Crensch ago

Are you literally retarded? /v/protectvoat See something missing, sunshine?

C_Corax ago

It might be a slightly better functioning sub with you gone now that you mention it :)

Crensch ago


Oh shit. Oh shit.... hahahaha. Fuck. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Did you miss the two sentences, five lines down here?

Did you think I was joking? Oh, god what rock did you crawl out from under? Do you even recognize my username?

You're getting paid too much, cubiclemonkey. You didn't do your homework.

C_Corax ago

Glorious meltdown if you don't mind me saying :)

Crensch ago

I know you're actually serious here, which makes me happy, because you really have no clue what's going on.

Thanks for the backhanded compliment; I know even for faggots like you my words are entertaining.

C_Corax ago

I would sympathize if I actually knew you. But you're neither the first and nor will you be the last person to have a meltdown on the internet. I always fascinates me.

Not that you're going to listen, but I would advice you to take a few days off from the web and spend some time outside. I think you'll find none of this is really as important as you think it is.

Crensch ago

I'm so glad you think so.