbeard @heygeorge

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

q is totally a LARP

It is, and i might make a detailed post about why that is so in a day or two.

"Q" is straightforwardly a psyop. There are no plastic swords or homemade costumes involved, that I'm aware of.

And yes, I ended up in this two month old post following links from Lol, Putt just banned me from

ExpertShitposter ago

It is. Boomers have no brians left.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

No one sided with him? Dial is his best mate, has been from the start. Check dial's historical posts.

SandHog ago


Dial -

More Dial - Look, there you are responding to him while he is talking about it.

Zyklon regarding Sane and Amalek -

ExpertShitposter ago

cant really do that. dial is using random numbers as account since his main got banned.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

You can still check the old account, or you could a few weeks ago. History had not been wiped last time I looked.

ExpertShitposter ago

yeah well he only really made his attacks significant in the last week or two.

in any case, not kicking him to the curb does not mean supporting his actions.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

u/ExpertShitposter has written an excellent description of when this whole thing became an actual problem.

Zyklon was attacking Srayzie and she wrongly blamed all of SBBH. SBBH is a cohesive group of friends who will fight for each other, so many joined together to defend themselves against these wrongful accusations. Srayzie didn't understand and has lost her sub because of it.

SBBH did nothing wrong. Zyklon did something wrong and Srayzie joined in to do more wrong. The rest were reacting predictably to an unjustified attack.

u/Crensch u/Rotteuxx u/Native

ExpertShitposter ago

She didn't have to lose anything. Even today, it was still only zyklon making threats and pings all day long. SBBH users only refused to support her and fight zyklon.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

She didn't understand. Even after you warned her, Triggs warned her, I warned her...

She is not internet savvy. She couldn't help but hit back.

zyklon_b ago

u just as dumb by choosing the jews

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh no! I've been downvoted by zyklon_b!

Smoke more meth, you'll feel better.

zyklon_b ago

i will ans do not downvote

your jew love and actual homo shit is coming to light. do more pro israel work in GA

Rotteuxx ago

Yep, expie is on point.

Rotteuxx ago

A mod from a certain sub asked me by PM last night to be let in on "future sbbh plans to fuck with qtards because he hates women & boomers".

I had to explain the obvious :

Sorry to hear about your plight but it appears to me that you don't fully grasp what took place on Voat in the past few days.

There's the faggity immune system edge lords enjoy and then there's the old goat pen which cares more about Voat core principles than anything else. As for my part it was entirely organic, no collusion in any way.

Qtards are a pain in the ass, their worship of ZOG is disheartening to say the least. They have a right to be here and talk retard to eachother, being optimistic I hope that more of them wake up to the real bullshit rather than the softcore crap they "research".

Native ago

They can’t accept that because In their world an organic response doesn’t exist. The fact that they had to ask you what the next plan is should be suspect that they are an infiltration

Rotteuxx ago

I had a gut feeling it could be an alt of a GA mod or some other ZOG worshiper stupidly trying to confirm "muh sbbh organized cabal".

Native ago

Of course

CheeseboogerHimself ago


sguevar ago

Clearly some are limited in their research skills and go by the first thing they saw... even if it was filled with false accusations.

Thanks for sharing this and keeping the the mod anonymous to avoid any brigade on him/her.

And this is a perfect example of starting a healing process for Voat. I will pm you later at home for the keychain matter :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You are a level-headed dude who always posts good shit.

sguevar ago

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

We need to work this out and we need to do it now. Otherwise we risk of losing the focus on what needs to be done to avoid the same shit happening again.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

An immune system is not just white blood cells, it is scabbing and healing.

I have a lot of confidence in SBBH and voat as a whole healing.

sguevar ago

Same here but right now we are reaching an impasse and you know that the current actions taken are not the right ones.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I think today will be a better day. Things seem to be cooler and people are listening, from what I've seen this morning.

zyklon_b ago

i contribute nothing of value unlike you doin CSS design for biggest PRO JEW non anon sub on Voat. Is that of value to promote the genocide of us whites? clammy why u support israel?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Aww, are you here to bring sunshine, little boy? lol

sguevar ago

The ban log shows differently though and @Crenschs previous post on whatever showed differently also. He keeps stating there was a doxx despite the numerous proofs that show otherwise.

I mean I don't blame his anger on him alone. I know that it has a certain level of justification. But he needs to comeback to his senses.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He's a pretty rational dude.

I'm confident we're on an upswing now.

Rotteuxx ago

Sounds good, I probably won't have time to hit the post office until end of next week so I'll give it a good polishing in the meantime :)

Native ago

well said written

gabara ago

srayzie was a drama queen attention whore Cluster B personality type, probably Jewish. Nothing of value has been lost. Voat is stronger today without her. Since when does @crensch do the bidding of a Jewess?

zyklon_b ago

clammy jew too. i got evidemce

gabara ago

its the ball, isn't it?

zyklon_b ago

the ball and designing CSS for the biggest pro Zionist sub on voat

CheeseboogerHimself ago

now now, Gab, you are asking legit questions that I asked long ago and got crucified for.

gabara ago

Yeah, this whole incident has put you up in credibility and @crensch down

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Did you see Crensch's post about how he hates shit posters and wants to burn them all down? It's been made public about how much we're hated becuz they aint us

gabara ago

So @Crensch drank the koolaid and joined team Israel.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You should leave Japan alone and stomp all over Israel. Mothra would've wanted this.

gabara ago

But Israel is greatest ally of Monster Island!

sguevar ago

srayzie was a drama queen attention whore Cluster B personality type

I disagree, I recon she was under a lot of stress because she was being attacked from two different fronts. Anyone in their sane mind would find that stressful specially because they were attacking their character so often to diminish the effort that she put on her sub.

probably Jewish

No proof of this and hence can't support the guessing. What I do know is that if she were jewish she wouldn't like Pastor Steven Anderson like I do and she wouldn't have the same beliefs that I have regarding the (((jews in the letter))). So I incline for her to be quite woke about the JQ.

Nothing of value has been lost.

I also disagree with this. She was a good Mod. She slipped sometimes but in all, she was a good mod. One that truly cared for her sub and the community she worked for. I do see it as a high cost losing here from Voat.

Voat is stronger today without her.

Voat is stronger and will be stronger, but the without her is a dumb assumption. You don't like the girl I know not her beliefs but she was a good asset.

Since when does @crensch do the bidding of a Jewess?

He doesn't, she is not jewish and if you want to keep throwing false accusations to someone better start backing them up with proof so they don't resort in falsehoods.

gabara ago

@trigglypuff or @Rotteuxx or someone posted an analysys of he photos and conjectured she was a Jewess like libby and she

sguevar ago

It was Triggly and basing the jewy nature on the photos is just mere coincidental evidence that would never take foot on a court of law.

I need concrete proof and I have proof that she likes Pastor Steven Anderson.

No (((jew in the letter))) would like Pastor Steven Anderson for (((they))) think he is an antisemite and homophobic and racist pastor. So again I strongly believe that she isn't.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

You people ganged up and harassed me for a year. Not only me but many others, it's a joke that you didn't see this coming. No one stuck up for because you treat people like shit. You can dish it but not take it, is the moral of this story...

Crensch ago

Shut up, slut. Nobody asked you to open up the shit hole your kids came out of and accuse someone of putting child porn on your phone.

We also didn't want you around trying to ruin pizzagate. Nobody wants you around, not even zyklon.

Native ago

How was that lunch faggot? Did you have to go to your JIDF meeting afterwards a nd make contingency plans since your shilling is failing on Voat?

Native ago

How was that lunch faggot? Did you have to go to your JIDF meeting afterwards a nd make contingency plans since your shilling is failing on Voat?

Gothamgirl ago

This is exactly why you got what you got 😂🤣 you shut up you miserable incel basement dwelling faggot.

You ruined Pizzagate with constant stalking and harassment of researchers, and talking shit about people's kids..

sguevar ago

To be honest with you I don't know you despite hearing from you but through out all this shit all I see you do is say "I was the victim first" and back the effort of zyklon_b to harass the two users in question.

So your word on here really doesn't bring much to the equation because you are not bringing a solution. All you bring is coal to burn on the fire and feed it. You are untrustworthy and let the record show that I personally would never support an assistance to you after all the proof that I have seen on how you have behaved through out all of this shit.

Gothamgirl ago

Zyklon is not me first off, but I did defend him when she began to lie about the Loli, and cause it's been her whole career here. Of course I would back him he is my fiance. I don't make his posts, and I did try to stop him.

In my part I did bring a solution what goes around comes back around. If you want to know the entire story, read my past comments going back a year and see how bad I was harassed. I do not need to make a case for no one. Everything done to them, they have done to me and many others. Have not heard of you before, and I don't need your support or assistance either.

sguevar ago

Zyklon is not me first off

I didn't say you were, never implied it.

she began to lie about the Loli, and cause it's been her whole career here

Incorrect, proof was shown of him requesting it and promoting it. So maybe he didn;t and I honestly didn't care but he wanted a fire and he got it without considering the consequences of his actions. So your defense to him is nothing more than a way for you to bring your coal burning nature.

Of course I would back him he is my fiance. I don't make his posts, and I did try to stop him.

I don't care to be honest.

In my part I did bring a solution what goes around comes back around.

That is not a solution at this point, you brought your coal to burn and we honest to God are not interested on it.

If you want to know the entire story, read my past comments going back a year and see how bad I was harassed.

I could take some time off to do it, but right now my priority is to help Voat heal and you honestly are not helping on that effort so to that I say with the all the respect I can give at this moment: fuck off.

I do not need to make a case for no one. Everything done to them, they have done to me and many others. Have not heard of you before, and I don't need your support or assistance either.

You are just proving what I said earlier and repeated - you bring the "I was a victim first" - this is not a fucking solution and I will argue for you to stop using that approach.

How about treat others how you want to be treated? Or don't take things you read on the internet serious especially from a shit posting troll who has been around alot longer then most of you.

I do treat others the way I want to be treated, I give the minimum decency to them when I first engage them but after seeing how they act i give them what they ask for. Now you can claim that the false pretences of zyklon were just trolling and like he said "it was art" but I will not feed to them at all because his real purpose was to ignite a conflict that very well could and to some level did, hurt the integrity of Voat.

So again I say to you fuck off with your coal burning because no one wants to pay your toll.

Gothamgirl ago

This isn't Reddit 2.0

Why do think you speak for everyone?

Youre the one responding to my comment, you fuck off.

sguevar ago

This isn't Reddit 2.0

Agreed which is why I work to heal Voat not to see it burn to the ground.

Why do think you speak for everyone?

When have I implied that I speak for everyone? Please stop diverting the fact that you fucked up and now you want others to fuck up too so you don't feel as such a coal burner.

Youre the one responding to my comment, you fuck off.

I responded because you keep playing the (((victim))) card here and your dishonesty and ill intentions are not something I condone.

Gothamgirl ago

I see, so you didn't realize it was a free speech website before, and your butthurt over it now, because it is something YOU don't agree with.. Liptard 101

I wasn't the one being dishonest go back and check the record again. If you can't do basic research then that doesn't say much for your opinions.

sguevar ago

I see, so you didn't realize it was a free speech website before, and your butthurt over it now, because it is something YOU don't agree with.. Liptard 101

Is that so? I think you might want to look at my submission history and comment history in which I have multiple times defended Free Speech. I was in fact one of the ones that defended @Trigglypuff so she was unbanned. You on the other hand became so arrogant and deceitful in your actions that you can't even see that none of the things you have done have contributed one bit in helping Voat.

You are nothing more than a slanderer in a pathetic attempt to discredit me in someway but are in fact digging your hole deeper.

The typical nature of a coal burner...

I wasn't the one being dishonest go back and check the record again. If you can't do basic research then that doesn't say much for your opinions.

You've just taken my interest from doing so with your slander you dumb cunt. So fuck off.

Gothamgirl ago

Back to wild wild west I go 😎

Chiefpacman ago

I think everyone who cares already knows. I don't get how you people get so caught up with out politicianing eachother on here. I can barely remember people's usernames and even then I think I mix up their personalities most of the time.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Here's your immune system... Those faggots don't matter. I can't decide whether this shit needs to be addrssed or ignored, but I can tell you that this is all the time I'll waste contributing to the matter.

DanijelStark ago

What does it tell you when those who claim theyre "jesters" of VOAT and claim VOAT is amazing place to be ... actually do such disruptive things on VOAT with intention to break even those few VOAT-wide rules ... ?

What does it tell you , what kind of "people" are these ? Theyre not people ... and theyre not here for jokes and laughs . Every joke becomes stale at one point .

And nobody is anonymous here , thats what many think , but theyre not ... all is transparent .

As I said to PuttItOut ... he is damned if he does , and damned if he doesnt ... thats the situation the VOAT is in . Its a lose-lose situation .

GeneralDisposition ago

Great speech but you'll never become president.

Crensch ago

They all said that in 2016, too.

TheMatrix ago

I think the immune response is a bit slow but people recognize the nonsense. Keep on watering @Crensch

alalzia ago

You are still pinging me every few months for a post i made something like 2 years ago thus you ended in my block list . Yes some posters are dicks but you are not much different . That said if it was my sub i would have banned those users too to protect it . Some people are here to discredit , annoy and demoralize posters in specific subs and this is unacceptable . Maybe v/protectvoat can extent operations and start caring about subverses and their mods as much as it cares about individual users .

The admin didn't let us know beyond any reasonable doubt that the banned users were involved in some kind of fuckery , i am sure that he will create a transparent procedure for that . Until then i strongly believe that posting porn/gore in QRV or GA , loli in v/gaming and re-posting "public available information" are not free speech but bannable offenses in the concerned subs .

Crensch ago

No idea who you are.

Whatever, cheers to the rest of your comment.

VeryOffended ago

Holy shit enough of this already! I don't care how much anyone has done for voat. I don't care because it's all negated by this bullshit drama. Just stop it and let it go or else you are turning this website into exactly what you claim you don't want it to be.

I'm not a star commenter or contributer, I lurk more than I comment or post. I'm sure many users do. You can go on about my lack of contributions and tell me I'm not warrented or established enough to have an opinion. I don't have the time to constantly post. I'm a shill and I'm a leach. Whatever, just SHUT UP, please?

I rely on information that isn't this garbage. Please please just stop it!

Crensch ago

2.3 years with a MASSIVE 650 ccp.

Fuck off, sockpuppet.

Chiefpacman ago

Someone's too proud of those internet points.

VeryOffended ago

I addressed what you would say in my original comment. Predictable enough? Not here to argue. Just sick of this stuff. Goodnight.

Crensch ago


LostandFound ago

I didnt realise the battlefield looked so fucked up ... will take some time to digest and get myself up to speed.

Tho there is something to be said for the smell of napalm in the morning

Joe_McCarthy ago

I've never found you to be respectable. So this latest controversy hasn't really reduced your value.

Crensch ago

Your ban should have stuck. You couldn't defend yourself with over a year and a half to do it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

That you think I should have received a ban that Putt acknowledged was unwarranted only further undermines your credibility.

I think you're a moron but I don't think you should be banned from Voat.

Crensch ago

I think anyone as dishonest and sans-logos as you probably doesn't belong in a place where ideas are communicated from one person to another in order to gain knowledge or perspective.

Crensch ago

They're from reddit. They most definitely work together.

Don't know if he knows anything about a discord, really, or if he was bluffing, but the silence of those guys in the archives was pretty palpable. He dropped that info and MAYBE one or two still posted in the ensuing hour.

argosciv ago

They're using discord (presumably) and Poal (confirmed).

Users found on Poal so far, stoking the situation:

There's plenty more, I wasn't taking names down though, so this is off the top of my head based on replies seen in the latest 3 submissions here.


Vindicator ago

Screencap and archive.

tanukihat ago

All y'all are fuckin nuts.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Don't be such a fucking Drama Queen.

Do you have a life outside of Voat?

How is this post important to your daily life?

Shut the fuck up about who did this and who did that.

Shut the fuck up, and start contributing something of value to

Ken_bingo2 ago

I was wondering if VOAT has been invaded with a bunch of 13 year old girls.

Crensch ago

/>takes down pedo protectors and doxxers

/>not contributing

xenoPsychologist ago

zyclon is either a real degenerate, or a fake persona, and im no fan of either. however, on the whole (degenerates and fakes aside), both sides have some good and bad. some more than others, but thats beside the point. id rather like for this all to be worked out without any otherwise decent white people being dragged out back and executed.

Vindicator ago

Zb is not a "decent white person". He's Redditor who brags about being "NA".

xenoPsychologist ago

i didnt mean to include him in that particular set.

Crensch ago

Would be nice. Like it would be IRL. Probably not going to happen.

xenoPsychologist ago

yeah, would be nice. dont get too black pilled, cause black pills are for the nigs!

Crensch ago

I'll be right back as I vomit at the thought of taking a pill meant for a nigger.

xenoPsychologist ago

some bacon will fix ya right up.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Fuck @zyklon-b and fuck soapboxbanhammer too, all of em are guilty of faggotry and would be nailed to a cross if I had any power to make it happen.

As to the goats who agree with you not saying anything, it's Wednesday 1:30am. I'd imagine they're all asleep.

Problem is, I have no power here other than my own logic and reason. I cannot ban anyone. I cannot force zyklon to neck himself. I am not a keyboard warrior. Zyklon is lucky he's hiding behind that screen of his. It'd be a short chore to take his corpse out back and feed him to the wild hogs that live in the woods of my back yard. literally less than a night, it'd be like burning trash or mowing the lawn.

I cannot help shizy's lack of opsec, hell my own opsec needs work, but what's been posted is posted. We cannot undo the past, all I can suggest is shizy get a firearm and learn how to use it(if she's that worried)

I'll do whatever I can to help, but I'm much handier irl than on a pc. I've got the next 18 hours before I must sleep, how can I help?

Crensch ago

Just use your clicker to vote. Take an extra 5 each day to find the "drama" and help those fighting the good fight.

Shizy and Srayzie are two similar but different users. Srayzie has deleted her username. Shizy apparently is continuing on despite her own kids being threatened.

You're good people.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Roger that.

Let downvoats rain down upon those who would seek to do harm upon their fellow goat.

You're good people

Right back at ya.

argosciv ago

<obligatory comment of acknowledgement>

Nothing to add at this time.

Mind racing. Options being considered.

You know where I stand.

Crensch ago

Ready for anything on this end.

Mind racing. Options being considered.

I know that feel. 2 weeks of exactly this being processed. Might take a bit to catch up - probably easier since the earth has been shattered already.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I knew you were up to something.

Trolling the trolls. Love it.

Amphiprion ago

Jesus christ you goats are a soap opera.

Who gives a shit?

Crensch ago

Who gives a shit?

People that ever give a shit. Go smoke some weed, bro.

Amphiprion ago

No thanks, I need my job.

Crensch ago

Hey, @puttitout, since that zyklon-loving halfbreed faggot @TheBuddha gets a guitar sticky every week, can you sticky this for me? Apparently all he had to do was ask.

zyklon_b ago



TheBuddha ago

I also had to do the thread every Friday night for like 1.5 years.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You're a builder, and a good one at that. Crensch is full of shit.

TheBuddha ago

Quite a few people like the thread.

SearchVoatBot ago

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C_Corax ago

Stay classy.. This to the best of my knowledge is the first one and it has been consistently running for one and a half year now. It's not sticky because Buddha asked, it's sticky because putts noticed the effort and decided to try and do something with it.

Pretty fucking remarkable that someone who have spend so much time protecting Voat from "evil" don't even notice when something good shows up. You should pause and think about that for a spell. There might be a valuable lesson in there somewhere.

Crensch ago

Nobody gives a fuck about you or your ilk.

I recalled someone asking how the sticky got up there and the response was "I just asked".

C_Corax ago

Did you seriously believe Putt would sticky a random topic just because someone asked?

Crensch ago

Nope. Worth a shot, though. Half-nigger-boy gets to show why he shouldn't be sent back to Africa with his Wonderall renditions, as if that makes up for his continuing to support Zyklon.

C_Corax ago

You just keep digging precious :)

Crensch ago


HateCumbuckets ago

Mate, I've never seen you do any wrong by voat. Attack @TheBuddha all you want. But please leave the guitar thread out of it.

I have been in there a few times and from what I have seen, all the drama gets checked at the door. It's all about the music. I personally feel it's one of the more wholesome threads on voat, and can see why Putt promotes it.

TheBuddha ago

I agree, but I admit my bias!

zyklon_b ago

look at him biting the hand

CheeseboogerHimself ago

my nigga :)

TheBuddha ago

I won't be here, but I gave s track to COF to share for me.

virge ago

So far, TheBuddha is the only black guy on Voat who's survived the endless hazing.

I still remember @bagano1. He just couldn't hack it.

Crensch ago

Hmm... I didn't perceive my query as an attack on the guitar sticky. If anyone took it that way, it was entirely unintentional.

I retract any part of the above comment that seems that way; it's the only sticky I know of that goes up from a user request, though.

Mea culpa either way.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Dude, you are in meltdown mode. Get a grip, incel Qtard faggot

edited spelling error

Dismember ago

Actually your sticky in v/introductions went up because we just asked it to be stickied. It stayed there for almost two years which is a pretty good run.

QualityShitposter ago

Make something that builds something other than your ego, and you might get a sticky.

Until then, you’re just a banhappy dictator of a sub you didn’t create.

Crensch ago

Sorry you got banned. Want a cookie?

QualityShitposter ago

Not really.

Thanks for the screenshots, though.

Crensch ago

Chocolate chip.

HateCumbuckets ago

Sorry, I get that it was an analogy of sorts. Also the reason I have been so quiet about all of this, is I really don't know wtf is going on.

I've had a bit going on irl, and haven't been following too closely. Not enough to make an informed statement anyway. Not being a bandwagoner, I'm not going to just jump in half assed.

Crensch ago

Is fine. Lot to digest.

HateCumbuckets ago

Very true. Seeing goats turn on each other like this is not good.

SandHog ago

FNGT is a really cool addition to Voat. I would like to see more of that sort of stuff. That is what Putt has been trying to get across with his Builders analogy. Instead of doing something cool like that a lot of people are spending their time fucking up subs that never did a damn thing to them.

HateCumbuckets ago

I enjoy voat for all that it is. But sometimes you need to step back from all the negative news.

SandHog ago

Most definitely.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Guitar stickies are actually interesting. This is just namefag bitching and moaning. No one fucking cares. A bunch of fucking drama queens.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Fuck you, I care. Crensch has done more for this site than any of us users. If he sounds an alarm you'd do well to pay heed.

Vindicator ago

Or to put it another way, the 2nd Amendment protects the 1st.

@Crensch just fired off a few rounds because some people's free speech is deemed more worthy of protection than others, here, in practice. The system is rigged to protect anyone who can figure out how to suppress content they don't like by draping themselves in "free speech" or "performance art" or "satire".

Hey_Sunshine ago

I see, typical tricks and pilpul bundled together in the form of doxxing shitposts.

So aside from downvoating and disengaging, what else can be done about it?

Vindicator ago

Imagine if everyone's voting history and use of alts was transparent. Wonder how the Voat Immune System would sort out the goats? I'd be cool with it.

SandHog ago

That would sort a lot of this horseshit out right quick.


It would be so cool to wake up to that tomorrow

Vindicator ago

It would indeed.

MolochHunter ago

I made my contribution in PV

tldr: voat is 9 out of 10 for freedom of speech, where reddit might be 6 and facebook 3

but those who push for 10 out of 10 enable the Globalists, because those fuckers are smart enough to know that people's Vanity complex / pathological obsessions are their weak spots

virge ago

I can't agree with this more.

Voat needs to maintain a 9/10 on the Free Speech meter, because 10/10 = the U.S. Government just turns off the power to the machines running Voat and it's game-over.

The elements subverting Voat know this, and latch onto the unfettered free speech as their holy grail of subversion - especially because it's such a good extreme argument to make for the normal or casual Voat user to see.

Anyone who pushes for 10/10 unfettered Free Speech does so knowing it's impossible and would only end up in Voat's destruction - thus anyone pushing for 10/10 unfettered Free Speech is classified as hostile and should be dealt with accordingly.

ExpertShitposter ago

You are an idiot if you think zyklon is some dangerous globalist. Also, i made a response to all of this in this thread so you can read that too. I warned @srayzie 5 months ago, she didn't listen. Triggs gave her advice, she didn't listen. Her breakdown is proof that we were right.

zyklon_b ago


virge ago

Whatever ZB is, his actions are destructive to the community.

When Voat is forced to shut down because of people like ZB and the other accounts in his orbit (you're often one of them, but let me be clear that isn't an accusation just an observation you're very active) then where will you go? There isn't anywhere else with this level of content that the normal open-minded, information-seeking user can go.

I guess the question is, would you just prefer to see Voat shut down? If not, what can be done to make it grow? If you don't have constructive opinions on how to make Voat grow and just want to see Voat gone, I suppose we can agree to disagree there.

ExpertShitposter ago

Firstly, i don't see why voat would be shut down over what zyklon is doing. Or are you insinuating that over time, everyone would be doing that? Well, everybody has a gun, yet only some people are killers.

Second, as i have explained in my reply, no one actually opposed zyklon being banned from GA. Most of this is related to putt unbaning some vote manipulators and tryggly accused of doxing (not really doxing).

zyklon_b ago

he is threatening voat

CognitiveDissident5 ago

He's made criminal threats, making them online doesn't make it less of a criminal offence.

ExpertShitposter ago

it has been ruled by supreme courts that threats need to have a time and place to be credible, and then no longer covered by free speech. yelling: im gonna kill you is still covered.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Oh that's interesting, I don't know much about American law. Where I am you'd be arrested for it.

ExpertShitposter ago

to someones face it would probably count as credible in america too. because you are in the correct time and place. on the internet, not so much.

zyklon_b ago

no criminal threats. i am an artist

Tzitzimitl ago

change the r to u then your correct

MolochHunter ago

and youre an idiot if you think sleeper Globalists dont take advantage of shitposting zealots like you and zyklon

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL. You drank too much gay frog water.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Do they really think that shit posters on Voat are ebil globalists?? They're fucking nuts

MolochHunter ago

re-read my comment. shitposters get USED by the globalist shills here

you are useful idiots who serve their purpose of driving away reasonable people

CheeseboogerHimself ago

lol GTFOH with that lame shit. I'm one of the most awakened people on the net and have been for over two decades. I'm not the one running a zionist sub and going with (((the plan)))

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Addicts who are paid by ((someone)) to be here. There's so much more i'd like to say but I can't. So much I'm dying to share (guarantee you'd be fucking stunned and probably change your view) but I can't.

zyklon_b ago

hahah. rent free..

cull kids

Muh-Shugana ago

Exactly, you don't give people who are openly your enemies the same freedoms you'd give to a citizen.

And you sure as shit don't fight for a niggers right to spray-paint it's scrawls all over the fucking buildings, whilst simultaneously admonishing and kicking out anyone angry enough to do something about that nigger scrawl.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Excellent analysis. Absolutely right. The site owners (whoever they are) have lost control.

virge ago

Exactly, you don't give people who are openly your enemies the same freedoms you'd give to a citizen.

So what do you do with people like ZB? There will always be chaotic nature of humans, and the more "free" you are, the more destructive these people are. At some point, their behavior destroys the community completely. Then what - where else can you go on the Internet that isn't censored by Globalist Governments?

How do you fix this problem and make Voat grow?

Crensch ago

Spot on.

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The_Venerable ago

He's straight up cancer and needs to be exterminated on voat and irl.

virge ago

Are you running for office? Can I run a grass-roots campaign for you? This is a message I can get behind.

KatHarzso ago

I still stand by my suggestion. Take a goddamn breather away from this beloved shithole.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

youre only saying that because you literally just did it and it was great lol

KatHarzso ago

I'm thinking of going back...

sosat_menya_reddit ago

But, but, but.....

What about the cat photos? I would truly miss them. Maybe not the half naked chiseled man photos, but the cat photos for sure.

KatHarzso ago

LOL I should post more mostly naked men. Make it even with all them mostly naked women.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Go where your heart takes you.

I like the cat photos though

Shhh don’t tell anyone

KatHarzso ago

Years of shoving it down your goat throats has finally paid off!

HateCumbuckets ago

No. I forbid this.

KatHarzso ago

No... u?

HateCumbuckets ago

You can't leave again. I would be sad

KatHarzso ago

I won't leave... I'm addicted.

moarzor ago

You're a pusher, man. Next you'll be telling us to go outside.

KatHarzso ago

Roll in the grass, sniff some flowers! It's good for you, man. Give it a try.

Native ago

Solid advice

ruck_feddit ago

I have no comment on any of that except to make one single point/explanation: Handing out bans ups apathy to an unhealthy level. People afraid to upvoat or downvoat anyone for anything or else they risk a ban for manipulation or brigading or whatever other name you want to call it won't create public support (immune response) for the "correct" parties involved in whatever dispute/drama currently happening. There's only one person to blame for kicking off the ordeals you speak of.

Crensch ago

Well, now that leash is removed; will the goats act?

ruck_feddit ago

Maybe, but it might not be a drop in the bucket compared to the legion of newly bitter goats and existing shit posting alt armies fresh off their victory parade.

We're both old goats, crensch. I come here for news, entertainment, and to exchange in playful banter with others. Getting shit on without explanation left a bad taste in my mouth, but at least I got my account back.

Crensch ago

I have an extra watering can. Wanna help me grow these goats? @middle_path might even approve.

middle_path ago


ruck_feddit ago

I think you misunderstood. I was shit on without real explanation by the admin, not zyklon. I logged in Friday to find out I was banned. The log showed a -1 for downvoating a brand new account trying to shit up voat. I don't have an alt-army. I'm just one 4 year old account who loved this place. Had it not been for the people like zyklon, I'd still be banned.

Nothing against you, but trying to water the good goats all this time ended up fucking me. If anything, I owe their antics for returning my account to me.

Crensch ago


Yeah, that's pretty fucked. Wanna grab a watering can and watch it all burn?

ruck_feddit ago

I don't want it to all burn, but I'm going to use the watering can as a stool to sit on while I watch the fire department fight the inferno. This definitely wouldn't have been my attitude prior to Friday.

Native ago

Crensch started all this bullshit and is now attempting to play the victim it’s fucking ridiculous.

At this point I wouldn’t blame Putts for shutting down the website for a few days till all the gay drama calms down.

I’m with you. I enjoy Voat for the entertainment not the Soy boy cry posts that Crensch makes EVERY 6 months!

kestrel9 ago

FFS! If one "drugged-out, daughter-losing, halfbreed-having, literal cuck of half-breed niggers, girlfriend-doxxing, drug-dealing, person-stabbing, bot-tier-spamming faggot" is your voat immune response against the ADMIN, while he and his friends run a keks tear across subs, then that is, as @Vindicator put it "sad".

ruck_feddit ago

I think crensch is talking about the typical immune response against zyklon, triggly, and the others. I don't think zyklon realizes it yet, but he did more good than harm this time.

kestrel9 ago

I think crensch is talking about the typical immune response against zyklon, triggly, and the others

I've been here over 2 years and haven't seen it. From my vantage point @Crensch summed up the problem precisely: "No immune system response. Or rather, one was there to protect this cancer."

It's possible that the cross pollination between vote manipulation related bans and out of control chaos (harassment) brigades affected your account (just speculating).

ruck_feddit ago

The immune response typically happens during migrations and has a positive outcome like when the v/pedes tried to overwhelm v/thedonald.

I think crensch is correct in saying there wasn't an immune response against the "cancer", but this event was much more of a guerilla rampage than an assault from outside forces. Personally, this "cancer" had a positive outcome as well.

Crensch ago

Oh. wanna sit on a watering can while I burn it all down?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

@PuttItOut @Kevdude @Cynabuns

Threats to burn Voat to the ground

ruck_feddit ago

Lol, let me get my firesuit on real quick.

Crensch ago

Yeah, man. Can't be getting burned while you watch the world burn.

Vindicator ago

Unfortunately, Voat appears to have no fire department at this point.

xenoPsychologist ago

is the fire department all vegans or something?

Crensch ago

Collapsed from lack of nutrition, I heard. Then again, it was probably news from the Jews. (you're welcome for the band name)

xenoPsychologist ago

that is a good band name! too bad i dont know any bands.

ruck_feddit ago

I guess I'll be sitting on the watering can for a while longer than anticipated.

Shizy ago

They better!

It's the Wild West now bitches!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

u/Zyklon_b is a loser. He contributes nothing of value. He is neutral or mildly amusing at best, and when he gets nasty he borders on illegal.

He claims to be a Nazi and racist but has multiple Obamaphones and does drugs. Exactly the kind of degenerate who the Nazis would gas.

The disturbing part was this: I've long thought that the obvious Nazi names are FBI agents. But somehow I only just noticed it with zyklon. I can only assume it's because I previously knew him as beatlejuice, which isn't Nazi.

Makes me question together he's even really a degenerate or whether he's a fed.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Exactly, and dial and goat404 (who is now keeping a low profile). The little clique of addicts. I believe they're paid to do what they do.

zyklon_b ago

suck sbbh cokc

virge ago

ZB is, effectively, a spammer. 24/7 posting. The only contributions to the community are net negative and run users off.

So, welfare parasite or JIDF? You decide - either is classified hostile and should be dealt with accordingly.

DanijelStark ago

Zyklon_b is a kike somewhere in his genetic code ... I would bet my left and right hand , left and right ball . Without any single doubt .

But the question is - who actually has so much time to spend it on crap ? Well , its either a kid with far too much time ... or someone who is paid to do it . And thats the bigger joke than anything SBBH ever actually made ...

Vindicator ago

Zyklon_b is a pesticide...aka "bug juice" aka "Beetle Juice". He brags on Reddit about his Native tribal membership. He's been trolling Voat's NatSoc folk this whole time.

european ago

Zyklon b was used in the holocaust right?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Holocaust? What do you mean?

zyklon_b ago

u a bitch n will get it

european ago

Or the camps should i say.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, they used it to delouse the prisoners in an attempt to slow the spread of typhus.

Sadly, millions ended up still dying of the disease.

Crensch ago

I was thinking... His half nigger kids. Her half nigger kids. TheBuddha, a half-nigger, is his buddy. and then Le_Squish, a halfbreed, hops in...

That's a lot of halfbreed/nonwhites grouped up together there, it seems.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

And addicts

Le_Squish ago

Unlike the rest of you self-righteous shits, zyklon has never pretended to not be a total wreck of a person. Like I told another goat, I will side with an honest degenerate over hypocritical self proclaimed "saints" anyday.

But why you mad? You won the fight for the shitball.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago

@thebuddha look how the jew cries out in pain

TheBuddha ago

I'm chilling on a patio, waiting on a waitress.

zyklon_b ago

i just got bak from beer store

TheBuddha ago

I'm at a hotel.

zyklon_b ago

i am gonna throw a party for @whiteronin

TheBuddha ago

Fun fun.

zyklon_b ago

dude i have had the BEST YEAR EVER. this even a better time than getting paroled. EXONERATION AND VALIDATION of trufe.

TheBuddha ago



zyklon_b ago

thanks i blame my superior retardation n intellect along with my big vocabulary. as to how i persevered thru all the libel and slander ....;)

TheBuddha ago

You're still going on with that, are you?

zyklon_b ago

ps. at least i never dragged you into anything. thats what real friends would not do.

Native ago

Oy vey don’t forget his involvement with @Native

zyklon_b ago

crensch calls for brigades we post facts

Crensch ago


Since you ninja-edited and didn't tell me about it, like a beta coward:

Edit: you started all this shit Crensh just so everyone is clear. And I’m completely neutral on this bullshit drama and more or less stayed out of it with just a few posts here or there. You’re the cancer that started this shit pile

I didn't come to you to fight before. YOU started that. @Empress asked us to stop, so I left you alone despite having 3 comments I could have responded to.

I didn't even know who the fuck you were; I didn't recognize your name as having done anything of note within my purview.

I don't really know what got your panties in a wad about me, but I really don't give a fuck about your beta caterwauling.

Just in case the implied question wasn't clear:

Who the fuck are you, and why should I care?

Native ago

A ninja edit would be editing with out saying “edit” you passive aggressive Cunt. And leave Empress out of it at this point you are losing more internet friends than you are gaining.

Stop with these witch hunts of yours.

Stop with random bannings.

When people are shills on my subs and subs like read wife we put a flair on them such as “shill” so people are aware and downvoat them instead of banning their comments.

You are a passive aggressive narcissist because you can’t even think 2 steps ahead. A simple flair would have solved all these issues.

Did I call you a passive aggressive kikedick yet?

Crensch ago

I edited

Just so you know, teepee monkey.

Crensch ago

A ninja edit would be editing with out saying “edit” you passive aggressive Cunt.

Was I going to know about it? No. If you wanted me to see it, you'd have made another comment.

And leave Empress out of it at this point you are losing more internet friends than you are gaining.





Stop with these witch hunts of yours.

Telling another man what he should do is SO alpha of you!

Stop with random bannings.

Men only do that from a position of power. You're weak.

When people are shills on my subs and subs like read wife we put a flair on them such as “shill” so people are aware and downvoat them instead of banning their comments.

Do you ever write anything halfway interesting? No wonder I still have no idea who you are.

You are a passive aggressive narcissist because you can’t even think 2 steps ahead. A simple flair would have solved all these issues.

Are you suggesting I've not also been aggressive? I do employ multiple tactics in my words, but I don't want to stretch the limits of your capabilities by suggesting you try to do something more than put smart-sounding words together to describe my behaviour.

Did I call you a passive aggressive kikedick yet?

Are those the only smart-sounding words you know? Must suck to feel insecure over your lack of vocabulary right there in front of your wife... if I'm even reading that abortion-of-English sentence correctly.

Native ago

Why are you so obssesed with kikes and niggers in every comment and post you make? Are you projecting? Or was this something that your CIA networking book told you?

Perhaps you need to invite someone like me to the office so I can teach you and your commrades better rhetoric.

You are losing bigly.

Crensch ago

Why are you so obssesed with kikes and niggers in every comment and post you make? Are you projecting? Or was this something that your CIA networking book told you?

The group your defending is full of them. Why does it bother you? Are you a nigger?

Perhaps you need to invite someone like me to the office so I can teach you and your commrades better rhetoric.

You can't even describe my prose properly, much less think of anything beyond "passive-aggressive". I bet you looked up the word "rhetoric", too.

You are losing bigly.

Your wife doesn't think so. Nor does anyone else reading this.

Native ago

It's 11:50AM in Israel right now, i'm guessing you're going to go on a lunch break in about 10 minutes.

Crensch ago

I love when low-IQ niggers try to skiptrace me. Nobody knows or cares about you, but trying to make the "jew" label stick to me is a fool's errand - even the semi-sane of your zyklon crew knows better than that.

I guess you're the fool stuck with that errand, though.

Native ago

3 minutes till lunch. Hope you brought a good lunch

Crensch ago

Oh, are you a prairie nigger? Sorry 'bout your luck.

SandHog ago

I think a decent chunk of them are larping liberals who delight in shitting Voat up under the auspices of 'It's just jokes bro...' It's not pretty easy to see why they dislike Q and pizzagate so much. Click on through the mod list and see what kind of degeneracy some of their Komrades are into.

This is Mick who started the place.

virge ago

Nothing wrong with being a liberal.

Everything wrong with being a liberal and hiding it to subvert a community that would otherwise destroy your liberal ideology's natural fallacy with things like reality and logic.

ZB and the accounts in his orbit (like sguevar and others) are destructive forces. Classified as hostile and should be dealt with accordingly. Contributing is one thing, what they do is not contributing.

Shizy ago

Makes me question together he's even really a degenerate or whether he's a fed.

That. Or if he's getting paid to destroy.

Appears they do the same stuff on reddit too.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

This is worthy of its own post

CheeseboogerHimself ago

So instead of learning from this you're going to continue on with the same srayzie bullshit? Good grief women are fucking nuts

Shizy ago

Appears so.

virge ago

When you post 24/7 you need to eat somehow.

Either paid to subvert, or welfare parasite who's life is so terrible it's the only positive thing in his life. Either way, classified as hostile and should be dealt with accordingly.

CognitiveDissident5 ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah... Exactly....

Shizy ago

When you put it that way, yes bad sign